Crina and Kirsten Get to Work

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Crina and Kirsten Get to Work We have one single mission: Help women find ease, meaning and joy at work and in life!

We use our own experiences as entrepreneurs, business owners, leaders and mentors to lift women up and give the patriarchy the finger.

Election Day is rapidly approaching and we hope you vote! In fact, we hope you'll vote for women!  According to data fro...

Election Day is rapidly approaching and we hope you vote! In fact, we hope you'll vote for women! According to data from UN Women, when we hold elected office, we make a real difference in policies and legislation that impact other women's lives. Join the movement for gender equality in government and change the trajectory of women's experiences at work and in our communities.

Find us wherever you get your podcasts.

Make your vote count - elect more women to make a real difference in policies and legislation that impact women's lives. Join the movement for gender equality in government and change the trajectory of women's experiences at work and in our communities.

What you decide is “true” in the world shapes how you experience every single situation you encounter. It also impacts y...

What you decide is “true” in the world shapes how you experience every single situation you encounter. It also impacts your happiness, health and your job. New research helps explain why this is true; why we interpret situations in such vastly different ways; AND how to change your outlook.

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What you decide is “true” in the world shapes how you experience every single situation you encounter. It also impacts your happiness, health and your job. New research helps explain why this is true; why we interpret situations in such vastly different ways; AND how to change your outlook.

Entitlement is an excessive self-regard and a belief in the automatic right to certain, usually privileged, treatment…hm...

Entitlement is an excessive self-regard and a belief in the automatic right to certain, usually privileged, treatment…hmmm…who does that remind you of? Find us wherever you get your podcasts and join the conversation.

Entitlement is an excessive self-regard and a belief in the automatic right to certain, usually privileged, treatment…hmmm…who does that remind you of?

How you spend your morning will impact your mood, outlook and mindset for the entire day. When you are well rested and e...

How you spend your morning will impact your mood, outlook and mindset for the entire day. When you are well rested and engaged in a positive morning routine, you'll notice that you're more productive and fun to be around for the whole day, which is more than the 65% of workers say, who claim to wake up tired and unhappy. Instead of hitting the snooze button until the last minute, we suggest taking time to meditate, exercise, be creative, stare at the's all good! The most important thing is that you take control of your mornings and create a routine that matters to you.

Find us wherever you get your pods, and join us in the conversation!

Don’t mornings mean hitting the snooze and leaping out of bed at the last minute?! Of course, and that is what 69% of us do. But, how you start the day influences your well being, mood, mindset and productivity for the rest of the day.

Overwhelm is a significant issue for women at work and about a third of us seek professional help to deal with overwhelm...

Overwhelm is a significant issue for women at work and about a third of us seek professional help to deal with overwhelming stress. When you are overwhelmed, you are experiencing intense emotions you don’t have the capacity to fully manage or process. Most people are overwhelmed by negative emotions, like anxiety, fear, anger or shame. These feelings leave little room to figure out what is the next best step. When we are overwhelmed, performing every-day tasks is difficult – and it compromises our ability to act rationally, remember things, solve problems or think.

Check out our most recent episode and explore this subject with us! Find us wherever you get your pods.

When you are overwhelmed, you are experiencing intense emotions you don’t have the capacity to fully manage or process, which leaves little room to problem solve. Plus, being overwhelmed makes us feel gross, changes our brains, and forces us to behave in bizarre ways.

Friendships at work make you feel better about your job, more creative, able to solve problems more quickly and so much ...

Friendships at work make you feel better about your job, more creative, able to solve problems more quickly and so much happier. Having friends of any kind–from casual acquaintances to besties–will lead to more ease, meaning and joy in your job and in your life, not to mention help you feel less lonely in this crazy world!

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Friendships at work make you feel better about your job, more creative, able to solve problems more quickly and so much happier. Having friends of any kind–from casual acquaintances to besties–will lead to more ease, meaning and joy in your job and in your life, not to mention help you feel less...

Our Western culture has created a focus on work and accomplishment – to the detriment of our physical, emotional, mental...

Our Western culture has created a focus on work and accomplishment – to the detriment of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Instead, we offer that each and every one of us need…deserve…or rather, should demand more rest and relaxation. In the words of the Nap Bishop herself, “Rest requires a revolution.”

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Crina and Kirsten discuss American culture's focus on work and accomplishment. Each of us needs and should demand more rest and relaxation.

Research confirms what many of us are experiencing: Women are breaking up with their employers in record numbers and we'...

Research confirms what many of us are experiencing: Women are breaking up with their employers in record numbers and we're feeling more burned out, less supported and over worked. We're also leaving leadership positions faster than you can say, "equality." In this we dig deep into the annual report by and to learn more about the state of women in the workplace 2022.

In this 100th episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, our hosts check in on the annual Women in the Workplace study and report from

Procrastination is not just about delaying an action or decision, it’s unnecessarily postponing things in a way that doe...

Procrastination is not just about delaying an action or decision, it’s unnecessarily postponing things in a way that doesn’t make sense, and may even cause you harm. Sound familiar? Of course it does! Turns out that 95% of us admit to procrastinating (and the other 5% are probably lying). But why do we procrastinate? And how can we stop? Check out our most recent it now!...don't wait! (HA!)

