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Capitalization এর নিয়মঃ
Rule 1. প্রত্যেক sentence এর প্রথম word টি capital letter দিয়ে শুরু হয়। যেমনঃ He is a good student.
Rule 2. কোনো ব্যক্তি এবং স্থান ( গ্রাম, থানা, জেলা, দেশ ইত্যাদি) A_ev Proper noun এর me RvqMv‡Z প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ My name is Rahim. I live in Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Rule 3. "আমি" অর্থ বোঝাতে I সব সময় capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ If he wants, I shall help him.
Rule 4. উপাধি ev c`exi এর প্রথম অক্ষর সব সময় capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ Mr. Karim is our Headmaster.
Rule 5. Abbreviation সব সময় capital letter দিয়ে লিখতে হয়। যেমনঃ M.A, B.A, U.S.A, BSc
Rule 6. Addressing /salutations, closings and signatures চিঠিপত্রের সম্বোধনে capital letter ব্যাহার করা হয়। যেমনঃ My dear Mother, Dear Sir.
Addressing /salutations: Dear student My dear friend My dearest darling love,
closings: Yours truly Love With much love With great affection
Rule 7. বই-পুস্তক, ধর্মগ্রন্থ এবং সংবাদ পত্রের নামের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ The Quran, The Daily Star.
Rule 8. শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান, উপাসনালয়, ব্যবসায় cÖwZôvb, সমিতি প্রভৃতির নামের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ Dhaka City College. Mosque, Temple etc.
Rule 9. শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিষয়গুলোর প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ Bengali, English, Mathematics etc.
Rule 10. জাহাজ, বিমান, ট্রেন, বিখ্যাত স্থানের নামের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ The Titanic, the Tajmahal, Mohanagar Express.
Rule 11. জাতি, ধর্ম সম্প্রদায়ের নামের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ the Muslim, the Cristian, The Sunni.
Rule 12. আল্লাহ তাআলার (God) ev m„wóKZv© I †`eZvi নাম বাচক শব্দের এবং তার পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত Pronoun এর প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ The old sailor prayed to God and He blessed him.
Note: names of God, specific deities, religious figures, and holy books
gods: Allah Buddha Zeus God the Father
religious figures: Mohammed Moses the Virgin Mary
holy books: the Holy Bible the Holy Quran the Holy Bagavead Ghita
EXCEPTION - Do not capitalize the non-specific use of the word "god."
The Greeks believed in many gods.
Do not use capital letter
Rule 13. w`b ev বার, Drme, মাস, FZz, cvnvo-পর্বZ, b`-b`x, `¦xcmg~‡ni bvg ও বিখ্যাত ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনার প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ Xmas, Eid Day, May Day, April, Spring, Victorian Era, Age of Enlightenment, Renaissance, Constitutional Convention
My father came home on Monday last.
Our Annual Examination will be held on next November.
We go to Andamans. The Jumuna is a mighty river.
The Battle of Palasey took place in 1757 A.D.
I hate Mondays!
Tom’s birthday is in June.
Oh no! I forgot about Valentine’s Day!
Most of the World War I veterans are now deceased.
In the Middle Ages, poor hygiene was partly responsible for the spreading of bubonic plague.
Middle school students often enjoy studying the social changes that took place during the Roaring Twenties.
EXCEPTION - Do not capitalize century numbers before them.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, England blossomed into an empire.
Technological advancement revolutionized communication in the early twenty-first century.
Rule 15. Rhyme and ইংরেজি কবিতার প্রতি লাইনের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ
The music in my heart I bore.
Long after it was heard no more.
Rule 16. দিক এর (north, south, east, west) প্রথম অক্ষর small letter হয়, কিন্তু দিক যখন ভৌগোলিক অঞ্চল/অবস্থান বোঝায় তখন তাদের প্রথম অক্ষর capital letter হয়। যেমনঃ The sun rises in the east কিন্তু He spent his whole life in the East and sets in the west. There is always a conflict between the East and the West. His uncle now lives in Middle East.
Note: directions that are names, such as North, South, East, and West when used as sections of the country.
The Patels have moved to the Southwest. {Southwest- capitalize name of area}
EXCEPTION - Do not capitalize directions when used as compass directions
Jim lives two miles south of the railroad station. {south –( do not capitalize)}


class -eight, seven
Do Bangla translation
Sure, here are 50 passive voice sentences in the present indefinite tense:

