Bobby Klinck

Bobby Klinck We help entrepreneurs protect their online businesses quickly, easily, and affordably with my dummy-proof legal templates.

Your Online Genius is an educational business that is dedicated to help online entrepreneurs safeguard their online platforms. Too many entrepreneurs build their online genius, but don't take basic steps to protect it because they think they have to hire an expensive lawyer. We offer do-it-yourself services, including courses and forms that empower online entrepreneurs.

For my entrepreneur friends... big update at Plainly Legal! A single price point just won't do... that's why my team and...

For my entrepreneur friends... big update at Plainly Legal!

A single price point just won't do... that's why my team and I rolled out additional options for getting your legal protection in place.

Whether you're just getting started and need a single legal template or are a growing business looking to lock in an automated legal solution for your business, we have a solution for you.

You can learn more at


Join us for the unveiling of Plainly Legal™ where you'll learn about our plans for the software, how it'll help your business, and how you can be part of the beta program!

If you're like most online business owners I know, you didn't start your business to spend time dealing with the legal s...

If you're like most online business owners I know, you didn't start your business to spend time dealing with the legal stuff.

You'd rather be creating your course... coaching your clients... creating digital products... serving done-for-you clients... or doing just about anything other than dealing with the legal stuff.

And, err, the legal solutions you've found probably didn't really make the legal stuff easy and painless.

What if it could be quick, easy, and painless to deal with the legal stuff?

I'm talking about:

✅ A clear, prioritized "to-do" list so you'd know exactly what you need to do
✅ Tools that make it quick and easy to check things off your legal "to-do" list
✅ Access to get quick answers to your legal questions

Until now, that kind of solution hasn't existed... at least not unless you wanted to pay a lawyer a few grand each month to be "on retainer."

My team and I decided that isn't okay and set off to create an affordable solution.

What we came up with is a software solution called Plainly Legal™.

While the robots can't make lawyers completely obsolete, Plainly Legal™ will make it possible for you to deal with about 95% of your legal stuff yourself... and it makes it easy too!

We'll be unveiling Plainly Legal™ at a live event happening at 1 PM Eastern time on June 1.

If Plainly Legal™ sounds like the solution you've been looking for, you can reserve your spot for the unveiling at #/registration

Any course creators in the house? 🙋‍♂️Well… back by popular demand… I’ve got a FREE training for you all about the legal...

Any course creators in the house? 🙋‍♂️

Well… back by popular demand… I’ve got a FREE training for you all about the legal stuff for online courses happening next week!

I’ll walk through the FIVE big legal areas you need to consider if you’re creating an online course, including:

👉 Naming Your Course - I’ll cover the trademark rules and how to run a trademark clearance search.

👉 Creating Your Course - I’ll make sure course creators avoid copyright landmines and get agreements from all the right people involved in creating their content.

👉 Marketing Your Course - I’ll talk FTC rules, testimonials, and affiliates.

👉 Selling Your Course - I’ll focus on getting your Course Terms & Conditions in place and agreed to in the process.

👉 Protecting Your Course - I’ll talk about what steps course creators should take once they are confident a course will be part of their long-term business plan.

We ran a similar training back in February, and it was a HIT!

I even stayed on the call an extra 1 ½ hours to answer all the questions people had.

The Legit Online Courses Made Simple training is taking place on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 @ 1p.m. EST.

Register NOW! 💻

Regardless of what the terms of use for the AI system you are using say... you do NOT own the output. The Copyright Offi...

Regardless of what the terms of use for the AI system you are using say... you do NOT own the output.

The Copyright Office has issued guidance making its position clear, where the AI decides the ultimate "expressive elements of its output" (and that is the case with all the standard generative AI systems), the output is "not the product of human authorship."

Because these are not works of "human authorship" they are not eligible for copyright protection. In other words, no one really owns the output. Once it's out in the world, anyone can copy it and use it to their heart's content.

That's true even where the user's prompts are highly specific... and when the user goes through multiple rounds of prompts to refine the output.

There are some nuances here, including that you can claim copyright for a creative organization of the output (e.g. how you combine images and text), but you won't own the underlying elements.

