Today is National Prayer Day in Nigeria, and the theme is Cursed Be Mahmood Yakubu, professor and Chairman of .
May every curse pronounced upon MAHMOOD YAKUBU'S head today operate in his life forever. May the money he took to rig the elections be a reproach unto him and anyone else who benefits from that money.
May he spend it on problems that cannot be addressed by money. May God Almighty hear the cries of Nigerians regarding this man and hearken to our voices.
May every calamity suffered by Nigerians at the hands of Tinubu be amplified and multiplied in his household.
May the tragedies visited upon Nigeria by his actions be the staple in his household.
If it pleases the Lord, may his prayers and any prayers on his behalf be as abominations before God.
May all the pronouncements on his head by Nigerians and all the calamities to befall him also be upon EVERY SINGLE PERSON who worked with him to subvert the will of Nigerians.
From corrupt directors and commissioners, federal and state, of to crooked corpers who worked as Polling Officers and falsified figures or sabotaged the elections in anyway, to police officers and thugs who harassed, maimed and killed Nigerians in order to steal the votes of Nigerians, or to prevent Nigerians from voting, may they all partake in any calamity that will befall Mahmood Yakubu.
Lord, hear our prayers and hearken to our voices in the name of Yeshua. Amen.