K-waenga-Ngā-raina-AI NZ Prisons the Niu Emergency Housing #tetimesniu :p
Te Tari TTN ki Te Pāpaka-a-Māui
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Kua whetūrangitia katoatia - hei te wā Wairoa Star.
KupuGBT-100 kindly explains, in 100 words and bilingual, the NZ government's proposed legislation to make the installation of eRUC devices compulsory for all vehicles:
"Ka whakarite te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa i te kaupapa whakarite i ngā taupānga rori ā-rahua eRUC, kia whakamahi ana i ngā waka katoa. Ko te take o tēnei kaupapa he whakarite i ngā utu mō te whakamahi i ngā rori, ā, ka tukuna e ngā taupānga rori ēnei moni. Ka whakakorengia te whakamahi o ngā rongoā pepa, ā, ka whakamahia ngā momo hinonga rori hei ārahi i te rapu i ngā mahi rori. E whai ake ana te whakarite i ngā utu mō ngā waka katoa, kia āwhina i te whakamārama i ngā mahi rori me te whakaiti i ngā raru whakahaere." #1piriona
"The proposed eRUC legislation in New Zealand mandates the installation of electronic road user chargers (eRUC) in all vehicles. This system replaces paper-based methods with electronic devices to track road usage and apply charges accordingly. The legislation aims to ensure fairer road funding, especially as heavy vehicles contribute significantly to road wear and tear. Making eRUC compulsory for all vehicles enhances accuracy in tracking road usage and simplifies payment processes. It also intends to streamline administrative tasks associated with traditional road charging methods, promoting efficiency in the country's transportation sector."
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