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Details on the disgraced and CONVICTED FELON Ex-LACD14 Councilman Jose Huizar did not want to be public to hear the truth about him taking bribes, which included millions in cash, hotel stays, gambling chips, luxury trips, several prostitutes and favorable loans while cheating on his wife for several years, developers paid off pending court cases regarding sexual harassment by a couple of woman in exchange for favorable land use development outcomes, that bypassed air quality checks and balances and Union Labor contracts.

In a sentencing memo obtained by the “Real Deal”, prosecutors described Huizar as a “powerful career politician” who, instead of upholding his oath of public office, persistently “violated that oath and duty, choosing instead to place his own lust for money and power above the rights and interests of the people he was elected to serve.”

One of the developers properties in the center of this case is the now famed Graffiti Art Towers next to Crypto Arena owned by Oceanwide Plaza which is owned managed by Oceanwide Holdings which is a Chinese public traded company. Oceanwide plaza has nearly 2 Billion Dollars by its parent company. So the politicos are saying Oceanwide has no money is furthest from the truth. The property became frozen because of Huizar’s involvement.l in the Pay To Play scandal.

Ex-deputy LA mayor loses bid to exclude ‘salacious’ evidence from racketeering trial.

A judge said the details of the extravagant Las Vegas trips were relevant for the jury to hear because they were a key part of the bribery scheme the former deputy mayor is accused of facilitating.

Los Angeles City Hall.
(Chris Marshall/Courthouse News)

A former Los Angeles deputy mayor lost his bid to exclude "salacious" details of Las Vegas trips that were used to bribe a convicted local politician from his upcoming racketeering trial.

Raymond Chan is the last remaining defendant in a sprawling LA City Hall corruption scandal centered around José Huizar, a former City Council member who last month was sentenced to 13 years in prison for running a criminal enterprise that solicited massive bribes and other favors from real-estate developers in exchange for moving their projects through the city's approval process.

Federal prosecutors have charged Chan, 67, with racketeering conspiracy and aiding and abetting Huizar's bribery scheme by acting as a go-between the councilman and deep-pocketed Chinese developers during a building boom in downtown LA. Chan first went on trial a year ago, but the case ended in a mistrial after his lawyer fell seriously ill and couldn't return to the courtroom.

His new trial is scheduled to start on March 12.

U.S. District Judge John Walter on Friday denied the request by Chan's new lawyers to prevent jurors from hearing about what they said were the salacious details of the numerous, all-expenses-paid gambling and partying trips that Chinese billionaire Wei Huang, the chairman of Shen Zhen New World, took Huizar on from 2013 through 2017.

Those details, including hundreds of thousands of dollars in gambling chips Huang gave to Huizar, in addition to providing him with luxury suites, expensive meals, wines and prostitutes, would be prejudicial to Chan, his lawyers said, because he didn't go on those trips with Huang and Huizar,

"What salacious details?" the judge asked. "What is prejudicial about a luxury suite at Caesar's?"

The details of those Las Vegas trips, Walter said, including that Huizar was always first served at dinner and got the first pick of the prostitutes Huang provided, were relevant to the prosecution's case against Chan because they were the financial benefit Huizar received as part of the bribery scheme Chan is charged with enabling.

"Isn't that important for the jury to understand?" the judge asked. "Huizar wouldn't have been selling his office for a stay in Motel 6 and dinner at Jack in the Box."

Walter, however, cautioned the government to truncate the lengthy testimony about the Las Vegas trips, in part provided by Huizar's former special assistant, that was part of the trial of the U.S.-based subsidiary of Huang's company in 2022.

The judge also denied the defense's bid to exclude evidence at trial of Huizar's bribery schemes in which Chan wasn't personally involved.

"It would be cumulative," Michael Freedman, one of Chan's attorneys argued. "In the other schemes, Mr. Chan was just doing his day-to-day job."

Freedman pointed out that the two developers who have been tried and convicted in the corruption scandal were given separate trials precisely so that they wouldn't be unfairly tainted by other aspects of Huizar's criminal enterprise that had nothing to do with them.

Walter rejected this argument because unlike those developers, Chan is charged with racketeering conspiracy, and the other parts of the criminal enterprise were part of the overall conspiracy.