1. The cake is baked by Mary.
2. The book is read by John.
3. The car is washed by the mechanic.
4. The house is cleaned by the maid.
5. The song is sung by the choir.
6. The letter is written by Sarah.
7. The window is closed by Tom.
8. The meal is cooked by the chef.
9. The paper is graded by the teacher.
10. The film is watched by the audience.
11. The project is completed by the team.
12. The door is opened by Mark.
13. The dishes are washed by the dishwasher.
14. The message is sent by David.
15. The assignment is done by the students.
16. The floor is mopped by the janitor.
17. The speech is delivered by the politician.
18. The cake is decorated by the baker.
19. The package is delivered by the courier.
20. The email is checked by Jane.
21. The garden is watered by the gardener.
22. The story is told by the narrator.
23. The exam is taken by the students.
24. The clothes are ironed by the housekeeper.
25. The tree is planted by the gardener.
26. The instructions are followed by the employees.
27. The problem is solved by the technician.
28. The medication is prescribed by the doctor.
29. The mistake is corrected by the editor.
30. The match is watched by the fans.
31. The news is reported by the journalist.
32. The ingredients are mixed by the chef.
33. The lesson is learned by the students.
34. The computer is repaired by the technician.
35. The issue is addressed by the manager.
36. The game is played by the children.
37. The formula is derived by the scientist.
38. The presentation is given by the speaker.
39. The concert is attended by the audience.
40. The advice is given by the counselor.
41. The decision is made by the committee.
42. The code is written by the programmer.
43. The route is planned by the navigator.
44. The appointment is scheduled by the secretary.
45. The reservation is made by the customer.
46. The formula is applied by the chemist.
47. The equipment is maintained by the technician.
48. The schedule is arranged by the coordinator.
49. The repair is done by the mechanic.
50. The medicine is administered by the nurse.


Marie Curie, born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland

She studied at the University of Paris, where she earned her degrees in physics and mathematics. She later became the first female professor at the University of Paris.
Nobel Prizes: Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. She won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 alongside Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel for their work on radioactivity. In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of radium and polonium, making her the first person ever honored with Nobel Prizes in both Physics and Chemistry.
1. Personal Life: Marie Curie married Pierre Curie in 1895, and they had two daughters, Irène and Ève. Tragically, Pierre died in a road accident in 1906, leaving Marie a widow with two young children. Despite this loss, Marie continued her research and academic career with determination and resilience.
2. Death: Marie Curie passed away on July 4, 1934,


Do the Bangla for class eight.
1. She is told to complete her homework before dinner.
2. They are told to arrive at the meeting by 9 a.m. sharp.
3. He is told to clean his room every Saturday morning.
4. The employees are told to submit their reports by the end of the week.
5. We are told to wear our seat belts while driving.
6. Students are told to raise their hands before speaking in class.
7. The chef is told to add a pinch of salt to the soup for extra flavor.
8. The athletes are told to stretch before starting their training session.
9. The passengers are told to fasten their seat belts during turbulence.
10. Nurses are told to administer medication according to the doctor's orders.
11. The team is told to brainstorm new ideas for the project.
12. Customers are told to wait in line for their turn at the counter.
13. He is told to apologize for his mistake.
14. She is told to turn off the lights when leaving the room.
15. They are told to switch off their mobile phones during the movie.
16. The students are told to review the material before the exam.
17. He is told to follow the safety procedures while operating the machinery.
18. Employees are told to attend the mandatory training session next week.
19. The dog is told to sit before being given a treat.
20. Parents are told to monitor their children's online activities.
21. She is told to double-check her work for any errors.
22. They are told to evacuate the building in case of a fire alarm.
23. Students are told to raise awareness about environmental issues.
24. He is told to practice the piano for at least an hour every day.
25. Employees are told to dress professionally for the business meeting.
26. She is told to water the plants twice a week.
27. They are told to respect each other's opinions during the discussion.
28. The children are told to brush their teeth before going to bed.
29. He is told to take regular breaks to avoid eye strain.
30. The team is told to collaborate closely to achieve the project goals.
31. She is told to lock the door when leaving the house.
32. They are told to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
33. Employees are told to keep the workplace clean and organized.
34. He is told to apologize sincerely for his behavior.
35. She is told to check the expiration date before buying groceries.
36. Students are told to study hard for their upcoming exams.
37. They are told to attend the mandatory safety briefing before starting work.
38. The chef is told to use fresh ingredients for cooking.
39. Employees are told to update their passwords regularly for security purposes.
40. She is told to give a presentation at the next team meeting.
41. They are told to turn off electronic devices during takeoff and landing.
42. He is told to call his parents once a week to check in.
43. Students are told to respect the school rules and regulations.
44. She is told to keep her phone on silent mode during class.
45. They are told to keep their personal belongings secure at all times.
46. Employees are told to submit their expense reports by the end of the month.
47. He is told to apologize to his classmates for his disruptive behavior.
48. She is told to practice good hygiene habits to prevent illness.
49. They are told to recycle paper, plastic, and glass to reduce waste.
50. The team is told to brainstorm innovative solutions to the problem at hand.


