Magan writtes

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Magan writtes Current novel:BEAUTY HAS A BEAST MODE


His father kept quite..Tyrone went outside..leaving loretha crying

Brittney:where were you when this happened?
Linda:okay...uhmm..*clearing throat *where did the bullet go?
Dave:we didn't figure that out yet..but she had blood coming out her ears..nose and mouth..she had a pulse when she was brought in
Brittney:*sigh*shes going to be okay..she has to.

Loretha walked to her and hugged her..Brittney pushed her cauding her to fall in Linda's hands
Brittney:Don't touch me!
The doctors finally came out looking drained
Doctor:Simone Mathews ?

They quickly stood up approaching the doctor
Brittney:how is she?
Doctor:shes better..the gunshot almosy went through the cranium..there was an injury from both the direct pe*******on of the brain and from transmission of a pressure wave from a high velocity. the gunshot travelled through the bone tissue..almost resulting i brain swelling..the removal of the bullet fractured an important nerve almost resulting in a relatively mild clinical damage..upon initial arrival she was aggressively resuscitated..blood pressure and oxegenation was maintained and after the ct scan was obtained..she also lost a lot of blood ..blood transfusion took place...all in all she had a speedy recovery
Tyrone:can we see her?
Doctor:yes ..shes slipped into a coma at the moment..if i may ask does she have history dealing with guns
Tyrone:No doctor..i didn't even know she had one (he lied with a straight face)
Doctor:ill recommend a psychologist aftter she wakes up..take the elevator on the third floor..she's in ward 2 ..dont bring up traumatic events it might trigger her..only two can go through
Loretha:thank you so much doc

Brittney turned to look at her..she clicked her tounge and got in the elevator..Tyrone followed after her

They sat opposing each other while holding simone's hand..tears threatened Brittney's eye..she turned to Tyrone who was devastated

Brittney:This is all your fault
Tyrone:i know...


The ambulance arrived and took Simone to the hospital..tgey were told to wait..Tyrone was pacing up and down with his shirt drenched in blood as well as his hands Loretha was still holding on to the letter."she's going to be okay..she cant leave me"Tyrone uttered to himself..Brittney was called earlier this morning..she made it to the house after the incident..getting there she found blood in Simones room on the floor..she rushed out calling her parents and she eventually made it to the hospital..she got in and found everyone bowinv their heads..she thought the worst

Brittney :omg...*crying*she's not gone is she? ..please tell me she's okay

Tyrone walked to her

Tyrone:she's not gone

She inhaled and wiped the tears in her eyes..anger was visible in her eyes

Brittney:where is she?
Linda:theatre..they are operating..its been two hours
Loretha:this is all my fault

Anthony held his wife's hand assuring her that everything will be okay..

Brittney:what do you mean its tour fault?!

Loretha gave her the letter

Brittney:How could you?
Her voice was breaking
Loretha:im sorry i didn't mean to
Tyrone:mean to what?!
Brittney:*chuckles*this bitch....she told my bestfriend that she regrets having her...HOW COULD YOU F**K UP HER MENTALITY LIKE THAT..DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES TO A PERSON!
Tyrone:she what?!
Dave:son...calm down
Loretha:im sorry!
Brittney:somebody better get this woman out my face before i lose my cool
Anthony:whatch how you talk to my wife
Brittney:Dude don't bulls**t me!...i might lose my friend and you talking about respect...if you didn't want children you should have just closed your filthy legs should have used your brain..but you just let this downbeat thing put a baby in you...let me tell you something..if my friend comes out there damaged or unwell ..imma kill you
Tyrone:hit me up if you need help
Tyrone:what?pop..this woman hurt my girl..i thought you'll understand better than anybody else


Tyrone stood up attempting to go after simone but his dad stopped him..thinking she needs time to be alone..Simone walked to her room and locked it...tears made their way out..she felt like a mistake..she was a mistake..well according to her mother..i mean how could you tell your own flesh and blood that you regret having 'em..she walked to her drawer and took out the same gun that she shot Angela with..her hands were trembling..she walked to her vanity and placed the fun down having second thoughts ...but then her mothers word got to her..she took her notebook and started writting .."I KNOW IM A MISTAKE...AS YOU SAID EARLIER..IM SORRY FOR MESSING UP YOUR LIFE ,I HOPE ITLL BE BETTER ONCE IM GONE..DAD CHEATING SEEMS TO BE MY FAULT TOO SO I FIGURED SINCE TODAY IS THE DAY I WAS BORN IT MIGHT AS WELL BE THE DAY I DIE AND TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE..TYRONE JONES..I LOVE YOU AND IM SORRY LOVE MONÈT"

