Orthodox Television for Glory to God and Salvation to the Bulgarian People

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Orthodox Television for Glory to God and Salvation to the Bulgarian People ORTHODOX TELEVISION FOR GLORY TO GOD AND SALVATION TO BULGARIA
The Plan for creating the Television From Yavor Nedelchev, an Orthodox Christian from Bulgaria.


To all our Orthodox fathers, brothers and sisters in the world, with a call for support. This message describes the alarming situation which cause extreme need to be established pronounced pure Orthodox Christian television in the capital city of Bulgaria whose people are baptized in the Orthodoxy nearly 1150 years ago, an

d a proposal to the Bulgarian people to overcome the danger of death by the invincible spiritual weapon of the Orthodox Faith and the Divine Sacraments in the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ that the future TV programme will target hard to spread. Here, every your prayer for successful advance of this beginning, every your small or big donation, and every your winning of a little or a big contributor, as well as everyone journalistic disclosure of the idea by the mass media, but also every your sincere approval, every your good word and every your sharing will be recognized as an effective support. My unimportant person is the original bearer of the idea for establishment of this television, and would like all of you, the Orthodox Christians who wish to support the initiative by a donation, openly to testify you were baptized by a cleric in one of the fifteen Autocephalous Orthodox Churches:
the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople,
the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa,
the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East,
the Patriarchate of Jerusalem,
the Orthodox Church of Russia,
the Orthodox Church of Georgia,
the Orthodox Church of Serbia,
the Orthodox Church of Romania,
the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria – Bulgarian Patriarchate,
the Orthodox Church of Cyprus,
the Orthodox Church of Greece,
the Orthodox Church of Albania,
the Orthodox Church of Poland,
the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia,
or the Orthodox Church in America,
that are in spiritual, doctrinal, canonical and Eucharistic unity, and that are also inseparable members of the (Orthodox) One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which has its eternal Head and Divine Founder – our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and which is guided by the Holy Spirit Who lives in it. Shall be accepted by great joy donations from all of you, the Orthodox Christians who live the saving ecclesiastical life, and take the Holy Communion – the true and life-giving Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in our Holy Church. All of you who still are not Orthodox Christians, but feel the need to support by a donation the establishment of this television, if you feel yourself guided by the free will which is given to you by God, you could first to accept Holy Baptism in one of the fifteen Autocephalous Orthodox Churches and to set the beginning of your salvation in the ecclesiastical life, which is full of grace, and in the acceptance of Christ’s Communion in the Holy Orthodoxy, and then to make your donation. In these cases, your donations will be also accepted by unusual joy. The thanksgiving of my heart is in advance for all of you who will support this initiative.

*** *** ***

Here is me, a creation of God, an Orthodox Christian and a Bulgarian by God’s Will, who created by the help of the Lord our God the page “There is Orthodoxy in Our Country, There are Bulgarian People”, who decided to glorify in our Bulgaria (by some way which is intrinsic to my heart) the most majestic Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to be useful to our Almighty God, Who is truly One in substance and Triune in Persons, at His deed to honor and grant our people both with eternal life in heaven and liberation from the threat of disappearing off the face of the earth before the end of this world. Because we (the Bulgarians) know ourselves – we are worried about our short earthly existence and the survival of our country much more than our eternal salvation, closing eyes about the truth that if we don’t seek the eternal life and the genuine righteousness, earthly prosperity shall not be added to us, nor we will be passed by this bitter cup – today (2013) we are situated certainly at one of the leading places in the world by negative population growth rate, we quickly decrease instead of quickly to grow, and this danger horribly impends over us – first we to turn into minority in our own country and then completely to perish as a nation, as this danger is indeed established by various internal and world researches. But because the Only living God, Who we glorify in Holy Trinity and Who is truly Triune, He Himself is loved by me, and because Bulgaria is also loved by me, that is why, according to my free will which is given to me by God, my decision is to put all my strength and skills in establishment of “Sofia Orthodox Television”, and by it to glorify God in our earthly fatherland, sharing with my compatriots the Law of God and the written Word of God – the Holy Bible, the Gospel of Christ and the saving Orthodox Faith, believing the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria – Bulgarian Patriarchate will indeed give blessing and spiritual admonishment for this enterprise. And my person is ready to share with my compatriots, by this future television, my firm faith that the All-Righteous God will save the earthly life of our people and our country,

when we overcome our fears: will we be able to work and earn enough money for our daily bread, for building a roof over our heads, for raising children; when we conquer and shake off this fear, realizing that it is truly a sin in the sight of the Lord;

when we are able to, without fear, procreate our kin in our Christian matrimony, and to give to our children’s souls to nourish and drink of God’s righteousness and the truth of their salvation in God; when we place every our hope in Him for the sake of their life and wellbeing on this earth;

when we wholeheartedly and without a doubt put our trust in the Almighty Saviour Jesus Christ and His Testament: “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? . . . for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:31-33);