class eight correction and Bangla translation
20. We have wrote a letter to our grandparents last month.
21. He has spoke to the manager about the issue.
22. They have went skiing in the mountains last winter.
23. I have meet him at the conference last year.
24. She have went shopping with her friends last weekend.
25. We have swam in the pool last Saturday.
26. He has drove to work this morning.
27. They have did their chores before they went out.
28. I have spoke to her about the problem yesterday.
29. She have went jogging in the park this afternoon.
30. We have eat lunch together yesterday.
31. He has went to the doctor last week.
32. They have did their laundry last night.
33. I have see that show on TV yesterday.
34. She have went to the concert with her friends last night.
35. We have went for a walk in the park last Sunday.
36. He has drove his car to the beach yesterday.
37. They have ate dinner at that restaurant before.
38. I have spoke to him earlier today.
39. She have went to bed late last night.
40. We have did our homework last weekend.
41. He has ran a marathon last month.
42. They have took a cooking class together.
43. I have see him at the party last weekend.
44. She have went to the museum with her classmates yesterday.
45. We have went hiking in the mountains last summer.
46. He has went to the gym yesterday.
47. They have went on a road trip last summer.
48. I have spoke to her on the phone this morning.
49. She have went shopping for clothes yesterday.
50. We have went to the beach last summer.


Present perfect tense
কোন কাজ শেষ হয়েছে অথচ তার ফল এখনও বর্তমান আছে এরূপ বোঝালে Present perfect tense হয়।
বাংলায় চিনার উপায়
বাংলায় ক্রিয়ার শেষে য়াছ, য়াছে, য়াছি, য়াছে, য়াছেন, য়েছ, ইয়াছ, ইয়াছি, ইয়াছে, ইয়েছ, ইয়াছেন ইত্যাদি বসে। এছাড়া করিনি, করি নাই, খাইনি, খাই নাই, বোঝালে Present perfect tense হয়।
Auxiliary Verbs: The auxiliary verb "have" “has “ changes based on the subject:
I, You, We, They = have
He, She, It = has
Affirmative structure:- subject + have / has + মূল verb-এর v3 + object+ extension +.
Negative structure:- subject + have / has + not + মূল verb-এর v3 + object+ extension +.
Interrogative structure:- Have / Has + subject + মূল verb-এর v3 + object+ extension +?
1. Formulation: It is formed by using the present tense of the auxiliary verb "to have" (have/has) followed by the past participle of the main verb.
2. Use of "Have" and "Has": "Have" is used with plural subjects (I, you, we, they), and "has" is used with singular subjects (he, she, it).
3. Time Expressions: Time expressions such as “never”, “ever”, “since," "for," "already," "just," "so far", "up to now", “lately”, “still”, ““before” “once”, “twice” " in the last few days /weeks/months “ “in the past few years” “several times” “in my life” “during my time” and "recently" are commonly used with the present perfect tense.
I have already finished my homework.
Have you done your chores yet?
Have you ever been to Paris?
I have never seen a shooting star.
They have just arrived at the party.
4. Contractions: The present perfect tense can be contracted as "I've," "you've," "he's," "she's," "it's," "we've," and "they've."
5. Difference from Simple Past: The present perfect is often confused with the simple past tense, but they are used differently. The present perfect focuses on the result or consequences of the action, while the simple past focuses on the action itself.
6. Questions about past experiences: The Present Perfect tense is often used in questions about past experiences.
1. Example: Have you ever traveled to Europe?
7. Incomplete time period: It is used when the time period has not finished yet.
1. Example: He has worked for three hours.
8. Comparing Present Perfect and Past Simple: While the Past Simple tense is used to indicate a completed action at a definite time in the past, the Present Perfect is used to show a connection to the present, describing events that happened at an indefinite time or that have relevance to the present moment.
1. Example: I have seen that movie. (Present Perfect)
2. Example: I saw that movie yesterday. (Past Simple)
9. Continuing situations: The Present Perfect tense can be used to describe a situation that began in the past and continues into the present.
1. Example: I have worked here for five years.
10. Connection to the present: The Present Perfect tense often indicates a connection to the present, expressing the idea that an action has been completed at some point in the past before now.
1. Example: They have just finished their homework.
11. Present Perfect vs. Past Simple:
1. Present Perfect is used when the time period is not finished or the exact time is not known.
2. Past Simple is used for a specific time in the past.
3. Example: "I have visited Paris three times." (Present Perfect) vs. "I visited Paris in 2019." (Past Simple)
12. Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
1. This is used to express a continuous, ongoing action that began in the past and continues into the present.
2. Example: "She has been working on this project since morning."
13. Common Mistake:
1. Confusing "since" and "for". "Since" is used with a specific point in time, while "for" is used with a period of time.
2. Example: "She has been at the airport for two hours." vs. "She has been at the airport since 2 p.m."