Does this mean you shouldn't use AI systems? Nope. Not necessarily.

It just means you should go in with your eyes open. Recognize that you won't be able to protect your AI-generated creations and plan accordingly.

You’ve come up with a dynamite idea 🎉 for an online course, one that you are sure will be a hit.But one thing is stumpin...

You’ve come up with a dynamite idea 🎉 for an online course, one that you are sure will be a hit.

But one thing is stumping you… naming your online course! 🤔

It seems so simple. How hard is it to pick a freaking course name?!?

Actually, there's a lot more to it than picking a name out of a hat. 🎩

Check out the latest blog post to learn the best tips for naming your online course and how to make sure you can legally use it!

Look at you go! You've successfully created and sold your online course! 🎉All of those purchase alerts are feeling great...

Look at you go!

You've successfully created and sold your online course! 🎉

All of those purchase alerts are feeling great... 💰

Um, except when they're not.

Like when a customer asks for a refund. 😲

Uh oh.

Dealing with the legal stuff may seem boring, but it’s important.

And creating a refund policy for your online course should be at the top of your priority list.

Get the tips here ⬇️ on how to create a refund policy for your online course that is fair, clear, and legally compliant.

My team and I have made a big decision.We have decided to refocus the business on selling legal templates.That means tha...

My team and I have made a big decision.

We have decided to refocus the business on selling legal templates.

That means that I’m stepping away from my role as a business coach.

Going forward, we will not be offering BOM Coaching or the BOM Membership.

We will not be hosting BOM Live.

And we will be moving BOMU off our platform to YouTube where it will live for free.

This is not a decision we’ve made lightly.

If you are a podcast listener, check out to the FINAL episode of the Certified BADA$$ Online Marketing Podcast.

In this episode, I lay out my reasoning in considerably more detail.

Think of it as one last bit of business coaching. (Can’t help myself!)

You can check it out any your favorite podcast app.

I'm back on another episode of Mindset First with Linda Perry!And you can probably guess it... this time, we're talking ...

I'm back on another episode of Mindset First with Linda Perry!

And you can probably guess it... this time, we're talking about all things email marketing.

Take a listen on your favorite podcast platform of Episode 89 - Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck.

Best. Review. Ever. Look, I know that I should probably start by posted reviews that talk about the substance of my upco...

Best. Review. Ever.

Look, I know that I should probably start by posted reviews that talk about the substance of my upcoming book ("Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck").

I mean, that would be the REGULAR way to go...

But I'm anything but regular.

Instead, I just have to share this one. One of my advanced readers (she's on my "launch team") actually printed all 240 pages of the PDF version out on her printer... and started her review with a Seinfeld reference followed by the highest compliment — that my book was WORTH the ink toner.

Sure, Tracy went on to say that the book changed her entire outlook on email and has her exicted to start emailing her list...
..but, come on, a sponge-worthy reference is really all you need to know.

Thanks for the kind words (and the laugh ).

The book officially goes on sale May 3.

You can find a link in my bio (or just head over to

Although it might seem boring and old, email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of marketing. In fact, i...

Although it might seem boring and old, email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of marketing.

In fact, it has the highest return on investment of any form of marketing.

And if you've been in my world for a while, you may have read an email or two you've enjoyed.

But today's post isn't about how effective email marketing is... it's about making sure you've got the legal stuff set up so you can actually send your awesome emails to your audience.

So, that means one thing... creating a privacy policy for email marketing.

In today's post, we'll cover all the things you need to know about how email marketing and privacy policies collide. You'll know why you need an email privacy policy, what you should include, and how to create one.


You've got your website privacy policy created and looking good.Great! So... now what?Well, it actually needs to get on ...

You've got your website privacy policy created and looking good.

Great! So... now what?

Well, it actually needs to get on your website so it'll be used for its purpose.

I know a lot of people get confused about exactly where they should put it and whether they need to include links or not.

To help you figure it out, check out this week's post!


When it comes to your website, do you know the difference between a privacy policy and terms of use? And what about a di...

When it comes to your website, do you know the difference between a privacy policy and terms of use? And what about a disclaimer?

If you’re not exactly sure what the difference is… you’re not alone.

