The Enlightenment pushed rationalism and empiricism to the forefront, sidelining faith-based worldviews. But your stance on the supernatural impacts how you interpret unexplained events. A single person’s spiritual encounter might be written off by skeptics as “the pizza you ate,” yet multiple witnesses and converging evidence can challenge the validity that skepticism. That’s why for some believers—despite doubts—going back to atheism feels impossible. Have you wrestled with these questions? Let’s talk!
Check out @theosyspodcast for similar content from the Theosys Podcast, and listen to full episodes of our show, the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #FaithAndReason #SupernaturalEncounters #EnlightenmentThinking #BiblicalWorldview #AtheismVsFaith #SpiritualJourney #ChristianPodcast #Skepticism #MultipleLinesOfEvidence
The phrase “money is the root of all evil” isn’t actually in the Bible - Scripture says it’s the LOVE of money that is a root of all kinds of evils (1 Timothy 6:10). Neither being rich nor being poor automatically makes you more spiritual. In this clip from our recent appearance on the Theosys Podcast, we talk about how wealth can be a blessing or a trap - and why a self-righteous poverty mindset can be just as harmful. Have you struggled to balance faith and finances? Share your thoughts or tag someone who needs to hear this!
Check @theosyspodcast for similar content from the Theosys Podcast, and listen to full episodes of our show, the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#LoveOfMoney #WealthAndFaith #BiblicalPerspective #Stewardship #Holiness #ChristianPodcast #SpiritualGrowth #PsychAndTheoPodcast #ScriptureTruth #FaithJourney
This is how heretical false teachers are able to recruit followers. They start out by being friendly, fun, and charismatic to lower our guard, and then once we trust them, they gradually introduce their false doctrines and gospels. It’s a good reminder to stay discerning and always compare teachings with what God’s word actually says.. Share your thoughts below or tag someone who needs to hear this!
Go follow @theosyspodcast for similar content from the Theosys Podcast, and check out full episodes of our show, the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#PsychandTheoPodcast #CultAwareness #BiblicalDiscernment #FalseTeaching #ChristianFaith #SpiritualWarfare #ChurchCommunity #StayVigilant #TestTheSpirits #GospelTruth #FaithJourney #ReligiousDeception #SpotACult
Gender dysphoria is real, and it's complicated. It’s deeply distressing when your body doesn’t match who you feel you are inside, And even the experts are still scratching their heads about why it happens; there’s no clear consensus on the cause.
But here’s what we do know: as Christians, we believe there’s more to your story. The Bible tells us God created us male and female in His image. That means your identity isn’t an accident or mistake - you were created with love and purpose. Culture’s views on gender may shift, but God’s truth stays the same.
In the midst of the debate, questions and emotions, our ultimate identity is found in Christ. The Bible’s message to those who are hurting is to come to Jesus in faith. He sees you, understands you, and loves you more than you can imagine.
Go subscribe to @thisisbiblicallyspeaking for more podcast episodes from Biblical experts like Tim, and check out full episodes of the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#GenderDysphoria #GenderIdentity #IdentityInChrist #Christian #Jesus #Faith #BiblicalTruth #GodsDesign #YouAreNotAlone #LGBTQ #Transgender #FaithJourney #psychandtheopodcast
What if someone regrets their gender transition—where do they turn? In this clip from one of Tim’s recent appearances on the Biblically Speaking Podcast, we talk about extending true compassion and hope to those questioning or leaving the transgender movement. Our sexual identities don’t define our worth. Life’s ultimate purpose is found in God who offers us meaning, joy, and wholeness beyond our physical circumstances.
Make sure to subscribe to Cassian’s podcast @thisisbiblicallyspeaking for more content from Biblical experts like Tim, and check out full episodes of the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #TransJourney #FindingHope #IdentityRestored #SpiritualHealing #GodsPlanForMe #GraceForAll #FulfillmentInChrist #ChristiansCare #MercyMinistry #EternalPerspective #transgenderrights
Our identity is ultimately found in Christ, and not in our sexual orientation or gender expression. In this clip from one of Tim’s recent appearances on the Biblically Speaking Podcast, we discuss how elevating personal expression above God’s design can be a form of idolatry. Lots of things can be idolatry, hobbies, the transgender/LGBT movement, politics, or even fandoms, whenever something replaces God as the main source of meaning in our lives, it takes on an idolatrous role.
