Have you had financial dealings with Winston Ellis MBE?

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  • Have you had financial dealings with Winston Ellis MBE?

Have you had financial dealings with Winston Ellis MBE? This is a Public Information page. Please only share facts & do not use slander. This page is NOT claiming to be Winston Ellis. We will NEVER ask for money.

If stating your experience, please state this and state your opinion as opinion. It is for a page for anyone effected by giving him money, hiring him and not getting goods, or projects delivered. If WE has delivered on a project, please post your evidence and experience

This is interesting A few days ago we posted a YouTube interview of   stating that he was the producer of The Beast with...

This is interesting

A few days ago we posted a YouTube interview of stating that he was the producer of The Beast with Eddie Hall. This interview took place 2 years after Winston was removed from the project. Therefore the video was clear evidence that could potentially have legal ramifications for him and he potentially lied about his involvement during the interview.

The fact that the creator of the video has now removed the video from YouTube all together in the last 24 hours speaks volumes. If it was a honest account then why feel the need to take it down suddenly after it being publicly available for 2 years. In our opinion there are 2 reasons why the video was removed, but you decide for yourself.

Luckily we took the liberty of keeping a copy of the part of the video where Mr Ellis makes the claim of being the producer of The Beast (Eddie Hall documentary), which will be forwarded to Jeridoo Universe who have already stated they are dealing with their lawyers in realtion to this.

Regarding Eddie Hall - The Beast and the new documentary.  IThis video was 2 years ago in 2022.  Though Jeridoo Universe...

Regarding Eddie Hall - The Beast and the new documentary. I

This video was 2 years ago in 2022. Though Jeridoo Universe and Taming the Beast made a statement that Winston Ellis was removed from the project quite some time before this. Yet Winston still claims it is HIS project and HE is the producer

Winston Ellis talks growing up, getting into martial arts, acting, making action movies and more. From meeting Jackie chan for the first time to, being in ac...

It appears as though Mr Winston Ellis is not sure what he is 3 times world champion of.  Here are 3 screenshots from Mr ...

It appears as though Mr Winston Ellis is not sure what he is 3 times world champion of. Here are 3 screenshots from Mr Winston Ellis own accounts. He doesn't seem to remember what world championship he won. The screenshots below are from his own words.

Surely if you won a world championship 3 times then you would remember whether it was in kick boxing, Thai Boxing or Martial arts ?

We still can't find a record of either? It may well exist but if Mr Ellis can't remember what his title was for then this makes it difficult to verify.

We now know who won these CCJs against Mr Ellis.  Both were money loans made to him by 2 different people, after him ask...

We now know who won these CCJs against Mr Ellis. Both were money loans made to him by 2 different people, after him asking for money to tide him over until he got his big netflix Payout... which we know is an absolute lie.

If you have loaned anyone money, if you proof that you sent them money then you can, for a small fee go through claims



It's only fair that we acknowledge that Winston has infact been in small number of films and TV parts, all be it as an extra and some infrequent, small speaking parts, but he has been in some TV and movie appearances.

Though it is our opinion that Winston hugely over exaggerates his roles and his connections. It is also our opinion that Winston uses the small amount of online features about himself, largely from charities, to gain trust from business people (who give him money for supposed investment) and women who he targets online through social media.


We recommend that any persons considering investment, with anyone, do extensive background checks, CCJ checks and even criminal DBS checks if necessary, including spent convictions.

If you are approached by someone online, regardless of their status, do not give them any financial information about yourself, do not send them money. To start communicating with someone, in person or online, and they begin asking for money, or asking for you to pay as their card is blocked. Then be very cautious and keep records of everything.

It has been claimed by Winston  in online video interviews (public information) that he has won 3 World Championships in...

It has been claimed by Winston in online video interviews (public information) that he has won 3 World Championships in Thai Boxing. However, so far we have only been able to find records where it is Winston himself making this claim. We have searched and searched for official records to back this up, but we have not found any, even in historical records. Is there any evidence of this?

This website lists the entire list are all world championship titles ever won by UK fighters. He's not on there, could we get some evidence of these 3 titles ?