It’s common for website owners to confuse these important website legal policies.

But fear not! In today's post, we’ll help you understand the difference and show you how to get them in place for your website lickety-split.

Dig in here 👇

The legal stuff is pretty stinking boring, and writing a privacy policy probably sounds like the ultimate snooze-fest… o...

The legal stuff is pretty stinking boring, and writing a privacy policy probably sounds like the ultimate snooze-fest… or worse, the kind of thing that has you waking up in a cold sweat.

But here’s the thing…

You are legally required to have a privacy policy for your website, so skipping it could land you in legal hot water.

Yikes! 😮

This week on the blog, discover what you need to include in your website privacy policy and candidly, why you should not write it yourself... because you can get a lawyer-created one for free!


You've arrived! If you've been doing the online business thing for quite some time, you might be at the point of steppin...

You've arrived!

If you've been doing the online business thing for quite some time, you might be at the point of stepping out of the day-to-day operations and truly stepping into being the owner.

And for that, I say "Congrats!" 🎉
..but, now what?

It’s what we call Phases 5 & 6 of the BADA$$ Online Marketing™ (BOM) Process.

When I say process, that's what it is... because going through the previous phases isn't a race. Remember, you're building a real business here.

So, how do you know you have team members that can successfully run parts of your business without you?

And how do you know when you have solid financial footing in your business?

In this week's plog, you'll learn...

🏦 What is the Banker Phase
🤑 Where and what you need to focus on for your business finances
🧐 What is the Leader Phase
🤝 The importance of utilizing leadership skills on your team

Scale your product.As a knowledge brand, you hear it all. the. time. 😳So, how do you scale in a way that will actually w...

Scale your product.

As a knowledge brand, you hear it all. the. time. 😳

So, how do you scale in a way that will actually work for your business?

And honestly, how do you even know if you're ready to scale or not? 🤔

In Phase 4, The Scientist Phase, your focus is finding the right offer that can scale and work without you having to do everything in the business in a direct one-to-one relationship.

This phase is all about trying out your ideas, testing them, learning from them and then iterating on that result.

Check out this week's plog to learn...

👉 What scaling means for a knowledge brand
👉 The different types of scaling
👉 The importance of a product-market fit
👉 How to conduct the right testing for your product
👉 When you've reached the sweet spot and can move on to the next phase

"Why isn't anyone buying from me?"Your course. Your program. Your product. When I ask online business owners about one o...

"Why isn't anyone buying from me?"

Your course. Your program. Your product.

When I ask online business owners about one of their biggest struggles.

This is one of them. ⬆️

Despite what the latest guru (or Field of Dreams) might claim... if you build it, they will NOT come. 😩

📣 I'll say it again... just because you build a product, if you haven't researched your market and if you haven't nurtured your leads (if you even have any), your product will continue to sit on the virtual shelf collecting dust. 🧹

How do you create the proper building blocks for your business so that you can actually serve the right people with the right content and the right products?

Check out this week's plog when we go into detail about the Builder and Recruitment Phases. You'll learn the importance of

✔️ Getting people on your email list
✔️ Converting people from leads to buyers
✔️ Retaining and caring for your leads after they become buyers
✔️ The quickest way to get to the point of having an online business that will make enough money to support your lifestyle
✔️ Creating ways to generate traffic to your online business

Building an online business is a process.Yea… not what you want to hear. 🙄As we talked about last week, there are 7 phas...

Building an online business is a process.

Yea… not what you want to hear. 🙄

As we talked about last week, there are 7 phases to building a successful online business. But these phases aren't cookie-cutter steps. It's a flow and process of trials and of failures.

One thing that’s for sure? Trusting the process means having a plan.

And the truth bomb here is: Your plans will likely change. 🤯

So this isn’t a phase that I want you to spend too much time on.

📣 "Well then, what the heck's the point in planning, Bobby?"

There is still a method to my madness.

Join me on the plog as I go into what you should be focusing on in Phase 1, The Planner Phase. We'll be covering...