Chan was the general manager of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety before being appointed deputy mayor of economic development in 2016. He's accused of facilitating Huizar's bribery scheme with Shen Zhen New World, which was found guilty at trial in 2022 of paying more than $1 million in bribes to Huizar.

He's also accused of acting as Huizar's go-between for Shenzhen Hazens' domestic subsidiary Jia Yuan USA, which paid a $1 million fine as part of nonprosecution agreement with the Justice Department in 2019.

Share this resource with anyone living out of their vehicle.  Free Showers Food and Resources.

Share this resource with anyone living out of their vehicle. Free Showers Food and Resources.

Our Shower of Hope Program is available in over 14 locations weekly We developed the “Hope Navigation Center” as a Website and a Mobile App that will allow you to access organizations that are offering food, clothing, free showers and Safe Parking among other services. You can access the Hope Na...

Can anyone help identify this Cyclist?He is a Hit and Run Suspect in an incident that involved him and an elderly woman,...

Can anyone help identify this Cyclist?
He is a Hit and Run Suspect in an incident that involved him and an elderly woman, who he hit knocked to the ground and then took off. The woman is in the hospital.

The Sierra Madre Police is seeking the Cycling communities help to indentify this Cyclist. If you know who he might be, do the right thing and contact Sierra Madre Detective Ascano at 626-355-1414 and refer to Case #240043.

The person who was hit could of been one of your loved ones.

1.2 Million Dollar homes may be coming to El Sereno, after a Denver based developer has the go ahead by a state appellat...

1.2 Million Dollar homes may be coming to El Sereno, after a Denver based developer has the go ahead by a state appellate court.

Despite many community activists efforts to stop this development on Eastern Ave and Lombardy.

Where does LACD14 Councilman Kevin de León stand on this development?

Court limits the timeframe for environmental challenges to developers, citing the statute of limitations on a 42-house proposal in El Sereno.

A 14 year old teenager was shot and killed in Boyle Heights on Sunday.  LAPD Hollenbeck Homicide Detectives are calling ...

A 14 year old teenager was shot and killed in Boyle Heights on Sunday. LAPD Hollenbeck Homicide Detectives are calling this a gang related shooting.

BOYLE HEIGHTS, LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 (KNN) — A teenager was found fatally shot in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles Sunday evening. Gabriel Pabon / KNN The Los Angeles Police Department&…

Why is LA the Homeless Capital of the United States?Could decades of Political Corruption be the cause?

Why is LA the Homeless Capital of the United States?

Could decades of Political Corruption be the cause?

We ask ourselves the confounding question: Why is Los Angeles the homeless capital of the world? The answer: corruption.



Ex-LA Disgraced Councilman Huizar sentenced 13 years in prison in federal pay-to-play corruption case.

He can now add Criminal and Felon to his resume.

Disgraced Councilman LACD14 Jose Huizar still has enablers in his corner and are in denial of what he has done to the co...

Disgraced Councilman LACD14 Jose Huizar still has enablers in his corner and are in denial of what he has done to the communities he represented.

His lavish lifestyle, prostitution, lying, taking bribes over community concerns, PAY to PLAY scandal still gets letters of support from his Mother who became a witness in his case, Father Greg Boyle and past LAUSD President Monica Garcia. Here is a glimpse of their pleas for the judge.

Disgraced LACD14 ex Councilman Jose Huizar faces his sentencing in his Pay to Play scandal that brought down City Hall.

Disgraced LACD14 ex Councilman Jose Huizar faces his sentencing in his Pay to Play scandal that brought down City Hall.

Huizar, 55, of Boyle Heights, pleaded guilty a year ago to federal counts of conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and tax evasion.

Many of you know we have been involved with exposing the corrupt actions of Disgraced LACD14 Councilman Jose Huizar, who...

Many of you know we have been involved with exposing the corrupt actions of Disgraced LACD14 Councilman Jose Huizar, who awaits his fate in court after pleading guilty to the crimes.

We also were there to expose the city staff enablers who further allowed this criminal to operate for so many years. The FBI raided his office and home and opened the largest LA City scandal in the cities history.

The following editorial was published in City Watch.

Editor's Note: The following is a letter from Retired Chief/Councilmember to Judge John F. Walter re the sentencing recommendation of Jose Huizar.

