Shaman Sister Sessions

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Shaman Sister Sessions Join Shamans Michelle Hawk and Katherine Bird for live panel discussions about Spirituality, Shamanism and their work with awakening human consciousness.

Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower psychics, empaths, energy healers, Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely

expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine’s visionary work inspires spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities to step fully their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change. On itunes at:

You can contact Michelle and Katherine at [email protected]. See our page on Patreon to discover the offers we have for those supporting our work in the world. Katherine Bird is a transformational leader, healer, Shamanic channel, and guide here to help facilitate the shift in human consciousness and the raising of the vibratory frequency. She supports people through the processes of healing themselves and bringing their magic to the world. Utilizing energy work, hands on healing, practice cultivation and deep coaching she shepherds people through their awakening and the journey to become the healers, coaches and guides they were designed to be. She supports High-Performing Coaches & Healers to Manage their Energy, Boundaries and Demands on them Personally and Physically, in order to sustain and scale their impact in the World.

Michelle Hawk is truly a 21st century Shaman. In addition to her natural gifts as a psychic and intuitive Channel, Michelle's work with Shamanic energies and certification as a Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki� Master and Illumination Reiki� Master allow her to offer healing work at the deepest level. She has committed herself to the health and well-being of her global Tribe and works in service through private sessions, classes, community involvement and Spiritual mentorship in the Divine Feminine lineage for children and adults of all ages. Growing from her lifelong connection with animals and her natural abilities as an animal communicator, Michelle also works deeply with animal guides to bring forth their teachings so that we may share in their wisdom.

Are you going into ‘channeling’ states without knowing exactly what is happening?Are you participating in medicine work ...

Are you going into ‘channeling’ states without knowing exactly what is happening?

Are you participating in medicine work and want to know more about what is really going on?

Do you feel that altered states of consciousness through breath, movement, drumming or other forms are shifting your way of being?

Are you connecting to energies that either feel very powerful, light filled or even overwhelmingly dark?

Are you getting messages but unsure where they are coming from?

In, the Accidental Medium, (part of a free 4 part masterclass series) Discover:

Some of the ways that we ‘turn on’ our channel without knowing it.

The dangers and challenges when you are working without a road map.

Why do some people seem so natural and you feel like a mess.

How to come to terms with believing the unbelievable.

How ‘accidental’ channels are creating contracts and bonds with spirits without knowing it.

How to truly be safe and conscious in this work.

Who This is For: Healers, Channels, Psychics, Coaches, Medicine Facilitators and Participants and All Spiritual Seekers.

Light Language New Podcast Episode is up! On all the platforms and in comments. Are you experiencing a Light Language ac...

Light Language
New Podcast Episode is up! On all the platforms and in comments.
Are you experiencing a Light Language activation? What is Light Language, and what does it mean for you and your spiritual practice? Maybe you’re speaking in tongues or seeing symbols. Now what?

Michelle and Katherine are pleased to welcome Galactic Ashley to discuss Light Language activation, integration, and mastery. Join the Shaman Sisters for a special guest episode and learn about common experiences in Light Language awakening, blockages or challenges that might occur, and how to integrate your Light Language transmissions into your personal and professional spiritual practice. This isn't only about galactic channeling, but working with many divine beings, earth based energies, and the multitudes of the unseen realms. Through this work, you may heal yourself, activate psychic gifts, remember past lives, and receive energetic upgrades. Explore with us the many functions of this form of mediumship as we demystify a potent spiritual practice.

Galactic Ashley channels guidance for those seeking intimacy with the Divine as Source originally intended. She uses Light Language frequencies and works with your Souls Guidance System to facilitate high-frequency healing transmissions and encoded activations. She desires a world filled with leaders led by love. After earning a Masters in Fine Art from the University of Arizona in Tucson, she merged her passion for art and metaphysics with her cross-cultural mentoring and teaching background to lovingly develop Divine Immersion Programs. Her work focuses on the intersection of cosmic consciousness and embodied wisdom. These channeled courses invite you deeper into your Divine leadership and resourced god-self while empowering you to heal and walk your unique Ascension path.