when we shall open our eyes and stare into this ominous truth: in recent times our people have senselessly repeated the sin of the infanticide, called, in our times “abortion”, this extermination of a huge part of the littlest Bulgarians is the biggest misdeed of contemporary Bulgaria, we (“the adult” Bulgarians) are continuing to do it until this very day under the influence of him who was a murderer (of the human) from the beginning, and we cause ourselves (by this biggest misdeed) all those new big tribulations we can remember, including the most terrible threat to us – (after some time) we completely to disappear off the face of the earth: for according to approximate calculations of our obstetricians, for the last 60 years (from 1953 until today) we the people of Bulgaria have been doing between 5 and 6 million “legal” murders of infants in the wombs of their mothers;

when we shall realize, once and forever, that this sin is a violation of God’s Sixth Commandment, which reads plainly and clearly as follows: “Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13); when this sin will be despised by us and when we cast it aside from our lives;

when we shall repent for this terrible sin with tears in our eyes and a broken heart, and through our national Constitution forever prohibit all of its various forms, including that which effects by medication;

when we shall recognize this act as premeditated murder, when we register it in our Constitution and our Criminal Code precisely as premeditated murder for which as an accessory to murder will be indicted not only the pregnant woman, who gave her accord, and the real murderer of her fruit, but also the father of the child, as well as everybody who coerced, incited, encouraged and assisted the pregnant woman to deliver her unborn infant to be murdered;

when we shall love the infants (we have murdered) as we love ourselves, and when we lift up towards Heaven a Love Prayer for them: “Lord Jesus Christ . . . baptize them in the sea of Your generosity and deprive them not of Your Divine Light”; . . . when we shall believe, without doubt in our heart, that no one Bulgarian will be saved, if he did not die as a true Christian, but also no one Bulgarian will convert into a true Christian, if he did not bath in the full of grace bath of the Orthodox Baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity;

when all those ten or fifteen percent of the Bulgarian people, who are not yet baptized in the Orthodox Church, finally will pass through the true spiritual birth – the Orthodox Holy Baptism from the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who hallows the Orthodoxy;

when we shall recognize that the Sacrament of Holy Marriage, which is being done in the Orthodox Church, is the only rightful Marriage, coming rightfully from God to us (the people of Bulgaria and all the Orthodox people of God); when we shall legitimate and approve of the Orthodox Marriage by a legal act in our country, as a completely legal and independent Marriage which doesn’t need previous contracting a civil marriage;

when we shall learn to be kind-hearted with all our young men and maids, and to encourage and support them (by all good means) to enter into the temple for their Holy Marriage immediately after they will reach the age of majority: for this fruit will be pleasing to God; when we shall become able to lead with suffering all our women who conceived children in their wombs (adults, young, and even all of them who still do not have the age of majority) to the Divine Marriage: for this act will be fulfilling of the Will of God;

when we shall begin to pray most strenuously to the Lord, if it be possible, let He rejoice us with this most blessed gift: our people to live a new life with no one not married man, and with no one not married woman, and with no one couple which is not crowned and married in the Orthodoxy, but let to come a holy day when finally we all (the men and the women of Bulgaria) shall be crowned with glory and honor by the Lord God under the dome of the Orthodox temple in a matrimonial union which lifts up by the Grace of God to the inseparable spiritual union of Christ the Almighty Bridegroom and His only Bride – the Holy Orthodox Church;

when we shall believe by unquenchable faith that in the Orthodox Holy Marriage we receive the Grace of God from above, and God joins us, a man and a woman, in an inseparable matrimonial union, and from the moment of our Holy Marriage forward we will be under the commandment and the truth that Jesus has given us: “They are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6);

when we shall forget forever about the divorcement; when all our spouses (men and women), who are crowned and married by God, shall begin to win the victory of the fidelity in their Christian Marriage, in order to stay devoted spouses until the end of their earthly way when they will fall asleep in the Lord;

when we shall begin to lift up to God fiery prayers for blessed birth of at least three children in every Bulgarian family, for it is obvious this is the only possible way for our people to turn from decrease to increase;

when we shall lead into the Temple of God all children who were given to us by Him, in order to offer them to His most blessed hands, and they to be transfigured and turned in true little Christians by His ineffable and supernatural Grace in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism; when we shall lead all our newly-baptized young children into eternal unity with God by His life-creating Sacraments in His only Church; when we shall teach them (while they are little) to walk by the way of salvation which leads to our Creator and His Holy Orthodoxy;

when we (the people of Bulgaria) all together shall enter into the blessed life of the true Church of Christ; when we shall begin to visit (tirelessly and steadily) the Temple of God in accordance with the teaching of our venerable and God-bearing (Ancient) Fathers, until the end of our earthly life, being thirsty after the uniting with God by the Heavenly Sacraments in His Holy House, but mostly by His awesome and life-creating Communion – the true and most pure Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;

when we shall win a victory over the faithless and weak human who is within us, and shall begin to believe and confess, by an indestructible faith, that always during the Orthodox Divine Liturgy God the Holy Ghost changes (not symbolically, but indeed) the bread and wine into the true, immortal and life-giving Flesh and Blood of Christ the Savior that we shall eat and drink even up to our last breath on earth, for eternal uniting with Him, for the health and blessed strength of both soul and body, and for eternal life, by a firm trust in the unrepealed words of Christ: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:53-54);

