Imperial Scroll
No cats. No garage. Just the ABCs: Actors, Buskers, Bands & Comics. Expelled student editors and subversives involved. Plus whatever else Mark finds groovy. Mark Roman. He puts the "I" in "improv". The Mark Roman Empire (also a podcast).
Mark interviews singer-songwriter Cassandra Salas, a Herb Alpert Music Scholar who just graduated from LA City College School of Music. It’s early days for Cassandra’s music, and she’s already known for “Singing the Blues” on SoundCloud and her very personal “Mannequin Head” on YouTube (performed at the Herb and Lani Concert Hall, LACC). A pianist and composer as well, her style includes pop, rock, R&B and alternative. A FOLF (Friend of Lt. Frank), Cassandra knows Mark from his early busking days in Hollywood. They discuss. Her new single debuts in weeks, and an EP is in the works. LISTEN