Band Of Disciples Audio/Studio

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Band Of Disciples Audio/Studio STATE-OF-THE-ART studio that has the capability to meet all your audio recording and post-production! Contact us so we can discuss your next project!

STATE-OF-THE-ART studio that has the capability to meet all your audio recording and post-production needs, from Tracking (using 32 track Universal Audio interfaces, top of the line mics and preamps) to Editing and Mixing (the latest version of ProTools, the industry standard) - to Mastering! We can help with arranging, co-writing, instrumentation (even finding top-notch musicians to play on your

stuff if you need it!), and getting your ideas and art out for the world to enjoy…

-AND- we'll work you a great deal. Whatever type music you are into… We help you create it! BandOfDisciple.Studio
[email protected]

Be Blessed....
Phillip Grant

I need help. Help in wishing my beautiful, funny, sexy wife a Happy 10th Anniversary Brandy Grant!  My better half is a ...

I need help. Help in wishing my beautiful, funny, sexy wife a Happy 10th Anniversary Brandy Grant! My better half is a WAY better half, and I thank God every day for putting her into my life and allowing me to spend the rest of my days loving someone like her.

Happy Anniversary baby, got you on my…. Mind!


You can’t beat that feeling.

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Thank you Jesus - for coffee!

Thank you Jesus - for coffee!


The day that dawns in heaven for me will never know a sunset. In its eternal light, I will always live and rejoice without fear or pain or dread or sorrow or worry, with no shadow of death lurking and looming anymore. I shall soar in unmitigated joy and then light in pure peace and sing clearly and dance freely as I was created to do.

I will be united at last with the love of my life (Jesus) and never again be separated from Him nor from any of those who have loved Him on earth. And so shall we ever be with the Lord, for the day that dawns in heaven for us will never know a sunset.


Thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes! I pray a blessing over each and everyone of you!


In the U. S., the median sales price of a new house has surged more than 21% since January 2020, according to census data. Let that sink in - almost a quarter of its old price…

So, a $200,000 house then would cost $242,000 today!
An increase of $42,000!

A $400,000 house then would cost $484,000 today!
An increase of $84,000!!

In under 4 years! VOTE accordingly…

Everyone please join me in wishing this beautiful woman, my wife, a wonderfully Happy Birthday!!!Brandy Grant - Happy Bi...

Everyone please join me in wishing this beautiful woman, my wife, a wonderfully Happy Birthday!!!

Brandy Grant - Happy Birthday!

I love you 😘❤️💕 to the moon and back!


A venue manager asked me, a musician, how much it would cost for a three-hour live performance. I replied, "$500."

The manager was taken aback, "That seems pretty steep for a few hours of music, doesn't it? That's like $167 an hour!"

Curious, I asked, "How much do you think is a fair price?"

He thought for a moment, "Maybe $100 at most. That's over $33/hr. My waitresses make less, and they work hard. It's just playing songs, right?"

"Actually," I said, "I start loading my gear at about 5 PM, and I arrive at 6:30 to start setting up, and I'm ready to go by 8, then I play until 11, and then I break down the gear and I'm out the door around midnight, then I get home around 12:30 and I'm unloaded by 1 AM, so that's a full 8-hours.

So $100 is more like $12.50 an hour.

My rate is $62.50 per hour and at least a third of that goes to business expenses, so I keep about $43.75 as salary."

I offered, "As an alternative, for $250, I could teach you or one of your staff to play the set."

The manager was puzzled, "But... none of us are musicians."

"That's okay," I said. "For $250, I’ll teach you. Not only will you save $250, but you'll also have the skills for future events."

He considered this and agreed.

"Now, you'll need equipment," I reminded him. "Guitars, amps, microphones, mixers... about $5,000 - $6,000 all together."

He frowned, "I don't have all that, and buying it for one night doesn't make sense."

"Well, I can rent my equipment to you for an additional $100," I offered.

"That seems fair, but I don't know how to hook it all up."

"No problem," I said. "For $50 I'll explain it all to you. You're still saving $100 and you don't have to hire musicians anymore."