She took the gun and cocked it and put it to the side of her head..she closed her eyes with tears streaming out..she pulled the trigger

Linda and dave stood up with the others folllowing behind..the said their goodbyes as they reached the door..Tyrone reached for the door handle ready to leave.. he wanted to see her for one last time before he goes but he felt like he's pressuring her to open up to him *GUNSHOT* everybody froze.Tyrones heart was beating out his chest..his tears were already out he quickly ran upstairs with everyone following after him..they reached her door trying to open it with no luck..Tyrone took it upon himself to break down the door and thats when their eyes landed on the unconscious Simone who was lying on the pool of her own blood that matched the colour of her pyjamas..Tyrone walked in sobbing..Dave opted for his phone calling the ambulace while Anthony was dumbstruck..stuck on the same position..not beleiving what he has created was close to death..loretha walked to the vanity and read the letter


he pulled out and bit my nose
me:*giggles* whats wrong with you?*laughs*
Tyrone:its goid to see you laughing..i thought you wer dead for a minute
me:i love you
Tyrone:i love you too...we still going to school?
me:no..i want to sleep
Tyrone:At my place?
me:i said sleep not s*x..we can go

He took out his phone and called Ace and cancelled whaterver meeting they had..after the call he looked at me and found me staring..he side smilled and looked back at the road

me:you never told me what went down between you and you know...
me:you knowww..i wiggled my eyebrows making kissing sounds
Tyrone:Dont start
me:ke no botśisa (im just asking) harm intended you switching languages on me still upset that you left me to go to limpopo
me:you haven't answered me
Tyrone:we talked it through
me:you aint cheating on me right?
Tyrone:im not gay..why you leave me though?
Me:was i supposed to stay when you...
Tyrone:when i what!?
Me:never mind
Tyrone:You still hung up on my fling with Angela?
Me:thats what we calling it?
Tyrone:I don't know why you killed her right?
Tyrone:you shot her on the head!
Tyrone:why did you burry her then and not report the crime?
me:im done talking to you
Tyrone:*chuckles*you should own up to your doings
me:what about you?the only reason why i shot that ho was because you were cheating on me with her!
Tyrone:you cant justify your actions with that lame excuse..i forgave you when you flirted with Tyree
me:keyword"flirted"..i didn't sleep with him!
Tyrone:neither did i!
me:im done talking to you
Tyrone:im sorry

Okay that kinda turned me on ...i looked at him and bit my lower lip..he licked his lips and stopped on the side of the road..i drank my water ..a drop fell down from my chin all the way to my a split second my bottle was thrown out the window,he closed it and aggressively grabbed my neck pulling me in for a kiss while grabbing my titties...i released a soft moan between the kiss..he pulled out breatjing heavily and drove in high speed to his place..we got there and he rushed in as my legs were wrapped around his waist..we made it to the kitchen..he put me on top of the counter and took off my hoodie..his hands were all over me..he kissed me going down to my private area

My mothers words echoed in my brain..i pushed him off me and picked my hoodie off the counter
Tyrone:whats wrong?
Me:i have to go
Tyrone:im sorry for coming on too strong..we can cuddle..What did i do wrong?
Me:i have a couple of things i need to take care off
Tyrone:can i drive you?
Me:i need to be alone

I didnt give him time to answer..i walked out and got in my car and drove around the city..i went home around i went inside the house i heard laughter in the kitchen..i walked passed it and climbed the stairs going to my mom ..i mean loretha stopped me on my tracks

Loretha:i invited Tyrone's family for dinner..come join us
Me:im not hungry
Loretha:but Tyrone is here
Me:what am i supposed to do with that information?
Loretha:*whispering*look drop your bag and come trying and you undermining me?its bad enough that you are known to commiting yourself to a boy who cheated on you and made you miserable you want to embarrass me infront of his family..what will people say??get your ass down there
Me:*swallowing a lump on my throat*ill be there in a minute
Loretha:im giving you 30 seconds to get your ugly ass down here.

