A little mental training!
When I think back to how long it took us to vieuw over 2634 nominations, it was quite a lot!
2634 nominations x 3 minutes calculated and remind you, i.e. the average of 3 minutes that you need to rate it, that brings us to a total of 7902 minutes.
At 7902 minutes then the discusion with jury team 2 which goes as followed...yes...no...maybe...Then add another 3 minutes to it because of this discusion, so that makes it to a total of 23706 minutes...Then inform the nominees...if they made it, or not and add another 2 minutes, that's in total 47412 minutes and if we divide it by 60 minutes, that's 790 hours and 20 minutes!
If we now divide 790 hours by a whole day, i.e. 24 hours, then extrapolated you get 3 days!
Since we cannot work 24 hours for the nominations only and can only use 4 hours a day for this nominations, because there is still a lot of other work to be done, then that makes it 3 days and that is 72 hours and these divided by 4 hours which we calculated for nominations, that is equal to 18 days plus the 20 minutes from the top (790 hours and 20 minutes). Without a break!!!
So it took us 18 days and 20 minutes to get accurate and honest through 2634 nominations...that's a lot!
Let's keep on fantasizing, what if???
Imagine you double these nominations, then we would have 5268 nominations and that would be - 36 days and 40 minutes and if we doubled that again, that would be 10536 nominations, that would be 73 days and 20 minutes!
We're going now into the extreme!!
We continue to fantasize and if the nominations were doubled again we would come to 21072 and then we would be at 146 days and 40 minutes.
Then to make it even crazier, if I double it again, I get 42144 nominations and that would be 293 days and 20 minutes now. So a full 10 months of work....!!!
No, that's way too crazy to be true and that's why we prefer to keep it small and nice and don't get megalomaniac in the first place, because something like that, would be unreal and absolutely and totally not feasible even with the most professional team of judges!
So what do we learn from this?
Always keep with your feet on the ground!😉