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Travelling Tabby Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

As most of you probably know, during the Covid-19 pandemic Travelling Tabby took on a new role!In March 2020, as things ...

As most of you probably know, during the Covid-19 pandemic Travelling Tabby took on a new role!

In March 2020, as things were becoming increasingly alarming, I set up a ‘Scotland Coronavirus Tracker’ page on the website to keep track of the situation in Scotland.

Its purpose was to take publicly available data on the trend of the pandemic in Scotland, and display it in a way which was easy for the average person to understand and follow.

Long story short: the page kept me very busy for the next three years, gained a ton of attention, and eventually led to me receiving an MBE from the late Queen Elizabeth II.

In May 2023, I was invited to to Windsor Castle to receive my honour at an Investiture held by the Princess Royal (the Queens Daughter).

Getting to attend the ceremony and spend a few days in Windsor with my family was such a special experience! It is a beautiful town, and the castle itself is stunning.

Once I finish travelling, I’ll write a detailed blog post about it. But for now, here are some of my favorite photos from the day! ☺️🎖️

The downside of living in Scotland is the rain. The upside, is that when the weather is nice, it is one of the most beau...

The downside of living in Scotland is the rain. The upside, is that when the weather is nice, it is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Unfortunately you can’t control the weather, but what you can do is to wait for a completely clear forecast, and then book your trip the day beforehand. That is what I did here, for a visit to the Isle of Arran!

It had been on my bucket list for years, so I was excited to finally be heading over. The main purpose of the visit was to hike up ‘Goatfell’. This is the highest peak on the island, and arguably the best hike in the country, outside of the Highlands.

The hike was tough, but every bit as magical as I thought it would be. The views were stunning, especially once I reached the top and got to climb through the snowy, rocky, jagged peaks.

While there, I also found the time to pay a quick visit to Lochranza Castle, and of course, pick up a bottle of Whisky at the distillery! 🏰🥃

The Isle of Arran is such a gem. It is called ‘Scotland in miniature’, as despite its small size, it has a bit of everything that makes Scotland great. The landscapes, castles, Whisky, wildlife, and the lovely, kind, welcoming people.

It is easy to visit from Glasgow or even Edinburgh (on an overnight trip), and it is a perfect alternative for if you don’t have the time for a full trip into the Highlands.

Having been to nearly 30 countries, you might think I’d struggle to answer if you asked me what my most notable travel e...

Having been to nearly 30 countries, you might think I’d struggle to answer if you asked me what my most notable travel experience is.

Well, I wouldn’t. There is one clear standout, and it will always be the clear standout: the time I was invited to Westminster Abbey to attend the state funeral of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

I was invited by the Royal Family after being named a recipient in the late Queens final Birthday Honours list. There were several others in my shoes, but for the most part, the Abbey was to be filled with the world’s leaders and royalty.

I thought it might have been a prank at first, but soon enough I received my very serious looking invite, hired a morning suit, and set off for London.

Being part of such a historic event, which had the eyes of the world on it, was really hard to fathom. But it was such an immense honour to be able to attend and pay my respects in person.

It was a sad occasion, but at the same time, it felt like a celebration of life. Seeing all of the historic traditions and ceremonies take place in person was fascinating too.

The service was beautiful, especially with the initial approaching bagpipes and the lone piper at the end. I wish I could describe it better, but to this day, I still struggle to put the experience into words…

In the summer of 2022, I set off on a dream trip to Alaska! 🇺🇸It was a seven day cruise aboard the Crown Princess, leavi...

In the summer of 2022, I set off on a dream trip to Alaska! 🇺🇸

It was a seven day cruise aboard the Crown Princess, leaving from Seattle, and sailing through the Alaskan Inside Passage.

There was a lot to see on the trip, but three highlights stood out to me:

First, the excitement of whale watching in Juneau. We got incredibly lucky with our sightings of Humpbacks and Orcas! 🐳

Second, the adventures we had in Skagway. These included a ride on the incredibly scenic White Pass & Yukon Route Railway, and a trip to the nearby town of Haines. 🚂

Third, our time scenic cruising in Glacier Bay, where we got to go glide amongst fjords and glaciers. 🏔️

It is an incredibly beautiful state, and this trip only scratched the surface of it. I’ll definitely need to visit again someday, and go further North into the last frontier! ⬆️

Princess Cruises

In 2022 I was fortunate enough to visit the USA a few times, going to eight different states! From the rocky deserts of ...

