We are part of Nature, not separate from it. We each have a role to play in this crisis. Return to Earth is a new podcast launched in 2024 by Monica Nease Jenkins that explores solutions to our climate crisis. Jenkins is a storyteller, voiceover artist, podcaster, meditator, actress, wife, mom, lover of cats, dogs, insects, birds, native plants, Art (and art), music and a lot of what makes living
on Earth a wonderful thing. She is a human on a mission to make her world better. The stories she prefers to tell are ones where we humans go through difficult times and come out the other side transformed — more wise and safe to pursue the next challenge. As the story’s protagonist, we humans get a chance to level up in the game. Climate change is her passion but understands that addressing that crisis starts with each of us. We each have a role to play. Which one will you choose? May this work help you find hope, inspiration, and a way forward on your own path to addressing this crisis in your life, in your community.