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Mr Flesh

Mr Flesh (the sinful nature, the adamic nature, Mr Adamu) is schizophrenic; never sure of what he really wants. He delights in wrong thoughts, words and actions but hates it when he is described with those things he delights in. For instance, he loves to lie, cheat, kill etc but is ready to sue you to court if you called him a liar, a cheat or a murderer, accusing you of character assassination. He is embarrassed, filled with shame and disgrace when caught red-handed and resorts to pleading not to be exposed (in otherwords, he wants to still be presented as a good and nice person) or to be pardoned, falsely promising to change. Sometimes, he threatens and actually kills anyone who tries to expose him just to cover up his evil deeds. Some other time, he proudly excuses his evil deeds, remaining adamant and unrepentant.

Mr Flesh wants to be known and praised for good things but cannot bring himself to do those good things he so desires to be known and praised for. He pretends and is hypocritical, presenting himself as something good while in reality he is rotten through and through.

Mr Flesh, your condition is worse than can be imagined and aggravates by the day but is not hopeless.
The only reason it is like it is because you have not yet appropriated the solution to your malady which has been graciously offered to you. Mr Flesh has already been crucified with Christ. Therefore, he should be brought to the cross today without pitying it so that its death may be effected with immediate effect otherwise, it will lead the soul it houses to eternal damnation in hell fire.

Links to my new book: Thriving Faith will be made available tomorrow. Stay glued to your screen as not to miss it.

Links to my new book: Thriving Faith will be made available tomorrow. Stay glued to your screen as not to miss it.

The fastest way to becoming useless is courting everyone else's love and pleasure; if you're ambitious to be loved, prai...

The fastest way to becoming useless is courting everyone else's love and pleasure; if you're ambitious to be loved, praised, spoken well off, approved and commended by just anyone, you are sure to amount to nothing. Being loved by everyone means that you do not have a stand of your own and also that you easily compromise and/or jettison your stand if you have any at all just so that you will be praised and accepted.

The men and women who touched lives and made impart in their generations and posterity were people who had defined stances in matters of life, faith, politics, education, etc. They might have been persecuted, hated, maligned, slandered and what have you, yet they stood their ground, refusing to cower or cave in.

Jesus says: "Woe unto you if all men shall speak good of you for so they praised the false prophets." If Jesus says woe unto a person, there's no two ways about it, that person is truly woed. A false prophet can be likened to a person who says only what the people want to hear and not what he knows to be the truth; he panders to people's whims and caprices and scratches their itching ears with sugar-coated words and lies just so that they would love, accept and praise him. Such a person is useless to both God and humanity; they do not serve the purpose of God and do not help humanity.

Have you not noticed that those who you go out of your way to please still don't really love you rather, they mock you and speak ill of you behind you for not standing for anything. When men are needed for important and worthy roles in life, compromising people and people who stand for nothing are not always considered. Even the very people who you courted their love and commendation will not recommend you because they know you stand for nothing except trying hard to please everyone and be loved. It's a sign of self-centeredness, inordinate ambition, inauthenticity and immaturity. Now, if that is not uselessness, what else is? Even the Bible says: "In the end people appreciate honest criticism far more than flattery" (Proverbs 28:23).

A minister was posted newly to a church and the first thing he told his new congregation was: "I have come to please God. If in the course of pleasing God I please you that's ok but if my pleasing God displeases you, I will have no choice than to continue pleasing God because I rather risk your wrath than the wrath of God but I believe strongly that the God for whose pleasure I displeased you will deliver me from your wrath". A popular saying goes thus: "if you displeased God, it doesn't matter who is please and if you pleased God it doesn't matter who is displeased." God told Isaiah in Chapter 8:12-13:
“Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do,
and don’t live in dread of what frightens them.
Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life.
He is the one you should fear.
He is the one who should make you tremble." And that's why he could boldly declare in chapter 50 verses 7 to 9: " because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will. And I know that I will not be put to shame. He who gives me justice is near. Who will dare to bring charges against me now? Where are my accusers? Let them appear! See, the Sovereign LORD is on my side! Who will declare me guilty? All my enemies will be destroyed like old cloths that have been eaten by moths!' these are the words of a man who is not afraid to please God. Once you fear God, you need fear nothing else. And I hope you know that fearing God includes doing what is right to others.