"Fine," he said, resigned.

"Great! I'm available to teach you on Tuesday."

"But I can only do it today, and I need the music tonight" he replied.

"Unfortunately, I'm booked with other gigs. Tuesday is the only day I can teach and lend the equipment."

He sighed, "That means I'll have to rearrange my whole schedule."

I added, "Also, doing it yourself means dealing with sound checks, setup, learning new music, potential equipment malfunctions..."

"What's all that?" he asked, puzzled.

"Setting up the stage, making sure the sound is right, covering any accidents with the equipment, keeping your audience happy, and more."

He grimaced, realizing the complexity, "That sounds like a lot of extra work and stress."

"You’ll need to come by Monday evening or Tuesday morning to pick up the equipment. And don't be late to avoid traffic."

After a pause, the manager finally said, "You know what, I think it's best if you handle the performance. I realize now there's a lot more to it than I thought. Your expertise, the quality of the performance, the hassle-free experience... I see why it's worth $500."

When you pay for a musician's performance, you're not just paying for the time they're on stage. You're paying for their:

- Talent and skill
- Years of practice and experience
- Quality equipment
- Time to prepare and set up
- Professionalism
- Reliability
- Sound quality
- Ability to engage and entertain an audience
- Handling of unexpected issues
- And ensuring a memorable experience for your guests.

The value of a professional's work goes beyond the surface, encompassing their expertise, effort, and the assurance of a quality outcome.

(I copied from someone else, total truth here!)

Playing Worship tonight at a Comedy Revival  Church Mobile.  Really good comedy, awesome food, and great people!And my b...

Playing Worship tonight at a Comedy Revival Church Mobile.

Really good comedy, awesome food, and great people!

And my beautiful wife is here too! Cool!

This is gonna be awesome.  Church Mobile. Two shows tonight. Good food good music good comedy.

This is gonna be awesome. Church Mobile. Two shows tonight. Good food good music good comedy.


December 20

“The Lord says to my lord,
‘"Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies your footstool."’
The Lord sends out from Zion your mighty scepter.”
Psalm 110:1-2

A new king was born in Bethlehem, laid in a manger, announced by angels, and
worshipped by wise men. Lord God, you handed authority to the Lord Jesus in order to accomplish a daring rescue mission. It's amazing, when I think about it, that you were venturing into enemy territory.

Earth was, and is, full of people who resent you, resist you, and reject you— and still you entrusted the royal child to this hurting planet. It's a magnificent story, and it makes me want to worship you even more.


Jesus used this psalm to explain his unique identity as both God and man, since the Lord God was granting authority to someone even King David (the psalmist) called "my lord!"


Hey everyone, in need of prayer. As many of you know I own and run a recording studio here in Mobile.

Well, my main studio computer has fallen very ill and I am currently “dead-in-the-water”, looking at a substantial cost for repairs. So although it may seem silly or trivial to pray for an inanimate object - PLEASE help me pray for a complete healing- in Jesus name!

I have very talented artists depending on me, waiting to record, and waiting on mixes, etc.

And I pray I won’t let them down! Thanks in advance


Hi So I’m doing what everyone else is doing. Fixing my blocked posts. I wondered where everybody had been! This is good to know. It's ridiculous to have 3000 friends and only 25 are allowed to see posts.
I ignored this post earlier because I didn’t think it worked. It WORKS!! I have a whole new news feed. I’m seeing posts from people I haven’t seen in years.
Here’s how to bypass the system FB now has in place that limits posts on your news feed. Their new algorithm chooses the same few people - about 25 - who will read your posts. So hold your finger down anywhere in this post and "copy" will pop up. Click "copy". Then go to your page, start a new post, and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click "paste". This will bypass the system.
If you are reading this message, do me a favor and leave me a quick comment...a "hello," a sticker, whatever you want, so you will appear in my newsfeed‼️It WORKS!


As guitar players, we all “know” we shouldn’t see music as “competition”.

We “know” we shouldn’t worry about negative feedback when we play for others.

And we all “know” we shouldn’t measure our self-worth by the number of mistakes we make in our playing.

