Mhiz Mirabel

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ANASTASIA.        2Anastasia killed her daughter, she killed my grandchild, wicked Anastasia... John's mother yelled at ...


Anastasia killed her daughter, she killed my grandchild, wicked Anastasia... John's mother yelled at her

Anastasia stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "No, no, no! That's not true!" she protested, her voice shaking. "I would never harm my own daughter, let alone your grandchild!"

John's mother advanced on her, her face twisted in rage. "Don't lie to me! I know what you're capable of, Anastasia. You've always been selfish and cruel. You only care about yourself!"

Anastasia took a step back, her hands raised defensively. "That's not fair! I loved my daughter, and I would never hurt her. You have to believe me!"

But John's mother was beyond reason. She kept shouting accusations and insults, her anger and grief boiling over. Anastasia tried to defend herself, but the words cut deep, and she felt herself crumbling under the attack.

Just then, John intervened, his voice calm but firm. "Mother, stop. This isn't helping anything. We need to find out what really happened to my daughter

She slumped and died that's all... John's mother Dorcas shouted

Anastasia looked at her from head to toe and walked out of the parlour
It's been two weeks Glory died, she has been trying to move on and forget about the death of her daughter,her mother in-law has sworn to make her life miserable

How can I kill my own child? Glory is a miracle child, after twelve years of marriage Glory came and now she is gone, God please I don't want go insane... Anastasia cried in her office

Selina opened the door and walked in majestically

Hey... you're crying Anastasia

My mother in-law won't let me rest... she cried

Why don't you leave the marriage eh, you're a pretty lady, you don't even deserve John abi John doesn't deserve you,my dear leave that marriage,who marriage help

Anastasia smiled "I should leave my marriage because of my mother in-law?"

Yes, she is stressing you and you don't need that stress, you just lost a daughter

Selina... Anastasia called

I'm listening baby girl

I can't leave my marriage because of that woman, I've lived with John, I've been married to John for eighteen years.. Anastasia said

I understand Anna but you gats leave that marriage, this is the best advice I can give you as a best friend,my love leave that marriage, make I shock you John fit leave you marry another person you know you can't give birth again... Selina advised

Anastasia ran her fingers through her hair and let out a deep breath

I can't leave my marriage Selina... She replied

Selina picked up a chewing gum on the table and left the office

Anastasia got home stressed out, she dropped her bag on the couch and lay on the floor looking at her daughter's pictures when someone tapped her

Who are you? Anastasia asked

John's wife, please get up from there I want to get something from the fridge.. the young lady replied

John's wife?

You heard me clearly before

Anastasia got up from the floor and ran to her bedroom, the lady's bags were everywhere inside the room
She ran into her matrimonial room,John lay like a log of wood on the bed

John... Anastasia screamed

What is it?

You brought in another woman into this house? She yelled

John got up " I'm sorry Anna,I mistakenly got her pregnant"

Anastasia's eyes blazed with anger and hurt as she stared at John. "You got her pregnant? How could you, John? How could you do this to me, to us, to our marriage?"

John looked down, his eyes filled with shame. "I'm sorry, Anna. I was weak, and I made a mistake. I know it's no excuse, but I was grieving too, and I wasn't thinking."

Anastasia's laughter was bitter. "Grieving? You were grieving? You think you're the only one who's been grieving? I lost my daughter, John. My beautiful, innocent daughter. And you, you were out here cheating on me, getting another woman pregnant."

The young woman, who had been quietly observing the scene, spoke up. "John, I think we should leave. This is a private moment."

Anastasia's eyes turned to her, and she sneered. "You think? You think you should leave? You should have thought of that before you came into my home, into my marriage, and destroyed everything."

John tried to intervene, but Anastasia cut him off. "No, John. No more lies, no more excuses. You've made your bed, now lie in it. With her,I am leaving this marriage ".

To Be Continued 🤗

ANASTASIA.        1Anastasia stood looking at her laptop that has mistakenly fallen off her handsShe hissed loudly and p...