I made my way to my room..i took a quick shower and headed out in my pyjamas..i went downstairs and sat down next to Tyrone ..i greeted his mom(Linda)and dad(Dave) mom and dad were acting all lovey everybody was eating Tyrone tyrone held on to my thigh and brushed it ..i glanced at him and looked back at my plate

Tyrone: why aren't you eating
Me:i am
Tyrone:you barely touched your food and you haven't eaten today

Mom turned to us lutting on this caring parent face

Loretha:what are you two whispering about?
Tyrone:im just asking her to eat ma,she hasn't ate all day and now shes playing with her food
Linda:and you let that happen..why didn't you get her something to eat
Tyrone:i did but i didn't see her eat..(he turned to me)did you eat?
Me:yeah(i lied through my teeth)
Loretha:are you okay baby?

I looked her dead in the eyes and looked back at my plate

Anthony:your mother is talking to you!
I looked at him startled holding back my tears...tyrone strokked my thigh..he looked worried..but who knows?maybe hes faking it..i mean if my own mother despices me..who else might be

I cleared my throat and stood up
Me:im just tired ..i think i need to was nicehaving you over mr and mrs jones


Trevor:mr Montego is talking to you
I raised my head and sat up straight confused asf
me:who's that?
Trevor:our new math teacher

He walked to my desk and banged the table..i looked up to him with teard in my eyes
Mr Montego:nobody sleeps during my lessons..take out your textbook and go to page 238

I just stared at him and took my bagpack walking out..he called out to me but i wasn't having it..i got in my car and drove to a clothing store..i bought a tracksuit and socks ans i changed in the dressing room..i walked to spar and bought 2litter water and drove to the park..getting there i layed under a tree..after some time i felt a shadow hovering over me..i opened my eyes and they met Tyrone's

Tyrone:you good?
me:*low tone*yeah
Tyrone:Did i do something?
Tyrone:Is it the gifts?..i can take them back..just tell me what i did wrong
me:it's not you
Tyrone:Then who is it?
me:i don't want to talk about it
Tyrone:its okay...come here

He opened his arms abd i stood up hugging him..i let go after a while

Tyrone:have you eaten?
me:im not hungry
Tyrone:that's not what i asked
me:i drank water
Tyrone :Answer me Monèt
me:i haven't
Tyrone:Let's go

We got in my car and he drove off

Tyrone:why did you change your clothes?
me:i was cold
Tyrone:You know you can talk to me right?

I glanced at him and looked back out the window..he stopped at starbucks and got me an ice latte..we later stopped at a resturant and he collected the order he had made earlier
Tyrone:you not eating?
me:i will
Tyrone:you know you can talk to me right??i dont like it when you push me away

He turned on a different route

me:where are you taking me? need to rest
me:i dont want to go home..take me back to school
Tyrone:okay..can you please eat.
Tyrone:give me a kiss

I leaned over and pecked his lips..i attempted to pull out ..he held my neck bringing me in and we passionately kissed..


A ho**er snapped me out of my thoughts and i took a wild turn to the side of the phone rang i checked the caller if and threw it at the back not in the mood to be talking to Tyrone right now..everyone has been giving me unnecessary attention,i woke up to more than fifty happy birthday wishes ..i wiped my face and Started the ignition getting back on the road..i arrived at school and as i walked down the hallway..there was a red carpet layed down all the way to my classnates lined up and single handedly gave me a white rose..i opened the door to the class and found Tyrone wearing his basketball kit looking mad attractive..he gave me a bouquet of roses wrapped up in one hundred us dollars..he then gave me a jewellery box..i opened it and found a forty carrat diaamond necklace with my name engraved on it with earings that match..he gave me three channel paper bags and one dolce and gabbana bag and two louis vouitton paper bags..i was so excited Neesee was huddled up in the corner taking videos of us..i thanked him and went to lock them in the car ..getting back i found him checking the videos out standing next to Neesee

Neesee:so where's my money?
Tyrone:you'll get the money later
Neesee:you better give me my money i didn't help you set this up for free
me:even for me you want money?
Neesee:phew...i worked hard for that money i cant even feel my toes..i have a right to be compensated
Tyrone:i just sent it
Neesee: a thousand rand?tlogella go bapala wenah..tlatsa ka five hundred
-"stop playing,add five hundred
Tyrone sent her another 1k and she smilled and jumped hugging me
Neesee:i look forward to doing business with you again friend!

