The West Papua National Committee KNPB Yalimu Region supports the full independence of the Kanaky Nation
By expressing full support that
1. Stop the Constitutional Amendment that accommodates tens of thousands of colonial immigrants to become voters. Provide the widest possible right to self-determination for the Indigenous Kanak nation.
2. Stop the continuation of Kanaky colonialism and the French government immediately negotiate with the FLNKS to push for a fair referendum for the indigenous Kanaky nation
3. Request that MSG, PIF and BBP be actively involved in urging the French Government to truly realize decolonization for the Kanak nation by adhering to the principles of the UN Charter XI Article 73.
4. In line with the Decolonization process in New Caledonia (Kanaky), West Papua is again demanding that the Indonesian colonial authorities stop the Corporate Occupation, Occupation of Colonial Immigrant Citizens and Colonial Military Occupation. Indonesia immediately pushed for the Decolonization Process for the Papuan people in the West Papua Territory.
5. Free Kanaky free west Papua
That's our support
Don't forget to say thank you for your good cooperation.
Theo Loho