Anastasia stood looking at her laptop that has mistakenly fallen off her hands
She hissed loudly and picked it up, one side was already damaged
She shrugged and sat down trying to see if she can get it fixed

Today has been something else... she shouted hitting her hand on the table

Something else? Her friend Selina asked walking in

My laptop just got damaged, Selina today has been something to for me I don't know what is really happening... Anastasia said

Selina walked over to Anastasia and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, calm down. It's just a laptop, it can be fixed or replaced. What's really going on? You seem really upset."

Anastasia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "It's just been a terrible day, Selina. First, I spilled coffee all over my shirt, then I got into a fender bender on the way to work, and now this. I feel like everything is falling apart."

Selina nodded sympathetically. "That does sound like a tough day. But maybe we can turn things around. Let me take a look at your laptop and see if I can fix it. And after that, we can grab some lunch and forget about all this for a while."

Anastasia smiled slightly, feeling a bit better with her friend's support. "Thanks, Selina. You're a lifesaver."

As Selina began to examine the laptop, Anastasia couldn't help but think that maybe this was the universe's way of telling her to slow down and take a break. She had been working nonstop for weeks, and maybe it was time to take a step back and recharge.

But just as she was starting to relax, Selina let out a gasp. "Anastasia, I think we have a bigger problem here..."

Anastasia's phone rang,her husband was calling

Glory is dead...he announced and ended the call

Anastasia threw her phone, she pulled off her shoes and ran to her... she drove home immediately
Her only child has been confirmed dead....

Anastasia's world came crashing down around her. She felt like she was in a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. Her daughter, Glory, was gone? It couldn't be true. She had just spoken to her the day before, and they had made plans for dinner that weekend.

As she drove home, her mind raced with thoughts and emotions. She felt numb, like she was in a state of shock. She couldn't believe that her beautiful, vibrant daughter was gone.

When she arrived home, she saw her husband, John, sitting on the couch, his face buried in his hands. She ran to him and collapsed in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice shaking. "How did this happen?"

John looked up at her, his eyes red and puffy. "I don't know, I dropped her in school and drove off was shocked when I got a call from the head mistress that my only child slumped while in class

Anastasia held her head, she threw herself on the floor and cried
Six years old Glory lay on the floor dead....

Anastasia had Glory after twelve years of marriage, Glory was really a miracle child
Anastasia held her daughter, she caressed her hair and wiped her face

Glory this can't be true... she cried

John held his wife..."it's fine honey,stop crying "

People were trooping in and out of Mr John's building, consoling Mr and Mrs John

To Be Continued 🤗

THE CHOICE I MADE.    10Lanre's parlour was well decorated, Kemi was the happiest.. she couldn't wait to see Lanre knee ...


Lanre's parlour was well decorated, Kemi was the happiest.. she couldn't wait to see Lanre knee to propose to her in front of everyone
She made her hair,dressed well, she was putting on her heels when Jemmy walked in
She laid her daughter on the bed and sat looking at Kemi

Jemmy cleared her throat " Kemi, how're you?"

After snatching Funsho away from me?

Erm, everyone is waiting for you in the parlour, please do fast...A lady told Kemi and left

See, Kemi I loved Funsho with everything in me but he chose to marry Nona that stupid girl... jemmy said

What are you even saying? Funsho and I has been dating before I even got to know Lanre.. said Kemi

Jemmy's eyes widened...Kemi????

What is it? Kemi screamed

And he left you for that low class girl? Jemmy asked

E no concern me at least I'm getting married to Lanre but I go dey fu@k Funsho for back I can't leave Funsho oh... Replied Kemi

Jemmy covered her daughter and walked out of the room with Kemi

Kemi blushed immediately she saw Lanre, dressed neatly..he was laughing and gisting with Ade

Your wife to be is here...Ade told Lanre who turned to see if Amarachi was around

Where's she? He asked looking around

Hey Kemi...Ade waved

Ade... what's up? She answered

Omo... you're damn pretty..Ade complimented

Kemi blushed... she held Lanre by the waist

Babe I invited my dad... said Kemi beaming with smiles

Oh!... your dad? Okay...