It is true that the Bible says in Romans 12:18 "Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." This however does not mean we should compromise, especially our faith just to be at peace with everyone. In the same breath the Bible says in Romans 12:9: "Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them." And "Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good." So as I love others, I must still hold on to what I have accepted to be right and hate what I have rejected as wrong. I don't have to compromise with what is wrong just so that I will be loved. I understand that it is a human need to be loved, accepted and appreciated but it should never be an excuse to jettison what is right. Besides, it didn't say I should make others to love me but to genuinely love them. Loving them is my business while their loving me is theirs. There's no guarantee that loving others will make them love me. So I shouldn't go out of my way to make that happen. If I must go out of my way, it must be to show them love.

Your faith in Christ, if you have it, is your greatest treasure. Don't compromise it or trade it for world's love and approbation. Jesus never compromise d His stance even though He was severely persecuted and eventually killed. So should we not, people's hatred and aggression notwithstanding.

Oh! How I admire men of strong will; men with strength of character. Men whose yes is their yes and whose no is their no. They are for me men of timber and calibre. They may be lampooned as controversial, proud, pompous and arrogant but they are the kind of men the world needs and not men who speak from the both sides of their mouth; men that are ready to keep changing what they believe, adjusting their position and stances and jettisoning their convictions just so that they will be in tune with the times and in agreement with what the majority of the people believes and wants in order be loved and accepted by them. Such men have sold their birthright for a morsel.

Let me end this write-up with the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "You're the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost it's flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out an trampled underfoot as worthless" (Matthew 5:13). God made you for a purpose. Don't end up useless and worthless trying to please just anybody. God is the one who made you and gave you a purpose for life. It is Him you should work hard at pleasing. It is Him you compromise for. It is what He stands for you should stand for. It is His pleasure, accolade, approbation, love, appreciation and praise you should highly covet and court and not man's. Man's is fake and hypocritical. Even when it's real and genuine, it will make you to end up as useless. Let this encourage you: "He (God) will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honour and immortality that God offers" (Romans 2:7).

God bless you.
I'm your brother and friend
Ugochukwu Peter Ngokere.

The issue of God's love for us is a settled case. That God loves us, His creation is indubitable. He proved it by giving...

The issue of God's love for us is a settled case. That God loves us, His creation is indubitable. He proved it by giving us His Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sin. In addition to that, He does and gives us all other things for our enjoyment.
The question now is: do you love God?

God is love. Yes! Granted. His love for us humans is great; his love for us beats our imagination. As the popular children's song says:
"Love of Jesus is so wonderful
Love of Jesus is so beautiful
Love of Jesus is so excellent
Oh wonderful love
So deep I can't get into it
So wide I can't get around it
So high I can't get up to it
Oh love wonderful love.

The love God has for us is greater than any type of love we can ever imagine on earth. When asked why He loves us so much, our only response has always been: He loves us because He loves us. This is because we cannot say why He loves us; His love is inexplicable especially when we know we are undeserving of His love.

However, the wonder, the beauty and excellence of His love notwithstanding, God doesn't relate with us directly with love but with justice. Justice is like a sieve on God's love. That's why it's said in John 3:16, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
Did you see that? That portion of Scripture tells us that God loves the world, that is, humanity - you, me and everyone else. He demonstrated His love towards us by giving us His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sin. But then, having an eternal life is neither going to be a function of the love God has for us nor of the gift of His only Son but of belief in Him.

You see, that is justice. Yes, God's love is the foundation but we aren't going to cruise to heaven on the wing of "God loves us". Faith in His Son, Jesus, and in His sacrificial death on the Calvary is what is needed to get us there.

Jesus is the propitiation for our sin; He is the Mediator between us and God. Anyone who believes in Him satisfies God's justice and the wrath of God will no longer be poured out on such individual. Anyone who fails to believe will also satisfy God's wrath when they are thrown into hell fire. Either way, God is relating with us through justice. Righteousness is the foundation of God's throne, justice is its function.

So trash the notion or the belief that GOD is too loving to send anyone to hell fire. God indeed is not going to send anyone to hell fire but His justice demands that everyone be given their due.
Take a look at Revelation 22:12: “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds."
What do you call that? Justice, of course! God doesn't acquit the guilty.

Here is how the heavenly beings worship God:
"And they were singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb:
“Great and marvelous are your works,
O Lord God, the Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
O King of the nations.
Who will not fear you, Lord,
and glorify your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come and worship before you,
for your righteous deeds have been revealed.”
"And I heard the angel who had authority over all water saying,
“You are just, O Holy One, who is and who always was,
because you have sent these judgments.
Since they shed the blood
of your holy people and your prophets,
you have given them blood to drink.
It is their just reward.”
And I heard a voice from the altar, saying,
“Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty,
your judgments are true and just.” Revelation 15:3-4, 16:5-7.
So you see, righteousness is the foundation of God's throne and justice is it's function.

