JLoonitic and Haze seemed to complement each-others abilities within their careers, trading opinions and secrets to better their sound as a label. The two quickly became deeply involved in the dream they had created, a hybrid of two visions merged for a single purpose; music. After producing and recording a few tracks together, which include Haze’s “Never Left ” and the unreleased “ I Can’t Believ
e ” (feat. Statikk & D-Bounce), the two opened a recording studio in downtown Elkhart under the label’s name. Having a well-developed relationship with several artists in the community, the two began a search for a couple artists to also feature on the label, and share some of the responsibilities of developing the labels name publicly. One of the artists was M.E.A. a female R&B/Pop singer with a powerful voice that seemed to consume the tracks and hooks (choruses) she featured on. The second was a male local rapper/singer known as Lo-Down, whose smooth voice delivered the hit “Ringtone” and witty punch lines found throughout the first installment of the label’s album “We Gott Entertainment: The Compilation”
The album was perfectly titled “The Compilation” having being compiled of multiple genres that encompass the hip-hop hemisphere, such as; Hard-Core Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, etc. Haze and JLoonitic’s focus was to soak up the largest demographic possible by providing “a lil’ somethin’ for everyone” as the label’s co-owner, Haze likes to say. With JLoonitic on the production, along with featured productions from Hen of Hartcity Ent., and DJ AK-47 of Click 47, the album was a regional success. The first single was titled “ Gotta Go” (feat. Haze, JLoonitic, M.E.A., & Lo-Down) won the highest honors in local radio contests. As the album and the label’s name grew larger the sights of the artists grew further apart. JLoonitic and Haze, dedicating every waking moment to fulfill their dreams, did not feel that the artists were prepared personally for the type of dedication required to continue on the label. Controversy ensued and surrounded the duo with outside influences playing a major part it began to deteriorate what had been built. Haze and JLoonitic all but parted ways after the closing of the studio due to ill feelings, leaving both unsure about the direction of the partnership. After a short separation the two began working together again, recognizing the negativity that led to the previous mishap, they focused on their goals and began to rebuild their empire behind the shadows of the local scene. The label’s name and motto “We Gott Entertainment – You want it We Gott it!” is all too honest, as with every aspect of music entertainment was produced under one roof. From exclusive & non-exclusive production, recording, mixing, mastering, graphics, web-graphics, to music video editing, event-organizing & staffing, promotions,…the list of services goes on and on. Despite the ups and downs of juggling the music business and personal lives, Haze and JLoonitic have remained as well-known names throughout the hip-hop scene. Now, in January of 2012 the long awaited We Gott Entertainment release of JLoonitic’s self-titled album “JLoonitic” will finally arrive. Let’s see what happens next…….