Lanre excused himself and went outside..he dialed Amarachi's number

Where are you? He asked

Babe I'm on my way...I'll be there in a jiffy... she answered

Been waiting sweetheart

Kemi's dad stopped to greet Lanre

Lanre how are you? You're finally engaging my daughter today...he said laughing

Yes daddy..he replied

That's very nice of you, you're really a man

Thank you daddy...he said beaming with smiles

Amarachi walked in, looking stunning than ever

Jesus Christ!!! Lanre screamed as soon as he saw Amarachi entered

Esther entered... everyone concentrated on Esther and Amarachi who stole the show

Kemi walked to Amarachi

Hey Igbo girl...Kemi greeted

Amarachi looked at her from head to toe and walked over to Lanre....
Lanre pecked her and held her by the waist likewise Ade and Esther

Kemi and Jemmy were shocked, looking around like "What the hell is happening here?"

Kemi's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing with questions. Who was this Amarachi, and why was Lanre so cozy with her? She felt a pang of jealousy and confusion, her happiness from earlier slowly fading away.

"Amarachi, my love, you look stunning!" Lanre exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration.

Amarachi smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Thanks, babe. I tried to make an effort for your special day."

Kemi's heart sank. Babe? Special day? What was going on here?

Jemmy whispered to Kemi, "What's happening? Who is this girl?"

Kemi shook her head, her eyes fixed on Lanre and Amarachi. "I have no idea, but I don't like it one bit."

Lanre finally noticed Kemi's distress and walked over to her, a sheepish grin on his face. "Kemi, my love, I can explain..."

But before he could continue, Amarachi interrupted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, please, Lanre, don't bother explaining. I'm sure Kemi understands perfectly well what's going on here."

The room fell silent, with all eyes on the tense scene unfolding before them. Kemi's heart raced with anger and hurt, her mind reeling with questions. Who was Amarachi, and what was her relationship with Lanre? And what did she mean by "your special day"? The engagement proposal, the happiness, everything seemed like a farce now.

Ade who's she? Jemmy asked

My wife to be..Ade replied planting kiss on her lip

What am I? Jemmy further asked

Meet Funsho..he answered

Lanre knelt in front of Amarachi with a box in his right hand....

Lanre opened the box, revealing a stunning diamond ring. "Amarachi, my love, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one for me. Will you marry me?" I made the right choice

The room erupted in gasps and shocked whispers. Kemi's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart shattering into a million pieces. She felt like she'd been punched in the gut, unable to breathe.

Amarachi's smile lit up the room as she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!"

Lanre slid the ring onto Amarachi's finger, and they shared a passionate kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, but Kemi's world was crashing down around her.

Jemmy's eyes were wide with shock, her mouth agape. "What the...? Kemi, what's going on?"

Kemi's voice trembled. "I...I don't know, Jemmy. I thought he was proposing to me..."

Ade and Esther congratulated Lanre and Amarachi, oblivious to Kemi's distress. Funsho, Jemmy's ex, watched with a smirk, enjoying the drama.

Kemi's mind raced, trying to make sense of the betrayal. She felt like a fool, blinded by love and deceit. The engagement proposal, the happiness, everything was a lie.

With a heavy heart, Kemi turned and walked away, leaving the celebration and her shattered dreams behind.

Ade turned to Esther and proposed

Jemmy fell on the floor and fainted 😂....

Kemi's dad walked out of the building in shame as people cheered and clapped

Kemi came in

After how many years of togetherness Lanre? You have been cheating on me all these while with this tout

Kemi! Lanre called

Kemi, you have been cheating on me with Funsho, you think I don't know? Go to hell with that child in your belly Kemi

Kemi's eyes flashed with anger, her voice rising. "How dare you, Lanre! You're accusing me of cheating with Funsho when you're the one who's been deceiving me all along? You're engaged to Amarachi, and you have the nerve to point fingers at me?"

Lanre sneered. "You're one to talk, Kemi. You've been carrying Funsho's child, and you thought I didn't know? You're a hypocrite, just like your father."

Kemi's face contorted in pain, her heart heavy with sorrow. "You're right, Lanre. I made a mistake, but I thought we had something real. But now, I see that you're just a fraud, a cheat, and a liar."

