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Sabbath School Summary
The Testimony of the Samaritans
Lesson 5
Memory Text: John 4:42

SABBATH: Samaritans were half-Jewish, half-Gentile people. They were formed after conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians. Captives from other nations intermarried with those in the north to make the Samaritans. Jews & Samaritans were bitter enemies. They could trade out of necessity but social affairs were abhorred. The Jewish ruler, John Hyrcanus, destroyed a Samaritan temple in 128 B.C. Jesus’ talk with the Samaritan woman depicts this enmity.

SUNDAY: The love for John the Baptist made his followers jealous when Jesus’ disciples baptized more than them. The reply of John was; he must decrease as Jesus increases. Likely, to avoid tension, Jesus left Judea for Galilee. He used the direct route, Samaria, instead of Perea, the long route used by devout Jews (John 4:1-4, 3:26-30). It was there He met a woman at Jacob’s well. Her life was about to change (John 4:5-9).

MONDAY: At the well, hatred stopped the Samaritan woman from being kind to Jesus. He was wearied, but He was waiting to bless her (John 4:7-15). As was with Nicodemus, Jesus knew what she needed. Her reply on where Jesus will get the living water is like that of Nicodemus; “how can these things be?” Both needed a conversion experience (John 3:9, 4:11). Christ is the Water of life; the Living Water (Jer. 2:13, Zech. 14:8). Water is a necessity for life.

TUESDAY: Water in the natural world is thirst-removing. Jesus as the Living Water is grace that’s sin-removing. He cleanses you & gives you a new heart (Ezek. 36:25-27). He takes away all stress & He gives true rest. Initially, both Nicodemus & the Samaritan woman did not grasp what Jesus told them. Do I go back to my mother’s womb? Where is the water?; Give me the water. Jesus asked the woman to call her husband first (John 4:15, 16, DA, p. 187).

WEDNESDAY: The woman at the well practiced avoidance. To find healing, she must first accept her sin & Jesus as her Savior. When Jesus told her deep secrets, He accepted Him as a prophet (John 4:16-26). To deflect the topic, she asked Jesus about the place of worship. Samaritans in their worship blended Judaism & paganism. Jesus told her the Jews worshipped the true God. Jesus plainly told her He was the Messiah; the only time in the Gospels before His trial.

THURSDAY: How could the Master mix Himself up with a Samaritan? Jesus’ disciples marveled. They interrupted the sweet talk & brought it to a climax. They cared about physical food & lost sight of the spiritual food Jesus was giving. Meanwhile, the woman left her water pot & rushed to the city to testify Jesus (John 4:27-42). Her testimony made many Samaritans believe in Jesus & they asked Him to stay with them.

FRIDAY: The Samaritan woman became a more effective missionary than the disciples by bringing many from her city to Jesus. While the disciples overlooked the potential in Samaria, she recognized the immediate need for salvation around her. Her actions illustrate that true faith in Christ compels believers to share the gospel with others. Those who receive Christ's grace become sources of life and hope for those around them.

—Ellen G. White, “At Jacob’s Well,” pp. 183– 195, in The Desire of Ages.


DA- The Desire of Ages

Jacob’s well- Jacob’s well was located right next to Shechem, while Sychar, where the Samaritan woman was from, was about a mile away (1.5 km).

The Samaritan woman- Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler and a Rabbi lowered himself to meet Jesus at night. But the Samaritan woman rejected Jesus in broad daylight. Why did she go such a long way to fetch water, and in the middle of the day when it was hot? Meeting Jesus was not an accident.


SUNDAY- The Setting of the Encounter
MONDAY- The Woman at the Well
TUESDAY- “ ‘Sir, Give Me This Water’ ”
WEDNESDAY- The Revelation of Jesus
THURSDAY- The Testimony of the Samaritans

Discussion Questions

📌 In class, go over your answers to Sunday’s final question. Be brutally honest about it. What are the taboos and prejudices found in your culture that could indeed hamper your own witness to others?