January 21, 2024

The Honorable John F. Walter United States Courthouse- 350 West 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Judge Walter,

I am writing concerning Case No. 2:20-cr-00326-JFW: The United States of America v. Jose Luis Huizar.

After reading about the prosecution’s sentencing recommendation of 13 years for Mr. Huizar, I thought the court could benefit from a fresh perspective on the matter.

I served on the Los Angeles City Council with Mr. Huizar from the time of his election in 2005 to the time of my retirement in 2015. And, I can tell you plainly that Mr. Huizar’s pre-indictment behavior while in elected office also left much to be desired. He dragged the city into his very well-documented sexual harassment case, which involved a city employee. And, his overreach to acquire the majority of downtown unnecessarily and— some might say— illegally made two of the city’s poorest districts even poorer. Though these two aforementioned actions are not a part of this federal case, they both planted the seeds for his criminal activity.

As you know, Mr. Huizar used a portion of his bribe money to pay for the settlement in his sexual harassment suit; an illegal act used to make an instance of inappropriate behavior disappear.

And, then there was the redistricting process of 2011-2012, when Mr. Huizar feverishly campaigned for and received the very same downtown properties that would lead to his downfall. His district did not include these downtown areas before redistricting. Mr. Huizar’s unexplainable urge to advocate for a plan that drastically changed his district and the people who elected him was puzzling until the federal government revealed the details of his indictment. Once it all came to light, former Councilmember Jan Perry and I wrote an opinion piece in the LA Times on how redistricting aided his crimes1.

This city is at a crossroads. Due to the numerous political indictments over the last several years, corruption has stopped becoming the exception and has very much become the rule. That is why I ask that you consider sentencing Mr. Huizar to the highest penalty that his crimes allow. It would serve as an example to those in office as well as those considering running for office. Furthermore, it would send a strong message to the criminal element that existed at the time of Mr. Huizar’s self dealing and, sadly, continues to exist there to this day.

Mr. Huizar did not acquire his downtown cash cow by himself. There were a number of unindicted co-conspirators, if you will, who were located inside and around city hall and assisted him in this mission. To do this, they ignored proper procedure, ethical accountability, the rights and input of the public and the law.

The second phase of Mr. Huizar's scheme mimicked organized crime at its finest. Like most corrupt enterprises, many lower ranking members of city government and even his own family members were drawn into his crimes— some knowingly, others unknowingly. Indeed, a statement needs to be made with this sentencing; one that can be heard and felt by not only the wrongdoers— but also the ones who surround them.

I served this city for 50 years, and growing up on the police department, you would hear stories about the crooked politicians and police department of the 1930s, when the corruption was so bad that a mayor was recalled, LAPD promotions were for sale and a judge had to come in and run the city.

Huizar’s egregious acts rank right up there with those that took place in Depression-era LA. From his creation of a criminal enterprise to the hundreds of thousands of dollars found in his bedroom closet, he routinely abused the powers of his office and enjoyed the fruits of his misbehavior.

In total, Mr. Huizar violated his elected oath of office and his state bar code of ethics. He failed his family by becoming a poor example to his children and by including a parent and a sibling in his fraudulent activities. And, he failed the community that elected him, his colleagues who supported him and the entire City of Los Angeles.

We need to hold our electeds to a higher standard.



Chief/Councilmember, Retired

Editor's Note: The following is a letter from Retired Chief/Councilmember to Judge John F. Walter re the sentencing recommendation of Jose Huizar. The Honorable John F....

This is what types of weapons are found in the Streets of Los Angeles County…The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central ...

This is what types of weapons are found in the Streets of Los Angeles County…

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California and the Bureau of Alcohol, To***co, Fi****ms and Explosives’ (ATF) Los Angeles Field Division today launched a public service announcement designed to raise awareness on the dangers of machine gun conversion devices, sometimes known as “switches,” “chips” or “auto sears.”

The PSA features U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada and ATF Los Angeles leadership highlighting the dangers of using illegal conversion devices in fi****ms and how possession of these devices can lead to federal prosecution and incarceration.

“In the last five years, ATF has recovered more than 31,000 machine gun conversion devices,” said ATF LA Field Division Special Agent in Charge Christopher Bombardiere. “These devices are not gun accessories. They are illegal and considered machine guns under federal law. This current machine gun conversion device trend is similar to what we saw when ghost guns emerged more than a decade ago.”

