A highlight reel of the last week thanks to @eklipse_highlights #DrPepperTuitionContest #thatboiroi #fyp #twitchaffiliate #fortniteclips #eklipsegg #fortnite #imbetter
Why’s James crying?! #froggyfresh #whysjamescrying #cuzhejustgotdunkedon
Thats game folks. #thatboiroi #fyp #twitchaffiliate #fortniteclips #fortnite #imbetter #thatsgame
Why does he scream like that? Haha they ate my bullets! #thatboiroi #fyp #twitchaffiliate #fortniteclips #fortnite #imbetter #sh*ton
Im just too cold with it #thatboiroi #fyp #twitchaffiliate #fortniteclips #fortnite #imbetter #sniper
Damn low health one pump fights. #thatboiroi #fyp #twitchaffiliate #fortniteclips #fortnite #imbetter
Sucks to suck haha #fortnite #thatboiroi #fortniteclips
What do you think i look like? Haha #thatboiroi #eldenring #fyp #multiplayermod #twitchaffiliate #MakeNightsEpic
You wanna fight?! Damnit! #thatboiroi #fyp #eldenring #multiplayermod #MakeNightsEpic #twitchaffiliate
Im too cold with tbe heavy sniper! #thatboiroi #fyp #fortniteclips #twitchaffiliate #imbetter #heavysniper
Elden Ring multiplayer mod is pretty cool. We owned this rat! #thatboiroi #fyp #eldenring #multiplayermod #MakeNightsEpic #twitchaffiliate
That W key gang go hard! #thatboiroi #fyp #fortniteclips #twitchaffiliate #imbetter #wkeygang #fortnite #MakeASplash #makeitclap
Just a lil play j thought was cool. #thatboiroi #fyp #fortniteclips #twitchaffiliate #imbetter #snipe
Locked my keys in my car :( #thatboiroi #fyp #lockedkeysincar #helpme #suckstosuck
Lil duo wipe neva huyt nobody. #thatboiroi #fortniteclips #twitchaffiliate #fyp #duowipe #imbetter
My fingers be movin #thatboiroi #fortniteclips #fingers #twitchaffiliate #fyp
A 3 person tandem shot thing haha
Went shooting with @munn6025 #bangbang
My snipes in fortnite were on point that game! #thatboiroi #fyp #fortnite #snipe #twitchaffiliate #imbetter