She kissed my cheek and left
Tyrone:babe are you okay?
Tyrone:no you're not, whats wrong?
me:im okay..just go play ball ill be fine
Tyrone:I'll come check up on you okay?
I nodded and he kissed my forehead and left..i went back to class the lesson started and i wasnt really paying attention ..Trevor shook me


Today is monday and trust me when i say im not looking forward to it..i mean how can one be happy when their birthday is on a school parents have been arguing lately,i chose to stay out of it..i havent seen dad in a while and when i do see him mom is nowhere in sight..i rolled out of bed and took a shower,i brushed my teeth and wore my clothes...miniskirts and long sleeve tank tops might as well be my new uniform from now on,i let my braids loose...took my backpack and phone and headed downstairs to get breakfast..i found mom seating on the high chair facing the other way

me:mom,where's dad?
Loretha:i don't know simone..go to school!
She turned to me and her eyes were red..she was crying
me:mom are you okay?
Loretha:Okay as in like i like pretending to like being here?
me:what do you mean mom?
Loretha:Stop calling me that!

I got startled and took two steps back

Loretha:im tired!there's only so much i can stand..i don't want to be here anymore..i regret the 17 years that i gave to your father..only for him to treat me like an option,you complicated my life, you've made me miserable,i would have been someone in the cooperate industry..with the IQ i have i could've moved mountains but thanks to your father you are..and unfortunately for me it was too late to get rid of you now here you are wearing pink miniskirts to school..with your cleavage out..Uzomitha!and the day you die from going to celebrate

After hearing that i just froze..tears gushed out..i had a lump on my throat,a sharp pain on mh chest...the last time i felt like this was when Trevor took me to the hospital

Realising what she just said broke me..she stepped closser and held my shoulders sorry
me:*clearing throat*its ..okay..i have to...uhh..go to school

She pulled me in for a hug and wiped my tears ..i walked out to the garage and got in my car i tried to stop my tears but i just couldn't..i started the ignition and drove to vision got blurry..i couldn't see the road..


Justin:4 minutes left
Tyree:CIA is sending a team..ill set up roadblocks but i can't hold them for long...they might send choppers

Rodney finally cracked the code ..he got in the van with Tyree the others were on guard..Rodney opened the vault and to their suprise they found another vault that needed a fingerprint..Tyree connected the wires to the handle and schocked the system..the vault opened and they offloaded the money..another helicopter landed and they got in tyree took out bomb and pulled the pin ..he bombed their cars and the van ..he got in the chopper and they flew to headquaters..when they arrived they disposed the bags that were carrying the money and then they put it in a nike bag..Saint shot the pilot and left everyone in shock
Saint:WHAT?!you said no witnesses

Ace took out the money and put it in the private jet that was waitting on the rooftop..Tyrone and Saint got in the jet and flew to LA..they came back the next day and called a meeting to update the others

Doug:what went down?
Saint:We invested 20 million..we borrowed the bank 10 million and then the 5 million is in the joint account under our names and then the remaining 5 million is in the offshore account in the cayman islands
Ace:when do we get it back
Tyrone:the bank will return the 10 million with 100 percent interest wich is 20 million and the money we invested could sum up to 60 million in three weeks..we wilk withdraw the 5 million when the dollar has increased which will be in two weeks,with that being said the money could add up to 88 plus the 5 million in the cayman islands it all ads up to 93 million ..thats 11 million and a few thousand rands each..
Ace:11 million dollars?
Tyrone:yeah..209 million
Saint:this aint the last job right?
Tyrone: idk man...we cant be greedy..we'll get caught sooner or later so its best if we stay off the heists and no more random private jet parties..ill talk to y'all later i need to see my girl

He walked out and left them in awe..they discussed what they will do when they get their payouts and they all thought of investing it..that wont mske the police suspicious its much better than buying a bentley ,a raptor or a Rolls Royce


Tyrone squashed whatever happened between him and Rodney..they talked it through and Rodney noticed that it was wrong of him to fo's the day of the heist..justin went out first..he got inside info of which van will be carrying the real money..he parked outside the building abd put his shades on he scanned the van with the number plate"385" he identified the guards..two of them were from from the feds(FBI) and tge other one was a normal security on a average salary..he alerted Saint and the others..Justin got in his car and drove to his house to collect the helicopter..

