What twitches underwater? #funny #dadjokes #thesaltyging #pun
What did the tectonic plate say? #dadjokes #funny #comedy #thesaltyging #pun
Where do Computers go dancing? #funny #dadjokes #thesaltyging #pun
Why can’t you trust Adam? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging
Why are math books sad? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging
Why don’t you tell secrets in a cornfield? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging Great discount on Mad Viking Beard products here: https://tinyurl.com/Saltyging
Why do cows wear bells? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging visit https://tinyurl.com/Saltyging for discounts on amazing Mad Viking Beard products .
What happened to the show about planes? #dadjokes #funny #doublepun #pun #thesaltyging Go to: https://tinyurl.com/Saltyging to save 10% on beardcare
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging
What has 5 toes but is not your foot? #dadjokes #funny #thesaltyging
Have you heard of quiet tennis? #dadjokes #funny #pun #thesaltyging
What do you call an empty can of cheese whiz? #dadjokes #funny #thesaltyging