Dentists: (Advertisers click 'see more' below)
Increase the value of your practice and your revenue by selling professional grade dental products and your elective services. Your Private Television Channel is the most effective way to reach and relax patients and office team. A higher value is perceived through practice branding and static graphic ads which inform and educate your patients about
your services and special promotions. Beautiful scenes from around the world combined with a relaxing soundtrack help reduce dental anxiety, shorten perceived wait time and begin interesting conversations. We do all the work to manage and brand your Private Television Channel (PTC) with your own custom logo, on-screen promotions, community events, staff recognition and patient appreciation messages. Promoting your brand effectively and increasing your revenue can be time consuming and expensive with traditional media, however with a PTC this becomes easy and inexpensive. Advertisers:
This incredibly affordable way to advertise informs, promotes and educates dentists, team and patients in their office, on the most powerful ad medium of all – Television. Dentists earn more passive income through in office sales of your dental products. Dental manufacturers, service providers and dental suppliers can be seen where your products are needed and used - in their practices. eScapes Dental TV is an exclusive, multi-state-endorsed Dental TV Network. We are endorsed by Michigan, Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, and Arizona Dental Associations and are in negotiations with other top state dental associations. Memorable 30 second video ads and 20 second banner ads create a lasting impression to a valuable buying audience. This immersive place-based marketing television plays all day, with long dwell times, ad exposure, and virtually 100% visual acuity. You can also measure the success of your ad campaign with audience demographics, promotions, discount codes, coupons, and test market products.