Make sure to subscribe to @thisisbiblicallyspeaking for more content from Biblical experts like Tim, and check out the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #GenderIdentityDebate #IdolatryOfSelf #CreatedInHisImage #CounterCulture #GodsDesignForGender #ChristCenteredLiving #BiblicalMorality #TheologyMatters #IdentityInChristAlone #HopeBeyondCulture
Where did transgender ideology come from, and why does it matter for Christians? In this clip from Tim’s recent appearance on the Biblically Speaking Podcast, we explore how 20th-century research introduced the idea that there is a distinction between biological sex and gender identity. This belief forms the foundation of modern transgender thought. Understanding these basics is important because it equips believers to understand and engage in cultural conversations with clarity, empathy, and a biblical worldview.
Make sure to subscribe to @thisisbiblicallyspeaking for more content from Biblical experts like Tim, and check out the Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #ChristianPodcast #Transgenderism #SexAndGender #GenderDysphoria #BiblicalPerspective #ChristianWorldview #FaithAndCulture #CulturalEngagement #PodcastReels
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God is both just and merciful and yet He can’t hold people accountable for their sin while also while letting our own sins slide. In this clip from the latest episode of the podcast, we explore how Christ’s atoning sacrifice resolves this tension: He takes on our penalty so that God remains perfectly just in judging sin, while also graciously extending forgiveness to us. This is the heart of the Christian worldview, and the gospel, and is the reason why Christians are commanded to forgive those who do wrong to us.
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #ChristianPodcast #BiblicalTruth #JusticeAndMercy #GraceAndTruth #FaithJourney #Atonement #ChristCrucified #SpiritualGrowth #PodcastReels #Forgiveness #GodsPlan #BiblicalWisdom #ChristianTheology
The Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
Forgiveness doesn't always require letting people off the hook - it’s about releasing bitterness while still seeking accountability. In this clip from our latest episode, we unpack how Matthew 18 makes it clear that there is a path for confronting wrongdoing within the church. Ultimately we trust God to administer justice. As Christians, we can forgive because we’ve been forgiven without turning a blind eye to unrepentant behavior and it's consequences.
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #Forgiveness #ChristianPodcast #BiblicalPerspective #Matthew18 #ChurchDiscipline #GodsJustice #ChristianLiving #PodcastReels #Reconciliation #SpiritualGrowth #ChristlikeLove #ChurchFamily #BiblicalWisdom #ChristianAccountability #GraceAndTruth
Even in unthinkable situations like murder or abuse, Christians are still called to forgive. That doesn’t mean ignoring or preventing the consequences of those horrific acts; it means leaving justice up to God who is the perfect judge. Forgiveness follow’s Christ’s example, sets our hearts free and trusts that He will deal with evil and sin.
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #ChristianPodcast #Forgiveness #BiblicalTruth #TrustGod #JusticeAndMercy #DivineJustice #FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianLiving #PodcastReels #ChristianForgiveness #ChristlikeLove #PrayerLife #FreedomInChrist
The Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
As Christians, we’re called to forgive others. This doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you - it means releasing them from the debt they owe you in your own heart and mind. This week’s episode of the podcast is all about forgiveness - one of the most important components of a Christian’s spiritual life. Tune in to learn more about it, and how it ties into our own salvation and walk with the Lord.
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #ChristianPodcast #Forgiveness #BiblicalTruth #FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #GodsGrace #TrustIssues #ChristianLiving #RelationshipAdvice #PodcastReels #ChristianForgiveness #RestoringRelationships #ChristlikeLove #FreedomInChrist
The Psych and Theo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
Sometimes people deeply hurt or wrong us and it can be important to remember what forgiveness means. It means choosing not to hold an offense against someone, even if we have the right to do so. As Christians, we’re required to forgive others, and this is important as our ability to forgive others flows from God’s forgiveness of our own sins through Jesus Christ. We need forgiveness because sin separates us from God, and only Christ can restore that broken relationship. Make sure forgiveness is a part of your walk with Christ just as God has forgiven you.
Check out our latest episode on forgiveness on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and all other major platforms!
#PsychAndTheoPodcast #ChristianPodcast #Forgiveness #BiblicalTruth #FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #GodsGrace #TrustIssues #ChristianLiving #RelationshipAdvice #PodcastReels #ChristianForgiveness #RestoringRelationships #ChristlikeLove #FreedomInChrist