More Bird Songs this weekend. We soar with Benny Goodman, Art Mooney, Hoagy Camichael, Vera Lynn, Duke Ellington and more.
Spotlight 1944. WWII; Allies begin long battle for Anzio, German fails to capture Soviet Union and it's natural resources. Willkie going for GOP nomination. Radio--Fibber & Molly, Hope, Skelton, Judy Canova, Casey Crime Photographer. Movies--Fighting Sullivans, Miracle of Morgan's Creek, Lifeboat, Jane Eyre.
Countdown hits by Mills Bros, Guy Lombardo, Jimmy Dorsey, Al Trace, Glen Gray, David Rose, Andrews Sisters, and Ella Mae Morse.
Ella Mae Morse sings Phil Moore's "Shoo Shoo Baby" in the 1944 Universal picture, "South of Dixie."