Youth Worker On Fire

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Youth Worker On Fire Youth Worker On Fire is a Podcast designed to give you knowledge and inspiration!

EP 200 šŸ”„ Dr. Sarah Cooke Friend - Oncologist - Former Youth Ministry StudentListen to the full interview here: https://b...

EP 200 šŸ”„ Dr. Sarah Cooke Friend - Oncologist - Former Youth Ministry Student

Listen to the full interview here:

How does an Oncologist end up on a podcast like this? Why would she take her precious time to give to us her knowledge and kindness? Great questions!

Dr. Sarah Friend (formally Sarah Cooke) was a student in the youth ministry I was the pastor of. She gives great credit to my wonderful wife, Colleen, for disciplining her during high school. She talks highly of our adventurous mission trips and student ski trips. She gives her time to us, because we gave our time to her when it counted most during her teenage years.

What I consistently told our volunteer staff and church was that the students we poured our life into deserved to be respected and treated as though they were world changers. I said much more about the things and leaders our students would become and Sarah is a great example of why long term commitment to student ministry in one place, for as long as God wants you there, is important and necessary.

In this episode, Sarah shares about her time in student ministry, about her journey to becoming a doctor and eventually an oncologist (a doctor who treats cancer). As well as, how she approaches patients and the staff that train under her leadership. We hear about the life she and her husband Nick lead with their 2 children, their life story, and their recent trip to Japan where her husband Nick ran in the Tokyo Marathon!

But most importantly, we hear the heart of one of the kindness and most caring human beings I have ever met. Whose enthusiasm for life, family and friends has been consistent since she was a little girl.

Your journey is to pour Jesus and the Love of God into students, so when they grew up to be greater than you can imagine, that the Creator of the Universe and Lover of each soul ever born, has a light placed in each student that leaves your care.

Thank you Sarah for shining His light in you and in the work you continue to do!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808: Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy:

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 198 šŸ”„ NICHE DOWN! External and Internal ThreatsListen to the full podcast episode here (15min):

EP 198 šŸ”„ NICHE DOWN! External and Internal Threats

Listen to the full podcast episode here (15min):


Organizations and churches want to save money, so they try to hire people for one thing and put too many hats on them... that way they donā€™t have to spend more on staff. As a result, they complain about everything, because you are doing "little to nothing" well.

That responsibility lies on those who hire without the faith to believe that God wants to do more. Itā€™s your responsibility to say ā€œNoā€ to everything you are not called to do. If you say yes, it will not end. You will not be able to do anything with excellence for long.

So... NICHE DOWN! If you are new in a ministry, focus for the first 2 years on what you do best. Work most with the type of staff and students that you relate most with. Focus on that type of student... such as the leadership types, art lovers, sports enthusiasts, academic thriving, technology driven, music performance, mechanical, social media aware, homeschooled, private schooled, public school. Not all of thoseā€¦ but one of those at least one day a week.

When that works, then start being "all things" to all students, but maybe through volunteer staff who have the other personalities and leanings. Niching Down makes perfect sense. Thatā€™s how students live life and thatā€™s how they will share their faith best.

Stop trying to be the cookie cutter student ministry. Niche Down and make it personal, so that the Holy Spirit has a chance to move and multiply through your students and volunteers. The fastest way to a city wide awakening and beyond is by micro-focusing and teaching them a Great Commission Vision. Teach them about a God World View!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808: Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy:

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 196 šŸ”„ Practice To WinClick here to listen to the full podcast episode:

EP 196 šŸ”„ Practice To Win

Click here to listen to the full podcast episode:


During a recent interview between Erika from "Erika Taught Me" and Chris Voss (Author of "Never Spilt The Difference" and a former FBI Hostage Negotiator), she asks this question: Chris, how do you use these special communication methods that you've developed during your time as a hostage negotiator in your every day life?

We dive deep into these every day methods and practices in this episode!

John Chapter 4 - Jesus, talks to ā€œthe woman at the well.ā€ A very well-known Jesus encounter and community transformation. He saw her and let her know that he knew who she was. He brought out her true feelings. She felt seen and heard. Verse 15: The woman said to him, ā€œSir, give me this water so that I wonā€™t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.ā€ Verse 16: He told her, ā€œGo, call your husband and come back. Verse 17: ā€œI have no husband,ā€ she replied. She was amazed that he actually saw her, knew who she was and still treated her as though she still mattered. She was so taken back that she told her entire community who Jesus was and that he just might be the Messiah, the Savior.

People are hoping someone will actually hear what they are truly thinking. People want to be significant and worthy. When we use the correct questions and communication methods, like Jesus did (and still does), people want to have us in their life on every level. Both business and personal levels.