With that, Kemi turned and walked away, leaving Lanre and his new fiancée behind. She knew that she deserved better, and she was determined to move on
She had no place in mind to go,Funsho has been married

People tried rescuing jemmy back to life, she woke up immediately a bucket of water was poured on her

She ran into Lanre's room, carried her daughter and left in shame

You guys made the right choice...Funke, Lanre's sister said smiling


THE CHOICE I MADE.       9Kemi's birthday is on Sunday so Lanre.....Hosting a party for her? Jemmy interrupted AdeYeah b...


Kemi's birthday is on Sunday so Lanre.....

Hosting a party for her? Jemmy interrupted Ade

Yeah babe,I'll like you to come along,.. he said

Sure! I'll be there, Kemi was once my best friend before s**t happened... Jemmy stated

What s**t? You guys ain't in good terms?

No my love... please help me carry Bimbo while I get something from the nearby store

Alright! Said Ade

Jemmy left, she stood at the store's entrance waiting for Funsho, Funsho had sent her message to wait for him at the store entrance
Ade saw the message before she did

Jemmy... Funsho called

Funsho you betrayed me, you shattered me... she cried

I understand,I married Nona because she's a hundred percent wife material,I even regret cheating on her, she's everything a man would pray for... Funsho said

So I'm not a wife material?

I didn't say that, you were serving two or more masters at a time and I don't even know how Ade ....

You're a monster Funsho... Jemmy screamed loudly

Your body odour is too much Jemmy, jumping from one man to another, Ade and I discussed about the child Bimbo,we will be going for DNA test after Kemi's birthday

Jemmy bit her lip, she felt like strangling Funsho..."this guy really used me"

After the DNA,I don't want to see you close to my family again.. Funsho warned

Ade is aware?

Ade is a very smart guy,he has been aware right from the day you stole my number from his phone

Jemmy's eyes welled up with tears as she exclaimed, "Funsho, you've broken my heart! 'Ori mi ti gbe' (My head is broken)!"

Funsho replied coldly, "Jemmy, 'ti e ba mi fe' (It's enough). I'm done with you. You were never serious about our relationship."

Jemmy's anger flared up, "Serious? 'Owo mi ko serious' (My money is not serious)? You used me and dumped me for that Nona woman!"

Funsho shrugged, "Nona is a good woman, 'obinrin tooto' (a complete woman). She deserves me."

Jemmy's voice rose, "Deserves you? 'Ese mi' (my leg) will not support me to go to your house again!"

Funsho smirked, "Good riddance. 'O di agbara' (It's good that you're angry)."

I'll be leaving Jemmy,we will see on Sunday...Funsho told her,entered his car and sped off

Jemmy screamed, she removed her scarf and ran home leaving her slippers at the store entrance

Are you okay? Ade asked the moment she ran inside

Ade I'm sorry for everything,I'm sorry I cheated on you,I'm sorry.... please don't leave me... jemmy begged going on her knees

I don't understand, what is the problem?

I'm sure you know everything,I'm sure you're aware of my relationship with Funsho,I thought he was a good person I never knew I was being used,I'm so sorry Ade, please forgive me... She cried

See Jemmy,I have forgiven you for a very long time, everyone makes mistake, nobody is perfect my love

Jemmy got up from the floor and hugged him

We are getting married soon...Ade told her

After the DNA? Babe what if Bimbo isn't your child will you throw me off? Jemmy questioned rubbing her palms

I won't

Ade visited Lanre on a Saturday morning, decorations has been made in the parlour

Tomorrow is gonna be something else....Ade laughed

Jemmy and Kemi will cry a river... Lanre said

I can't wait to propose to Esther, that girl is everything, she's a star...Ade chipped

Amarachi doesn't even know about this oh,I told it's my sister's birthday,I feel good making her my choice

Jemmy will be like " Ade you broke me, I've been with you for the past few years, you chose to marry someone else, Ade tell me that I'm dreaming, wake me up Ade"

Lanre laughed out loudly, his phone rang

Hello Kemi...he answered

Lanre please I need sixty thousand naira... She said

60k for what?

Gown,I have nothing to wear tomorrow... she replied

You know I've spent a lot lately,I'll send 40k..

