Siapa peha bergesel disini? Ayuhh ladies marilah kita exercise sebelum terlambat 😫😫
Dengan adanya , depan tv sambil exercise pun boleh 😉
Special Iced Mocha 🍫☕️ Recipe👇🏽
Special Iced Mocha 🍫☕️ Recipe👇🏽
- add chocolate sauce to the bottom of your glass
- dip your frother in the sauce and spread it on your glass
- add ice
- pour over you me milk of choice
- add a double shot of espresso
- top it with some sweet cold foam
Froth together:
* 10 g of sugar
* 100 ml of milk
That’s it. Enjoy! 😁✨
Credit to the owner
Coffee Mousse
Creamy Coffee Mousse without cream nor milk , just with ice 😱🧊. This is for around 5 cups , very easy to make and it's so perfect for a dessert:)
- 150 grs of ice
- 15 grs of instant coffee
- 85 grs of white sugar or you can also use brown sugar
- 150 ml of cold water
- Cacao powder
And enjoy, it'll take around 5 minutes but worth it :)
Credit to the owner
Tiramisu Iced Latte 🤎☕️ Recipe👇🏽
Tiramisu Iced Latte 🤎☕️ Recipe👇🏽
Aesthetic Glass 👉🏻
- add your milk of choice
- 15 ml tiramisu syrup
- froth it for 1-2 min
- add ice
- pour over a double shot of espresso
- add some whipped cream
- optionally sprinkle some chocolate chips and mocha sauce
Good Luck!