New Shaman Sister Sessions Episode  #119 is out! - Resistance to Spiritual Initiations! Spiritual initiation cycles ofte...

New Shaman Sister Sessions Episode #119 is out! - Resistance to Spiritual Initiations!

Spiritual initiation cycles often bring up a lot of resistance. You’ve probably experienced this: initiations can be uncomfortable, confronting, challenging and triggering. But, as Michelle and Katherine discuss in this powerful episode, “resistance is fertile.” Resistance shows us where there is potent energy available for transformation, and when we understand and work with resistance, it can help catapult us forward into the next cycle.

Join the Shaman Sisters for a very real look at resistance through initiation cycles (and get a peek behind the scenes at some on-air epiphanies as they discuss their own resistance experiences).

Tune in for the full episode below - Also Available on Apple & Spotify

Let us know what came up for you and what you feel is being asked of you at this time.

Spiritual initiation cycles often bring up a lot of resistance. You’ve probably experienced this: initiations can be uncomfortable, confronting, challenging ...

New Shaman Sister Sessions Episode  #118 is out! Today we discuss Judgement on the Spiritual Path. We hear so much in th...

New Shaman Sister Sessions Episode #118 is out!

Today we discuss Judgement on the Spiritual Path. We hear so much in the spiritual and “conscious” world about being non-judgmental, not judging ourselves or others. But what if judgment is actually a really helpful, valuable and positive tool?
Judgment is incredibly important for setting boundaries, evaluating integrity, aligning with right action and opening to high-frequency spiritual experiences.

Michelle Hawk: Shamanic Alchemist and Katherine Bird love judgment. Join them for a conversation about the “anatomy of judgment,” why judgment is essential for your spiritual practices and tools to cultivate and trust your excellent judgment.

Tune in and let us know how you utilize judgment in your day to day or if anything shifted for you!

We hear so much in the spiritual and “conscious” world about being non-judgmental, not judging ourselves or others. But what if judgment is actually a really...

*NEW Episode Out* - How to Make Shamanic and Alchemical Tools for TransformationCreating sacred healing tools, tinctures...

*NEW Episode Out* - How to Make Shamanic and Alchemical Tools for Transformation

Creating sacred healing tools, tinctures and elixirs, visionary art, jewelry, talismans and totems are all ways to anchor powerful energy into the Earthly plane through physical objects. These sacred totems, crafted with intention, prayer and guidance, can work with shamanic energies, alchemical correspondences, elemental frequencies and energies encoded for specific healing and initiation. When working with these sacred objects, we cultivate a powerful relationship with those frequencies and receive the gifts encoded in the items.

Michelle and I share some of our sacred tool creations, inspiration behind magical art, and offer guidance and tips to create your own objects of power.

Let us know any insights or feedback in the comments!

You know that energy is…. Everything. Yet isn’t it funny how often we try to push our healing practice up a hill with ju...

You know that energy is…. Everything.

Yet isn’t it funny how often we try to push our healing practice up a hill with just force, worry and struggle? Isn’t it sometimes silly to see where you sit down at your computer from? Or that you don’t at all because you can’t get motivated to work on the structures that you know will help you be more successful?

Or you know you ‘need to’ do some promo videos or post… something, anything! And you just can’t get into it?

Well, here we go again.. Come back to the energy. Come back to the pillars of who you are and what you are creating.

This is soul work!
We can’t do it in the same way as other people do those other kinds of jobs.

We left that world behind and followed our hearts for a reason!

This will help:
check out my FREE training: Success Through Alignment.

Link in the comments below!


As deep feelers and thinkers,

as ones tuned to the collective and all of its pain,

as ones that know the deep calling of service in our bones….

We can get lost as we transform our inner knowings and callings into outward expressions.

We can get sidelined by what others are doing or saying.

We can create from lack and fear.

We can wander about and avoid what is often our deepest inner work…. Our service and the business that often arises from that service.

Going to trainings, developing skills, being in practice, helping others… these can feel comforting, exciting and our zone of genius

But what happens when you realize all of that has to translate into impact, maybe large scale global impact. Impact that feeds your soul and your belly while shifting the world.