📌 Why do you think Jesus got such a warm reception among the Samaritans in contrast to the reception among His own people?

📌Put yourself in the place of that Samaritan woman. A total stranger comes and lets her know that He is aware of her deepest secrets. How could anyone, much less a stranger, have known these things? No wonder she was impressed by Jesus. What should this story tell us about how the Lord knows everything about us, even the deepest, darkest secrets that we would not want anyone to know? And yet, what does the way He treated her say to us about how He wants to deal with us, even when He knows our secrets? What comfort can we draw from this truth?

📌 What themes in the Gospel of John that we have studied thus far are found in Jesus’ ministry to the Samaritan woman at the well?

For October 26–November 1. Happy Sabbath!


Big shout out to my newest top fans! Brian Kabi, Musa Astariko, Kwamboka Josephine, Gerty Ombongi, Joakim Wa Siaya, G*i Silas, Denno Ondiek, Dennis Omwega, Naomi Ochako, Makorise Symoh, Pauline Asumeni, Martha Kemuma, Cheruiyot Dickson, Ezekiel Okindo, Justin Kepha, Rebecca Kerubo, Jared Gechure, Morgan Mophat, Ukiniita Justine Nitaitika, Samuel Opiyo, Hezron Obendi, Judson Osebe, Maurice Werengai Nyongesa, Beatrice Kiyondi Aka Gesare, Jared Orure Matureti, Jacky Barare, Sirma Kikwai, Esther Ogoti, Isaac Bwo Osinde, Topree Outta, Omwana Esimba, Ediva Yeskimu, Albert Kirera, Kelvin Keix, Jaquline Moraa, Justine Osebe, Natasha Mcute, Doreen Nyamima, Albert Kibor, Fanish Fanish, Alex O***a, Pius Osoro Echairman Yechinsanako, Reuben Manyange, Clinton Ochichi, Dama Klean, Ann Too, Sabera Mirina, Cosmas Mpathfinder, Nancy Kwamboka, Humble Gal Brenda


Sabbath School Summary_
The Risen Lord
Lesson 13
Memory Text: Mark 16:6

SABBATH: “It is finished.” The last cry of Jesus. The Jewish priests & rulers put the Son of God to death. But even when Christ was dead, their jealousy & fear of Him wasn’t dead. They feared that He’d resurrect or the disciples would steal His body. The disciples feared for their lives, their hopes & faith were crushed. Yet, Christ is risen! How can we SDAs rejoice in the Sunday resurrection? How can we share the gospel to the world?

*SUNDAY*: The great stone at the door of Jesus’ tomb was removed on Sunday. He had risen! All the Gospels agree that He died on the preparation day (Friday, late noon), rested on the Sabbath, His disciples too, & rose on Sunday. Early Christians marked Sunday as sacred & it became the basis for the false Sabbath (Mark 15:42-16:6, Matt. 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54, 56; John 19:14, 31, 42). Baptism is the only memorial of the resurrection (Col. 2:10-12, Rom. 6:4).

*MONDAY*: The major themes in each of the Gospels about the resurrection are “died, buried, risen, & seen”. The four ideas aligns with 1 Cor. 15:1-8. Evidence of Christ’s resurrection is substantial to disbelief (Mark 16:1-8, John 21). This & the idea of a miracle becomes rational when one accepts God as the Creator. Even atheist historians agree to an empty tomb. Also, the disciples couldn’t go past the guards to steal Jesus’ body. Many saw Jesus (Acts 3:15, 1 Pet. 1:3).

*TUESDAY*: Jesus kept His identity as the Messiah silent so as to finish His earthly ministry as prophesied (Dan. 9:24-27). The l***r, Jarius, the multitude, & the disciples were bid to be silent about His Messiahship (see Mark 1:44; 7:36; 8:30; 9:9). The only non-demon-possessed person who called Jesus as the Messiah was Peter but this is later (Mark 8:29). The women at the tomb kept mute too (Mark 16:1-8) until they preached Him everywhere (DA, p. 788, Mark 16:20).

