When I came to this place in the wild EP, I wanted a song that would bridge the gap in the timeline between Exodus and Judges, (the subject of my song “sovereign”) and the prophets of God who reminded the people that a new day was coming (the subject of my song “call us yours” taken from Jeremiah 31.) so I wanted to focus on the era of the Kings.
in retrospect, I could’ve written about David or Solomon, but instead, I was drawn to the books of Daniel and Esther. [so you’ll hopefully forgive me that when the full album is released, these songs in the biblical timeline will be slightly out of order.] Daniel, his friends, Esther and Mordecai all lived in days of exile, and their faithfulness was tested in extreme ways. Usually, they were given the choice to remain faithful to God or choose eminent death. They had to look powerful kings in the eye, and declare their intent to choose God over King, culture and the easy way.
these books called out to me because we live in a culture easily given over to tribalism, cult, mentalities, and canceling anyone on the “wrong” side. it becomes increasingly easy to cave to whatever is most widely accepted in our own circles at the moment. I’m not saying this is easy. Standing firm for what is right becomes difficult in a culture that continues to try to transform what “right” is.
So we have to roll it back to what is true. Who is God and what does he want? Our freedom is found in the truth of the Word, the truth that set us free. We can have faith that “ Neither death nor life, angels, nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
I hope this song will help give you courage not to bow to idols, evil Kings, or anything else that would try to capture the devotion of your soul. I pray that we can “ Count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of loving Christ Jesus.”
Many thanks to my co-writers Stacy Riddle and and producer for contributing their hearts, souls and talents into the making of this song.