Well, this means that you have to go inward in order to move outward. You have to listen carefully. You have to take inspired action. And you have to get up and move forward in a constant manner even when you feel uncomfortable or unsure.

What I find is that when I know where I am coming from, what my truest mission is, what my values are and what I stand for…. I can keep showing up for my work, life and business in a powerful way.

This is not an easy path. It will test you, teach you and challenge you. But, it is worth it.
What a blessing to do soul work. What a blessing to live life on your own terms. Create what you want. Rest when you need. Honor your life, your cycles and your gifts.

I have created a beautiful first step.. Or a reminder of what you are building your life upon.

check out the FREE training: Success Through Alignment.
Link in the comments!

Start the journey to empowerment. Because being an Empowered Empath means…More peaceMore confidenceBetter RelationshipsL...

Start the journey to empowerment.

Because being an Empowered Empath means…

More peace

More confidence

Better Relationships

Less overwhelm and fluctuations of energy and emotions that take you out.

Greater impact, success and service to the world!

Join me for a free training at the link in the comments below.

See you there!


No matter how good your modality is you must be able to maintain both a core resonance of light and know how to work wit...

No matter how good your modality is you must be able to maintain both a core resonance of light and know how to work with cultivation of energy to build your protective field. This field will be interacting with everyone that you come in contact with and is a signal when something is wrong, when you are holding onto things that you shouldn’t or when you are in need of support or more personal work. ��

Working in these realms of energy you will come up against parts of you that resist or do not feel worthy, parts that are in need of healing and this module gives you access to moving through that so that you can feel more energized, healthy, pure and powerful.

You can still join The Healer’s Process
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar! Link below

Healers tend to focus on service and supporting others. You might go to train in modalities or receive coaching to start...

Healers tend to focus on service and supporting others. You might go to train in modalities or receive coaching to start a healing business before you truly understand yourself, the work that is meant to come through you or build the energetic power and resiliency that will support you for the long term.
This can lead to false starts, confusion, overwhelm, wasted time and energy and an overall dissatisfaction with your work over time. ��

This is the ground work for your life. It will give you an understanding of who you are at a fundamental level. It will help you create a supportive personal practice which is the cornerstone of any healer’s life.

You can not skip these important steps in knowing yourself, healing deeply held wounds and beliefs and building your core of light and love. You must know why you are called to this work, what it means to you and what you are here to learn and heal for yourself through this calling. �
Come and find out who you actually are as an authentic healer!
You can still join The Healer’s Process
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar! Link Below

We stop ourselves from stepping into the next level of our work because we do not have a solid personnel practice that i...

We stop ourselves from stepping into the next level of our work because we do not have a solid personnel practice that intelligently supports us. Healers need different practices than other people. We aren’t using our personal practice as the place that we work on and heal ourselves. You have to learn how to go into personal practice as a place to go into YOUR healing modality to explore and learn from it. Deep exploratory, consistent, evolving intelligent practices that are designed toward healing work are needed or we aren’t going as deeply as we can into ourselves and it doesn’t translate into our work with others.

Mastery arises through our work with ourselves as much as our work with others.

Come and train in the tools that you actually need!
You can still join The Healer’s Process
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar!
Link below

You have natural gifts that are unique to you. You have to stop comparing yourself to others, creating the conditions fo...

You have natural gifts that are unique to you. You have to stop comparing yourself to others, creating the conditions for you to feel shame and unworthiness.

You must then understand what your protocols are so that your work flows without being too much and an ease and trust in yourself develops. Some work more energetically, some more in the spiritual realms, some more in the emotional body. Discovering what is natural helps you move in the right direction for you. This way you can then learn the tools that will support you most. Being a healer is not a one size fits all life. Many modalities want to treat us like we are all the same. We often have an imagined perception of what it means to be a healer. This can sabotage us for years =instead of letting our healership unfold through us so that the work we do is fully aligned and easeful.

How many times have you compared yourself to someone on social media and then did nothing?

So we need to understand our natural tools, develop them and learn new tools to support them. We also need to uncover the blocks and beliefs around the tools so that we will let them emerge and actually share them.