*WEDNESDAY*: Women were the primary witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. This is vital due to women’s lower status in ancient society, making the story more credible. The disciples wouldn’t have made themselves bad in a fake story (Mark 16:14). Mark 16:9-20 which has Magdalene & the two seeing Jesus & other 11 commissioned parallels NT texts (Matt. 28:1, 9, 10; John 20:11-18; Luke 8:2, 24:13-35, Matt. 28:16-20; Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19-23).

*THURSDAY*: At last, Jesus ascended to His Father’s throne & sat at His right hand (Mark 16:19). He’d enable them to carry the gospel to all with many signs. Before His ascension, He rebuked their unbelief (Matt. 28:17, John 20:24-29). He gave proof of His resurrection & bid them to carry the gospel to everyone. He’d protect them. At times, they were to be trained by trials (Mark 16:14-20). Many misinterpret Mark 16:18. It’s God’s protection during mission (Acts 28:3-6).

*FRIDAY*: Christ is viewed by believers as the source of resurrection & life. He offers eternal life to mean death is akin to sleep. Despite doubts, even atheist historians accept that many claimed to have seen the resurrected Jesus, & this led to the formation of the Christian church. Theories have emerged about these sightings; Jesus had a twin brother or the disciples hallucinated or He never died or aliens took His body.

—Ellen G. White, “ ‘The Lord Is Risen,’ ” pp. 779–787; “Go Teach All Nations,” pp. 818–828, in The Desire of Ages & Clifford Goldstein, Risen: Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2021).


_NT- New Testament_

_DA- The Desire of Ages_

_Preparation day- Most commentators understand this as a reference to sunset Thursday through sunset Friday. Jesus died late on Friday afternoon and was then quickly buried before sunset._

_Mark 16:18- Some people have mistakenly interpreted Mark 16:18 as an affirmation for Christians to show their faith by picking up venomous snakes. No such presumptuous action is authorized here._

_Sunday- We can rejoice in the resurrection, despite the false theology that has arisen from it._


_SUNDAY- Rejoicing in the Resurrection_
_MONDAY- The Stone Was Rolled Away_
_TUESDAY- The Women at the Tomb_
_WEDNESDAY- Appearing to Mary and Others_
_THURSDAY- Go Into All the World_

*Discussion Questions*

📌 Why would the disciples have lied about the resurrection of Jesus? From all that we know, they faced nothing but hatred, alienation, and persecution for their belief. What would they have gained by making this story up?

📌 What evidence of Jesus’ resurrection is most convincing to you? Share your reasons with your class.

📌 Dwell more on the great hope that Jesus’ resurrection offers us. Read 1 Corinthians 15. How much importance does Paul put on the resurrection of Jesus?

_For September 21–27. Happy 13th Sabbath!_

Thanks for being part of the lesson. The fourth quarter looks at “Themes in the Gospel of John”.

Na utapata kuna vikombe vipya kabatini.......mandalizi mema  ya sabato

Na utapata kuna vikombe vipya kabatini.......mandalizi mema ya sabato

Hayawi hayawi hatimaye huwa, nasi juhudi zetu za kuafikia malengo yako wewe msikilizaji zinazaa matunda. Kipindi cha Dam...

Hayawi hayawi hatimaye huwa, nasi juhudi zetu za kuafikia malengo yako wewe msikilizaji zinazaa matunda. Kipindi cha Damka naye Abel Nyakundi kimeteuliwa kuwania tuzo la kipindi bora cha mwaka kwa hisani ya GEGA Awards. Sasa, unaweza kuipigia mpango wa Damka kura ili kuiwezesha kupata tuzo hili. Ili kupiga kura, bonyeza *483*733 # kisha, uweke nominee code ambayo ni 464205. Pia, unaweza kupiga kura kwa kutembelea tovuti Kumbuka, kura yako, ni ushindi wetu sisi zote. Radio Kisima, Chota, Unywe.