“Protecting the public is our priority and gun ‘switches’ pose a real danger to the community,” said U.S. Attorney Estrada. “Simply possessing a conversion device can carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, and law enforcement is committed to eradicating them for everyone’s safety.”

Conversion devices can convert semi-automatic pistols and rifles into fully automatic weapons in less than 60 seconds. One pull of the trigger can release all the ammunition in the magazine.

The PSA encourages the public to contact the local ATF office if they know someone making, selling or possessing a conversion device. Individuals are also encouraged to contact an ATF office if they need to safely dispose of a conversion device.

Conversion devices are advertised using misleading names and deceptive descriptions intended to avoid detection by law enforcement and defeat protocols used by internet vendors. Often the devices are advertised with the assertion that the purchase and possession of the devices is lawful. This is not true. A conversion device just on its own is considered an illegal machine gun under federal law and cannot be possessed, even without a pistol or rifle. Both the National Fi****ms Act and the Gun Control Act regulate machine guns.

The definition of a machine gun under 26 U.S.C. § 5845(b) and 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(23) includes:

Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.
The combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun.

Alhambra Police is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying this EBike Thief

Alhambra Police is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying this EBike Thief

🚨 ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY: The Alhambra Police Department is seeking the public's assistance in locating the pictured suspect. On January 2, 2024, the suspect stole an electric bicycle that was secured to a bike rack outside McDonald's (909 E. Main St.).

If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact Detective Amparo at 626-570-5158 or [email protected], reference report number 24-00172.

A blast from the past in Monterey Park.  This venue was established as a Polynesian theme park, turned into a themed din...

A blast from the past in Monterey Park. This venue was established as a Polynesian theme park, turned into a themed dinner destination, and one of the most popular discotheques in Southern California.

1960 until about 1978, Danny Balzs' The “Tikis” was like Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room on fire, it seated With 3000, and had a capacity of 5,000 which an included an 200’ erupting volcano, four waterfalls, five separate discos that were tiered alongside the hills, it also had a train ride, a petting zoo and live entertainment stage show with knife dancers, hula girls, a flying gorilla and all the Mai Tais you could drink.

It was located on Protrero Grande Ave across the street from Resurrection Cemetery, encompassed three acres of lush exotic trees and plants that created an oasis atmosphere" with erupting volcanos, waterfalls, lagoons, the sound of thunder and rain, birds and monkeys filled the outdoor dance areas. There were huts, and a 100-foot snake bar, a banana train ride and five acres of free parking.

The Tikis offered an unbelievably adult playground, a good time that has not been duplicated in the southland. in many ways “Tikis” was a themed distinction ahead of its time.

Did you ever visited this establishment?

Danny Balsz brought over-the-top Polynesian-inspired entertainment to Monterey Park in the 1960s and '70s.

California Credit Union Offering Scholarships to Los Angeles County StudentsCredit Union Encourages College-Bound Studen...

California Credit Union Offering Scholarships to Los Angeles County Students

Credit Union Encourages College-Bound Students in Los Angeles to Apply For $1,000 scholarships

California Credit Union is encouraging college-bound students in Los Angeles to apply for its 2024 Student Scholarship Program. Through the program, the credit union provides $20,000 in scholarships annually to recognize local students who are motivated in their academic studies and active in their schools and communities.

“We encourage local students to get a head start on their education and apply for one of our annual scholarships,” said California Credit Union President & CEO Steve O’Connell. “We know the cost of higher education can be a challenge for many families, and we are proud to help these students on their path to realize their educational goals. We look forward to continuing our long-standing tradition of student scholarships to support our next generation of leaders.”

California Credit Union scholarships are available to college-bound high school seniors and community college students transferring to a four-year university who reside in Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino and Orange counties. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to be eligible to participate. Selection criteria include academic performance, school or community involvement, a letter of recommendation, and an essay submission.

Interested students can find more information and apply online at Online applications will be accepted through Friday, March 8, 2024. Recipients will be announced on Monday, April 8, 2024.

The California Credit Union Annual Student Scholarship program was created in 2005 to recognize outstanding students within local communities. Since the creation of the program, the credit union has awarded more than $395,000 in scholarships.

