The worst thing on this is that there is quite alot of people who agree. And if a man would say something like this then they would be labeled as "incel", accused of stuff they never did (there is a quite high chance for this one) and absolutely destroyed by the internet, they would get fired from their job, all their families would just disinherit them and probbably even their friends eould leave (not all of them cuz there are the "sheeps" or the ones that don't give a s**t anymore) and even if it was just a joke they would probbably end up dead (maybe su***de or murder, there is a big chance to both). I am genuenly disgusted by the internet and I think that we as a humanity are beyond the point of return, heck, it will be imposible to make us better and start being somewhat kind to other people. The time to do something is now!