In 2022 I was fortunate enough to visit the USA a few times, going to eight different states! From the rocky deserts of California, to the chaos of Las Vegas, to the mountains of Oregon, to the fall coloured hills of Shenandoah.

I’ve always found the USA to be one of the most beautiful and diverse counties on the planet! 🇺🇸

Meowdy Pardners! 🐱Sorry for being so quiet on here. When I first set up Travelling Tabby, about four years ago, I had ev...

Meowdy Pardners! 🐱

Sorry for being so quiet on here. When I first set up Travelling Tabby, about four years ago, I had every intention of using it as a travel blog (both on the website and on social media).

But as the pandemic began, and my travels were put on pause, the updates came to a stop. And despite that all calming down, and my travels starting up again, the Travelling Tabby updates never started along with it.

Until now! 😁

There’s a lot to catch up on, so I’ll be posting on a regular basis from here forward.

So.. where have I been?

In 2022 I visited the USA a few times, including a dream cruise to Alaska. I also visited London in September to attend the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II (long story!).

And in 2023… well the map in this post shows where I’ve been in 2023. I’m in the middle of a dream trip around the world, a trip that I’ve been planning for since before Travelling Tabby was even a thing!

I’ll catch you up on it all soon, and I’m excited to share the second half of it here when it happens! ✈️ 🌏 🐈

Some more photos from a memorable day in Windsor! 🎖️🏰We went back to the castle a few days later, and my Dad kept tellin...

Some more photos from a memorable day in Windsor! 🎖️🏰

We went back to the castle a few days later, and my Dad kept telling everyone about the Investiture 🙈

The castle and the town itself are beautiful, it is just a shame about the noise from all the planes (why did they build the castle so close to Heathrow? 🙄)

We also went to London a couple of times, which is always fun! 💂

It was nice to visit Westminster Abbey again, under more relaxing circumstances. In addition to that we visited Churchills War Rooms, the Tower of London, and went up Tower Bridge!

I've been to London a few times before, but had never seen any of them until now. 😅

I found the Tower of London to be fantastic, and the only place that really felt worth the high entry price (although the War Rooms / Abbey would be worth it too, if you're a big history lover).

But for a random Wednesday/Thursday in May, everywhere was SO busy. Couldn't even get a seat on the underground half the time.

I do not know how people can live in London (or any other mega city) on a permanent basis, it is chaotic!

Excited and very honoured to have received my MBE from the Princess Royal at Windsor Castle yesterday! ☺️It was lovely t...

Excited and very honoured to have received my MBE from the Princess Royal at Windsor Castle yesterday! ☺️

It was lovely to chat with her about the website.

I was a bit of a nervous mess, and it didn’t help that even I barely understand how the website came to be!

But she was so kind and pleasant to talk to, and the whole day was wonderful!

Not to pile on about the ferry woes, but when I said that I was from Dunoon, she looked concerned and asked if I was able to get the ferry okay 😅

And laughed when I mentioned that no actually, the one I was going to get was cancelled 😂

Anyways I’m in the middle of lovely week in Windsor/London with my family, enjoying all of the perfect weather.

I wanted to share some photos from the event. A perfect way to round off my last week of updating the website (yes it was planned 😅).

I’ll share more photos soon!

After three years, and nearly 800 updates, yesterday was the final time that I will be updating the Scotland Coronavirus...

After three years, and nearly 800 updates, yesterday was the final time that I will be updating the Scotland Coronavirus Tracker.

Thank you so much to everyone for all of the support and encouragement over that time. Being able to run this page for so long has been the honour of my life 🥹

The data, of course, will still be released.

The 'Weekly national respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistical report' from PHS includes most of the data for Scotland on it. On the page below you can view the figures in a report, or on a dashboard.

It is released each Thursday. I like the report as it gives a nice clear overview of the situation! To dive further into the data, the dashboard is nice too. And to see more death figures, you'll want to visit the NRS page below (also each Thursday).

Then for the UK as a whole, the official UK dashboard is still running! It has more of an English focus now, and limited data for elsewhere, but it is still great.

And for deaths, you'll want to visit the ONS page below.

The four pages above cover virtually all of the data I was still reporting on, but if you were wondering where to find something specific, then let me know and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction!