We're not saying it's not true, we just can't find any evidence of it. If there is any, please do share it and we will immediately amend this post


If you have evidence against Winston George Ellis MBE please contact police and notify any outcome to the Honours system

If you have evidence against Winston George Ellis MBE please contact police and notify any outcome to the Honours system


In the interest of fairness, Winston is welcome to provide proof that he owned the Bentley he states he owned, The mansions he claims to own, The movie prodction company Ellis Enterprises that he claims to own in Hollywood, we have not been able to substantiate these claims

Winston is also invited to share any documention that he has from Netflix for the sale of his documentry about Eddie Hall - The Beast , surely there would be a letter, a contract, any sort of document, it would impossible for this not to have a paper trail if it were true?

We would like to add that we have multiple witness and evidence that Winston has made these claims.

Winston has sent these images to several people claiming that this is his mansion in Jamaica.  He is welcome to verify t...

Winston has sent these images to several people claiming that this is his mansion in Jamaica. He is welcome to verify this, although with a little bit of googling we found that images was taken from the Web and does not appear to be owned by anyone called ellis .

Perhaps someone can verify that he owns this?


Acquiring money by misrepresentation or deception is considered fraud. Yes, it is a crime.

If someone has lied to you about why they needed the money, then they have committed an offense.

If you have lent someone money or given money to someone because they said it was to care for their sick mother, or to pay their mothers bills. But they kept this money for themselves, then this is a criminal offence. If they have asked to borrow money whilst they are expecting a large sum from a project (yet that was a lie), then this too is fraud. It is obtaining money by deception.

No matter how much you have lent or given it is important that you report this to your local police. It could be that the person you are reporting is doing this on a large scale to multiple people. By reporting it you can help prevent others becoming victims

Regarding the Eddie Hall - The Beast documentary Winston puts his name to this documentary still and uses this associati...

Regarding the Eddie Hall - The Beast documentary

Winston puts his name to this documentary still and uses this association to obtain money from multiple people. To this date Winston still claims he is the producer of this documentary (see images currently on winstons instagram and other social media) and has told numerous people that he has sold it to netflix.

The current producers have told us that that Winston been part of the project since the end of 2019. According to Jeridoo Universe he as fully removed legally since last year.

We'd like to add that these images are taken from the public page of Winston Ellis where he has shared them openly to the public globally and they are still posted as of this date


For reassurance, it is not harassment if you respond to someone who contacted you with a question. We would also like to reassure anybody who contacts this page that they can do so in confidence and without repercussions.

This week another lady reached out to a woman who had already discovered the truth about Winstons multiple relationships, cheating and money taking (fact checked and verified on multiple accounts).

Winston has contacted the police accusing the person who was contacted, by yet another woman who believed she was the only girlfriend, of harassment. Naturally, if you are the person being contacted, then this is NOT illegal.

By Winston contacting the police about this, in our opinion, is a feeble attempt to try and flip the script to make himself appear as the victim.



With new witnesses coming forward this week, who are deeply appreciated. Just a reminder do state your feelings as your opinion, and state if you have evidence.

How many more ?

Please do report to your local police online if you feel you have been groomed, target and coerced into sending money to anyone under false pretences. It is a criminal offence for anyone to obtain money by deception, so is online grooming. You do not need to feel shame or embarrassed as you are a victim. There is support


If you have initially been contacted by Winston on tiktok or Instagram, and he tells you that this is the first times he's ever approached someone this way ... then this is a lie, which we can verify with evidence and multiple witnesses who will testify.

Winston has made contact with countless women on tiktok and Instagram, tells them he's never done this before and tells them he's been single for a long time.


We have been contacted now by over a dozen women who have all stated, and proven, that they have been in a relationship with Winston within in the same time frame. The evidence that has been shared with us is undeniable, very similar patterns and prolific untruths.

He has, unbeknownst to these innocent ladies, dating all of these women simultaneously.

He has asked them for money, he has bizarrely told them he is a millionaire.

He seems to model himself on the Tindler Swindler.

We would like to add that we have received firm evidence from all of these innocent ladies. We have also had reports from men and women in the film industry that Winston has unlawfully taken money from producers in excessive sums and taken off project.

We urge anyone, thinking of or already involved with either personally or in business to be very careful and to contact the police for advice.