Never mind... she ended the call

I spent almost two hundred thousand naira on Amarachi,I want her to look good

Lanre two hundred thousand???? Ade laughed

I love her...he replied

I understand but I can't spend that on Jemmy oh...Ade said

That's why I call you Cynthia,did I talk about Kemi...I spent the money on Amarachi...Lanre yelled

No dey call me Cynthia nah...wetin I do you

Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia... tomorrow is gonna be Esther please marry Cynthia...Lanre mocked

Antonia...Ade called him and ran out

To Be Continued 🤗

THE CHOICE I MADE.     8Kemi...Lanre calledKemi was busy in the kitchen trying to fix breakfast when she heard her nameL...


Kemi...Lanre called

Kemi was busy in the kitchen trying to fix breakfast when she heard her name

Lanre you know I'm busy can't you come here? She said

Lanre got up from the couch and went into the kitchen,he picked a spoon from the cupboard and scooped a spoonful of milk

Kemi what if I decide to end this relationship? Lanre asked stirring the milk

Kemi turned immediately....

Did I do something bad?

Kemi....I asked a question... said Lanre taking a sip

I'll kill myself,I can't afford to loose you after five to six years of togetherness, it's not even possible... She replied

I understand Kemi but I can't live with a cheat...Lanre spoke

A cheat? What are you saying Lanremi?

I'll be hosting a party here on Sunday

A party? What party?

Engagement party ..he answered

Kemi blushed and moved closer to him, she held him by the waist and planted a kiss on his lip

I love you Lanre but we are engaged already.. she said

Yes Kemi,I want it to be official my love..he replied

I love you so much, I can't do without you.. she laughed

Lanre walked out of the kitchen,he sat on the dinning waiting for her to serve breakfast
His sister joined him

I overheard your discussion with Kemi... you're engaging her on Sunday Lanremi?

Big sis I know what I'm doing...he replied while Kemi walked into the dinning room with a tray of food

Ain't you eating with us? Lanre asked Kemi

I'm late for antenatal.. she replied

Antenatal? Are you pregnant? Funke,Lanre's sister asked with shock written all over her face

Months gone... Kemi answered

Egbami ooo...Funke Exclammed

You can go, take care of yourself my love...he waved

Kemi left,Funke dropped her spoon and faced her brother

When last did you guys had intimacy?

I can't even remember, since she had that her miscarriage I haven't even seen her two laps,I just didn't want to cause any trouble that's why I accepted the pregnancy

She's so senseless, she even told you that you're responsible for the pregnancy,who is she fooling? Funke screamed

I don't blame her anyway,her brain must be at the back of her neck...

I'm not eating again...Funke said, she got up and left the dinning room

Big sis I don't waste food in this house oh, you better come back here..Lanre murmured

Lanre left for work,he sat in his office tossing his pen up and down when Amarachi walked in

Omo Igbo... Lanre teased

Amarachi blushed "you don start now"
She sat on his table

Boss wanna see you... she informed

I don't know what that woman wants from me, but is it by force to date her?

She must be in her late fifties.. Amarachi said

Amicable, hope you will be present at my sister's birthday party? Lanre asked

I'll give a thought darling

No babe, I don't want that from you

Alright I'll be present.... what's the colour of the.....

I'll get them for you,I just want you to dress nicely,I'll get you a new hair or do you care if we go shopping by Thursday next week? The party is taking place on Sunday

Amarachi smiled "I'll leave that to you baby"

Lanre kissed her passionately,he je**ed immediately he heard a knock on the door

Mr Lanre,boss wants you to report to her office immediately..a voice said

Lanre got up " we will see later"
He rushed to the boss's office

Lanre? She called her eyes fixed on her laptop

Boss..he answered

What's your answer? Your reply please... she said

Erm please I'll have to think about it...he replied

I'm leaving this office next week, I've been transferred to Abuja

Really? I'm happy for you boss...

She sighed and asked him to leave immediately,Lanre couldn't stop thanking his stars

He called his friend Ade,Ade was busy trying to help jemmy take care of the baby

How far bro? Ade answered

I'm good, what's up...