The Healer’s Process IS the course that you need to find your confidence and mastery.
The 3 Month experience starts soon.
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar! link in comments below

Either we have so many tools we discount them or we have natural gifts and we doubt them and don’t know what to do with ...

Either we have so many tools we discount them or we have natural gifts and we doubt them and don’t know what to do with them. We often deny our gifts because we don’t want to be too much, too powerful, special or stand out. We might have fear of being harmed or even killed, rejected and shunned. This is actually one of the core wounds of the healer and one that I see over and over again. Or, what if we are wrong and delusional about what we know and feel.

We might not know how our gifts work or we might start using them in unhealthy ways, without boundaries, without sourcing, without clearing and purification, without self-care. Or we blow out our systems doing too much too fast too soon without proper protocols to support the energetic and spiritual transmissions we are tapping into. Some are upgrading so fast that if you aren’t working the energy on a regular basis intelligently, and you go into a healing session, it can blow you out and it can blow out the person you are working with. We start doing sessions that are too long, too deep, charge too little, get burned out and don’t help people effectively integrate their awakening. Then it is easy to start taking on other’s pain and karma, stuck in a wounded healer space instead of taking responsibility for our continual self-mastery.

The 3 Month experience starts soon.
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar! Link in comments below!

Authentic work is the most challenging thing to do. It is raw, vulnerable, open, present and channeled. It holds your de...

Authentic work is the most challenging thing to do. It is raw, vulnerable, open, present and channeled. It holds your deepest truths and childlike nature of joy and curiosity. Anything that isn’t in alignment with these higher frequencies holds you back from your authentic work.

What we usually do is just put modalities on top of what is holding us back from authentic work so that we can hide because we know that if we ‘come out’ we may lose important people, family, friends, followers, clients and we will have to change. So we hide from ourselves. This contributes to internal issues such as illness, false starts, lack of clarity, drive and success.

The Healer’s Process is where I guide you through the trickiest parts of being a healer so that you can find your authentic expression. The 3 Month experience starts soon.
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar!
Register at the link in the comments below 💫

Cleansing and Purification are an often overlooked part of healing work and misunderstood by many practitioners. You hav...

Cleansing and Purification are an often overlooked part of healing work and misunderstood by many practitioners. You have to understand what to do with all of the energy stirred up in sessions and also in life. This will help you feel better, more clear and will keep you safe and from taking on things from your clients. �Your healing space, your home, your life will start to radically upgrade and shift by using these tools and understanding these concepts.

The Healer’s Process is where I guide you through the trickiest parts of being a healer so that you can find your authentic expression. The 3 Month experience starts soon.
And, you can start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar! - Link in comments below

3 Month Immersive Training for Lightworkers, Healers and Coaches. Master Yourself, Your Tools, Energy & Spirit. This is the training you have been waiting for!

LET THE HEALER RISE WEBINAR Why healer’s don’t rise. What you are missing.What you actually need to focus on. From doubt...


Why healer’s don’t rise.
What you are missing.
What you actually need to focus on.

From doubt and fear, lack of understanding, lack of tools, living with beliefs and blocks to authentic expression doing effective, sustainable work and living in integrated mastery.

So that you can become a more confident, authentic practitioner.

You know that to be of service you have to work on yourself. And, you know that it’s not all about working on yourself. You want tools and a roadmap for healing that supports it all.

Join me NOW!
Link in comments below. 💫

DATING YOUR ENERGETICS to Deepen your spiritual relationships.There are so many energies, beings, and guides that one ca...

DATING YOUR ENERGETICS to Deepen your spiritual relationships.

There are so many energies, beings, and guides that one can work with on this path. It isn’t so much about the number of guides as it is about the quality of relationships.
If you try to connect to too many different beings and energies all at once, you can become confused and overwhelmed. The work becomes muddied. As you are building your Sacred Container, go slow and bring in beings that you are familiar with. You might have a lot of different beings and energy connecting with you. When you feel that you have multiple energies, guides, and angels that you are connecting with and you would like more clarity to sort out their meanings, messages, and roles in your healing work, I encourage you to treat this process like dating.

