I told Kendra I needed her for five seconds, just to roll a die. Yeah, it took a lot longer than that to get a good shot! Anyway, I'm on TikTok now, experimenting with videos. #dicegame #teamplay #indiegames #ozonedicegame
Get O-Zone for less than $10!! It's a great team game for families and friends, and great surprise for gamers! 🎁 🎲 🎯
#fungame #stockingstuffers #dicegame #teamplay #gamers #tabletopgames
Playing O-Zone at Axecadia game night
O-Zone is now available on The Game Crafter! Watch people play for a couple seconds and you basically know how to play. Super simple, three ways to score with each toss, lots of high-fiving fun for two players or two teams.
Drue has a terrible toss here, but we came from behind to win.