Happy Friday all! Episode 88: Bill's gotta get paid, love's gotta get made, is now available for your ear holes.
We discuss the election. And if you aren't in a place where you can listen to that right now - we get. We have 87 other eps to choose from, and you can come back when you're ready.
One thing though - remember that joy is an act of revolution, and it doesn't mean you aren't committed to the cause.
Next month, we'll be back to some silliness (and we do end this one on a sillier note). We'll smash or pass or your favorite Christmas movie and TV characters - or something like that.
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7JSnWRtPyFmWlzJE82QdKo
Podcast · DivasDishPodcast · Need a little gossip time with a couple of friends? Put on your wine cardigan, grab your beverage of choice and join us.