Your channel might feel like you are just sleeping around all over the place. While I see nothing wrong with having polyamorous (love with multiple beings) relationships with your energetics, and you will have a council of guides available to you throughout your life, I encourage you to spend some time with focused dedication to each one.

Want to explore your spiritual guidance more? Healer’s Process Starts Soon.
Start with Let The Healer Rise Webinar!

Link in comments or bio.

I am often asked, “How do I keep from taking on other’s energy?” I’ve met with incredible practitioners who are so loade...

I am often asked, “How do I keep from taking on other’s energy?” I’ve met with incredible practitioners who are so loaded down with other people’s stuff they can hardly see straight.

As discussed, it starts with coming home to yourself, with nurturing the field through grounding and sourcing and understanding boundaries. The next phase is to understand how cleansing and purification works.

If you want to learn more, join my webinar, Let The Healer Rise.
Sign Up Now. Link in comments or bio.

You have been here many times.You have been a healer many times.You know what is true for you. It takes a willingness to...

You have been here many times.
You have been a healer many times.

You know what is true for you. It takes a willingness to simply be present with your truth. Sometimes this takes a while to realize because we shut down our truth and knowledge for most of our lives. It is a process to find your deep inner knowing.

The type of healer that you are is often determined by the type of healing that you have or still need, healing self and then facilitating that healing in others.

The two most powerful aspects of being a healer is your path and your practice.

The path informs the type of healing work that you do through clues. The clues are the darkest wounds that you have had to heal and work through. These are the places that you have done the most work. The things that you will have in common with your clients. Because you understand these wounds and traumas, you will have a connection to your people, you will be able to have deep compassion and hold space for them. This is not to say that if you have experienced a certain kind of wound or trauma that this is the only segment of the population that you can or should be working with or that you must have experienced something in order to help heal it in someone else. Your path is a starting point of inquiry for where you might want to focus your attention.

Your practices are your daily rituals that support you on your path.
It is your duty as someone on and supporting the paths of others to explore as much as possible.

The practices that I see are needed are:
ones that clear and quiet the monkey mind, move and challenge the physical body, bring joy and gratitude, connect to the spiritual realms as well as the earth, build relationships with energetics and guides, instill a deep sense of grounded stability, allow you to move unwanted energy out of you system, access, move and build energy, cleanse, purify and let you access your intrinsic nature as a healer.

Your practices are the places where you can both play and do your own healing work for yourself.

The practices call you into the present moment.

We learn many healing modalities in workshops and schools, but often we miss the subtle parts of being a healer that really support our work on a deep level. This is what I am offering you.

Please explore and learn as many modalities as possible. But, know that you have a unique gift and voice. Working with a mentor gives you access to even more aspects of what it means to be a healer.

In this work, I am giving you a roadmap. This roadmap is here to give you more tools and techniques to allow you to fully flourish in your work as a healer. Often we feel incomplete in our work, as we are not fully being ourselves. The roadmap that I am offering here gives you a base. It is a way to take the modalities that you have learned or created and build more power and presence into the work.

Adding these processes into your life and your work gives you greater depth, power and clarity.

We need you now. We can not wait any longer. Step into the fullness of what you are and allow that the magic you seek is already within you.
Are you interested?

I am opening a limited registration to Let The Healer Rise Webinar today!
Link in comments below.

You Are MagicWill you accept it?Many of the most beautiful magical people I have met suffer from self-doubt and fear.We ...

You Are Magic

Will you accept it?

Many of the most beautiful magical people I have met suffer from self-doubt and fear.
We are brought in to shift this frequency. We are shifting for the collective. We are the bridge people brought to hold the way for the light. There is no way of knowing your truth unless you move toward the part of yourself that is certain of the truth. Your expression of your magic and light is completely unique. You are a shining dewdrop on the web of light, which is being spun to link our consciousnesses together. This web ensures that the work we do for one benefits all.

When you rise in the calling of the light, you are allowed to witness yourself as the divine being that you are and have always been. It does not mean that your life becomes easier right away. It often becomes even more challenging for a time until you are more completely in alignment with the truth of your own love and infinite potential.
You are magic. You have simply forgotten the truth.

Magic is your birthright.