✔️ The 3 big parts of the Planner Phase
✔️ Why you need to determine your core competencies and areas of expertise
✔️ The importance of listening to people who are already serving your target audience
✔️ Why you need to be among your people
✔️ How to put together your business plan

Want to get your business into motion? 💡 Let's get started with your plan!

I love it when I buy a product or service online that makes me feel totally ignored, undervalued, and like I’m the incon...

I love it when I buy a product or service online that makes me feel totally ignored, undervalued, and like I’m the inconvenience that simultaneously pays for their golf trip and then keeps them from having the time to play…

Said no one ever!! 🙄

So why, in the name of all that is good marketing, is THIS the customer experience that seems to be the status quo in the online space?

Trust me… if you haven’t had an experience like this in our space, you will sooner or later.

👉 Also trust me when I say if that’s the kind of experience you’re going to give me as a customer, I’m out… and I’m never coming back. No second chances.

And your customers prolly feel the same way. 😱

But there IS a bright side to this dumpster fire we call the customer experience in the online marketing space…

It makes the businesses who ACTUALLY care about the experience of their customers stand head and shoulders above the rest.

So join me on the plog as I share with you how you can create a customer experience that will help you stand out and keep your customers coming back for more!

This post is part of an ongoing series about the 4 essential machines you need to build for your business! Scroll down or visit the plog to see the other episodes, including:

⚙️ Your Operations Machine
🚦 Your Traffic Machine
🔄 Your Conversion Machine
🤩 Your Customer Experience Machine (This post!)

“SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!”Now you KNOW you want to read this post because it starts with the single most quoted line from a...


Now you KNOW you want to read this post because it starts with the single most quoted line from any movie ever. (Bonus points if you’re old enough to name the movie the, btw.)

Okay, maybe I made that bit of pop culture trivia up (and maybe I didn’t), but the point remains the same:

You need it. I need it. We ALL need it in our businesses. 💰CONVERSIONS💰

I mean, what would our businesses be if we didn’t have conversions?

❌ NOT a business, that’s what.

So how do we get MORE conversions from the people who would actually benefit from our offers?

Enter this post!

Join me over on the Plog (or Blogcast, if you side with Katie’s thoughts on what we should name it… which would obviously be wrong) where I’m going to break down 5 elements you need to build the Conversion Machine for your business.

👉 Hint: Conversions are about more than making sales. If you wanna know more, read the post.

This post is part of an ongoing series about the 4 essential machines you need to build for your business! Scroll down or visit the blog to see the other episodes, including:

⚙️ Your Operations Machine
🚦 Your Traffic Machine
💰 Your Conversion Machine
😎 Your Customer Experience Machine (Publishing soon!)

If you’ve been following the series, I’d love to know which have you learned the most from! Do the thing 💬 and tell me!

In December 2020, my team and I made the audacious decision to create a training university for online business owners a...

In December 2020, my team and I made the audacious decision to create a training university for online business owners and give it away for free.

Sitting here 13 months later, BOMU™ has 9 courses, ranging from foundational courses about marketing, legal, and financial to courses about list building and my signature email marketing program.

And there are multiple more in the works as I write this.

In the next couple of days, we should surpass 2,000 students inside BOMU™.

I was reflecting on that number and was blown away. If you assume an average price of just $200 per course (and that's a super-conservative cost per course), that means we have given away about $3.6 million in value in courses in 13 months.

That's pretty stinking cool in my book.

If you haven't enrolled yet, you can join at

Help me give away another $3.5 million or more this year!


Tired of spending all your money buying online courses to learn how to market your business?

Good news... you don't have to!

Join BOMU™ for FREE and get access to an ever-growing library of courses that will help you build and market your online business.

Enroll at

You know that feeling when you get all dressed up but have nowhere to go?You showered, shaved, put product in your hair,...

You know that feeling when you get all dressed up but have nowhere to go?

You showered, shaved, put product in your hair, put on real pants (you know, the kind that DON’T have an elastic waistband!)… heck, you even made sure to freshen up your deodorant to mask that “home office” smell that can sometimes creep up on you. (Don’t worry. This is a judgment-free zone.)

You’re feeling on top of the world… 🎉

Then you realize one thing: You have nowhere to be and no one to go with.