So while alive and while there is time, satisfy the just demands of God. Reciprocate the great love He has for you by believing in Jesus, His Son whom he gave as a sacrifice for sin and you won't have to be served the justice of condemnation on the Day of Judgement.
God bless you.

I'm your brother, Ugochukwu Peter Ngokere.

Goodness 2Jesus says in Matthew 5:44-45 [44]"But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! [45]"In tha...

Goodness 2
Jesus says in Matthew 5:44-45 [44]"But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! [45]"In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike."

Still talking about being good to others as a quality of a true child of God and as we hinted in part one of this write-up that true goodness, that is, God-pleasing goodness consists in being good to people who do not deserve it. Here we see Jesus telling us that that's exactly how God behaves and when we do likewise, we are not just behaving like God but are showing ourselves to be truly His children. When one doesn't act like one's father, their paternity is often questionable. We can't claim to be God's children yet go on acting like pagans - people without God. By enjoining us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us and not to salute only those who salute us and asking: "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that", Jesus implies that being good to people just because they are good to us and not being good to some others because they are not good to us is a pagan thing to do and no pagan is a child of God.

The goal of the transformational work of the Holy Spirit in us is to make us to become like Jesus who Himself is the perfect image of the Father. Our transformation and, probably, our salvation is called into question when our goodness is only a payback to those who are equally good to us.

Being good to even the undeserving, is it an easy thing to do? No! I never implied that. That's why I kept saying it's part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the attitude and character you begin to display when you're not just filled with the Holy Spirit but also controlled by Him. So you see, goodness to the undeserving is never going to be a possibility from a human point of view. It is only possible when the Holy Spirit is in control of our lives. Unless we're doing it beneficially.

Possibly, you're a Christian but you see yourself finding it difficult to be good to those who are not good to you. Well, you may start today to allow the Holy Spirit to carry on with the work of transformation in your life; allow the Holy Spirit to control you. The Bible says in Philippians 2:12-13 [12]Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. [13]For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him." It also says in Colossians 3:10 [10]Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him."

If, on the other hand, you think that what I'm talking about in these write-ups is nonsense, it can only mean just one thing: you aren't yet regenerated. By that I mean you're not born again; you haven't encountered Jesus Christ; you have neither believed in Him or received Him in your life. I mean you haven't repented and as such you're not a child of God and cannot act like Him or ever desire to. But if you can repent today, you'll receive the Holy Spirit, power and grace to do what pleases God.

God bless you.

GOODNESSGoodness is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It consists in treating others well - helping them when they a...

Goodness is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It consists in treating others well - helping them when they are in need, seeking their well-being and welfare, giving to them even without their asking and especially when they ask, forgiving them of their wrongs, not harming them, not taking advantage of them in any way whatsoever, not wilfully putting them in a disadvantaged position, not displaying your wealth before them unnecessarily, not putting them down, respecting them, putting them into considerations, caring about them and so on and so forth.

Many people may display these attributes and character traits. Some display it beneficially while others, benevolently.
When it's displayed beneficially, it is done for the sake of what may come out of it. Example is our politicians. Once it's election time you see them acting all good and nice but it's all a smokescreen, intended to make you vote for them and after they win the election or fail, they revert to their true self until the next election. When it's done benevolently it's done for it's sake and for the sole good of the beneficiary and not for what one may gain in return.

However, some persons may be good and nice to people who are good and nice to them and not necessarily because they want to gain something in return unless you think that being helped in return is something to gain from helping others. This brings the words of Jesus to mind: "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only those who greet you, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? (Matt. 5:44,46,47). (The reward that Jesus talks about here is the reward God would give and not the reward one may get from others for being good to them.)
That tells you that any display of goodness that does not follow this principle of Jesus Christ cannot be said to be the goodness that is produced by the Holy Spirit and cannot also be said to please God.

When next you hear that someone is good, check to see who they are good to. In divine reckoning, a person is not good just because they are good to those who are good to them but are said to be good because they are good whether or not the recipients of their goodness is equally good to them or not. This is litmus test to know who is truly filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit and who is not.