Find us wherever you get your podcasts.

Procrastination is not just the act of delaying an action, it’s unnecessarily postponing things in a way that doesn’t make sense, and may

When we talk about belonging at work, it means we feel seen for our unique contributions, connected to our coworkers, su...

When we talk about belonging at work, it means we feel seen for our unique contributions, connected to our coworkers, supported in our daily work and career development and proud of our organization’s values and purpose. When we feel a sense of belonging at work, we are more likely to stay, to be engaged, to be loyal, to be proud, to be better at our jobs and to experience psychological safety. Do you feel like you belong at work?

Find us wherever you get your podcasts.

When we talk about belonging at work, it means we feel seen for our unique contributions, connected to our coworkers, supported in our daily

It feels a bit ironic to be posting this   on social media platforms, but it's the truth: We are drawn social media it l...

It feels a bit ironic to be posting this on social media platforms, but it's the truth: We are drawn social media it like moths to a flame – yet we always get zapped. Why do we do this – well, the brain science says social media triggers the same parts of our brain that are triggered by other addictions such as gambling or alcoholism. Sound familiar? Studies have also revealed that people who use social media as a distraction at work can take up to two hours to get back to their original task. Feels like the opposite of at work!

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The research tells us we are using social media at work - and often for our own purposes, such as taking a break to check in with friends on Instagram or to manage our own on-line presence.

When considering the dynamics between cis-gendered men and women in the workplace, the “advice” available in the media o...

When considering the dynamics between cis-gendered men and women in the workplace, the “advice” available in the media on this topic is terrible. Women are told to drink beer, avoid conflict, be kind, learn to golf, keep your personal life private and of course, soften yourself in voice and appearance so you are more attractive to men. Where do we go from this crock of horse manure?! We take up space, honor our preferences, showcase our talents, step up to challenge and embody the amazing, powerful, talented, empathetic, smart women that we are!

Check out our and let us know what you think!


When considering the dynamics between cis-gendered men and women in the workplace, the “advice” available in the media on this topic is awful.

Workplace culture is created by the people on your team, your leaders, and the written and unwritten rules that guide be...

Workplace culture is created by the people on your team, your leaders, and the written and unwritten rules that guide behavior. When these “norms” create unsafe work environments; impact you and your coworkers psychologically and physically (ever feel sick to your stomach before work?); or get in the way of your day-to-day; your workplace is likely TOXIC. Check out our most recent podcast and explore this topic with us!

Workplace culture is created by the people on your team, your leaders, and the written and unwritten rules that guide behavior. When these

Let's face it–gossip helps us build relationships, understand norms, address bad behavior, and have fun! Unfortunately, ...

Let's face it–gossip helps us build relationships, understand norms, address bad behavior, and have fun! Unfortunately, gossip has gotten a bad rap…until now.

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Workplace gossip happens everywhere, so it’s about time we learned how to do it well! Let’s face it–gossip helps us build relationships,

Your success and achievement is the result of your efforts, talents and skills–not luck! So why do many of us still feel...

Your success and achievement is the result of your efforts, talents and skills–not luck! So why do many of us still feel like we don’t belong, or even worse, don’t deserve the kudos, rewards, titles and positions that we possess? The answer: Imposter Syndrome.

Find us wherever you get your podcasts

Your success and achievement is the result of your efforts, talents and skills–not luck! So why do many of us still feel like we don’t belong

Barriers to success exist everywhere, even inside your head! When you act, or fail to act, in your best interest, you’re...

Barriers to success exist everywhere, even inside your head! When you act, or fail to act, in your best interest, you’re actually sabotaging yourself. In this motivational podcast, we discover our very own saboteurs and the many ways to get them out of the driver’s seat.

Find us wherever you get your podcasts.

Barriers to success exist everywhere, even inside your head! When you act, or fail to act, in your best interest, you’re actually sabotaging

Are you one of the millions of people who experience workplace performance anxiety on a daily or weekly basis? It  can s...

Are you one of the millions of people who experience workplace performance anxiety on a daily or weekly basis? It can strike when you least expect it: in front of a microphone; in a meeting; when dealing with a difficult customer; even during workplace social events. Feeling afraid about your ability to perform a task undermines your success, impacts your team, makes you irritable, and gets in the way of ease, meaning and joy.

Find us wherever you get your podcasts.

Workplace performance anxiety can strike when you least expect it: in front of a microphone; in a meeting; when dealing with a difficult

Our lives are fraught with problems large and small. From feeling “stuck” on a project, to tackling a major meltdown, yo...

Our lives are fraught with problems large and small. From feeling “stuck” on a project, to tackling a major meltdown, you are likely solving problems all day, every day. How do you know if you’re hitting the mark? What’s your process to find the best solution? Are you solving the same problems over and over again or are you are you inspiring creativity, ease, meaning and joy?

Check out this awesome new episode of our podcast and find us wherever you get your pods!

Every day is fraught with problems large and small. From feeling “stuck” on a project, to tackling a major meltdown, you are likely solving

You know ‘em when you see ‘em. They’re passive aggressive, short/curt, rude co-workers, lacking self-awareness with narc...