Between PHS, the NRS, the ONS, and the UKHSA, we're quite blessed here when it comes to data availability. It is the whole reason I was able to make the website in the first place! I'm super super grateful for all the work they have done throughout the pandemic.

Whenever I've been in contact with anyone from the above groups, they could not have been friendlier or more helpful. I'm sure if you needed help understanding or finding any of the current data, the teams there would be happy to help you out too!

As for my pages, they will remain up for the foreseeable future. I'll leave them as they are for a week or two, and then begin adjusting them to put more of a focus on showing the entire pandemic and how it played out, rather than the current focus on the latest figures.

Anyways, what an absurd few years these have been!

A little side project quickly consumed my entire life, and led to me finding myself in situations that never in a million years could I have imagined myself in. I still don't understand how it all happened.

I look back on it all from time to time and think 'WHAT?!'. I create a little spreadsheet for fun, fast forward a few years, and so many crazy things have happened. From having my name mentioned in parliament, to being in a bunch of newspapers, to receiving a letter from the First Minister, to attending the late Queen's funeral in Westminster Abbey.

I'm a business student from a small town who sometimes plays with spreadsheets for fun. It doesn't many any sense...

I think I've updated the Scotland page 799 times, and the UK page 673 times. In total, I think I've spent around 3,000 hours on this! Over 30 million views, with over 100k a day at some points!

The strangest, wildest side quest my life could have gone on. I'll need to write a blog post about it all one day, if not a book! 😂

But of course, none of it would have happened without all of the support I received. All the encouragement, donations, advice, and more. I know I go on about it all the time, but it has been so overwhelming!

From strangers, to teachers, to experts in the field, to people I see on TV! The scope of the support has been so incredible, and I really don't know how to begin to say thank you to everyone for it. 🥹

I've always looked at the page as some sort of a community run project that I was just in charge of for some bizarre reason. And in that sense, I feel bad about stopping it. But unfortunately, I really couldn't keep it going on any longer.

At the end of July I'm going away to Africa to live in a tent for 40 days, so that was the hard end of the website either way. 😂 And in the 10 weeks until then, I wouldn't be able to do the update on 4 of them either. So rather than constantly missing weeks, ending now is best.

Maybe I'll share any big news involving Covid-19 data in Scotland, but most of what I share going forward will not be related to the virus. If you want to unfollow, no hard feelings! If not, I'll be trying to make more of an effort to share content surrounding my travels. 🌍

Through this website, I've come to love data visualisation. I'm going to keep playing around with it as a hobby, and of course, incorporate it into my travels. Maybe I can even make a career out of it after my travels are done! Either way, there are more charts to come! 📊

I have a special trip planned next week, which I'll be sure to share some photos from! But for now, I'll just say thank you one final time to everyone for all of your kindness over the years. ☺️

Travelling Tabby will still be around, but this chapter has come to an end! week, the UK has reported:🔵 8,858 new cases (down 20%)🔴 367 ...

This week, the UK has reported:

🔵 8,858 new cases (down 20%)
🔴 367 new deaths (down 31%)
🟡 4,201 hospital inpatients (down 14%)
🟠 95 ICU/Ventilation inpatients (down 10%)

Reported case rates are still mostly falling throughout the UK, and across the planet as a whole. Although of course, a large part of that is due to a reduction in testing.

The hospital figures are falling across the UK too! Looking specifically at hospital admissions in England, it has been a lot of up and down over 2022/2023, but the rates right now are some of the lowest they've been throughout that period.

Similar to cases, the number of new deaths from the virus is still mostly falling throughout the UK and across the planet too. The number of excess deaths in the UK varies quite a lot by week. It was about 5% above normal this week, which was lower than the past couple of weeks. week, Scotland has reported:🔵 606 new cases (down 27%)...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 606 new cases (down 27%)
🔴 30 new deaths (down 33%)
🟡 207 hospital inpatients (down 26%)
🟠 2 ICU inpatients

So another drop in reported cases! We're actually averaging under 100 new cases a day now, for the first time since August 2020! Although of course that is largely a result of low testing levels.

The latest wastewater figures show that the levels there are still low (the lowest in nearly two years), although it does look like there has been a slight increase during the first week of May.

The hospital occupancy (or 'Currently In Hospital') figures had a change in their methodology this week. Previously, a Covid-19 patient who has yet to be discharged from hospital would stop being counted as a Covid-19 patient after 28 days. This has now been cut to 10 days.

