Adobe and postPerspective hosted our first Premiere Pro training event last week! Check out a highlight reel and be sure to join us for the next trainings in August and November.
The #MPTS2023 program for this year is out & it’s packed with free content. The Production & Post Theatres feature some big names in our industry discussing the trends, technologies, challenges & opportunities facing us. Take a look & register today:
The Media Production & Technology Show
After Effects World
Daniel Ramirez is an @AdobeAE Engineer who's worked on Adobe Audition, After Effects & Character Animator. Check out some of his work and what you can see from him at #AfterEffectsWorld in Seattle July 26-28!
After Effects World
#Animator & #Illustrator @MairPerkins will be speaking at the #AfterEffectsWorld Conference - July 26-28 in Seattle! Here's a sneak peek of some of the animation skills & styles she will share with attendees in July! Find Out More:
After Effects World
#Animator & #Illustrator Mair Perkins will be speaking at the #AfterEffectsWorld Conference - July 26-28 in Seattle! Here's a sneak peek of some of the animation skills & styles she will share with attendees in July! Find Out More:
Doug Roble, Digital Domain, Pre-NAB 2019 Video
Don't miss Doug Roble,Digital Domain's Senior Director of Software R&D, talking to postPerspective's Randi Altman about his upcoming #NAB2019 panel. The panel, on AI and Machine Learning in VFX, is called, "Influencers in AI: Companies Accelerating the Future."
Nabshow 2019
Virtual Panel/Webinar - What Keeps Pros Up and Night. What Keeps them Creative
Join our virtual panel discussion on Weds, Nov. 14 at 11amPST/2pmEST. Talking creativity, technology and workflow pain points. Register here!
Panelists include Image Engine Ian Spriggs, Rob Hoffmann from @Lenovo , Rick Champagne from NVIDIA GeForce and DigitalFilm Tree's Ramy Katrib.