I'll call you later Lanre,I'm busy please

Oga talk to your girlfriend... Jemmy shouted

What girlfriend? Lanre called

You're a cheat and a liar ... jemmy accused

I should be telling you that, do you think I am a fool jemmy, because I kept quiet, you think I don't know how you have been sleeping with Funsho and other random guys? Ade yelled at her

I don't even know who Funsho is

I dislike you jemmy and I think it's high time you leave this house, you have done enough... Shouted Ade

Really, Ade I am not going anywhere

Ade's face was red with anger. "Jemmy, you're a cheat and a liar! I can't believe I've been blind to your infidelity for so long."

Jemmy crossed her arms, a defiant look on her face. "I'm not going anywhere, Ade. You can't just kick me out like that."

Ade's eyes narrowed. "Watch me. You've brought shame to this family, Jemmy. I won't have it anymore."

Just then, Lanre walked into the room, a look of concern on his face. "Ade, what's going on?"

Ade turned to him, his anger still simmering. "Jemmy here has been sleeping around, Lanre. I've had enough of her lies and cheating."

Lanre's eyes widened in shock. "Jemmy, is this true?"

Jemmy looked at him from head to toe and hissed audibly, she collected her baby from Ade and went into the bedroom

Hey Cynthia... Lanre called

Lanre don't call me that, I am Ade,I am a man...he shouted

You're not yet a man, you keep on spoiling our plan Cynthia, Sunday is fast approaching

Ade sat down facing Lanre

Oh my goodness Lanre,I feel like punching Jemmy,I just don't want to see her, this girl has been frustrating my life.. I've been buying baby milk and pampers with the little money I saved I can't just wait for her to leave

Calm down man, everything will end on Sunday..Lanre assured

To Be Continued 🤗

THE CHOICE I MADE.       7I lost the pregnancy Baami...Kemi told her dad who had come to visit her in the hospital Where...


I lost the pregnancy Baami...Kemi told her dad who had come to visit her in the hospital

Where's Lanre? He asked looking around

Lanre is a good man,he has been running around to see that I'm strong.. replied Kemi

Did you really fall? Who pushed you Kemi? Ba mi so Kemi ( talk to me Kemi)

Baami nobody pushed me,I fell from the couch while sleeping... she said

Lanre doesn't want to pay your bride price since he got you pregnant now you loosed the baby is he still going to marry you? Mr Bankole asked

Baami he will,I'm beginning to love him again... she said smiling

I understand Kemi...he should do the needful if he wants to continue to keep you in that house, you ain't his servant

I chose to live with him Baami,I'll talk to him about it.. she replied and lay down

Lanre walked in with Ade....

E ka baba...Lanre and Ade greeted

Lanre you're really a grown man...Mr Bankole teased

Mr. Bankole, looked at him sternly. "Lanre, I want to talk to you about your intentions with my daughter. You got her pregnant, and now she's lost the baby. Are you still planning to marry her?"

Lanre hesitated, looking at Kemi before responding. "Yes, Dad, I still want to marry her. I love her, and I want to be with her."

Mr. Bankole raised an eyebrow. "Love? Is that what you call it? You're not even taking care of her properly. She's still recovering from a miscarriage, and you're gallivanting around town with your friends."

Lanre looked defensive. "That's not fair, Dad. I've been taking care of her. I've been by her side throughout this whole ordeal."

Kemi spoke up, her voice weak but firm. "Baami, please. Lanre has been taking care of me. He's been supportive and loving. Let's not fight about this."

Mr. Bankole sighed, his expression softening. "Okay, okay. I just want what's best for you, Kemi. But Lanre, you need to step up and take responsibility for your actions. Marry her, and take care of her properly."

Lanre nodded, relief written all over his face. "I will, Dad. I promise."

Ade, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "Lanre, you need to prove yourself to Kemi and her family. You need to show them that you're committed to this relationship."

Lanre nodded, determination in his eyes. "I will, Ade. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right."

Mr Bankole left the hospital later in the evening,Kemi was fast asleep when he left

Lanre took Ade outside

When are you planning to pay her bride price? Ade mocked

Me? Lanre pay her bride price,I'm not mad Ade...he replied bringing out his phone

But you just promised...

Ade....I go punch your face oh...Lanre said not smiling

Jemmy go soon born... Kemi just ruined our plan...

