The Abbotsford Real Estate Blog's page is meant for anyone who's either in the market to buy and/or sell a home in Abbotsford, BC, or who's thinking about buying and/or selling. The people behind this page - like the people behind the Abbotsford Real Estate Blog - have nothing to do with the real estate industry or profession - in Abbotsford or anywhere else, for that matter. They're just
people who live in Abbotsford and who think that better real estate decisions are made when you've got information. And since the kind of information that's important when buying or selling real estate seems to be hard to come by - in one place - they decided to launch the Abbotsford Real Estate Blog as a way of pushing out key information on the Abbotsford real estate market:
- Property sales
- New listings
- Active listings
- Benchmark prices
- Median prices
- Average prices
Information also covers what kind of market is Abbotsford in - buyers', sellers', or balanced (or at least was in for the previous months) - for specific property types:
- Detached homes
- Townhouses
- Condominiums
The Abbotsford Real Estate Blog also tracks and publishes historical data, so you can see - at a glance - the key numbers for key metrics of the market for 12 months or more. If you haven't already visited the blog, you should click on the link to check it out:
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