There is magic in your soul, crying to be set free.

Owning your magic means that you trust yourself. It means that you accept that you may be different or feel weird at times. It means that you try new things as you receive your guidance from Spirit, and you allow yourself to surrender into more and more authentic ways of being.

A responsibility comes with accepting that you are magic. I’m afraid, at a certain point, you can’t go back. It will propel you forward. It has its own mission and power. Resistance just creates dis-harmony. This responsibility is to shine. It is to clear out what is in the way of your full magic being expressed. It means holding space for the light to shine in others.
You are magic. Will you accept it?

The FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series ends TODAY!
Join at the link in the comments

A client recently expressed that their healing work seemed ‘too easy’. They questioned how it could just flow and be so ...

A client recently expressed that their healing work seemed ‘too easy’. They questioned how it could just flow and be so potent when they weren’t working ‘hard’.

Healing work is like the final performance of an Olympic athlete. It looks effortless. It feels expansive and true. It flows and dances through us and even if there is action and effort involved it brings us as much energy as anything else we could possibly do.

But no one expects an athlete to just show up with some techniques and have a gold level performance. It is the hours of self-work, training, visualizing and confronting pain, limitations and fear to create something so beautiful and effortless looking.

If you are ready to start training with someone who wants you to perform as your unique self as a healing or spiritual practitioner, the FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series ends TOMORROW!

You can still get all 4 classes to your inbox.
Link in comments below.

DOUBTDoubt is one of the most debilitating diseases. It can make you question everything you know or receive. It can hol...

Doubt is one of the most debilitating diseases. It can make you question everything you know or receive. It can hold you back and keep you small. It can completely derail your life on every level.

It keeps you from action. Even though action is the antidote to doubt.

As an intuitive practitioner, one must confront and courageously move through doubt.

Practice, experience and training help a lot, but only if they are inclusive of YOUR gifts, ways of receiving and innate mission. As a mentor, I train you… to be you.

My limited time FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series is happening now

CLASS #1::
You Are a Unique Healer Masterclass, Embrace Your Authentic Mastery

CLASS #2::
Safety and Protection in Healing and Spiritual Works Masterclass

CLASS #3::
Heal The Healer Archetypes Masterclass: The Key to Authentic Mastery

Healing the Wounded Healer Masterclass: Owning Your Purpose, Confidence and Value

Being a healer is about healing yourself. Your devotion to helping others calls in your highest alignment. You might thi...

Being a healer is about healing yourself. Your devotion to helping others calls in your highest alignment. You might think you’re called to the healer’s path to only be in service. But, the medicine you bring is a culmination of your soul’s journey through pain, fear, doubt, and bringing yourself into balance and wholeness.

And that journey doesn’t ever end. You don’t have to be completely whole and perfect to be a powerful healer. All people have suffering and pain. But, the calling brings you through the fire the quickest way possible and into service to the world, and that process begins and ends in the service you have to your own self-development.

If you are ready to train, join my FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series
Link in comments.

WOUNDED HEALERPain, suffering, illness and struggle are often a big part of the path of the healer. Yet, the relationshi...


Pain, suffering, illness and struggle are often a big part of the path of the healer. Yet, the relationship that one has to these things can determine if you are taken out and sabotaged by them or inspired, awakened and taught by them. Your wounds can determine your journey forward. The Wounded Healer Archetype must be understood and fully integrated in order to do powerful healing work.

The Wounded Healer Masterclass is a part of my FREE Healer's Masterclass Series. Happening Now!

Link in comments.

Feel yucky after certain calls or a day of coaching?Drained and depleted by the work that you should be uplifted by?Are ...

Feel yucky after certain calls or a day of coaching?
Drained and depleted by the work that you should be uplifted by?
Are you doing YOUR most authentic work?
Not sure what your boundaries are in your professional relationships?
Are you afraid to charge for the value of your work?
Do you know that you have some stuff that you haven’t dealt with that simply will not be cleared through a Yoga class or another marketing seminar?
Do you want to be so anchored in your truth that you are comfortable on camera, video and on stage?
Are you a master of your energy system?
Do you want to be?