when we shall begin to glorify God, for the Orthodox Faith is prevailing in our Bulgaria, as we remember that about 85 to 90 percent of us (the Bulgarians) were baptized into the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria – Bulgarian Patriarchate, and it is written in today’s Constitution of Bulgaria: “The Traditional Religion in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Eastern Orthodox Confession of the Faith”;

when we shall love the Orthodox Church of Christ with the kind of strong love that once and for all will banish from our soul all doubts that this Church is the only inheritance of Christ our living God and Savior; when with our heart full of this invincible love we come to believe forever that we shall be saved solely in the Orthodoxy and that it is solely through His Holy Orthodox Church our only Savior will grant eternal salvation to us, the peoples of Bulgaria, Russia, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Georgia, … we, who were baptized in God’s Orthodoxy just from the beginning of our Christian way, and most of whom to this day have the Orthodox Holy Baptism and define ourselves as Orthodox Christians;

when we realize and comprehend that the faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ is the only sacred faith of the Bulgarian people because it was bequeathed to all Bulgarians by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself through Bulgaria’s heavenly patron, St. Yoan (John) the Wonderworker of Rila, through St. Tsar (King) Boris, Baptizer of Bulgaria, through Saints Cyril and Methodius and Clement of Ohrid, Equal-to-the-Apostles Slav-Bulgarian Illuminators, and through many other persons chosen and appointed by God derived from our Bulgarian people, and because our whole history is an irrevocable proof that these and all other Saints of Christ born from a Bulgarian womb, every single one of them, are pure Orthodox Saints;

when we shall love God with all our soul, because He has loved us to the end and forever, and He redeems us from our sins through His most pure suffering and death on the Cross, and because we have been baptized in the Holy Orthodoxy according to His Will and His Providence for our salvation;

when we open our spiritual eyes to see that the Orthodox Faith is our glory, our king’s way, our priceless treasure that raises us to Heaven, and that the greatest benefactions for us – life and strength, light and joy, land and country, alphabet and liberation from two bondages, all this has been given to us by the Lord because we have remained to this day in His Orthodox Christian community;

when we shall believe with all our heart that God is calling upon us (the people of Bulgaria) to stay strong and never to surrender ourselves to perdition and wiping off the face of the earth (never until the coming of His righteous Last Judgement), because He honored us to be the first Slavic-speaking people to accept the Orthodox Christianity from Constantinople, to be an inseparable part of His Holy Orthodoxy, to be bearers and luminaries of the true faith in God and of the Slavonic script for those Slavic-speaking peoples who were baptized in the Orthodoxy after us, including for the people of great Russia;

when we shall accept in our soul and shall love like brothers all Orthodox Christians on this earth, regardless of their nationality and race, and shall believe that will undoubtedly be saved by Jesus every human creature who has been born on earth and who once and for all has stepped on board the salvational ship of the Orthodoxy and receives the Holy Communion, the genuine and salvational Flesh and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;

when deep in our heart we shall accept the truth that the Holy Orthodox Church is the first, original, foremost Church of Christ the All-Powerful, and this Church is within its rights to celebrate its 2000th birthday, for it was founded by Christ the Lord in the first century from His Birth in the flesh, on the fiftieth day after His most glorious Resurrection from the dead, or on the day of Pentecost, when (according to the book of The Acts of the Apostles in the Holy Bible) the Holy Ghost, promised and sent by Christ, descended upon each of the Apostles of the Lord in the kind of “cloven tongues like as of fire” and filled all of them with His supernatural Grace, and as a result of this majestic event all Orthodox Christians around the world, both clergymen and laymen, are the true Christian community and the true people of the New Testament of God until the present day. Yes, a faith lives in me that if we fulfill all of this, we shall win a victory over the evil, and our All-Victorious Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ shall preserve the being of our state and our people until the end of this world, by His generosity which is a bottomless abyss.

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Here is me, a creation of God who is ready to establish “Sofia Orthodox Television”: for my insignificant person is an Orthodox Christian who is one of the littlest pieces of the Orthodox Church of Christ, our immortal God and Savior, to whom it is allowed (according to His unspeakable mercy) to live in the saving life of His Holy Church and to partake of a share of His most pure and heavenly Gifts, who studied cinema and television, but refuses to make worldly screen productions, and aims to create only Orthodox Christian films and TV productions to the last breath of the own earthly life, and who shot and edited, by the measureless Grace of God, a 90 minute Orthodox Christian documentary film which is titled “Our Faith and the Miracles of God”. For my person is exactly such an Orthodox Christian, a firm hope lives in my heart that God will give me, according to His everlasting and tender mercies, to establish “Sofia Orthodox Television” as a public-benefit nonprofit juridical person (foundation), and to receive the needful reserved rights over that to be the establisher and the host (the presenter) of a television program which shall be titled “There is Orthodoxy in Our Country, There are Bulgarian People”. According to my firm hope “Sofia Orthodox Television” shall be generously blessed and spiritually admonished and strengthened by the Clergy of the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria – Bulgarian Patriarchate, and mostly by the First Hierarch of our Holy Church – His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria.



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