Quiet Marketer

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Quiet Marketer Teaching quiet people like me how to earn an income online without being on camera through faceless digital marketing.


Up until now, it would it would have been pretty easy for me to quit.


Because I didn’t have much skin in the game.

I am using a free tool for funnels and my website (systeme.io).

And until yesterday, I only had a free ebook to offer (please check it out).

And social media, of course, is free.

Everything free.

It would have been so easy to quit.

And, I’ve done that many times in the past where I’ve started things and get so far and then just stop because I start to question myself and whether what I’m doing is actually going to work.

But with Quiet Marketer, I have some time invested.

Actually quite a lot of time.

- Creating that free ebook which I’m hoping some of you will check out.
- Initial set up of [systeme.io](http://systeme.io).
- Making some initial social media posts.
- And learning, mostly through other’s posts and YouTube.

And time is money. So, in effect, I have had some skin in the game.

But now, on top of that, I’ve purchased a course!!

That’s making an investment in myself. And so far, I am not disappointed. There’s so much to learn in the course and I love learning.

The more skin the game I have, and the more invested I become, the more likely I am to succeed.

I think I might be the slowest guy in terms of progress that I can see on Instagram. I can’t believe how fast some people are growing their accounts. But hopefully I’ll get there.

Slow and sure🙂

Please follow my journey - and be sure to start your own if you haven’t already done so.


After MUCH debate, I have finally purchased an MRR (Master Resell Rights) course. 🤔

And that course is UBC (Ultimate Branding Course).

Why UBC?

I checked out many different courses, and the final decision as to what course I would buy for my first course came down to which course I thought could help ME the most. For me I need help with branding and social media promotion. I also wanted a course that covered faceless marketing and systeme.io.

Yes, I could have kept trying to learn everything by scrolling, YouTube etc. as I have been doing up until now, but I decided to shorten my learning curve and buy a course that covered everything I needed.

I was impressed by their recent webinar, which sold me even more. Tonnes of enthusiasm and high energy. Great testimonials. And it seems like a good community even though I might be crashing the party a little bit as a guy:) I do see a few in the community though.

Everyone neds to be able to justify a roughly $500 purchase. For me, it’s educational. And the chance to resell it is a bonus.

I can also see that MRR and UBC are in an uptrend and gaining momentum at the moment. It’s a good time to get on the train and ride the trend. There might be a time to get off the train and/or hop on another, but I’ll cross that bridge when and if I come to it.

The reason I’ve taken so long to purchase a product is that I’ve been debating MRR - because c’mon - can you really just buy a $500 product and turn around and resell it like it’s your own? Well, apparently you can. And I don’t see myself creating a better course than this anytime soon.

We’re all taking a chance when we buy something like this. It’s a risk. Beyond seeing topic lists and little snippets of the material, you don’t really know how good it will be, and because it’s a digital product, there’s no refunds.

Well, after all the internal debate, I decided to pull the trigger. I had to. I couldn’t live the rest of my life wondering what if.

And so far, I like what I'm seeing!

If you, too, are interested in the viral UBC course, find out more on the link in my store.


Any tennis players out there?

Yesterday, I watched the men’s final in Monte Carlo, which was won by Stefanos Tsitsipas.

As is tradition, the winner signs the camera lens.

Tsitsipas is usually quite thoughtful with these and yesterday his words were, “Fate favours the fearless”

Great quote and it’s true many facets of life, including entrepreneurship and digital marketing.

Similar to another quote, “Fortune favours the bold,” it’s a reminder that nothing comes from remaining passive and not putting yourself out there.

We can’t earn passive income, by actually being passive 🙂

We do need to work at it. We all have our weak points and those weaknesses are likely exactly what we need to tackle the most.

The uncomfortable things - maybe that’s getting up earlier (or staying up later) to work on these things. Maybe it’s learning new skills. Maybe it’s trying a different approach on social media because what you are doing right now isn’t very exciting or educational.