YANAYOJIRI Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo survives impeachment for the second time after 22 MCAs voted yes and 12 ...

Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo survives impeachment for the second time after 22 MCAs voted yes and 12 voted no. The threshold to impeach is 23 MCAs.

Nyaribo was being accused of gross misconduct and breach of law
Rigoma Ward MCA Nyambega Gisesa among the MCAs who voted NO against the impeachment


Sabbath School Summary
Taken and Tried
Lesson 11_
Memory Text: Mark 14:36

*SABBATH*: The passion of Christ began in Gethsemane & finished at Calvary in His death on the Cross. Mark 14-16 is best known as the “Passion Narrative” because it captures Christ’s suffering, death, & resurrection. Chapters 11-16 cover one week; most events in 14-16 occur on Thursday & Friday; the week of the Passion. Mark 14 starts with the anointing at Bethany, the Last Supper, Gethsemane, His arrest & Peter’s denial.

*SUNDAY*: The two unforgettable acts in the Passion Week were the unnamed woman who anoints Jesus’ feet & Judas who kissed Jesus’ cheek. It’s the fifth sandwich story in Mark (Mark 14:1-11). The events occurred just 2 days to the Passover. The religious leaders plotted to kill Jesus. In Bethany, Jesus calls the action of the woman good. At the same time, Judas sought for a “good” chance to betray Him to fulfill God’s will; giving His Son for our salvation (John 12:4-6).

*MONDAY*: Jesus predicted that a sword would strike the Shepherd & the sheep would scatter at the Last Supper (Mark 14:22-31, 16:7, Exod. 24:8, Zech. 13:7). He’s the “Good Shepherd”; the disciples were His sheep. The Lord’s Supper took place in the first day of the unleavened bread, when the Passover lamb was sacrificed (John 1:29; Jer. 31:31-34). It’s a new memorial service given by Jesus linked with Israel leaving Egypt & being God’s covenant people at Sinai.

*TUESDAY*: In the Garden of Eden the sin of man led to the fall of humanity, in the Garden of Gethsemane Christ’s agony brought restoration to humanity (Mark 14:32-42). Gethsemane sit at the foot of Mount Olives & just across the Kidron Valley. Jesus left 8 of the disciples & later the 3 at a distance. He cried to His Father to remove the cup of agony but only if it was His will as in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:10). But “God said no”! He needed His friends (Phil. 4:13, 14).

*WEDNESDAY*: With a heart full of greed, Judas did a deceitful deed. The seed of greed grew till he was the slave of evil (DA, p. 716, Mark 14:43-52). Nobody likes betrayers, even their employers (Matt. 27:3-7). Judas disguised betrayal as friendship. He wanted to hide his bad act. But Jesus did good when Peter cut someone’s ear (John 18:10, 11). A young man leaves all not to follow Jesus but to flee from Jesus (see Mark 14:51, 52).

*THURSDAY*: Jesus gave a true answer while Peter gave a false one when their identity was in question. Jesus & Peter’s accounts in Mark 14:60-72 is the 6th & last sandwich story in Mark. In front of the Sanhedrin, Jesus’ testimony about His Messiahship made the high priest tear his robes (see Dan. 7:13, 14). They mocked Him to prophesy about the one who struck Him while blindfolded to mean He couldn’t see who struck Him. Yet, Peter’s denial fulfil His prophesy.

*FRIDAY*: Christ knew Peter more than he knew himself. Peter got to know this truth when the shrill of the crowing c**k rang in his ears. His eyes met that of His pale & suffering Master. The look of compassion & forgiveness from the Savior pierced his heart like an arrow. He remembered his promise to be with Jesus to prison & death. He had broken the promise. Jesus had pity for him.

—Ellen G. White, “Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas,” pp. 698–715; “Judas,” pp. 716–722, in The Desire of Ages.


