What’s one thing no one warned you about when you became a mom?
I’ll start! LAUNDRY! How is there always so much laundry? I swear I just finished washing it all yesterday and now it’s all dirty again 🤪
I used to dream about being a mom, and with that dream come true…. My new dream is to one day keep up with the laundry, like wash, dry and put away ONE load at a time and not have 5 others to do 🤣🤣🤣
But seriously, I love that my boys love helping out so much, they do a great job switching the laundry and helping me put it away 🤗 it’s so important to teach them basic life skills and how to take care of themselves and their things. We have been working on learning how to do laundry, dishes, cleaning up, putting toys away, cleaning their own bodies and brushing their own teeth, dusting, vacuuming… etc. They love helping, and even though they don’t do it perfectly, they are learning and getting better everyday! And most importantly, they are learning that this home belongs to all of us and it’s all of our responsibility to take care of it and help each other out. When they grow up, they will know how to contribute and be self sufficient and they won’t rely on their partner or anyone else to clean up after them.
Include your children in your daily chores, no matter how young they are, and make it fun! Don’t use chores as a punishment and they will be so happy to help!