Saint:get the guns to the car
Tyrone:the van is on the move..Move it!
Tyrone,Ace and Saint gotnin the same car and drove to where justin was ..Rodney and luke drove to 3rd street and positioned themselves..Tyree and Doug got in the suv while tyree was trying to get the encryption code...Rodney was also trying to crack it..The van passed by and luke started tge ignition following it..Doug and Tyree were parked behind the bushes

Rodney:you on 5th street?we behind them
Doug:we see them approaching,Ty...where you at
Tyrone:look up
Doug:in the chopper?
Tyrone:yeah..we landing ..leave the code to Rodney..we gotta move

Tyrone and Ace shot the wheels on the van as it slowed down,Tyree and Luke shot the security guards that were in the front..four more guards to go
Tyrone:whats up
Justin:SWAT is on the way..y'all got ten minutes
Tyrone:give me five

The chopper landed and tyrone got out along with Saint..they blew up the door and the security guards immediately started firing was a war zone,Tyrone shot two guards on their foreheads..he turned around to find Saint staring at him
Saint:bro..that's unfair!you said we shouldn't kill nobody
Tyrone:scratch that

Saint went trigger happy when he heard Tyrone saying that,his Ak47 immediately went off..he shot the other guards


me:how many times have they been robbed?
Rodney:once,six years ago,no one ever did it turned into a homicide
me:we gotta bring our A game
He leaned in on my right side viewing the Database,in a glimpse he pecked my lips,i quickly stood up and wiped my lip aggressively
Rodney:im sorry..i couldn't help it

he took his stuff and hurrily left i was disturbed,scared even the dude almost r***d me or im just exaggerating?..i walked to my room and took a shower..i woke my black polo neck and my black jeans..i called my girl and asked her to meet me at our rendezvous point..she parked her car next to mine and i got out of my car..getting into hers

Simone:you okay?
me:Do i look okay?
Simone:*giggles*who pi**ed you off?
me:Rodney..can you beleive that he kissed me?

She burst out laughing,throwing her head back..i can't beleive this,tears made their way out,she wiped them and looked at me & stared for a while and she laughed ..she held her stomach and layed her head on the steering wheel..she released a sigh and sat back..she wiped her tears and looked at me

Simone:sorry what are you going to do
me:pretend it never happened tell me
Simone:how does his lips taste?*smiles*
Simone:*giggles*okay im sorry its just that*laughs*
me:can you please stop?
Simone:okay fine...

She wipes her tears and looks out the window laughing softly..she turns to me and smiles

Simone:im sorry you had to go through that

She got closer to me and kissed me,she pulled out and stared at me ..she wiped the lipgloss on my lips and looked straight into my eyes

Simone:i swear i could taste his lips

She laughed hard and put her seat back ..she raised her legs and put them on the wheel while holding her stomach with tears on her cheeks

me:okay im done with this..

I left her and got into my car and drove could she do this to me ..i was violated


I woke up and felt hands wrapped around my waist..i turned and faced him..i shook him and he woke up
me:how'd you get here
Tyrone:don't worry about it
He rolled out of bed and went to the meantime i took a bubble bath and i walkednout finding him brushing his teeth..
me:you staying fir breakfast?
Tyrone:your aunt is here ..remember?
Tyrone:baby that lady once twisted my nuts for breaking your virginity so i don't want to risk it.
me:she wont do it again
Tyrone: *side eye*babe come on
me:okay i guess we'll meet later
He finished up and i brushed my teeth with my brush
He wore his vest and left his hoodie..i walked out and he kissed me..he pulled out
Tyrone:ill pull up on you later
he pecked my lips and jumped out the window walking through the balconies and walked to his car

After i left Simone's house i drove home..i found Rodney's car parked outside the gate..i drove in and he got in after me..i steeped out the car as he walked to me..we fist bumped
me:wats up
Rodney:we need to talk
me:lets go to my study
We walked inside the study and i sat down on my chair..he pulled out his MacBook
me:since when do we do meetings in my house?what happened to headquaters?
Rodney:im already here
me:lets get to it then
Rodney:ive gained access to the cash-in-transit company system and their data base and ive found out that there will be two vans that day..the one with the real forty million and there will be the other one with fake money..once we get the real cash,we will need a satellite encryption code to open the vault
me:you got the code?
Rodney:im stil working on it
me:after the job we have to transfer the money into the offshore account in the cayman islands
Rodney:all the money?'ll get your share after a week,we need to lay low
Rodney:okay,check this out

He gave me the MacBook and stoodup walking to where i was sitting..he held on to my chair as i was sliding through the data base