_Gethsemane- The exact location is unknown because the Romans cut down all the trees on the Mount of Olives during the siege in a.d. 70._

_Abba- Jesus used the term “Abba” when praying to God. It is an Aramaic term. It translates as “Father”. It does not mean “daddy,” as some have suggested. The term used by a child to address his father was “abi”. Abba, “Father,” does carry the close familial linkage, which should not be diminished._

_The young man who flees in Gethsemane- Some think it was Mark himself, but that is unprovable._

_DA- The Desire of Ages_


_SUNDAY- Unforgettable_
_MONDAY- The Last Supper_
_TUESDAY- Gethsemane_
_WEDNESDAY- Leaving All to Flee From Jesus_
_THURSDAY- Who Are You?_

*Discussion Questions*

📌 How, by merely reading what Jesus predicted in Mark 14:9, are we seeing another of Jesus’ predictions—a highly unlikely prediction given the circumstances in which it has been uttered—actually being fulfilled?

📌 Compare and contrast Judas and Peter. How were they alike and how different in the way they acted in the Passion Narrative?

📌 Discuss the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. How can we make this more meaningful in our church and involve more members in its celebration?

📌 Discuss the fact that God said no to Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane. What does it mean when God says no to us?

📌 Though Peter greatly failed Jesus with his denials, Jesus did not cast him off. What hope can you take for yourself from this fact?

Tunatakia choir ya zabron singers kheri na faraja na liwazo lakipekee kutoka kwa Maulana kwa kifo cha mmoja wa waimbaji ...

Tunatakia choir ya zabron singers kheri na faraja na liwazo lakipekee kutoka kwa Maulana kwa kifo cha mmoja wa waimbaji ndugu Marco Joseph


Kiyaka Obed Mokaya


Sabbath School Summary_
Miracles Around the Lake
Lesson 5_
Memory Text: Mark 5:19_

*SABBATH*: Jesus is God & with God all things are possible. He devoted most of His time on earth to work miracles for the sick, the rich, the poor, & the sinner. He calmed a storm, cast out demons, healed a woman with an issue of blood, raised the dead, preached God in His hometown, sent His disciples out, fed the multitude, & walked on water. Most of these were done around (The Sea of) Galilee. This shows He’s the Son of God.

*SUNDAY*: Faint & weary after teaching & healing (Mark 4:35-41), Jesus slept on a boat. “Get up Jesus” was the cry of the disciples when a great storm arose on the lake. Jesus spoke & a great calm settled over the lake. His disciples were afraid of the divine power. This follows a Bible theme “theophany” where the presence of God or angels comes with divine power, human fear, the command “do not fear”, divine revelation, & human response to the revelation (Ps. 104:1-9).

*MONDAY*: Jesus’ healing of the demon-possessed man was a standing story wherever he went. All could testify that the man lived in tombs, cut himself, & no one could subdue him (Mark 5:1-20). He recognized Jesus & fell (proskyneō; to worship) before Him. Jesus heard his plea & cast out the demons into a herd of pigs who all drowned in water. The town people inspired by Satan asked Jesus to leave. But He sent the healed man to witness; an unlikely missionary.

*TUESDAY*: Jesus revived a woman. This was special because Jesus was on the road to the house of Jairus, a religious leader, who had asked Him to heal his sick daughter (Mark 5:21-24). The story of Jairus & the woman is the second sandwich story in Mark. At the touch of Jesus’ clothes, the woman was healed & when in fear, Jesus sought to save her soul as well (Mark 5:25-34). He then raised Jairus’ girl from the dead. In the end, Jesus’ identity couldn’t be hidden.

*WEDNESDAY*: Who were the rejectors of Jesus? They were dear friends & family. When a native of a small-town becomes great, the town rejoices. Not Nazareth! His success was a shock to them. A family dispute & doing most miracles in Capernaum are also factors (Mark 6:1-30; 3:31-35, Luke 4:23). In the third sandwich story, The Baptist is beheaded to silence him. But at the same time, the disciples are sent out to preach. His death foreshadows Jesus’ (Mark 15, 16).