But let’s be honest… we (often) do all that ☝️ anyway, right?

So, as a public service to all guitar players in the world on my list…

I got a simple way to boost your self-esteem and not let negative feedback on your playing (or fear of it) get to you.

Here it is:

Don’t ‘just’ tune out the “haters”.

You should ALSO tune out most ‘compliments’ you ever get on your playing.

(How’s THAT for boosting your self-worth, eh?)

But I'm not being flippant here.

Most feedback (good or bad) you ever get is just noise. i.e. People’s opinions.

And the more gushing the praise (or the more vile the criticism), the more you should tune it out.

For example:

When most people comment on your playing…

… they say something positive or negative based on who THEY are and how THEY want to make you feel.

How good or bad you actually played has almost nothing to do with it.

Which makes such feedback about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

In fact...

There’s only a small handful of people capable of giving you genuine feedback.

They are either pro-level players or guitar teachers.

And they’re easy to spot.

Because whatever feedback you get from those people has at least 2 of these tells:

- it’s said with a downward inflection and strong eye contact. (Because they mean it and aren’t “just saying it”.)

- it’s brief and not gushing (e.g. “That was really good playing.” vs. "BROOO, you play SOOOOO aWeSoME, duuuude!!!!11!"

- it usually includes specifics about what they like in your playing.

☝️ THAT'S what a genuine compliment from a pro sounds like.

So, when you hear something like THAT – take note.

And if you’re smart, also ask them for tips on how to improve.

But either way, don’t let any praise go to your head, because:

If you keep seeing praise about your playing as validation, you’ll never let go of your fear of criticism.

And the sooner you stop taking most feedback seriously …

The easier it becomes to relax and play the best you’re capable of in this moment.

(Which usually means you’ll make fewer mistakes and enjoy yourself way more.

Cool, huh?


Working Together For Good
(Duck Commander Devotional)

“And we know that in all things God works or the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. . .
What, then, shall we say in
pesponse to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
- ROMANS 8:28, 31

These verses, in their context, describe faith to me. As our lives on earth unfold, we have to know that things are happening according to God's plans. Notice that the verse says that God works in "all things" for our good.

While certain events may not be so great, God, the master weaver, will weave them all together to make a beautiful tapestry. This understanding drives us to keep on moving, knowing that He is in control of our futures and already has made a plan for us. This faith is what allows us to go into the path of our lives, knowing that the Almighty has a plan - and that is enough.

Father, I stand firm knowing that You have a plan for me. While I don't know Your exact plan or the path that will get me there, my faith in You gives me plenty of preparation for the journey. Lord, I eagerly join this journey knowing that there is nothing that cannot be done through Your plan and Your mighty power.

—Jon Gimber


Long read I know, but very interesting take…
How Great Thou Art
Today's inspiration comes from:
The Faith of Elvis
by Billy Stanley & Kent Sanders

Why do larger-than-life people like Elvis do what they do?

Why do they go through the difficult process of trying to build a career? Why live with the unpredictability of fame and success on a large scale? Why put yourself out there so people can criticize your every move? Why try to reinvent yourself every decade or so?

Every artist has their own answers. Elvis loved music. He loved the audiences. He loved performing. He loved his fans. He loved the opportunity to help others because he was in a privileged position.

But there was one overriding reason he did what he did.
• Elvis was a man on a mission.
It wasn’t about having a career or creating the next album, concert, or movie gig. He saw what he did as a spiritual calling.

The apostle Paul had a mission too. He laid it out in Romans 1:14–17:

I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Paul preached the gospel from every imaginable place in the ancient world. Sometimes his “stage” was a Jewish synagogue, a prison cell, a ship, or even Mars Hill in the city of Athens. Elvis shared the same mission of spreading God’s love. But he chose to share it through music.

Elvis started doing live concerts again after his 1968 TV special on NBC (the ’68 Comeback Special). That whole experience was an experiment to see if crowds would still respond to Elvis. And indeed they did! Soon afterward, Elvis booked a residency at the new Hilton in Las Vegas. He interspersed these residencies with concert tours around the country.

