Handschuh GIF-original.mp4
🎉 Wir wünschen euch allen ein gutes neues Jahr mit viel Glück, Gesundheit und großen Lernerfolgen*!
*learning achievements
🍧 Kick back and relax this summer with Dino, Baumgartner & Co.: 🍦 20% off on all our German learning ebooks and audiobooks! Only on books.learnoutlive.com #learngerman #deutschlernen
Staubsauger GIForiginal
Dust sucks. Remove it with a dust sucker.
📖 Not sure which Dino episode to read next? We finally added volume numbers to the paperback covers so you can find your way through the series more easily! #learngerman #dinolerntdeutsch
reposting this in light of our latest bookrelease #learngermanwithstories #schlamasselinstuttgart
Do you know this feeling? #learngerman
😳 Do you know that feeling?
🍵Only this weekend, enter coupon code HERBST18 on books.learnoutlive.com and get 20% off on everything.
Stinktier GIForiginal
German logic: "It's an animal. And it stinks. Must be a STINK-ANIMAL!" #learngerman
Gluehwuermchen GIForiginal
This is not a firefly, it's a GLOW WORM!
Klobrille GIForiginal
just one of these words ... #dailydeutsch
Zahnfleisch GIForiginal
In Germany, we don't have GUMS but TOOTH FLESH!
Do you see that LAZY ANIMAL right there? #learngerman
"Mom, what's for dinner today?"
#dailydeutsch #learngerman
Staubsauger GIForiginal
💨In Germany we don't vacuum our carpets, we DUST SUCK them! #dailydeutsch