*THURSDAY*: At the shore of Galilee, a crowd of 5,000 people & had come to meet Jesus. He had compassion for them. He saw them “like sheep without a shepherd”. He fed them with the Word & miraculously with 5 loaves & 2 fish. He was a different kind of Messiah. The Jews expected one who would conquer the foes of Israel (Mark 6:34-52, John 6:14, 15; Acts 21:28, Num. 27:17; 1 Kings 22:17; 2 Chron. 18:16; Ezek. 34:5, 6). He came to liberate sinners (Mark 10:45).

*FRIDAY*: Those under God's training will live a life distinct from worldly customs, requiring personal experience to accept His will. In quietness, we can hear God's voice, finding true rest & preparation for service. Amid life's chaos, a refreshed soul radiates peace and divine power. Many struggled to understand Jesus' refusal to be Israel's king, leading to doubt and misunderstanding.

—Ellen G. White, “Peace, Be Still,” pp. 333–341; “The Touch of Faith,” pp. 342–348, in The Desire of Ages.


_Theophany- In Mark 4:35-41, the “Why are you so afraid?” is the “Do not fear.” The disciples’ question, “Who then is this?” is the human response. The reader is compelled to fill in the missing words; He’s Son of God._

_The demon-possessed man- His healing has two main elements; Uncleanliness and Christ’s ultimate victory. First, in the OT, Tombs and the dead (Num. 19:11, 16), bleeding (Leviticus 15) and Pigs were unclean (Lev. 11:7). Second, the back-and-forth battle between good and evil forces ends with Jesus’ victory (the man becomes an unlikely missionary)._

_Jarius- Religious leaders were not typically friends of Jesus (see Mark 1:22; Mark 3:2, 6; and Luke 13:14). But Jarius had faith._


_SUNDAY- Calming a Storm_
_MONDAY- Can You Hear a Whisper Above a Shout?_
_TUESDAY- On the Roller Coaster With Jesus_
_WEDNESDAY- Rejection and Reception_
_THURSDAY- A Different Kind of Messiah_

*Discussion Questions*

📌 How would you respond if someone asked you, What has Jesus freed you from?

📌 Discuss why it is that God sometimes allows a good person such as John the Baptist to be placed in prison and to be executed. What solace or hope can we find, despite these difficult things?

📌 What lessons are there in the feeding of the 5,000 for a church congregation with few resources?

📌 Compare popular views of Jesus today with the picture of Him in Mark 5 and 6. That is, what about those who use Jesus to seek political power and to dominate others?

_For July 27–August 2. Happy Sabbath!_




Kiyaka Obed Mokaya



amaegerio yeleseni
4th lesson 3rd quarter
Kiyaka Obed Mokaya
omochokoro omokogoti


Kiyaka Obed Mokaya
omochokoro omokogoti

Crowned the Homecoming crusade at Suneka.  269 souls were baptised starting a new journey with christ.

Crowned the Homecoming crusade at Suneka. 269 souls were baptised starting a new journey with christ.


lesson three 3rd quarter
Controversies ( Chisegi gati ya Yeso amo n'abarai b'edini
mark 2&3


Kiyaka Obed Mokaya


Kiyaka Obed Mokaya


Sabbath School Summary
*"A Day in the Ministry of Jesus"*
Lesson 2
Memory Text: Mark 1:17

*SABBATH:* The four gospels paints a unique portrait of Jesus. These varied accounts give a diverse perspective of the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Matthew reveals Jesus’ call for disciples & the Sermon on the. Luke talks of His inaugural sermon on a Sabbath in the temple in Nazareth. John recalls the first miracle of Jesus. Mark touches on a call to the 4 disciples & the Sabbath in Capernaum. Mark uses “immediately” to depict the urgent nature of His ministry.