Have you joined the FREE Healer's Masterclasses? Happening NOW!
Link in comments.

Your path of healing supports your unique way that you facilitate for others. The harsh and ugly lessons, the darkness a...

Your path of healing supports your unique way that you facilitate for others. The harsh and ugly lessons, the darkness and despair we move through are our teachers and guides. How can you show up powerfully for others in a relationship, as a teacher, a guide if you can not go to your depths and bring yourself back?

There is magic inside of you and the s**t that you have to dig through in order to own it is totally worth it. If you want to learn how to work on yourself and others in more deeply effective ways, join me in training. You are not lost. You are on the path. Your willingness to walk it gives illumination for those just behind.

The Healer’s Masterclass Series is designed to give you a solid understanding of some core aspects of your internal process as a healer and offer you tools and shifts so that you are able to do more authentic, expressed work.

Because you are a unique healer!

And, if you want to keep diving into these topics, I hope you will join, The FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series, link in comments or bio. First Video released to your inbox TODAY!

If you haven't joined The Healer's Masterclass Series... it starts tomorrow... and I will be sending out 4 free powerful...

If you haven't joined The Healer's Masterclass Series... it starts tomorrow... and I will be sending out 4 free powerful videos for you to really embrace your full alignment and take you through the steps to rise as a healer, coach, energy and body worker, therapist, practitioners of all kinds & those hearing the call.

And, if you want to keep diving into these topics, I hope you will join, The FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series, link in comments or bio. First Video releases to your inbox Sept 12th.

Healing is often uncomfortable because it involves learning how to feel instead of disassociating; being in the body, an...

Healing is often uncomfortable because it involves learning how to feel instead of disassociating; being in the body, and acknowledging it instead of leaving it. Negative beliefs and patterns are brought to light to be addressed, and early childhood relationships and traumas resurface in service to their clearing. It can be uncomfortable to reorganize a physical body to a state of balance. It can be uncomfortable to lead others through to the realizations of why they are ill or that their relationships fail, or they are not successful. Yet, these are the places people need support and where they seek healing.
Sometimes clients want to be “fixed” without ever being uncomfortable and put up blocks to going deeper. They might rail against you, cancel appointments, or try to get out of sessions because they want to avoid feeling pain. Understanding that this might be a part of the process can allow you to show up powerfully, name it when you see it and have the right encouragement for them to continue. At times, you might think a client isn’t showing up for the work because of something you are doing wrong when it is because you are bringing your client into awareness, so understanding the context of what they are going through is vital.

In this way, breakdowns become an important part of breakthroughs. Breakdowns are typically seen as uncomfortable, and most people will shy away from or try to fix a breakdown instead of being with it in a way that supports healing. One of your jobs is to become comfortable with breakdowns, intense emotions, and darkness in its many forms. Otherwise, you may misinterpret an important process and push negativity more deeply into the body instead of freeing it.

The only way to begin to prepare for this “being in the uncomfortable” is to do your own work and lean into the uncomfortable aspects of self. These are the places you don’t want to touch, see, or feel. This means looking at your most hidden aspects. Being willing to feel everything and be with it without hiding. Clearing up old patterns and shifting your energy to reflect the highest version of yourself. Sometimes, it might even mean pushing yourself to speak, to act, and to put yourself out in the public eye even when you don’t want to be seen.
At times this might feel like going through intense healing from severe trauma, illness, or injury. It might even look like encountering mental health issues or frightening spiritual encounters. But we can’t live in love and light alone. To build trust with clients, you must be willing to be with shadows and pain, yours as well as others. Often it isn’t focusing on the light but looking at the shadow that creates healing. If you are only focused on light, on positive thinking, you may miss deep, necessary work. You may ignore what really has to be dealt with, which will catch up to you at some point.

I invite you into some further discussions of what it is to be a healer in my FREE Healer’s Masterclass Series. Starts Soon. Sign up now. First Video releases to your inbox Sept 12th.

The Healer's Masterclass offers you deeper self understanding, tools to use in your life & practice right now & a pathway to further mastery.



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Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower psychics, empaths, energy healers, Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine’s visionary work inspires spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities to step fully their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change.

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