I'll still propose to Amarachi in her presence.. said Lanre

Kemi was discharged after three days, she recovering very fast....
She kept on calling and texting her lover...

Not long after she was discharged she got pregnant again, she didn't hesitate to tell Lanre about it

Jemmy gave birth to a baby girl, the baby looked like a her biological father Funsho
Ade threw a welcome back party for her, Funsho was there

Hi Funsho... Jemmy said immediately she sighted him

Don't act stupid,I'm here with my wife... Funsho warned

You two knows each other? Ade asked from behind . jemmy answered

But he's the father of your baby...Lanre chipped

Jemmy walked away....

Lanre held Funsho by the collar of his shirt...."you have been sleeping with jemmy, ain't you ashamed of yourself?"

Funsho's wife sighted them and rushed to scene

Do you want to strangle him? She shouted

You left jem.....

Calm down nah .... Funsho shouted

Kemi entered, she saw Lanre holding Funsho on the collar and fled
Your husband left jemmy for you....Ade said

What's jemmy, who's that? Funsho's wife asked

Nobody babe... Funsho said

Nobody and you're being held like a thief? What's the matter? Nona asked scared

Lanre released Funsho from his grip and walked out followed by Ade

You're scared of funsho's wife Ade... Lanre said sipping a drink

I'm not scared of her, you know they just got married newly and I don't want their....

Ade are you a man?

Of course I am....

You're not a man Ade, you're a woman and your name should be changed to Cynthia... Lanre told him

Call me Cynthia then...

Werey... Lanre said laughing

The madam of the house is pregnant again,I'm happy for her...

Kemi is pregnant? Ade laughed

Lanre shrugged " she is"

Lanre and Ade walked out of the party, leaving the drama behind. "Lanre, mo nife re o" (Lanre, I love you), Ade teased, mimicking Kemi's earlier words.

Lanre chuckled. "Ade, oro yemi loun o" (Ade, you're so annoying).

Ade grinned. "Igbalode, Lanre" (Patience, Lanre).

As they approached Lanre's car, Kemi called him. "Lanre, where are you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"I'm with Ade, why?" Lanre replied, concern etched on his face.

"Please come home, I need you," Kemi said, her voice cracking.

Lanre's expression softened. "I'm on my way, mo nife re o" (I love you).

You're just playing this girl Lanre,I dey hail o...Ade said raising his hands

Please don't forget,my engagement is on Sunday.... Lanre told him and drove off

To Be Continued 🤗

THE CHOICE I MADE.      6Guy this wasn't part of the plan, apologize to Jemmy please, you just spoilt everything..Lanre ...


Guy this wasn't part of the plan, apologize to Jemmy please, you just spoilt everything..Lanre screamed at Ade over the phone

I regret,I couldn't stand jemmy tears,had to send Esther home... Esther spoilt everything telling jemmy that she is pregnant for me...Ade replied

I talk am, you ruined our plan Ade, what do we do now?

You asked me to apologize to her right?

Yes, tell her...I don't just know... tell her anything but just make sure you apologize...Lanre told him

I will,I'll be waiting for you at the mall on Friday...Ade said and ended the call

Ade arrived at the mall on Friday, his mind racing with thoughts of how to apologize to Jemmy. He spotted Lanre sitting at a table and joined him, looking nervous.

"Yo, what's up?" Lanre asked, noticing Ade's anxious expression.

"I don't know, man. I feel like I messed up big time," Ade replied, shaking his head.

Lanre nodded sympathetically. "You did, but we can fix it. Just be sincere and apologize from your heart."

Ade took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. I'll do it."

Just then, Jemmy walked into the mall, looking stunning in a yellow dress. Ade's heart skipped a beat as he stood up to approach her.

"Jemmy, can we talk?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle.

Jemmy raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "What's there to talk about, Ade?"

Ade took another deep breath and began his apology. "Jemmy, I was wrong to bring Esther into our home and hurt you like that. I know I can't undo what's been done, but I want you to know that I regret my actions and I'm truly sorry."

Jemmy looked at him, her eyes searching for sincerity. "Why should I forgive you, Ade?"

Ade's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze intense. "Because I love you, Jemmy. And I want to make things right, remember you cheated on me too but...."