*SUNDAY:* When Jesus calls you, do not think of what you are but what He can make you. He qualifies the called. Mark notes that Simon Peter & Andrew were called at the Sea of Galilee when casting a net (no mention of a boat). Most likely, their partners James & John were well-to-do than them (Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11). Yet, Jesus made a simple & direct call to them. They joined Christ after knowing Him (John 1:29-42). Their lives were never the same, for the good.

*MONDAY:* What is your life-changing moment in God’s vineyard? A sermon, a song, & the day of baptism have made most Christians deeply feel God’s presence. This was so in Capernaum on the Sabbath when many were moved by Jesus’ teachings (Mark 1:21-28). Even a demon recognize Jesus as the Holy One & He casts out the demon. Amid political turmoil, Jesus called for silence on His identity (the Messianic Secret). Later, His identity would be the gospel theme.

*TUESDAY:* The Sabbath was a special day in Jesus’ ministry. Retiring to Peter’s home after service, He got the news that Peter’s mother-in-law was sick. He healed her & she immediately attended to them (Mark 1:29-34). Thus, those saved by God will immediately minister to others as a result! After sunset, many came to Peter’s house for healing. The Savior sparked joy in the city. He healed with or without a touch (Mark 1:41, 5:41, 2:1-12, 3:1-6, 5:7-13, & DA, p. 259).

*WEDNESDAY:* Prayer was the secret of Jesus’ ministry. Early in the morning, He would talk with His Father. He drew His strength from heaven (Mark 1:35-39). He was a man of prayer who spent time alone with God (Matt. 14:23, Mark 6:46, John 17). Setting a time of prayer is good but it can become a ritual. A way to break the routine is to change the time of prayer & pray longer at times. This kept Jesus ministering (Mark 1:38).

*THURSDAY:* Jesus did not only make disciples out of peasants but He also made the cast-out welcomed in society (Mark 1:40-45). Lepers were “unclean” but Jesus touched a l***r & made him clean. Thus, Jesus was not defiled. He told the man to show himself to the priest, in line with Mosaic law, but the man disobeyed and told the news of his healing (Lev. 13-15, Mark 7:10, 10:3, 4, 12:26, 29-31). This made it difficult for Jesus to continue his ministry in towns.

*FRIDAY:* Mark 1 portrays Jesus as having authority to call disciples, who respond, and as being holy in contrast to unclean spirits under Satan's control, over whom Jesus has greater power. Jesus shows compassion by healing the sick; helping all held captive by Satan, though His actions also provoked opposition. Amid His busy ministry, Jesus kept a calm and steady approach through regular prayer and study of Scripture, which can serve as a model for developing a peaceful spirit guided by the Holy Spirit.


DA- The Desire of Ages

Leprosy- Throughout the Old Testament as well, leprosy did not refer only to what is known today as Hansen’s disease (bona fide leprosy). The biblical terminology would be better translated as a “dreaded skin disease” and could include other epidermic ailments, as well. Hansen’s disease may have come to the ancient Near East about the third century B.C. Hence, the l***r in Mark 1 could well have had Hansen’s disease, though we don’t know for sure exactly what the man suffered from, only that it was bad.

The religious leaders- They subverted the original intent of the teachings given through Moses. These details explain Jesus’ command in Mark 1:44 to silence the man. If he were to tell of his cure by Jesus, it might prejudice the decision of the priest in bias against Jesus.


SUNDAY- “Follow Me”
MONDAY- An Unforgettable Worship Service
TUESDAY- More Sabbath Ministry
WEDNESDAY- The Secret of Jesus’ Ministry
THURSDAY- Can You Keep a Secret?

*Discussion Questions*

📌 Talk in class about the question of prayer and why it is so important in the Christian life. What are some of the questions people have about the purpose and efficacy of prayer?

📌 In class, talk about cases in which it might be best, at certain times, not to say too much about our faith. When might that be the prudent thing to do, and yet, how can we do that without compromising our witness?

📌 Who are the “l***rs” in your culture today? How could your church reach out and “touch” these individuals to bring the gospel to them?





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