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808: Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy:

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

Caleb Turner is the Youth Director at Factory Church located in Concord, North Carolina, USA (a suburb of Charlotte, Nor...

Caleb Turner is the Youth Director at Factory Church located in Concord, North Carolina, USA (a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina). Caleb has been in full time student ministry for a little over a year at the time of this recording and we cannot wait to share with you his life story here on the podcast!

Saved by his adoptive parents first and then saved eternally by Jesus, Caleb was mentored by his Sunday school teacher Andy Williamson, who is now his senior pastor at Factory Church. Andy had a vision that Caleb was to be the Youth Pastor at Factory Church. Listen as Caleb's story unfolds in this podcast episode, as we dive into how his student ministry and life journey are just beginning.

God has already and still is creating good works for Caleb to do in Christ Jesus!

Connect with Caleb on social media here:

Learn more about Factory Church here:

Check out Factory Youth here:


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808: Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy:

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 192 šŸ”„ Lenita Abouchabake - Founder of Teen Coach AcademyListen to the full podcast interview here:

EP 192 šŸ”„ Lenita Abouchabake - Founder of Teen Coach Academy

Listen to the full podcast interview here:


Lenita Abouchabake is from Sydney, Australia and the Founder of Teen Coach Academy. This is her second interview on the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast.

Lenita's business is helping adults who already serve teenagers and their families become teen life coaches. That may seem odd to some of you, but life coaching has been around for quite a while... and this is even better! Youth workers need to make a living and they are seldom paid what they are worth. In fact, they are well undervalued in churches who should be pouring the bulk of their resources into their Youth & Family Pastors, students, and their families.

Why? Because we say that students are our future, but what many unfortunately mean by this is students are our future... as long as it doesn't cost us too much. If we were to pay workers what they are worth and build a budget to support these future leaders, then we would see frequent worldwide changes in our society. Instead, with the exception of a small percentage of churches and schools worldwide, we "Hope" they will become world changers, but we are not willing to put money and action to that statement of importance.

Lenita, on the other hand is willing to put her reputation, resources, and giftedness on the line. She believes youth workers, students and their parents are worth the effort and sacrifice. In this episode, Lenita will guide you how you can support yourself, so that you can afford to make a good living while serving the teens and families that you know are ready to change their world. Lenita's company (Teen Coach Academy) trains great leaders to grow up great leaders. Why? Because Lenita was a teen of a single mom who paid coaches to help her become the great woman of God, a world changing leader, and the successful business owner that she has become.

Thank you for sharing Lenita (all the way from The Land Down Under) to the rest of the world!

You can connect with Lenita and the Teen Coach Academy team at:

You can jump into Teen Coach Academy's FREE training here:


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 191 šŸ”„ BIBLE RELIABILITYClick here to listen to the full podcast episode:


Click here to listen to the full podcast episode:

Most people really do not know why they believe what they believe. Many of us who do, need to be refreshed, so that we can fight spiritual warfare more effectively.

But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holyā€”acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect. - 1 Peter 3:15 (Amplified Bible)

"A Ready Defense" by Josh McDowell is a book I gave out to seniors at our church as we honored them for their right of passage out of high school. I knew only some of them would use it and a close friend of mine, currently is getting ready to go through this a page a day over the next year.

You will have to listen to this podcast episode to learn why this almost 500 page reference book is so key to our faith and especially our students. It can be used as a "Bible Book Study" to prepare students for life... especially if they are going to college.

Why should you follow this advice? Well, I am a very simple person. I donā€™t like complicated messages that make me or somebody else feel smart and everyone else feel dumb. That's counter productive. This is the most clear book, compiled from 16 volumes of Joshā€™s books, the most important and clear parts. They are evidence based and historically and legally sound.

I hope this helps you and empowers you to help others to be all you can in your ministry and calling in life!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 189šŸ”„COMFORT MANAGEMENTListen to the full podcast episode here:


Listen to the full podcast episode here:


Most of us "work forward" -> to being comfortable, but comfort can kill you or at the least make you lose the ability to achieve or live up to the purposes God has made you for in this life. Too much comfort slows creative juices down. To much comfort can set you up for moral failures as it did for King David.

"Pray that the LORD your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do.ā€ - Jeremiah 42:3

Stanley Tam - US Plastics Company: Gave God 100% control as Senior Partner over his company. Stanley took only a salary for himself.

Why? Because Stanley knew God would do more with the money than he could. He also knew that the treasures in heaven would last through eternity so Stanley said that he was just paying it forward.