What would it take to consider yourself doing something fearlessly?

👉 If you’ve been thinking about getting started with digital marketing, check out my free “Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide”


Don't wait for the perfect moment to start in digital marketing; there will never be one. Start with what you have, where you are, and refine as you go.

This can be easier said than done for the perfectionists among us, but it is true. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, focus on the one best thing you could do next to further your business.

👉 For those just getting started, check out my free “Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide”
INCLUDES: Hooks, Content Banks and much more...


In digital marketing, success often comes to those who refuse to quit. Keep pushing, keep learning, and your breakthrough will come.

Perseverance is the defining trait of those who achieve success. Our journeys are riddled with challenges and uncertainties, but it's those who persist despite the obstacles who ultimately succeed.

👉 For those just getting started, check out my free “Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide”


In a world clamoring for attention, your quiet authenticity will resonate the loudest. Stay true to yourself, and let your digital marketing efforts reflect your genuine passion.

Remember, introversion is a strength, not a weakness, in the world of digital marketing. Embrace your unique perspective.

👉 For those just getting started, check out my free “Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide”


Hashtags are used to tag/categorize your posts so your posts may more easily appear in searches for those keywords and hashtags #️⃣

They don't work on every platform. They do work on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

I’m still learning the ins and outs, and there is quite a bit of debate about hashtags, but I think the following are some good guidelines for their use:

1️⃣ Don't use too many or that can appear spammy to users as well as the social platforms.

2️⃣ Use hashtags that are directly relevant to your niche and your post, otherwise they will appear as spammy. You’ll probably use a few key ones over and over again, but otherwise make them relevant to your post.

3️⃣ Check that the hashtags are actively used on your platform of choice. On Instagram, for instance, you don't want to mistakenly use a banned hashtag or you may get shadowbanned.

4️⃣ You can check for banned hashtags on Instagram at metahashtags.com/banned-hashtags/ I was surprised to see a few that have the word “money” in them, that I could have used quite easily by mistake.

👉 I have more information like this in my free ebook (Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide” - link in bio)

👉 If you are interested in learning more about faceless digital marketing as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.


Having access to some good content (ie. pictures and videos) is vital for faceless digital marketers. Here is a list of some content banks to investigate and see if they are right for you. I'm even finally seeing some content for men.

Here are a number of popular content banks to get you going.

The first two are tools but they have access to content (pictures, videos…)

1️⃣ Canva - (free version available to start with)

2️⃣ Adobe Express - (there’s a free version, but with Premium, you get access to Adobe Stock)

3️⃣ Content Cove

4️⃣ Haute Stock

5️⃣ Pexels - (FREE)

6️⃣ PLR Way - (has some content for men)

7️⃣ The ForeFolk - (has some content for men)

8️⃣ My Vanilla Gallery

9️⃣ The Studio Brief

🔟 Social Stocks

Enjoy browsing, and let me know what you think and if I’ve missed any key ones.

👉 I have more information like this in my free ebook (Faceless Digital Marketing: Quick Start Guide” - link in bio)

👉 If you are interested in learning more about faceless digital marketing as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.

I may be quiet, but I am determined.My goal is to grow this account, in an honest, trustworthy way — meaning no false cl...

I may be quiet, but I am determined.

My goal is to grow this account, in an honest, trustworthy way — meaning no false claims.

Ideally I’d like to retire one day - from my 9 to 5 that is - using digital marketing to scale.

But I have a long way to go. 🚴‍♂️

I currently have 7 posts, and 10 instagram followers.

I launched my freebie just yesterday (Please check it out) — and my next step will be to offer some MRR/PLR and affiliate products.

I’m currently investigating those right now.

I would also like to create my own course. I have a teaching background in addition to my digital marketing background, and although I hate being on camera, I should put that to use 🙂

I hope you join me on my journey. Together, we can be part of the 5% that actually follows through and grows their brand.

👉 If you are interested in learning more about faceless digital marketing as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.