*womp, womp*

You wasted all that time getting ready and looking your best only to stay home and watch reruns of Seinfeld and eat two-day-old pizza.

Well, building a business without a traffic machine is kinda like that… only with your business.

You do all that work creating offers, creating content, and trying to figure out how to set up your freaking website and then… nothing. happens.

It’s like your business got all dressed up but had nowhere to go.

Damn. 🙄

Sounds to me like your business MIGHT need a nice healthy dose of TRAFFIC. 🚦

But before you throw the “No 💩, Sherlock” gifs my way, I have a brand-new episode of the BADA$$ Online Marketing Blog(cast) that shares 5 of the best traffic generators to attract leads to your business.

You can thank me later. 😉

(This is part of our ongoing series about the 4 essential machines every online business NEEDS to thrive! Scroll down to see the other episodes on the 4 machines.)


The traditional approach to learning how to build and market an online business is broken!

There's a never-ending set of skills, strategies, and tactics that you have to master...

And the gurus want you to pay hundreds or thousands to learn EACH of them.

😱 There's the $1,997 course that is an overview of what you need to build...

😱😱 The $397 course about list-building...

😱😱😱 The email marketing course that runs you $1,497...

😱😱😱😱 The $997 messaging course...

😱😱😱😱😱 The content marketing training will cost you $497...

😱😱😱😱😱😱The $497 courses about each social platform...

And on... and on... and on!

When you add it all up, learning how to build your online business seems to require you to take out a second mortgage... or maybe sell your first-born child.

But wait... it gets WORSE!

No, seriously... it does.

Because each guru teaches one or two strategies or tactics, they are ALL telling you that THEIR strategies or tactics are the best, the fastest, the cheapest, and who the heck knows what else.

So figuring out where to start is nearly impossible...

Have you ever thought there has to be a better way?????

Well, we sure did.

Call me weird if you must, but my team and I believe entrepreneurship should be accessible to everyone, including people who don't have the money to drop thousands and thousands of dollars on courses.

That's why we created BOMU™ — a 100% free program with an ever-growing list of courses to help you build and market your online business.

Inside BOMU™, you don't just get courses... you get guidance on what the heck you should be focused on right now in your business.

We created the BOM™ Process to help you find the ONE thing you should be working on at any given moment in your business and walk you through that process in the program.

So you now have a choice:

You could keep pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to market and going broke buying course after course after course...
..or you could join BOMU™ absolutely free to get an entire library of courses and guidance on what you should be focused on in your business.

I know which I'd choose.

Join BOMU™ here:

So I have a question for you...How AWARE of your business, products, services, etc., is your audience?If your answer is ...

So I have a question for you...

How AWARE of your business, products, services, etc., is your audience?

If your answer is any of these...

👉 I think they know about me.
👉 How could they NOT know about me?! I'm awesome!
👉 I have a blog, so I'm pretty sure the whole world is aware.
👉 I have no freaking clue.
.. there's a good chance that your audience's level of awareness is about as high as George Costanza's ability to offer sound relationship advice.

Like George, you're prolly the problem.

Unlike George, you can definitely FIX the problem! 🎉

An effective content strategy for your business should include content in each of the three core strategic categories:

😶‍🌫️ Awareness
😎 Thought Leadership
🤗 Nurturing
🤔 Consideration
🤑 Conversion

But it all STARTS with awareness content.

Most businesses aren't meeting their people where they are... which means those people never even have a chance to find out about them.

And that's what we're talking about today in this episode of What Is Marketing -- building awareness content into your content strategy.

Grab a quick snack and join me for this bite-sized nugget of marketing knowhow and become aware of the importance of building awareness into your content. (See what I did there? 😜)



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Our Story

Hey, I'm Bobby...Harvard law grad turned online entrepreneur.

But I'm not your typical lawyer. I speak English (not legalese), use p**p emojis (like 💩 ), and make lame pop-culture references...all in hopes that you'll forget I'm a lawyer for a bit and stick around. 😎

I've built a multiple six-figure business by focusing on the basics and ignoring the "secret" bu****it the gurus are peddling.

My mission is to help YOU & other online entrepreneurs create businesses they love.