class eight
1. Chat–
2. Cheapen–
3. Cheat–
4. Check–
5. Cheer–
6. Cherish–
7. Chew–
8. Chide–
9. Chirp–
10. Choke–
11. Chop–
12. Circulate–
13. Circumcise–
14. Cite–
15. Civilize–
16. Clack–
17. Claim–
18. Clamour–
19. Clang–
20. Clap–
21. Clash–
22. Clasp–
23. Cleanse–
24. Cleave–
25. Clinch–
26. Climb–
27. Cling–
28. Clip–
29. Cloy
30. Coax–
31. Cobble–
32. Cocker–
33. Coddle–
34. Coerce–
35. Cogitate–
36. Collapse–
37. Collect–
1. খোশগল্প করা
2. দাম কমানো
3. ধমকানো /প্রতারণা করা
4. পরীক্ষা করা/সম্বরণ করা/থামানো/রোধ করা
5. উদ্দীপিত /উৎসাহিত করা
6. সযত্নে হৃদয়ে লালন করা/পোষণ করা
7. চিবানো
8. বকুনি দেওয়া/তিরস্কার করা
9. কিচিরমিচির করা
10. শ্বাসরুদ্ধ করা
11. দা বা কুড়াল দিয়ে কাটা বা কোপানো
12. ছড়ানো বা প্রচার করা
13. খাৎনা করা/মুসলমানি দেওয়া
14. উল্লেখ করা/উদ্ধৃতি দেওয়া
15. শিক্ষিত করা/মার্জিত করা
16. খটখটশব্দ করা
17. দাবি করা
18. শোরগোল করা/চেঁচামেচি করা
19. ঢংঢং শব্দে বাজানো
20. করতালি দেওয়া
21. সংঘর্ষ হওয়া
22. কব্জা দিয়ে আটকানো
23. পরিষ্কার করা
24. চেরা বা ফাটানো
25. দৃঢ়ভাবে চেপে ধরা
26. আরোহণ করা/অবতরণ করা/ ওঠা বা নামা
27. দৃঢ়ভাবে লেগে থাকা
28. কাঁচি বাকাস্তে দিয়ে ছেঁটে ফেলা
29. অরুচিবোধ করা
30. মিষ্টি কথায় ভুলানো বা প্রলুব্ধকরা
31. জুতা তালি/ জোড়া দেওয়া
32. লাই/আদর দেওয়া
33. অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্রয় বা লাই দেওয়া
34. জোর পূর্বক বাধ্য করানো
35. গভীরভাবে ধ্যান করা
36. ভেঙ্গে পড়া
37. সংগ্রহ বা সঞ্চয় করা


