We live in a world where news updates - digital or print - are dominated by violence, stories of exacerbated divisions along social classes, ethnicities, religions, gender, corporatism, nepotism, and hostile political and diplomatic relations between countries. In such a stifling social and political environment, the voices of those contributing to the maintenance of balance and equanimity within
civil society need amplification. Pax Politica therefore, is an online initiative dedicated to providing youth all over the world a platform to contribute to the discourse on peace and peace-related issues within their community and otherwise. In a new media environment, Pax Politica seeks to bring into the limelight those working tirelessly behind the scenes by sharing the stories that matter. By providing young, eager, enthusiastic voices the opportunity to have themselves heard on a global platform, Pax Politica aims to harness the power of the youth and bring people from all walks of life together - regardless of their background, beliefs, or affiliations - and initiate online discussions on some of the most pressing issues that threaten peace and stability within our communities. In a bid to prevent our world from sliding into chaos, the need to project the voices and lives of people striving to maintain peace and lead a path to social and political change has never been greater.