We are Awarding Scholarships of Each to Students! 20 within Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Orange Counties 10 within San Diego and Riverside Counties If you are a student or know an eligible student, apply for our Student Scholarship for a chance to be awarded $1,000 towards your edu...

Former LA Deputy Mayor Raymond Chan loses his bid to get his racketeering case dismissed.Chan is the last remaining defe...

Former LA Deputy Mayor Raymond Chan loses his bid to get his racketeering case dismissed.

Chan is the last remaining defendant in LA's Largest City Hall corruption scandal in its history.

Another city hall staff enabler to the disgraced ex LA City Councilman Jose Huizar in LACD14

The last remaining defendant in LA's massive City Hall corruption scandal again faces trial, following a mistrial in 2023.

Another example of what is wrong with LA Politics, Permits for housing.A 49 unit affordable housing project has taken ov...

Another example of what is wrong with LA Politics, Permits for housing.

A 49 unit affordable housing project has taken over 17 years to build in Boyle Heights that is in LACD14.

By the time it gets build and permits signed off, it may not be affordable no longer...

Los Angeles is one of the nation's most challenging housing markets when it comes to affordability, mainly because of a lack of viable housing stock. The fact that a 49-unit affordable housing project has taken 17 years to build and still isn't complete speaks to the numerous difficulties that come....

Here is the info for Rose Parade Street Closures

Here is the info for Rose Parade Street Closures

Colorado Boulevard will close to motor vehicles beginning at 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on a small portion to accommodate the Lululemon Run on Sunday, December 31, 2023, and will remain closed through the conclusion of the staging and clean-up following the parade. The parade route will re-open by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 1, 2024.


Colorado Boulevard cerrará a los vehículos motorizados a partir de las 10:00 p.m. y 8:00 p.m. en una pequeña porción para acomodar la carrera Lululemon el domingo 31 de diciembre de 2023, y permanecerá cerrado hasta que concluya la puesta en escena y la limpieza después del desfile. La ruta del desfile se reabrirá a las 2:00 p.m. el lunes 1 de enero de 2024.

A tentative settlement has been reached in the case of an LAPD Officer touching a breast of a dead woman.

A tentative settlement has been reached in the case of an LAPD Officer touching a breast of a dead woman.

The city of Los Angeles and plaintiffs who sued alleging that a Los Angeles police officer touched a dead woman’s breast while on duty have reached a tentative settlement in the case. The dead woman’s mother and 18-year-old grandson, and the father of the teen, sued the city and Officer David Ro...

Portions of the famed 6th Street Bridge in Los Angeles has gone dark.  The bridge is also known as the ribbon of light t...

Portions of the famed 6th Street Bridge in Los Angeles has gone dark. The bridge is also known as the ribbon of light that connects Boyle Heights to the Arts District.

Vandals have struck again and got away with it despite the additional servailance, cameras and police patrols the city said it had in place.

City officials said they're unsure when the copper wires were stolen but said they first noticed the thefts about two weeks ago.

The Hollenbeck Youth Center host a Toy Giveaway called "Miracle on First St." Their mission is to provide assistance to ...

The Hollenbeck Youth Center host a Toy Giveaway called "Miracle on First St." Their mission is to provide assistance to at-risk inner-city youth during the holiday season, which brings smiles on children’s faces.

For nearly 40 years, the Hollenbeck Youth Center has hosted a toy drive for families in Northeast LA Community of Boyle Heights.

CA Governor and Hollywood Movie Superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger, has attended the event for over 30 years and comes visits Boyle Heights for this toy giveaway.

In the past he has brought some of his Hollywood friends to join him to pass out gifts. This is the largest toy giveaway in the city, where over 10,000 toys are passed out.

Arnold posted this video on Tic Toc telling us why he does it.

The Voice Community News has attended this event in the past and it is heartwarming to see all the joy in the childrens faces.

6498 likes, 277 comments. “There is a reason I have been handing out presents at the Hollenbeck Center in Boyle Heights for over 30 years. When I first came to America, my friends at Gold’s Gym were so generous. They brought me in during Christmas time and made me feel so happy and included. I l...

Law Enforcement and pharmacies are ignoring HIPAA Laws that are in place to protect personally identifiable health data....

Law Enforcement and pharmacies are ignoring HIPAA Laws that are in place to protect personally identifiable health data.