class:- All for
Present Continuous Tense:
বর্তমানে কোন কাজ চলছে বা নিকট ভবিষ্যতে চলবে এরূপ বোঝালে present continuous tense হয়।
বাংলায় চিনার উপায়:
বাংলায় ক্রিয়া এর শেষে তেছি, তেছ, তেছে, তেছেন, চ্ছ, চ্ছি, চ্ছে, চ্ছেন, ছি, ছেন, ইত্যাদি থাকে।
Affirmative structure:- Subject + be verb বা am/is/are (number ও person অনুযায়ী বসবে) + verb + ing + object+ extension.
Negative structure:- Subject + am/is/are +not + verb + ing + object + extension.
In negative form, "not" is added after the verb " am/is/are."
Example: "They are not studying for the exam.
Interrogativ structure:- Am/Is/Are +subject + verb + ing + object + extension?
Time expressions such as "now," "at the moment," and "currently" are often used with the Present Continuous Tense.
In informal English, contractions are often used in the Present Continuous Tense (e.g., "I'm," "he's," "they're").
When used with a future time expression, the Present Continuous Tense indicates scheduled events (e.g., they are meeting tomorrow).
Usage in Context
• Temporary Actions: "She is typing an email."
• Future Plans: "We are visiting the museum tomorrow."
• Temporary Situations: "They are living in London for a month."
• Annoying Habits: "He is always biting his nails."
• Storytelling: "The hero is running towards the villain."
• Weather Forecasts: "It is raining in Seattle."
• Sports Commentary: "The player is scoring a goal!"
• Scheduled Events: "The train is leaving at 6 PM."

Common Mistakes and Tips for Present Continuous Tense:
Stative Verbs: Avoid using stative verbs (e.g., love, believe) in the Present Continuous Tense as they typically describe states rather than actions.
General Truths: Reserve the Present Continuous Tense for actions happening now or future plans; for general truths or habits, use the simple present tense.
Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure the correct form of the verb "to be" (am, is, are) matches the subject in the sentence.
Time Expressions: Pair the Present Continuous Tense with appropriate time expressions like "now," "at the moment," or "currently" to specify the timeframe of the action.
Overusing "Always": While the present continuous tense can express annoyance with habitual actions using "always," be cautious not to overuse this to avoid sounding repetitive or exaggerated.
Confusing Temporary Actions with Permanent Ones: Be clear about whether the action described is temporary or ongoing to avoid miscommunication.
Ignoring Contractions: In informal settings, failing to use contractions (e.g., I'm, he's, they're) can make speech sound overly formal or stilted.
Forgetting Future Arrangements: Remember that the Present Continuous Tense can also indicate future plans or arrangements, not just actions currently happening.
Using the present continuous for permanent states: The present continuous is used for actions happening at the moment of speaking or temporary situations, not for permanent states. For example, "I am owning a car" is incorrect; instead, use the simple present: "I own a car."
Forgetting to use the auxiliary verb "to be": The present continuous tense requires the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb "to be" (am, is, are) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb. Forgetting this can lead to incorrect sentences like "She working hard," which should be "She is working hard."

Confusing the present continuous with other tenses: Ensure you understand the distinction between the present continuous and other tenses, such as the present simple or the present perfect. The present continuous describes actions happening now, while the present simple describes habits, routines, and facts.

Incorrectly using stative verbs: Some verbs, known as stative verbs, do not typically take the continuous form because they express a state rather than an action. For instance, "I am loving this book" is incorrect; instead, use the simple present: "I love this book."

Misplacing adverbs: Adverbs of frequency should be placed before the main verb in the present continuous tense. Placing them incorrectly can lead to confusion or grammatical errors. For example, "She is studying always" should be "She is always studying."
Overusing the present continuous: While the present continuous is suitable for describing actions happening at the moment, it's not always necessary or appropriate. Overuse can make sentences sound awkward or unnatural. Be sure to consider whether the action truly needs to be described as currently happening.

Ignoring irregular verb forms: Remember that some verbs have irregular forms in the present continuous tense. For example, "go" becomes "going," "eat" becomes "eating," and "run" becomes "running." Make sure to learn and use these irregular forms correctly.
1. Understand Temporary vs. Permanent Actions: Present continuous is for temporary actions or situations happening now, while simple present tense is for habits, general truths, and permanent situations.

