This is the biggest tree I’ve ever cut. 137 years old. Redwood logging with @hotsaw and Gordy last97
#Reel #rell2024
Topping a big Failng fir with a Husqvarna 540i. This tree was partially uprooted, which is why I am 135
#Reel #rell2024
TikTok video #7257636330933341486128
#Reel #rell2024
PORTED Echo 2511 giveaway! Every dollar spent at Sappy in November equals one entry(if you’ve purc70
#Reel #rell2024
My friend Inbred Jed sending a Bigleaf Maple 🍁 👌38
#Reel #rell2024
TikTok video #7266698152848149806129
#Reel #rell2024
Picking a big cedar log 🪵 🌲60
#Reel #rell2024
Lowering a Doug Fir top in Seattle with the boys 🌲 👌17
#Reel #rell2024
TikTok video #7245030498844544298121
#Reel #rell2024
Topping a cottonwood 🌳139
#Reel #rell2024
TikTok video #7274705738277096735131
#Reel #rell2024
New video on YouTube Chopping down a big Fir with our new crane!43
#Reel #rell2024
The most insane tree eating machine I have ever seen. This is a Merlo and it is awesome.93
#Reel #rell2024
When two are joined as one.. #logging #forestry #logger #loggertok #loggerlife #timber #timberfaller145
#Reel #rell2024
Lowering a top on a 150’ Fir #sendit #dangerous #chainsaw #sendit #extreme #logger19
#Reel #rell2024
Making chewing gum deep in the jungle of Guatemala. If you bought gum before the 1950s it was almost21
#Reel #rell2024
TikTok video #7243959381862223146119
#Reel #rell2024
Testing out the new Stihl Hexa chain on some rock hard dead Maple. I don’t know what it is about B85
#Reel #rell2024
Picking some nice fir logs 🌲66
#Reel #rell2024