A little comfort is good for renewal. A lot of comfort is good for destruction. Choose wisely!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 188 šŸ”„ YOU MATTERListen to the full podcast episode and more here:


Listen to the full podcast episode and more here:

YOU MATTERā€¦ Everything You Do Countsā€¦ Everyone You Meet Is Important!

You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:20 (Amplified Bible)

For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from aboveā€”spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]. - Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Bible)

All the above and much more is what I am talking about on this episode. God does not make mistakes and has already pre-arranged and set in motion your events and intersections with people, places and good works.

Keep in mind that every person good, sad, happy, glad, mad and annoying are important. God is using them to give you opportunities. He is also giving you for them for their spiritual growth and good works. We see with human eyes. God is teaching us to see with spiritual eyesā€¦ His eyes. He wants us to act and react by His power. He is setting us up. He is setting YOU up for God Size Wins!

Treat Young and Old like they are the Princes and Princesses of Heaven. Heavenā€™s the stage, the guardians and the audience. Heaven is lending a helping hand and cheering you on.

Make No Mistakeā€¦ You Count! You Matter! You Are On The Hall Of Fame List In Heaven!

Heaven Knows Your Name! God Knows Your Name! Jesus Knows Your Name! The Holy Spirit knows your name and is nudging you this way and that way, strategically to line you up for world changing events and encounters that you were made for in Christ Jesus!

Just Show Upā€¦ Keep Showing Up! Be Boldā€¦ Be Strong! Act with Love and Strength!

ā€œBe wise as serpents and harmless as doves.ā€


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 187 šŸ”„ Sabbatical with Chase AllenListen to the full story here: YouTube:

EP 187 šŸ”„ Sabbatical with Chase Allen

Listen to the full story here:


In this episode, we interview Chase Allen (Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church of Umatilla) about his month long sabbatical in 2023.

Here are some of the questions we discuss:

1. How long have you been in student ministry and how long have you been at this Church?
2. Who decided you needed a sabbatical?
3. Did you think you had time to take a sabbatical?
4. What changes did you feel with the extended time off while on sabbatical?
5. What did you do or not do?
6. Was your time off refreshing?
7. How did this time off affect your wife and children?
8. Do you feel, see or have any thoughts on what changes in yourself have occurred or not? Has anyone else noted anything better about you?
9. Could you have used more or less time?

To the listener of this episodeā€¦ How does this translate in your life?

How can you take a sabbatical even though it looks impossible in your busy world?


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

In this episode, we interview Chase Allen (Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church Umatilla) about his month long sabbatical in 2023.Here are some of the questi...

EP 185 šŸ”„ GOD CHOSE YOU AND YOUR TEAMListen to the full (14 min) podcast episode here:


Listen to the full (14 min) podcast episode here:


God has a plan for you and your team!

Moses had a lot of energy when he was in Egypt and thought he knew everything. However, he found that his energy alone and his willingness to lead got him into trouble. It took God about 40 years to get Moses in the mindset to where he actually could lead with humility.

In this episode, you will learn about the four major excuses Moses used with God, thinking that would get him out of leading. God led us all from somewhere to ministry and I bet you possibly had one, if not all, of Moses same excusesā€¦ I know I did!

God always has a better plan for your life. He also has appointed a team of volunteers and employees to make things possible to build His kingdom through student ministry and through our studentā€™s families. God is interested in your humility and your willingness to follow him even when it scares you to your knees.

Ironically, his way is a lot more fun than your way! I wouldā€™ve been a pretty boring person even with the exciting life that I had planned for myself compared to the life God pushed me, coached me, and drove me into. The ride has been wild and exciting and full of emotionā€¦ I have never laughed so much in my life.

Keep looking for the right team members, because God has already prepared them for you!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 184 šŸ”„ GOD HAS A PLANClick here to listen to the podcast episode:


Click here to listen to the podcast episode:


Happy New Year! God has a plan for your life.

I always knew I was meant for something good since I was very youngā€¦ around 5th grade to be exact. But it was seldom easy. At age 15, I had a God encounter that would send me on the journey I saw in a daydream when I was 10 years old. That journey has never ended. God continues to open and close doors.

What about your life? What about the lives of students and families that God has used you to speak hope and love into?