You know ‘em when you see ‘em. They’re passive aggressive, short/curt, rude co-workers, lacking self-awareness with narcissistic tendencies who do not take responsibility, may gaslight us, take credit for others’ accomplishments and make our lives miserable! According to research, they also suck all of the energy out of the workplace; deflate morale and make us seriously question our commitment to our jobs. One way or another these toxic coworkers need to be removed, retrained or contained.

Find us wherever you get your pods.

Toxic Coworkers–We all know ‘em when we see ‘em. They’re passive aggressive, short/curt, rude people, lacking self-awareness with

When you describe your mood as “blah,” “meh,” “decent, but not great,” you might be LANGUISHING, which can dampen your m...

When you describe your mood as “blah,” “meh,” “decent, but not great,” you might be LANGUISHING, which can dampen your mood, impact your work and conflict with your ability to experience ease, meaning and joy! In the last few years, the feeling of languishing has been pervasive and profound, especially for women. But there is hope! Discover how to cope and which simple actions can help you move from languishing to flourishing.

Find us wherever you get your pods.

When you describe your mood as “blah,” “meh,” “decent, but not great,” you might be LANGUISHING, which can dampen your mood, impact your work and conflict with your ability to experience ease, meaning and joy! In the last few years, the feeling of languishing has been pervasive and profo...

Does money, power and status equal success for you? How do you feel about things such as challenging work, recognition a...

Does money, power and status equal success for you? How do you feel about things such as challenging work, recognition and autonomy? Do you hold yourself to the standards of those around you or are you forging a new path? Regardless of how you define success, the way to achieve it is through deep personal work, commitment and grit. Check out our most recent podcast and tap into your potential!

Find us wherever you get your pods.

Are you motivated to achieve the objective markers of success in your career such as money, power and status? Perhaps you are seeking more

Current research indicates that the most important factor in team performance is psychological safety. Magic can happen ...

Current research indicates that the most important factor in team performance is psychological safety. Magic can happen when team members tend to each other’s basic needs such as their feelings and experiences. Psychological safety means that every team member believes that they won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.

Do you feel safe in the teams you work in? Do you feel supported and lifted up by your coworkers? Our most recent podcast explores the notion of psychological safety in teams, and how to achieve it!

Teamwork doesn’t have to drive you crazy! In fact, magic can happen when team members tend to each others’ basic needs–m...

Teamwork doesn’t have to drive you crazy! In fact, magic can happen when team members tend to each others’ basic needs–most notably, their psychological safety. What this means is that every team member needs to believe that they won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Seems like a direct line to ease, meaning and joy!

Learn more and find us where ever you get your podcasts!

Teamwork doesn’t have to suck! In fact, magic can happen when team members tend to each others’ basic needs–most notably, their

We are sooooo ready for the workplace of the future. Imagine a job that is more human-centered, designed to maximize you...

We are sooooo ready for the workplace of the future. Imagine a job that is more human-centered, designed to maximize your strengths, and tailored to your specific work style. Although this might sound fantastical, the post pandemic workplace is predicted to look very different from that of the past. With changes to our lives, our shifting priorities, the low unemployment rate, and the different expectations we have of our jobs, workers are driving change at a rapid rate. Are you ready to harness these changes and leap into the future of work?

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The post pandemic workplace is predicted to look very different from that of the past. With changes to our lives, our shifting priorities,

Three cheers for the women who hold up the world! Women occupy the majority of roles in education, social work and healt...

Three cheers for the women who hold up the world! Women occupy the majority of roles in education, social work and health care. We spend our work days caring for the young, old, sick, and infirmed. We teach, care, give, love, nurture, heal, and serve. Our work educates the next generation, provides a safety-net for the vulnerable, heals the sick, and feeds the hungry.

Check out our most recent podcast episode and join us as we honor their work and explore their experiences.

podcast episode pays tribute to the women who hold up the world.

Women occupy the majority of roles in education, social work and health care. We spend our work days caring for the young, old, sick, and

Our most recent podcast is all about you, sister! We were so curious to know what makes high achieving women tick. So we...

Our most recent podcast is all about you, sister! We were so curious to know what makes high achieving women tick. So we dug into the research from the center for creative leadership and discovered that high achieving women are all working on the same things. The most interesting part about it, is that high achieving women spend more time working on themselves than they do on their career.

And if there was any question, let us clarify… It’s up to each one of you to decide what high achieving means. Your success is yours to define.

Find us wherever you get your Podcasts. Or check out the link in our bio. Thanks for listening!


Our most recent podcast is all about you, sister!  You guessed it! We explore the things that tie all high achieving wom...

Our most recent podcast is all about you, sister! You guessed it! We explore the things that tie all high achieving women together. According to research from the center for creative leadership, high achieving women focus more on themselves than on their career. And just in case you were wondering, we truly believe each one of you gets to choose how to define high achiever. Success is yours to decide! Regardless of your definition of achievement, we know you love learning about the personal work that can bring you ease, meaning, and joy in your career, and in your life.

find us wherever you get your Podcasts, or click the link in our bio.



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