We’re hoping to revive Guest House Studio, but we must bring GENESIS back first, & due to unfortunate obstacles, that is on hold. Our post-mastering recording facility provided interactive audio recordings in digital, analog & MP3 formats. Unique proprietary software and hardware technologies were employed, having been developed through 30 years of research & development by the late Michael H Brad
ford. Our Enhancement Engineers worked to create a final master recording that exudes the feelings and intensity the artists & musicians intended for their listening audience. Distinct DSP algorithms, carefully fine-tuned bio-sensor settings and APPLE™ driven consoles, create a sonic palette unlike any other in the industry. Our clients are recording studios and distributors, producers, concert venues and the artists themselves. Please take the time to browse thru the pages & highlights of our web site. By the use of Wikipedia™ and our glossary, most questions about our descriptive terminology will be answered. Whenever a cutting-edge technology is developed, new words & expressions are needed to accurately describe a unique process. Guesthouse Studio’s mission statement is, “To provide the Earth with the most profoundly meaningful and pleasurable live & pre-recorded reproduction of enhanced, interactive sound possible.” It is our goal to help everyone tune-in to and appreciate each other, nature, the arts and our complex expanding universe one song at a time.