In 1973, Elvis performed his famous Aloha from Hawaii TV special and included “How Great Thou Art” in the set list. This was his way of showing he was a true believer.
• He recognized that his ministry was his music. It was the only way he knew to get his message out.
Evangelism has always been challenging for people of faith. Even in the earliest days of the church, not every person who heard the gospel became a believer. Nothing had changed in nearly two thousand years — some believed, and some wouldn’t. Elvis knew he had a much better shot at sharing God’s love through the art form of music.

Why music? Music touches the heart directly. It goes straight to the emotions and moves people in a way that a sermon or lesson never could. Elvis was committed to using this powerful tool to reach as many people as possible.
Elvis recognized that his ministry was his music. It was the only way he knew to get his message out.
Elvis also wanted to avoid the judgmental attitudes he saw in so much of the Christian world.
• It’s hard to step on anyone’s toes or cast a judgmental attitude when you’re singing about God’s love and grace.
His job was to put the message out there. His audience’s job was to decide to either accept or reject the message. The funny thing is that it was probably pretty hard for a nonbeliever to reject the message of God’s love when they saw how much the gospel moved Elvis.

There was something different about him when he sang gospel songs. The gospel message had changed him. He wanted the same change for his audience. When you let God in, something miraculous happens in your heart.

Or as Elvis would say, “That’s God knocking on your door. Are you going to answer it?”

Although Elvis recorded numerous albums of gospel music, he didn’t see the gospel message as only contained within traditional gospel songs. A lot of the songs he used were not gospel songs, but they contained a message of inspiration, encouragement, or spirituality. Songs such as “Why Me, Lord?” and “You Gave Me a Mountain” all contained important messages Elvis wanted to share. If you listen to them with an open heart and an open ear, you’ll see these songs are talking about faith.

Elvis has sometimes been criticized for not writing his own songs. Many other artists of his era — indeed, most of the popular ones — wrote many if not all of their own music. Elvis’s main gift was not in writing songs, but in recognizing and selecting amazing songs that aligned with his worldview and message. Then he would put his own spin on them, adding something special and unique in the process.

For example, his rendition of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge over Troubled Water” is very different from the original. Yet the message is the same: the singer is telling the listener to give him their troubles and woes. He will lay himself down to be their bridge so they can make it across in a time of trouble.

If you take a moment to listen to Elvis’s version, it is obvious he wasn’t faking it. He meant every word. He wanted to be like Jesus, getting people through a hard situation. His whole life was focused on helping people and sharing love. It was the perfect song for him.

These kinds of songs were not straight-up gospel songs. They were not necessarily written from a Christian viewpoint. However, Elvis turned them around and used them to express his love and faith. He wanted to get people focused on the Lord. Sometimes you have to do that in indirect ways.

Gospel wasn’t just a style of music Elvis incorporated into his concerts or used to fulfill his recording contracts. It was also his heart language and a way to unwind after the emotional high of a concert.

When Elvis came off the stage, he would be so wound up with energy that it was impossible to turn it off. He never gave a half-hearted performance. Even if he felt something could be musically a little better, or he was unhappy with some small aspect of a concert, he never gave anything less than 100 percent of his energy.

Giving out all this energy affected him. You would think he would be exhausted, but it was the exact opposite. All the love and affection he had just put out to the audience was now coming back to him, and it filled him.

The only way he knew how to come down from this high was to sing gospel. Elvis would gather with some people in his hotel suite, usually with the gospel quartet that accompanied him onstage, and one of the guys from the band would sit down at the piano and get started. Because Elvis would be there for weeks at a time, he would have the hotel bring in a piano during his stay there. Elvis was bringing in a massive amount of money for them, so they would do whatever he asked.

They would sing gospel songs until the sun came up or until Elvis said, “I’m ready to go to bed.” They would sit up there for hours, and people would come up after the show. It was almost like a second concert. After the midnight show, Elvis would invite people up and they would go on for hours. People would stand around and listen or they would mingle in the suite.