My free ebook (Faceless Digital Marketing Quick Start Guide) is ready👍

It’s 33 pages at the moment, and I’ve tried to make it as useful as possible.

For those of you looking to get into faceless digital marketing using digital products of your own or done for you products (MRR/PLR), this ebook will show you the steps you’ll need to take.

I’ve also included lots of ideas for things like lead magnets, hooks, content banks, etcetera.

I may have to back it up with a video course at some point to show “how to” for each section, but one step at a time.

Next I have to add some products of my own. I’m still reviewing a number of them on the market right now to see what’s best for my audience. I will let you know when I’ve chosen my first one.

👉 If you are interested in learning more about digital marketing (including faceless marketing) as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.


We all want to quit our 9 to 5 don’t we? 🕘

Not because we don’t love our jobs. In fact, some people just seem born for their jobs/careers.

But because it’s not fully under our control.

Even if we loved our jobs (and honestly sometimes I do love my job), it would be better if we could work for ourselves. Wouldn’t it?

But before you decide to head down that road and become an entrepreneur/freelancer, you’ll want to consider a few things.

1️⃣ Will your new business venture only succeed based on how much time you put into it? Meaning if you don’t work, you don’t make money. If you are trading time for money, you will have difficulty scaling your business.

2️⃣ Will your products or services be scalable? Meaning, what will it take to create multiple products? You can see where the beauty of digital products comes in here. An ebook, or online course, for instance, can be sold any number of times without any extra effort.

3️⃣ Can you automate your business? Meaning, will you be able to put systems in place so that your business can run 24/7 - and better yet - globally? With digital marketing, you can set up funnels to capture leads, send information, and make sales - all automatically.

Even if digital products and services are not your interest, digital marketing can still be used to grow virtually any type of business. All businesses can benefit from having a website and social media presence.

So, the moral of the story is, if you are thinking of how to get out of your 9 to 5, consider starting your own scalable, online business.

Digital products are perfectly suited for that.

And even if you don’t have a product of your own yet, there are products you can sell as your own (Master Resale Rights (MRR) and Private Label Rights (PLR) Products) or you can do affiliate marketing.

👉 If you are interested in learning more about digital marketing (including faceless marketing) as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.


I have thought this same thought myself so many times, over so many years.

It can be scary putting yourself out there in front of friends and family - especially when you are quiet. In fact, my family sees me working on something but they haven’t seen any of my posts just yet. Maybe one day when I feel like this journey is actually working and making a few dollars.

(I have 2 Instagram followers and 3 TikTok followers at the moment so I have a ways to go, but I am committed🙂)

And if you have a job, you might not want them to think you want to leave the job or that you hate the job. I mean, we want to keep our jobs right? - at least for now...

I have a perfectly decent job - at a digital marketing agency actually. The people are nice, the job is sufficiently challenging that I’m not watching the clock all day long. And I plan on staying there for the unforeseen future….

But, I am getting older, and with no pension, I wouldn’t mind having a retirement plan, or two, in place.

Enter faceless, digital marketing.

Your family, friends, and co-workers can only see what you want them to see.

And the main contributing factor to your success will be your commitment to your journey.

If you can do that, there is no limit to your growth.

👉 If you are interested in learning more about faceless digital marketing as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.


95% of people WON’T take ACTION!

But the truth is we’ve all been part of that 95% and there is hope for us all.

Because we all have the potential to become part of the 5%.

With “Quiet Marketer”, I know there will be obstacles and hard decisions (there already have quite a lot), but from what I can tell, the trick to becoming part of the 5% club is to work through these obstacles and decisions one by one.

Keep learning, experimenting, and showing up for your audience, and help them become part of the 5% club too.

Even if you fall off the rails here and there, get back on the track! That’s what gets you into the 5% club.

How many people are not willing to do that?


And that means your chances of success are even greater.

Can you imagine if everyone was totally committed and unwaveringly consistent? yikes.

Faceless digital marketing, as well as MRR / PLR products and affiliate marketing, reduce the barriers to entry that much more for us quiet people.