I think that figure is supposed to show the number of people in hospital with the virus who are currently infectious, rather than just the number of people in hospital because of issues caused by the virus. So I think for that definition, the change makes sense.

The change applies to the 8th of May onwards. It cut out around 250 patients, so there is a pretty big drop in the chart! Also, the equivalent ICU figures don't appear to have been updated for this week.

The figures showing new hospital and ICU admissions because of the virus were updated as normal though, with both continuing to show a downward trend!

The number of new deaths reported from the virus was thankfully down, for the fourth week in a row! Excess deaths were also down by quite a bit this week, and slightly into the negative. Although the Coronation bank holiday weekend likely impacted reporting here.

And lastly, I've included some of the most recent vaccination figures from the Spring Booster Dose rollout! Around 65% of those aged 75 and above have had their booster now, along with just over a quarter of those with a weakened immune system. week, the UK has reported:🔵 10,974 new cases (down 4%)🔴 531 ...

This week, the UK has reported:

🔵 10,974 new cases (down 4%)
🔴 531 new deaths (down 14%)
🟡 5,186 hospital inpatients (down 10%)
🟠 108 ICU/Ventilation inpatients (down 21%)

Also, the notice earlier from the Scotland update will also apply to the UK page. Next week will be the final update I'll be making to the page! week, Scotland has reported:🔵 820 new cases (down 4%)🔴...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 820 new cases (down 4%)
🔴 45 new deaths (down 24%)
🟡 524 hospital inpatients (down 19%)
🟠 2 ICU inpatients (down 67%)

So reported cases were down again, although the rate of the decline has slowed down quite a bit now. It seems like the reporting issues last week were resolved too, so the figures that were reported last week have increased a bit now.

The wastewater figures show that the levels there continued to decrease into the end of April, and the most recent levels are the lowest they've been since June 2021! 🥳📉

The number of new deaths reported from the virus was thankfully down again this week, although the number of excess deaths reported was up slightly.

And lastly, both sets of hospital figures (new admissions and current occupancy) were down again this week too!

Even if the case figures aren't so reliable anymore, it is still nice to see the wastewater, hospital, and death figures all continuing to fall!

And for the notice that has been a long time coming... next week will be the final time I will be updating the website!

I believe a combination of my upcoming travel plans, reduced data availability, and the current Covid-19 situation overall, makes this the right time to do it. week, Scotland has reported:🔵 733 new cases (down 34%)...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 733 new cases (down 34%)
🔴 58 new deaths (down 16%)
🟡 648 hospital inpatients (down 24%)
🟠 6 ICU inpatients (down 25%)

Under 1,000 new cases were reported this week, for the first time since August 2020! Although at the same time, the number of new tests reported this week is the lowest since March 2020. There are also some reporting delays this week, which will contribute to the low figures.

And after the rise in wastewater Covid-19 levels we saw last week, the trend has thankfully reversed, and the levels fell again as we moved into the second half of April!

The number of new deaths reported from the virus was thankfully down a fair bit this week. And excess deaths were down by quite a bit too, to nearly half of what we saw last week.

And lastly, both the current hospital inpatients and new hospital admission figures were down again this week! With that said, the reporting delays are supposedly impacting the hospital admission figures, so the decreases seen here might be more drastic than the actual situation.

Also, I've updated the vaccination data on the page to revert to using the old vaccination data, that stopped being released in September 2022. Those figures are more detailed, more accurate, and give a better representation of the rollout as it happened.

They are of course out of date, but there hasn't been too much change to first/second/third doses since then anyways, and the data available for doses after that is very limited.

But you can see the latest figures here!

I'm starting to make some changes to the page so that it has more of a focus on accurately showing the entire pandemic, rather than just the most recent figures. I figure doing that will leave the page still having some value, even when It stops being updated later this month. week, Scotland has reported:🔵 1,110 new cases (down 28...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 1,110 new cases (down 28%)
🔴 69 new deaths (down 5%)
🟡 850 hospital inpatients (down 21%)
🟠 8 ICU inpatients (down 11%)

So another big drop in reported cases (and testing) this week!

The latest wastewater figures look like they show falling rates for the first week of April, but in the most recent days after that, they appear to start rising again.

The number of new deaths reported was thankfully down a little bit this week. The number of excess deaths reported was also down this week, although deaths from all causes are still 14% above normal for this time of the year.