Winston has told several women in the last few months that he is doing a documentary with Lewis Hamilton, we know he is not and we are reporting these claims to the agents of Lewis Hamilton as well the claims to be involved with Idris Elba, Johnny Depp and Eddie Hall. As we firmly believe them to be false and in our opinion he is using their names in order to build trust and obtain money.


If anyone has claimed to you that they are worth millions, but then ask for money, then please report this to:

National Benefit Fraud Hotline (NBFH) Telephone: 0800 854 440

Mr Ellis can be heard saying in the message below that he is in receipt of 5 million pounds in funds.


Winston is claiming that a particular charity are paying for him to have a solicitor.

Firstly, why does someone need a solicitor ?

Secondly, if you're a millionaire with a Bentley and buying 1 million pound House, then why does a charity need to foot your legal bill?


This is becoming astounding!

We have literally lost count of the number of women who have come forward via social media who have told us that they have lent and given money to Winston over the last few years. This is the pattern we have seen when they have shared their dialogue and screenshots with us that are from Winston. There is a distinct pattern:

- tells women he has been single for years

- claims to be a movie producer and is expecting a large payment

- love bombs and sends women photos of houses he wants to buy, often asks the women to house hunt for him for properties upto one million

- asks to borrow money to pay people who work for him until investors release funds

- tells women he needs money for his mother who is sick, occasionally he says his father too

- his bank card is lost or blocked, or he's forgotten it

- if the women are contacted by other women, he says they are a crazy ex

- tells women he is dating that he doesn't want them to been seen on his social media to protect them from the media

- becomes aggressive when challenged

- gas lights arguments to cancel dates and arrangements that he's promised and can't deliver on

- claims to be driving to a movie set in a movie trailer

- claims to be close friends with among others

- claims he is the producer of an documentary

- tells women he sees a future with them ... can I please borrow ??

If you are someone who has also experienced this pattern, then please get intouch. You are not alone, you are not crazy, there are many many of you

Here's what we do know. Winston is not the producer of a movie, he is not a Hollywood star, he is an extra. He does not drive a movie trailer to a movie set, he's an agency driver, he does not have 1 million to spend on a house, he does not own a Bentley and nor did he. He has recently been evicted from a 1 bedroom apartment for failing to pay rent. He has not been single for 2 or 5 years. None of the multiple women who have come forward are crazy (perhaps a little broke and upset about being lied to and deceived, but otherwise very sane and simply want justice). His mother is well cared for in a care home and receives full benefits and NHS cover all of her medical. Winston does not own any property overseas that we have been able to prove. His movie company in LA , Ellis Enterprises does not exist. His registered company here is over £100,000 in debt and most likely being looked at closely by HMRC.

He is not the producer of The Beast Eddie Hall, he was removed from this (for legal reasons we can not yet disclose why)

If you are a victim please get intouch as well.


Last year Winston claimed, to several sources, that he was the writer and producer of a movie being made in Margate, he also claimed to have a starring role.

In this voice clip he claims he has received £5 million in investment for the movie, and yet is asking one of his many secret girl friends for a loan of £2000 to pay "vendors" until the £5 million is released.

We found out that on that day, despite his claim, he was driving a truck for a driving agency called Vanta Staffing Reading .

We also found out that he was not in anyway, shape or form a director or producer. He only had a small part and even this was removed.

Listen to the voice clip that was provided to us. Date of message August 2023

The Tindler Swindler had a method - "Operating under a falsehood and inflated, fabrication of wealth, the man would charm women by presenting a distorted image of his wealth, convincing them to loan him money".


After receiving numerous reports from women who have been asked for money, and asked in depth financial questions, it is becoming deeply concerning. A number have reported online grooming to the police and we encourage anyone who has been contacted through tiktok, Instagram or other, if they have been asked financial questions, promised to return money if lent, or if you have sent money. Then please get intouch with the police.

What is Adult Grooming?

It’s a gradual process. The abuser picks their target, build up trust, and then the actual abuse, which is usually sexual or financial.

It often starts with friendship. The groomer will look for ways to gain their target’s trust, often with promises and love bombing, promises of a future, will often tell them they are the only one. Eventually they’ll start to ask for something in return, such as money for example or videos. Groomers of afults work to befriend or romance their victims, some organisations refer to it as “mate crime”.