👉 If you are interested in learning more about faceless digital marketing as well as MRR/PLR products and affiliate marketing, please follow me for more.


Don’t have a product to sell?

That is no longer a problem these days.

Eventually, you may want to create a product you can be proud of and that fills a gap you’ve found in your niche.

Or maybe you’re fine with never creating your own product (it's not easy to put a product out there that will be judged by our audience).

Either way, you have other options these days. 👍

Here are a few:

1️⃣ Affiliate marketing - Promote other people’s products and earn an affiliate commission. You’ll have to do your homework but there are products out there now in every niche, and some of them can earn you big commissions. Just make sure you can fully support the product and think it would be a great fit for your audience.

2️⃣ Private Label Rights (PLR) products - These are digital products (ie. ebooks, software, graphics, etc.) that are created by one party and then sold to others with the rights to rebrand, modify, and claim ownership of the product as if they had created it themselves.

3️⃣ Master Resale Rights (MRR) products - These come with the right to resell the product to others along with the resell rights. However, MRR products typically don't grant the right to modify the product or claim authorship, but buyers can sell the product to others and often keep 100% of the profits.

With MRR products, buyers can usually resell the product as is, without making any changes. This can be advantageous for those looking to quickly start selling digital products without the need for customization.

Personally, I will be offering a couple of MRR/PLR products on my own site soon once I finish my research.

In the meantime...

👉 Please follow me for more.

👉 And if you have any questions, please comment or send me a DM.


What if I told you there’s a way to make some income on the side (perhaps even a full time income) without showing your face, without speaking, and without even creating your own product (unless you wanted to)⁉️

Well, there is - and it’s called faceless digital marketing.

Faceless digital marketing is going viral right now and it’s perfect for those of us that are quiet and don’t enjoy being on camera or speaking on camera.

➕Add to that, you don’t even need to take your own videos. You can use stock footage (even free stock footage) and add on some trending audio.

➕Add to that, there are a growing number of digital products that can be bought and resold as if they are your own (MRR: Master Resale Rights) as well as products that you can edit and rebrand as your own (PLR: Private Label Rights).

Sign me up 🙋‍♂️

👉 Please follow me for more information about faceless digital marketing and how we can use it to earn an income online with digital products. I plan on sharing everything I learn about products, promotion (ie. social media), tools and will do so in a QUIET honest manner - meaning no false promises, no false claims, no dancing and only promoting products that I truly believe in. Full transparency.


For quiet people, it can be a little tough to stand out in the world.🌎

And with social media seeming like a crazy competition to capture attention, the methods used to stand out don’t always suit us quiet, introverted types.

Until recently.

There is a relatively new way to earn an online income that doesn’t require you to dance, speak or even be on camera.

It’s called “Faceless digital marketing.”

Add to this, the fact that you don’t even have to create your own product to begin earning money and the whole digital marketing and digital products field starts to look pretty good for us shy, quiet folks. ☺️

I’m not going to say too much about myself in this post, but on the Quiet scale, I’ve been told I’m a 10/10 — so I’m kind of an expert at it. (I was never called a “10” before but now I have - haha)

And now I’m tip toeing in to this niche in true quiet fashion.🤫


There is no better time to get into faceless marketing, digital products and affiliate marketing, as well as MRR (master resale rights) and PLR (private label rights) products, than right now.

👉 Please follow me for more information about faceless digital marketing and how we can use it to earn an income online with digital products. I plan on sharing everything I learn about products, promotion (ie. social media), tools and will do so in a QUIET honest manner - meaning no false promises, no false claims, no dancing and only promoting products that I truly believe in. Full transparency.

👉 If you have any questions, please comment or send me a DM. I’m an open book.

Note: I’m also working on a freebie that will be available soon that you won’t want to miss. It will be a quick start guide for others in my situation that will help get you up and running quickly. AND it will be geared to us shy, quiet types. Stay tuned.



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