2. Practice with Context: Use context to understand whether the action is temporary or permanent. If it's something ongoing or changing, present continuous might be appropriate.
3. Review Stative Verbs: Know which verbs are stative (describe states) and which are dynamic (describe actions), as stative verbs aren't typically used in the present continuous tense.
4. Double-Check Question and Negative Forms: Ensure you're using the correct auxiliary verb ("am/is/are") in questions and negatives.
5. Proof read for Spelling: Check for correct spelling when adding '-ing' to verbs, especially regarding doubling final consonants after short, stressed vowels.


using do not/does not
She eats breakfast every morning.
They walk to school together.
He speaks Spanish fluently.
The sun rises in the east.
We play soccer on Saturdays.
The train arrives at 9 o'clock.
Cats chase mice for food.
She reads a book before bedtime.
The store opens at 10 a.m.
He listens to music in his free time.
Birds sing in the morning.
They dance at weddings.
I work in an office.
The dog barks at strangers.
She brushes her teeth twice a day.
He plays the guitar very well.
The clock ticks loudly.
We study English grammar.
The baby cries when hungry.
The flowers bloom in spring.


make simple negative. to use did not
1. She watched a movie last night.
2. He ate sushi for dinner yesterday.
3. They visited Paris two years ago.
4. We finished our homework before dinner.
5. The dog barked loudly all night.
6. I traveled to Japan last summer.
7. She sang beautifully at the concert.
8. He bought a new car last month.
9. They danced until midnight at the party.
10. We played soccer in the park yesterday.
11. The sun rose early this morning.
12. She studied for her exam all week.
13. He cooked dinner for his family last night.
14. They visited the museum on Saturday.
15. We went for a hike in the mountains.
16. The cat slept peacefully on the couch.
17. She painted a beautiful landscape.
18. He ran a marathon last year.
19. They celebrated their anniversary with a big party.
20. We visited our grandparents over the weekend.


class seven making questions by "what"
I lost my keys again.
The sky is looking quite ominous today.
Have you seen my phone charger?
My dog keeps barking at something outside.
The new restaurant downtown is getting rave reviews.
I'm thinking of taking up a new hobby.
Did you hear about the traffic jam on the highway?
My computer won't turn on.
The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow.
I can't seem to find my glasses anywhere.
The cat knocked over a vase and broke it.
There's a strange noise coming from the attic.
I need to buy groceries but I'm not sure what to get.
Have you decided where to go for vacation this year?
I think I left my umbrella at the office.
The power went out in the middle of cooking dinner.
I keep getting spam emails in my inbox.
I'm considering buying a new car.
The neighbors are having a loud party again.

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class eight
When to Write a Summary
We have summary writing in our English first paper exams. Sometimes we have to write a summary of a familiar story or poem, while at other times it’s on a completely unknown topic. Regardless of the topic, if you know how to write a proper summary, you’ll definitely excel! Since summaries are commonly written in various contexts, here are some common situations and places where summaries are needed:
01. Academic Papers: Summaries can be found in academic articles, research papers, and theses, often as abstracts, to provide a concise overview of the study’s purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions.
02. Academic Summarization Tests: In standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, or IELTS, students are asked to provide summaries of reading passages to demonstrate their reading comprehension.
03. Project Proposals: Summaries are often required in project proposals, where the proposal’s main points and objectives are briefly outlined.
04. Academic Presentations: In academic presentations, speakers often include a summary slide or section at the beginning or end of their presentation to highlight key takeaways.
05. Education: Teachers may ask students to write summaries as assignments to assess their comprehension of lesson materials.
06. Scientific Abstracts: Scientific research papers include abstracts that provide a concise summary of the study’s goals, methods, results, and conclusions.


class seven
You are reading a book.
She is eating an apple.
They are playing soccer.
He is watching a movie.
We are going to the park.
The cat is sleeping on the couch.
I am listening to music.
The flowers are blooming in the garden. -
The children are laughing and playing.
The sun is shining brightly.
She is drawing a picture.
They are cooking dinner.
He is writing a letter.
We are studying for our exams.
The birds are chirping in the trees.
The clock is ticking on the wall.
They are building a sandcastle on the beach.
The rain is falling outside.
She is watering the plants in the garden.
We are having a picnic in the park.