Ade don't start.... Jemmy interrupted

I'm sorry Jemmy, you're carrying my child..

Ade,I'll take care of the child myself, you got another woman pregnant and you're willing to go pay her bride price meanwhile you haven't paid mine,Ade you and I have been together for two years now abi

Jemmy e wo,hear him out ( jemmy please hear him out)...Lanre chipped

Ade took a deep breath and continued, "Jemmy, mo nife re o" (Jemmy, I love you). "I know I made a mistake, but please forgive me. I promise to make it right, starting with paying your bride price. I want to do it the right way, according to our culture. Mo fe sanwa ade gbọdọọ kan" (I want to make amends, please listen).

Jemmy looked at him, her expression softening slightly. "Ade, it's not just about the bride price. It's about trust. You broke my trust, and I don't know if I can ever trust you again."

Ade nodded, understanding. "I know, Jemmy. Mo mo pe e" (I understand). "But please, give me another chance. I promise to regain your trust, no matter what it takes."

Lanre chimed in, "Jemmy, e wo gbọdọọ kan" (Jemmy, please listen). "Ade is sincere, and I know he'll do the right thing this time."

Jemmy sighed, looking at both of them. "Okay, fine. I'll listen. But Ade, you have to prove yourself to me. No more lies, no more cheating. Can you do that?"

Ade's face lit up with hope. "Yes, Jemmy. Mo se" (Yes, I will). "I promise to be faithful and honest from now on. Thank you for giving me another chance."

Jemmy nodded, a small smile on her face. "Okay, let's start fresh then."

Ade kissed her passionately...."could you please come back home, I've missed you.."

Sure! I'll ... replied jemmy

Jemmy left the mall,Ade sat down facing Lanre

Lanremi...He called

You're falling in love?? Lanre mocked

I am..I think I'm begining to love the idiot again...he said wiping his lip with the back of his palm

What's that for? You cleaned her saliva? Saliva wey you don swallow already 😂,you be confirm werey oh guy..Lanre laughed

Ade laughed"I want to pay her bride price, but jemmy is really a fool oh, someone that has been cheating on me oh, she dey claim victim,who wan marry bucket"

You dey call your future wife bucket?

She be bucket nah.. people dey pe*****te her anyhow...Ade said

Guy...I'm begining to love Kemi too, the choice I made and I think...

Don't dare me Lanre,these girls cheated on us and....Omo I no just understand you guy, what about Amarachi, your colleague...Ade asked upset

I'm engaging her soon,Ade I'll be on my way... Kemi is missing me..Lanre said

Kemi is missing me...Ade mimicked

We're falling in love... Said Lanre

Lanre got home, his elder sister came visiting.. Lanre was surprised to see her
She came when things ain't going well with him
His Boss has been threatening him with a sack letter if he doesn't oblige to her request
He was given one week to think about it or he should leave the office and never return

How do I feed three mouths? He murmured as soon as he saw his sister

Ekaasan oga sister mi...Lanre greeted

Lanremi...Funke screamed as she got up from the couch and ran to hug her brother who she hasn't seen for years

How's the family? He asked sitting down

Family is fine, you don grow finish oh will be clocking 33 very soon and you're not yet married

Big sis calm down nah,we never discuss reach that side oh..Lanre said pulling off his shoes

Lanremi I saw that your girlfriend,I don forget her name again, she dey with belle,na she you wan marry?

You and pidgin sef big sis,I thought you went to higher institution

Lanre don't marry that girl, she isn't meant for you...Funke said


You will get to know soon... She answered

Kemi came out from the kitchen with a plate of fried plantains, she sat beside Lanre

You didn't offer my sister anything Kemi? Lanre asked collecting plantain from the plate

Eh,I didn't know oh,I thought she was one of those girls you do flirt around with.. Replied Kemi

Funke looked at her stunned, she looked at herself "did I dress like a pr******te Lanremi?"

Of course not.. Lanre responded

Funke sat on the couch ready to expose Kemi when lanre's phone rang.. Lanre excused himself and went upstairs
Amarachi was calling

He was planning to engage Amarachi in his house likewise Ade,they got their plans on their finger tips

To Be Continued 🤗




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