ā€œFor we are Godā€™s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.ā€ (Ephesians 2:10)

For I know the plans I have for you,ā€ says the LORD. ā€œThey are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

Enjoy where you are and who you are withā€¦ be grateful! God loves a cheerful giver and a loving heart. Press forward even if itā€™s only one step at a time in this New Year!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

Need some motivation to set your New Year's Resolution? Take a listen to this short podcast episode here:

Need some motivation to set your New Year's Resolution? Take a listen to this short podcast episode here:


Pick yourā€¦ WORD FOR THE YEAR! Yes, one word. A friend of mine has asked me and many other friends to pick their ā€œwordā€ for quite a few years now. What is that one word that you want to define the upcoming year?

Here are a few changes you can make to go from negative talk to positive and proactive thinking:

šŸ”„ Impatientā€¦Patient
šŸ”„ Unpreparedā€¦..Always Prepared
šŸ”„ Not Confidentā€¦.Confident
šŸ”„ Transactionalā€¦.Relational
šŸ”„ Doesnā€™t Follow Upā€¦Follows Up
šŸ”„ Doesnā€™t Advertiseā€¦Advertises
šŸ”„ Doesnā€™t Ask For Referralsā€¦Asks For Referrals


šŸ”„ Thought To Action: Waiting on God is also an action. Keep showing up and move forward as God keeps the doors open. Each time you think about what you are to do or want to do nextā€¦ take Action again.

šŸ”„ Stop Trying To Solve Problems That Are Made Up In Your Mind And Not Real: Stop being your own worst enemy. Start being your own best cheerleader. People need a leader who knows where he or she is going. Confident, but not arrogant. Strong, but not angryā€¦ confident.

šŸ”„ Itā€™s Ok To Be Upset And/Or Depressed: Itā€™s not ok to stop doing what you are suppose to do. If you have those negative and painful emotions, you still need to do anyway.

šŸ”„ Your Mind Hears What You Say: Itā€™s meant to protect you and serve you. If you say ā€œthis hurts too muchā€ or ā€œI hate thisā€, your mind will try to protect you and help you quit. Its job is to protect you. If you tell your mind, ā€œI can get through this pain. I need to be strong enough to be tougher than the pain, because the pain is there to make me stronger.ā€

Jesus said it,ā€ if we tell a mountain to move it will move if we do not doubt.ā€ God made our minds to work for us. Not against us.

Will the cost of reaching the goal or goals be worth the pain and possible destruction on the way? Make sure your goals are in alignment with God and the scripture. Will you be able to keep your character in check?

When Jesus commands His disciples to go to the people of Israel announcing that ā€œthe kingdom of heaven is at handā€ (Matt. 10:7), He gives them a warning and some advice: ā€œBehold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.ā€ (Matt. 10:16)

There will never be a perfect time to give, serve, lead, guide, or love.


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House

EP 181 šŸ”„ IAN'S STORY with Charles MingonetListen to the full story here:

EP 181 šŸ”„ IAN'S STORY with Charles Mingonet

Listen to the full story here:


This episode is an episode unto itself, but came out of an original interview with Chuck Mingonet (Episode 101, Navy Jet Pilot and Commander).

Chuck and his wife have two children. Their daughter and her husband, became missionaries based in Spain. Ian their son (Chuckā€™s grandson), became ill while on the mission field with a brain tumor that was known to be fatal. The family came back to the USA for treatment. In the process, they were told that Ian would not have long to liveā€¦ But Ian comes from a genetic and spiritual background of warriors, nationally, and spiritually. So at a young age, Ian learned to be a warrior.

Ian asked to go back to the mission field in Spain, so he could share Jesus with his soccer team and church. After a discussion between Ianā€™s parents, grandparents, and doctors, the decision was ā€œIf this is what Ian wants to do, he has the green light from his doctors to go.ā€ And so they went!

This episode is about being able to change peoples lives, no matter how young or old you are. Ian has made an impact on his friends, his familyā€¦ (and with this podcast) the world! Because even though Ianā€™s life was ending, he wanted to make sure that his friends would meet up again in heaven. We hope this story is inspiring to you as youth workers, parents, grandparents, and just people in general. No matter our size, shape, or ageā€¦ God has created good works for us to do in Christ Jesus, which he created in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

We hope this episode helps you to see the value of pouring Godā€˜s love into adolescence, as well as, children before they reach that time of their life. We have no idea who Godā€˜s going to use to change people all around this world or what circumstances will give them that platform to speak from.

You are amazing people, so let God use you in amazing ways today!


Looking for a new student ministry resource? You can read my book ā€œBurn Up Not Out: A Student Ministry Fire Builderā€™s Guidebookā€ here:

Listen to more episodes from the Youth Worker On Fire Podcast here:



Email us at: [email protected]

Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 : Listen to more at

Intro/Outro Voiceover: Michael The Sound Guy :

Edited by: Secret Roots Music House



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