A Senate Finance Committee inquiry revealed on Tuesday that police departments can get access to private medical information from pharmacies, no warrant needed. While HIPAA may...

Orange County Judge denies a lawsuit that was brought on by the cities of to reverse the Zero Bail policy in LA County.T...

Orange County Judge denies a lawsuit that was brought on by the cities of to reverse the Zero Bail policy in LA County.

The cities include:

Twelve cities sued to block LA County's zero cash bail system, which they said would present a danger to public safety. Now, a judge says they'll have until January to prove their claims.

Will you be able to retire at 65, 66, 67?Full retirement age (FRA) is the age you must reach to receive full retirement ...

Will you be able to retire at 65, 66, 67?
Full retirement age (FRA) is the age you must reach to receive full retirement benefits from Social Security.

Your FRA varies depending on the year you were born. The FRA in the United States is 66 years and two months for those born in 1955, increasing gradually to 67 for those born in 1960 or later.

CNBC Make It asked three people who have continued to work into their 90s to share their best advice for building a long, happy career. Here’s what they shared.

Former Woodrow Wilson High School Teacher and Girls Baketball Head Coach is arrested for sexual abuse of students.

Former Woodrow Wilson High School Teacher and Girls Baketball Head Coach is arrested for sexual abuse of students.

A key part of the claims the women make against the school district is that other staff knew or should have known about the alleged abuse that was taking place, but that they failed to do anything.

As millions of people begin to venture out onto California’s busy roadways for the upcoming holiday, the California High...

As millions of people begin to venture out onto California’s busy roadways for the upcoming holiday, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) is preparing to serve up its annual Thanksgiving Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP).

Beginning at 6:01 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 22, and continuing through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 26, the MEP aims to reduce the number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities during one of the year’s busiest travel periods.

“Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and celebration, but the holiday is also associated with increased travel and a higher risk of traffic incidents,” said CHP Commissioner Sean Duryee. “Our officers will be on patrol to take enforcement action as necessary and to provide assistance to motorists who are stranded or in need of help on the side of the road.”

During the MEP, CHP officers will be working to assist and educate motorists and enforce traffic safety laws throughout the state, actively looking for unsafe driving behaviors, including impaired or distracted driving, speed and reckless driving, and people not wearing seat belts.

Last year during the Thanksgiving MEP, 37 people were killed in crashes within the CHP’s jurisdiction. The CHP’s holiday enforcement effort also resulted in more than 8,600 citations issued to motorists for speed and seat belt violations. Additionally, CHP officers made 1,016 arrests for driving under the influence during the four-day period.

“Remember to prioritize safety as you travel during the holidays,” added Commissioner Duryee. “Observe speed limits, avoid distractions, and ensure everyone in the vehicle is buckled up. Responsible driving contributes to a happy and safe holiday.”

Man shot in Lincoln Heights at bus stop on Broadway and Eastlake on Friday Night November 17th

Man shot in Lincoln Heights at bus stop on Broadway and Eastlake on Friday Night November 17th

LINCOLN HEIGHTS, LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17 (KNN) — A man was found with gunshot wounds at a bus stop in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. A shooti...

FREE Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, November 23, 2023.You are invited to celebrate Thanksgiving at the Sage Granada Par...

FREE Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, November 23, 2023.

You are invited to celebrate Thanksgiving at the Sage Granada Park United Methodist Church located at 1850 W. Hellman Ave, Alhambra 91803.

Whether you are alone or with someone who needs a meal, you are welcome to join us for a free and delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Our meals are prepared by professional chefs from the American Culinary Federation (ACF). They will be serving hot and tasty dishes at no cost to you.
You can choose from three seating times: 2pm, 4pm or 6pm.

While you enjoy your meal, you will also be entertained by the award-winning and talented Steve Thompson, playing piano and singing as you dine.

Come and enjoy Thanksgiving with others. You can also take some hot boxed turkey dinners with you and deliver them to the homeless and needy.

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Alhambra Culinary School and APAC -Alhambra Performing Art Center.

If you would like to donate to help us cover the costs of this event, you can do so through Zelle or a credit card.

For more information or to reserve your seat or pick up your meals, please contact Chef Bill Yee at (626) 230-5435 or email him at [email protected]

We hope to see you there and wish you a happy Thanksgiving!



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