There are many reasons why someone might groom an adult online. Some cases of grooming result in financial gain. In these cases, the groomer’s motivation is clear – financial or material game.

Please reach out if you are concerned about this, you are not alone and it is a crime.


Winston has told a number of people (witnessed and fact checked) that a particular lady, who has come forward with information about him, has had a warrant for her arrest pending.

We can undoubtedly confirm that these statements by Winston are absolutely false and it has been confirmed that the lady that she is under no police investigation whatsoever and there was never a warrant for her arrest. This was a complete fabrication by Winston Ellis.


We have received the following confirmation about The Beast documentary, which Winston is still claiming that he is part of and is due to receive over £1million for doing. Here is the factual information about this claim. Winston is NOT the producer of the documentary and is not expecting "life changing sums of money" as he has claimed to several people.

The following information is correct to the best of our knowledge and from credible sources:

Since late 2019 Winston has not been actively involved in production.

There is no Netflix deal

Winston cannot borrow against the IP of the film

Winston is not due to receive a large payout of several million upon release

Winston is currently still attached as co-producer on paper (IMDb, end credit) but not as an active producer. Due to a NDA, no further details can be given.

If Winston is talking to investors and people after June 2023 claiming to be a producer (active) and collecting money from people, this would be considered a violation and a potentially obtaining money by deception. This would also be the case if he is asking anyone to lend him money pending the release of the documentary

If you have been asked to lend money, pending money received for The Beast, then please contact Thames Valley Police to report this

Winston is now using this tiktok account.  Please do due diligence on everyone you meet on line.

Winston is now using this tiktok account. Please do due diligence on everyone you meet on line.


Several unrelated people have come forward with the same story told to them by Winston Ellis

Winston has told them that he is the producer and creator of an upcoming netflix documentary for Eddie Hall "The Beast". Winston has asked them all to lend him money to tide him over until he gets his big Payout from Netflix. Which he has been saying is pending for l over 3 years now.

The amounts Winston has told these people he's getting varies from £150,000 to £2,000,000 ..

We have looked quite deeply into this claim. It appears that Winston is not the producer or the brains behind this project at all. Winston was removed from the project.

Several witnesses have reported that Winston claims to have received 5 million in funding for The Beast ... we encourage you to look closely at his accounts on companies house. You will see from accounts submitted that this information is false


Please be aware that this is a public information page and we do have to comply with Defamation law and therefore we will remover slanderous comments on the page.

By all means do share your experiences, good or bad, be these will have to be fact checked ✔️


You may have been told that this page was reported to Facebook, or that it was reported to the police. As you can see, Facebook is satisfied that the page is not in breech of any T&Cs, the police have not ordered it to be removed. It is currently active and acting with accordance

This page continues to be non defamatory, and will only post fact or personal opinion. Any slanderous comments will be removed.

If you would like to share your personal experience on the page, please do so or you can do as others have chose to and reach out via private message

There is a current objection to striking off this company Rayzor Edge Films Ltd on Feb 9th.  HMRC can object if the comp...

There is a current objection to striking off this company Rayzor Edge Films Ltd on Feb 9th.

HMRC can object if the company has unpaid taxes or if they suspect tax evasion or avoidance

It is our opinion that this doesn't reflect a healthy, well run, or financially stable company.

It is also our opinion that should you be approached by a director of such a company then you would be wise to seek the advice of a trusted lawyer and accountant before handing over any money.

Please note that this is publicly available information on companies house.  For anyone thinking of investing with   on ...

Please note that this is publicly available information on companies house.

For anyone thinking of investing with on a project. He only has one company active on companies house (public information) that company is due to be struck off. What's interesting is the information about how much debt the company is in (all screenshots are public information)

We have numerous messages from people, who have told us that Winston claims to own a Bentley,  and that it's up for sale...

We have numerous messages from people, who have told us that Winston claims to own a Bentley, and that it's up for sale. He mentioned the garage that sold it for him to one lady, so she rang the garage and they confirmed they never had a Bentley for sale on behalf of Winston Ellis . The Bentley actually belonged to a family/friend.

Has Winston ever told you he owned a Bentley last year?




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