Releases by The Dauntless Elite, Wooderson, Caves, Saturday's Kids, The Take, Dugong, The Amistad, The Leif Ericsson, Peachfuzz, Fig. 4.0, Zapiain and more... | Discography:
BOMB001 - Joe Ninety - Short On ideas 7"
BOMB002 - Dugong - ...I'm Not Leaving 7"
BOMB003 - Eighty Six - Raining & Falling CDEP
BOMB004 - Joe Ninety - Lifetime of Empty Threats CD
BOMB005 - Dugong - The Eastmoor Rules CD
BOMB006 - Dropnose - Dropnose CDEP
BOMB007 - Fig. 4.0 - Action Image Exchange CD/10"
BOMB008 - Eighty Six - What's My Problem Today? CD
BOMB009 - The Mercy Suite - Credis Quod Habes et Habes CDEP
BOMB010 - Eighty Six / Blocko - split 7"
BOMB011 - Kelly 8 - The Setup CD
BOMB012 - Joe Ninety - Blueprint for the Inevitable MCD
BOMB013 - Dugong - Hat Danko CD/LP
BOMB014 - Eighty Six - Army of Cats CDEP
BOMB015 - Kelly 8 - The Technique of Pushing Someone Forward CD
BOMB016 - Dugong - Quick to the City CD
BOMB017 - Remainderfour - On with the Experiment CD
BOMB018 - The Mercy Suite - Crestfallen CD
BOMB019 - The Dauntless Elite / Jets Vs Sharks - split 7"
BOMB020 - The Take - Dolomite CD (LP on Art for Blind)
BOMB021 - The Leif Ericsson - The Leif Ericsson CD/LP
BOMB022 - The Dauntless Elite - Graft CD/LP
BOMB023 - Kelly 8 - The Union CD
BOMB024 - Homebrew - The Heart of Insurrection CD
BOMB025 - The Amistad - Kept Under by a Generation of Ghosts CD/LP
BOMB026 - Peachfuzz - Everything Takes Forever CD
BOMB027 - Zapiain -Jibberjabber CD
BOMB028 - Saturday's Kids - s/t 10"
BOMB029 - Adam Jones - EP1 digital only
BOMB030 - V/A - A People's History of Bombed Out Records digital only
BOMB031 - The Dauntless Elite - More Bloody Bad News CD (LP on Yo-Yo Records)
BOMB032 - Homebrew - Last Orders CD
BOMB033 - Saturday's Kids - Grey On White 7"
BOMB034 - Wooderson - Let the Man Speak CD/LP
BOMB035 - The Brown Hound James Band - At the Home of the Heartlands CD
BOMB036 - Peachfuzz - We are Solid State CD
BOMB037 - Caves - Betterment CD (LP on Yo-Yo Records)
BOMB038 - The Dauntless Elite / Slow Science - split 12"
BOMB039 - Saturday's Kids - The Lunatic LP
BOMB040 - Stay Clean Jolene - s/t CD
BOMB041 - Protectors - Soul and Fire is All We Ever Need LP
BOMB042 - Peachfuzz - Raise High Your Bright Halo of Stars CD
BOMB043 - Zapiain - Giantnormous LP
BOMB044 - Slow Science - Sham Laws EP
Download only:
BODL001 - Adam Jones - EP1
BODL002 - V/A - A People's History of Bombed Out Records
BODL003 - Adam Jones - EP2