After leaving the hospital i called my guys and asked them to meet me at the warehouse ,we have a gig in a week,i parked my car two blocks away from the warehouse,the gents did the same...the cops have been keeping their eyes on us so we have to play it safe.i reached the warehouse and used the underground tunnel..i walked on the guys smoking weed...i walked in with my hands in my pocket..someone has some explaining to do

me:who killed the guard?!
me:i asked a question!
Saint:sorry about that won't happen again
me:thats what you always say..why do you always have to kill somebody for nothing
Saint:i only pulled the trigger cause he was going to shoot Ace
Ace:so you flipping the script now?Nigga f**k you!
me:aiyt thats enough..back to business
Ace:we robbing a bank or we trafficking?
me:none of those..its a robbery though
me:cash-in-transit heist...more like we keep the cash and nobody gets hurt
Doug:how much?
me:5 million
Ace:thats too small..we still have to split it
me: five million...each..its forty mill and thats about five mill divided by the eight of us
Rodney:ion care what we do as long as im getting paid ..f**k i might as well suck dick while im at it
Tyree:Dude you need serious help
me:this what we going to do..Luke,Doug and Justin you on masks,nitrogen gas and delivery...Tyree you on the tech..get the earpieces and camera's and the virtual map downtown ,some s**t goes down..let me matter how small it is ,Rodney you on firepower ..take Ace with you..Saint you with this is how its gonna go down

I told them the plan and everybody knows their part,after the meeting i went back to the hospital to check on my girl..upon my arrival i was informed that she was discharged earlier..i called her and then i realised i had her phone on me ...i went to my house,took a shower and wore my black traicksuit..i went to her house and slept with her


Tyrone was woken up by one of the cleaners..he went to his house to take a shower and get a fresh change of clothes for Simone incase she wakes up ..he went back and got in her ward..her parents weren't there Tyrone was sitting next to Simone ..her phone rang..he answered it,the numbers were saved as Wifey so he figured it was her bestfriend..he answered the call to let her know what went down and without any hesitation Brittney booked a flight from Limpopo to Northwest..Simone's her other half and she has to make sure she recovers..after he dropped the call..he looked at her, tears made their way out as his heart weakened ..he was scarred of loosing her

Tyrone:i know we not in a good space right now..i went through another day without you and that was the hardest thing i had to going through the emotions rn.*chuckles and wipes a tear*i swear i can feel you..i don't know if im aslep or awake cause this just feels like a nightmare..i reached out to touch you but then i realised you're miles away..i dont want to feel like that agin ..i want to be here for you..everytime with you that i took for granted,never again*tears flowing*i wont let you like a heart without a trying not to break down..i love you Monèt

Simone opened her eyes and saw Tyrone laying his head on her bedside..she smiled and looled at him

Simone:eww are you crying??*laughs

Tyrone lifted his head,wiped his tears and stood up cupping her face and kissed it,

Tyrone:don't ever scare me like that again
Simone: do you mean what you just said?
Tyrone:every word baby girl...i love you
Simone:i love you too
Tyrone:*pecking her lips*
Voice:*clearing throat*
Simone:*pulling out & looks down*hey dad..
Tyrone:I'll leave you to it..morning mr Mathews
Mr Mathews:*nods*are you okay princess?
Simone:im fine dad..where's mom?
Mr Mathews:she went to get you something to eat..who's that boy?
Simone:its dont remember him..he's uncle Dave's son
Mr Mathews:No..not Tyrone..the boy who brought you in..are you cheating on Tyrone??
Simone: no,he's my classmate.we actually just met today,nothing's going on..where is he?
Mr Mathews:dont worry about him just focus on getting better...Brittney's here
Simone:When did she get here?
Mr Mathews:she just landed..she was a mess over the phone she was panicking..thinking you wouldn't make it
Simone:ncoaw..i love that who's picking her up from the airport??
Mr Mathews:i sent a driver


Loretha:*walking to her*baby ..*cupping her face and kissing her multiple times*
Simone:*giggling* mom stop *laughs*
Loretha:*hands her a paper bag*i bought you feed you
Mr Mathews:*laughs*

::Wassup bitch!!
Mr Mathews:Language little girl!
Brittney:sorry dad
Simone:you made it*Brittney hugs her*
Brittney:yeah not here for you anyway ..i was in town so i decided to come through
Simone:*side eye*
Brittney:okay i flew here..happy now?*smiles*
Simone:i love you
Brittney:*hugs her and kisses her*i love you two wifey*giggles along with simone*

The doctor entered the room

Doctor:im glad to see you awake miss mathews ..sir may you please sign here?

Simone's dad stood up and signed the papers..they waited for her to take a bath and they left..Tyrone was nowhere to be found simone called him and his phone rang unanswered until she gave up trying to call him...they went home and Simone immediately fell asleep..Brittney was given a room to sleep in that was right next to Simone's





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