And lastly, both the current hospital inpatients and new hospital admission figures were down again this week! It looks like the rate of decline here is starting to speed up too, which is great to see.

Some of the first figures on Spring Booster Doses were also released this week, so I've included a screenshot of them! So far around 80% of older care home residents have had the booster, and almost a third of those over the age of 75.

Also, you may see that the ONS Infection Survey Page is no more! I figured it made sense just to get rid of it, and add the data back onto the normal Scotland/UK pages. So I've added a few charts containing those figures to the Scotland, UK, and UK local pages. There are some pictures of them in the post here.

Also I made another chart, just out of curiosity! It shows the Infection Survey estimates of how many new infections were occurring each day during the pandemic, against what was actually being reported at the time through the normal case figures.

The difference from 2022 onwards was gigantic, as expected, but even in 2020/2021 the difference was still pretty big (especially during the peaks of waves).

Looking at the case figures, you'd think Scotland peaked in January 2022, with around 18,000 new infections a day. In reality we likely peaked in March 2022, with around 66,000 new infections per day. Thankfully we were quite well (and recently) vaccinated at that point! week, Scotland has reported:      🔵 1,524 new cases (d...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 1,524 new cases (down 14%)
🔴 73 new deaths (up 4%)
🟡 1,077 hospital inpatients (down 10%)
🟠 9 ICU inpatients (up 125%)

So the number of reported cases (and conducted tests) is still going down quite quickly.

The latest wastewater figures are a bit limited due to the recent bank holiday, but they do show wastewater covid levels continuing to fall into the first few days of April.

The number of new deaths reported was unfortunately up a little this week, but the figure wasn't as high as I feared it could be after the delayed reporting last week. Although It might be best to check again next week in case there is a delayed catchup in the reporting.

And lastly, both the current hospital inpatients and new hospital admission figures were down again this week! The ICU figures were up, but due to their low numbers they are more prone to random swings in either direction. week, Scotland has reported:    🔵 1,747 new cases (dow...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 1,747 new cases (down 23%)
🔴 67 new deaths (down 17%)
🟡 1,193 hospital inpatients (down 7%)
🟠 4 ICU inpatients (down 50%)

Another big drop in reported cases this week! Although the number of reported tests was also down quite substantially.

The latest wastewater figures also appear to show a pretty big drop in rates over the latest week (which goes up to the end of March).

The number of deaths reported was thankfully down this week, although as this week includes reporting from the bank holiday weekend, the figures might be lower than reality due to reporting delays (especially when looking at the excess death figures).

And lastly, both the current hospital inpatients and new hospital admission figures were down this week! The drops here aren't quite as drastic as the drops in the case figures we've seen over the past couple of weeks, but hopefully they will start to fall faster soon.

Also, with the winter booster dose rollout ending, the vaccination data has stopped being released. Therefore all of the vaccination charts and figures on the page will no longer be updated.

It seems like the data will start being released again in the coming weeks, with figures for the new spring booster doses being included. But I won't be adding that to the page, as I'm getting ready to wrap things up next month anyways, so there isn't much point.

I'll be sure to share any data that does become available in these posts though! And also I've included some of the final figures from the PHS vaccination dashboard though (just for the winter boosters). week, Scotland has reported:  🔵 2,262 new cases (down ...

This week, Scotland has reported:

🔵 2,262 new cases (down 21%)
🔴 81 new deaths (up 11%)
🟡 1,277 hospital inpatients (down 5%)
🟠 8 ICU inpatients (up 33%)

A nice drop in reported cases this week! Of course it is limited by low testing numbers, but hopefully this is a sign that the prevalence of the virus is on a downward trend across the country now.

The latest wastewater figures lag behind more, but it looks like they might have peaked in the latest week too. The picture there should be clearer next week!

The number of new deaths reported from the virus was sadly up again this week. Although excess deaths have fallen from the large figure we saw last week.

And lastly, the hospital figures have started to fall this week, which is a good sign. These do lag a little behind the case figures, so hopefully next week we will see a larger drop!



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Hi, Im John! I like travelling, and cats!

This page will consist of pictures, videos, and stories of my adventures around the world. I’ll also be including some advice, budget breakdowns, and templates for some of the resources I use!

Im in the process of making a blog website, so stay tuned for that, but for now I’ll mainly be on here. If would be just purrfect if you could give my page a like!

Thank you :)