One of the songs I heard frequently in these post-concert settings was “Lighthouse.” In an unusual move, Elvis chose not to be the main singer. He did add some vocals, but his background vocalist Donnie Sumner sang the lead. If you watch the documentary Elvis: That’s the Way It Is, you’ll see Elvis and the group singing “Lighthouse.”

There is a fascinating story from 1 Samuel 16 that tells how King Saul was being tormented by an evil spirit the Lord had allowed to come upon him. Unbeknownst to Saul, young David had been anointed as the next king, and it was only a matter of time before he would replace Saul.

Ironically, David was also in the service of King Saul. One of Saul’s servants had heard about David’s ability to play the lyre and had recruited David to perform for the king. First Samuel 16:23 says,

Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

This story r
eminds me of the power of music to soothe and comfort in all kinds of circumstances. For Elvis, gospel music played much the same role. He took refuge and found comfort in this sacred music, long after the lights of the stage had faded and into the wee hours of the morning.

Excerpted from:
The Faith of Elvis
by Billy Stanley, copyright Billy Stanley.

I’d like everyone to join me in wishing my beautiful, lovely, kind wife Brandy Grant (and little ol’ me) a Happy Anniver...

I’d like everyone to join me in wishing my beautiful, lovely, kind wife Brandy Grant (and little ol’ me) a Happy Anniversary!!!

Today marks 9 years of marriage she has put up with me, and I think she deserves a shout out!


I would like to thank Everyone for telling me how to do the bypass. I wondered where everybody had been!
This is good to know: It's ridiculous to have over 540 friends and only 25 are allowed to see my post.
It WORKS!! I have a whole new news feed. I’m seeing posts from people I haven’t seen in years.
Here’s how to bypass the system FB now has in place that limits posts on your news feed.
Their new algorithm chooses the same few people - about 25 - who will read your posts. Therefore,
Hold your finger down anywhere in this post and "copy" will pop up. Click "copy". Then go your page, start a new post and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click paste.
This will bypass the system.
If you are reading this message, do me a favor and leave me a quick comment...a "hello," a sticker, whatever you want, so you will appear in my newsfeed‼️


My church, Surge Church, is looking for a Sound Engineer. Modern Praise-N-Worship, we like to rock!

Please contact me (Phillip Grant) or Pastor Brad Sullivan directly, and God Bless!


Awful bad Dad jokes for all you pastors out there.

Feel free to steal and make some eyes roll tomorrow - oh and Happy Father’s Day!

1. See that farmer? A man outstanding in his field.
Source: NPR

2. What does “idk” stand for? Everyone I ask says, “I don’t know.”
Source: Reader’s Digest

3. Did you get a hair cut? No, I got them all cut!
Source: NPR

4. What does the buffalo tell his son in the morning? Bye, son!
Source: NPR

5. I’m so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed!
Source: Good Housekeeping

6. I have a joke about cows, but I don’t want to milk it.
Source: Good Housekeeping

7. I asked my friend when their birthday was. He said March 1st. I stood up, walked around the room, and asked again.

8. We’re renovating the house, and the first floor is going great, but the second floor is another story.
Source: Good Housekeeping

9. My daughter asked me to stop singing ‘Wonderwall.’ I said maybe.
Source: Good Housekeeping

10. The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.
Source: Reader’s Digest

11. Do you wanna box for your leftovers? ““No, but I’ll wrestle you for them.”
Source: Country Living

12. I’ve got a great joke about construction, but I’m still working on it.
Source: Country Living

13. What do clouds wear? Thunderwear.
Source: Country Living

14. When does a joke become a “dad joke?” When it becomes apparent.
Source: Parade

15. Kid: “I’m going to go change!” (in reference to putting on a new pair of clothes) Dad: “Aww, don’t ever change!”


Because people hate truth...

Truth has become hate speech!

And that's the truth! 👊🔥👊

Whether you voted for Trump, or not, the weaponization of the law to silence him should give you pause. He is the chief,...

Whether you voted for Trump, or not, the weaponization of the law to silence him should give you pause. He is the chief, political rival to the sitting President going into an election year. It’s a dark path we’re treading.



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