The 'Do me, I do you' principle whether taken positively or negatively is a manifestation of a life that is controlled by the flesh no matter the amount of tongues the 'displayer' speaks.
Do you not know that your true character doesn't come to the fore when all things are going fine and your way? It is when things are not going fine that your true self is known. If I treat you badly because you treat me badly and treat you well because you treat me well, I am not a good person and that means that goodness, which is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, is not yet operational in my life. It is also a sign of spiritual immaturity or of never having been regenerated in the first place.

Holy Spirit inspired goodness is never ever going to go unrewarded. Never! However, the reward comes from God in His own way and at His own time both in time and in eternity. Be that as it may, we are still not to be good and do good to others because God is going to reward us but because being filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit and having been transformed by Him into good entities, we can not help it but be good at all times and to all people.

Your dream may land you in prison... Dream, anyways!From both biblical and contemporary history, we often see dreamers e...

Your dream may land you in prison... Dream, anyways!

From both biblical and contemporary history, we often see dreamers ending up in prison.

Joseph, the eleventh son of the patriarch, Jacob, dreamt of being a king someday. His dream led to his being sold into slavery and was later imprisoned on trumped up charges.

Jeremiah was imprisoned. He had a dream of preventing a certain catastrophe from befalling his people, the Israelites by telling them to submit to the king of Babylon and not rebel against him. He was rather accused of deserting to the Babylonians and was imprisoned.

Jesus the Son of the Living God had a dream, the greatest dream in history - reconciling man back to God - but he was falsely accused of blasphemy, was arrested, imprisoned and crucified. However, His death was part of the plan. It achieved His dream of reconciling man back to God.

Peter and John were imprisoned. They dreamt of filling Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They were arrested and imprisoned.

Paul's dream was to preach Christ where He was not yet known lest he built on someone else's foundation. As he was about this dream of his, he was arrested and imprisoned on countless occasions.

Martin Luther King had a dream of liberation of the African-Americans from stigmatization. He was imprisoned for it.

Nelson Mandela of South Africa had a dream of an aparthied-free South Africa. He was imprisoned as a result.

Nnamdi Kanu has a dream of freedom for Biafra. Today he is in prison because of this dream.

There are so many other examples.

Two things that are common about most of these dreams are:

1. They were God-given
2. The imprisonment of the dreamers or even their death did not prevent them from being fulfilled and actualised.

My dear friend, what is your dream? What is your vision?
I just want you to answer just one question: is it God-given? If yes. Then hold on to it. Actualize it. Don't fear even if it takes you to prison like these others were taken to prison because of their own dreams.

When I say prison, I do not necessarily mean incarceration or being confined in a prison cell.
The pursuit of your dream may make you hated by many including family members and friends. Some who can not douse or kill it may ostracize you. Some may attempt to kill you so that your dreams will die with you. You will be made fun of, despised and written off. Many, especially those you look up to for assistance and support, will not believe in you.
You will find yourself on a lonely path in the pursuit of your dreams.

But are you going to give up on your dreams because of others attitude towards you because of it? Please don't. That dream is something God has given to you with which you are to help humanity. Keep going at it.

Even if your dreams put you in a difficult situation. God, who gave you those dreams, will deliver you from all your troubles and make you a winner.
God, who lifted Joseph from being a mere imprisoned slave to the position of a prime minister in ancient Egypt, will also lift you up in these modern times. Do not be afraid.

Just hold on to your dreams. Don't give up.

Remain blessed.

It's your brother and friend,
Ugochukwu Ngokere.

Left... right...Left... right...Forwaaaaarrrrrd march!🏃🏃🏃It's fourth of March again and it's my birthday🎂I give thanks, ...

Left... right...
Left... right...
Forwaaaaarrrrrd march!🏃🏃🏃
It's fourth of March again and it's my birthday🎂
I give thanks, praise and glory to God for preserving my life; He it is that made it possible for me to see yet another birthday.
But beyond the fact that I'm grateful and happy that I'm alive, I know and I'm grateful that I was born and preserved till today for a divine purpose. And so was everyone else. Including you.
My prayer then is: I will not be a disappointment to God. His purpose for planting me here will not be defeated but will be fully fulfilled.

Make this your prayer point for me today (and also for yourself) as you join me in celebrating🥂🍾🍷🍸🍹 my birthday today.

Happy Birthday to me.

I am marching forward🎼🎙️
Alleluia! Amen!🎵🎶
In the Name of Jesus🎹🎸
Alleluia! Amen!🎶🎺🎻

The picture: it's an old picture. Just wasn't chanced to take a new one.



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