class seven 18/04/2023
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What time is the meeting?
3. What kind of food do you like?
4. What do you want to eat for dinner?
5. What are you doing this weekend?
6. What movie should we watch tonight?
7. What do you think of the latest fashion trends?
8. What's your dream vacation destination?
9. What's your opinion on social media?
10. What's your biggest fear?
11. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
12. What is the melting point of ice in Celsius?
13. What is the currency of Switzerland?


class 8
1. Abandon– vacate, leave, quit, give up
2. Abate–reduce, lessen, mitigate
3. Abdicate – resign, retire, step down
4. Abduct – sn**ch, carry off, kidnap
5. Abet – egg on, help, assist, make easy
6. Abhor–despise, detest, execrate
7. Abolish –extirpate, do away with
8. Abominate–scorn, odium, obloquy
9. Abrade– erase, rub off/out, scour, scratch
10. Abrogate– quash, put an end to

1. ছেড়ে যাওয়া/ পরিত্যাগ করা
2. বাতাস কমা/ঝড় কমা/বন্যা কমা/জ্বর কমা
3. দাবি ত্যাগ করা
4. হরণ করা/অপহরণ করা
5. কুকর্মে সহায়তা করা
6. ঘৃণা করা
7. বিলোপ করা/উচ্ছেদ করা
8. প্রচন্ডভাবে ঘৃণা করা
9. জোরে ঘষা দিয়ে তুলে ফেলা
10. বাতিল করা


1. সে স্থানীয় কোম্পানিতে চাকরির জন্য আবেদন করে। He applies for a job at the local company.
He plays apply do
he does not apply
2. পাখিরা প্রায়ই আমার জানালার বাইরে পুরানো ওক গাছের ডালে (alight)-উড়ে বেড়ায়।
Birds often alight on the branches of the old oak tree outside my window.
3. শিশু রাতে বেশ কয়েকবার জাগে।
The baby awakes several times during the night.
4. কফির গন্ধ তার জ্ঞানকে জাগিয়ে তোলে।
The smell of coffee awakes her senses.
5. দল প্রতিটি ম্যাচের সময় একটি আচরণবিধি মেনে চলে।
The team abides by a code of conduct during every match
6. সূর্য প্রতিদিন সকালে পূর্ব দিকে উদিত হয়।
The sun arises in the east in every morning.
7. কোম্পানি কর্মচারী প্রশিক্ষণ প্রোগ্রামের খরচ বহন করে।
The company bears the cost of employee training programs.
8. শিক্ষা সাধারণত আলোকিত ও ধারণাশক্তি জন্ম দেয়।
Education typically begets enlightenment and understanding.
9. সে প্রতি রাতে তারা দেখে।
She beholds the stars in every night.
10. তিনি প্রতি খেলায় প্রতিপক্ষকে অনায়াসে প্রহার/আঘাত করে।
In every game, he beats the opponent effortlessly.
11. কঠোর পরিশ্রমের সাথে, সে সফল হয়।


class seven and six
1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. Birds chirp melodiously in the early morning.
3. Flowers bloom in vibrant hues during springtime.
4. The sound of waves crashing against the shore is soothing.
5. Laughter fills the air during joyful gatherings.
6. Raindrops patter softly on the windowpane.
7. Stars twinkle in the vast night sky.
8. Snowflakes gently blanket the earth in winter.
9. A warm cup of tea comforts the soul on a chilly day.
10. Children play gleefully in the park.
11. The scent of freshly baked cookies wafts through the kitchen.
12. Autumn leaves rustle underfoot.
13. A hug from a loved one can brighten even the darkest day.
14. A cat purrs contentedly as it curls up in a sunbeam.
15. The aroma of freshly cut grass fills the air after a summer rain.
16. The first sip of hot cocoa warms the heart.
17. Fireflies dance in the darkness, lighting up the night.
18. The sound of crickets chirping signals the arrival of summer.
19. A gentle breeze rustles through the trees, bringing a sense of calm.
20. A smile can speak volumes without saying a word.




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