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FEAST DAY OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY JUNE 8th 2024Revering Mary the Mother of God under the titl...

Revering Mary the Mother of God under the title the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was through the Immaculate Heart of Mary that God entered the world and took His own human heart. The Church teaches that devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is closely joined to that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In fact the Two Hearts are inseparable, they are One, for our Most Holy Mother is closely united with Her Divine Son in all things. Her great love for the Most Holy Trinity, Her desire to bring Jesus into the world, Her “yes” thereby accomplishing the will of the Father for Her. It was never ‘no’ only ‘yes”
Here Jesus speaks of His most Holy Mother and ours; “For Her Immaculate Heart, which was never stained, even by the slightest stain, I open the treasures of Heaven” (Poem of the Man-God, X, 357). Mary is the Mother of all Christians. Jesus says: “I gave you a Mother, not only a Father… You have a Mother in Heaven. . . She has a great deal of influence with God because She is the Daughter, Spouse, and Mother of God” (Quad. ’43, p.416 [Nov. 8]). Jesus says: “With Me is Mary, the Mother of all, [therefore,] the Help of all. She smiled at martyrs to urge them on to Heaven. She smiled at virgins to help them in their angelic vocation. She smiled at the guilty to draw them to repentance. She is always needed by humans, especially when they experience the most acute distress. On Her Motherly bosom you will be strengthened and you will find Me and My forgiveness, and along with forgiveness, strength. If you remain in Me, you will enjoy the gifts of Christ and will not experience perdition” (Quad. ’43, p.318-319

FEAST OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS JUNE 7th 2024The Church teaches that in the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesu...

The Church teaches that in the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is found the summary of our entire Faith. Without honour, veneration and love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus only an imperfect understanding of God’s love and mercy will be found. Love for the Sacred Heart is love shown back for love— The love of God the Creator, Who brought into existence the world and the human race out of sheer love and goodness. The love of God for having chosen to live among men and be their God. The love and mercy of God the Son, Who took on our humanity so that He might freely suffer and die for our redemption. The love of Christ the Teacher Who calls us to imitate Him and follow this command: “Love one another as I have loved you.” The love of God the Holy Spirit, who makes Christ known to us and through Whom the love of God is poured into our hearts. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is devotion shown directly to Jesus Christ— Who through the Incarnation guarantees that He understands all that it means to be a human—in its joys and in its hardest trials. Who through His Passion demonstrated the greatest depths of love. Who allowed His Heart to be opened wide on the Cross so that the Church might be born and the whole world would see the depth of His great mercy. Who through the Holy Eucharist makes it possible for us to experience the great love of His Heart and to be nourished by that love. Who points to His wounded Heart as a pledge of His great mercy for us and for all people who turn to Him as true God—the incarnate Son of the Father, Who is both fully man and fully Divine and Who is the Way, Truth, and the Life for all mankind.
The specific acts of our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, thus, are two: love and reparation.
In order for Christ to come into our hearts, we must invite Him, Who is our creator to come, we welcome Him, we want Him to dwell in us thereby changing us, filling us with His love and mercy. He does not enter a heart that is closed, that simply does not want. He works in hearts that wish to love Him, to unite with Him, that are seeking forgiveness for sins. Our God has given us free will, therefore He upholds our freedom to choose. We increase in living a virtuous Christian life only to the degree that we seek His Grace. His Sacred Heart is the school of Grace. The Will of God the Father is accomplished when our hearts act in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Reparation is any act by which we seek to recognize our sins and reunite ourselves spiritually with God, reparation is also acts of sacrifice, atoning for our sins, praying for not only ourselves but others who need help to come closer to Heaven. Through acts of reparation we work with God to restore the bonds we share with Him and with others. Everything we offer and do for the Glory of Jesus must be done in love, thereby we unify with Him to Glorify His Sacred Heart which is an abyss of great mercy and love. He seeks all souls, He thirsts for all souls, whether they are the most hardened sinner. We need to recognise what we are and ask for forgiveness from the heart with the firm intention of being much better. Repentance is all that is needed, the recognition that yes, we are sinners, but to have trust in Jesus that He forgives and to continue from that point on to persevere in goodness, prayer, and Jesus will provide all the Graces necessary to help that soul




JESUS: Listen well, Maria, this is a great lesson: The most proper name of the Mass or Sacrifice of the Altar, as you all now call it, is the "Breaking of the Bread." First, because the Mass originated on the evening of Holy Thursday. And secondly, because the Mass is the perpetual remembrance of My love which extends beyond that hour and that moment. My Passion, Crucifixion and Death were the historical hour and moment of My love, but the Eucharist is the always of My love for all of you. The Mass is the immolation of the Christ—contemplated not just in relation to the material consummation of My sacrifice, with My sufferings, wounds, beatings, crucifixion and death: caused by men and willingly suffered by Me in obedience to My Father's Will for the salvation of the world. The Mass is also the loving and willing immolation of a God: of the Word Who breaks Himself in order to give Himself as Bread, as Food for men, humiliating Himself even more than by His death on a Cross. Nor is "humiliating" an improper word. Think, Maria, of those who sometimes receive Me, those into whom I descend: I, God, the Pure, the Holy. I began at the table of the Last Supper to fuse Myself with the sacrilegious, with sinners, rebels against the Ten Commandments of Sinai and My Two Commandments of love. I began these fusions of Myself with sinners by descending into Judas. Since then, I: the Saint of saints, the Pure of the pure, the Most Perfect, have been "welcomed" by impure lips still warm with lust, by lips blaspheming My Father, by homicidal hearts, by fevers of concupiscence: by beings in whom there is denial, heresy, commerce with Hell, all the rottenness of fallen man, all the duplicity of false sentiments, all the calculating exhibition of a false faith, which in them is not true faith. Only God, and those with Him in Heaven, know the horrors that are consummated at the Altar. And these horrors are much greater, immensely greater than the sacrilegious waves of Good Friday...

Yes, Maria. The Mass is the Breaking of the Bread, the Eucharistic Sacrifice, which recalls the Sacrifice of Calvary. Because at the table of the Last Supper, already contemplating My immolated Body and My Blood shed for men, I had said: "This is My Body and this is My Blood, the Blood of the new Eternal Testament which will be shed for you and for many for the remission of sins." But the Mass is above all the sacrifice of My love, the remembrance and perpetuation of My Divinely, and therefore infinitely, insane love for men. And it was the Breaking of the Bread (or "the Mass" if you prefer) that you saw, Maria, in the vision of the supplemental Pasch, when I Myself, taught the Bishop of the Church of Christ, and the Bishop of Jerusalem: Peter, and James of Alpheus, to celebrate it. After the supper of the brothers, came the consuming of My Body and My Blood: left by infinite love in the Food and Drink of salvation. By the Grace of the Lord, My priests can summon that Body and Blood from Heaven; nor do the Body and Blood refuse that Priestly summons. They can summon It in order to transubstantiate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ—therefore into Jesus Christ: alive, true, complete, present in the consecrated Species, now transubstantiated into the Holy Body and Blood, the Soul of Jesus, and the Divinity of the Word of God, One with the Father and with Love. After the fraternal agape, came union of their Divine Brother with His brothers of Earth, with the Holy brothers, among holy brothers whom love made equal, though greater ones were there: the Priests; and with the little ones: the faithful—union with Him Who knows only how to love, and Who asks love and union with His loved ones.

The need for instruction: one must keep present the fact that the Apostles, deacons and Priests of the first centuries of the Christian era, were in the situation of instructing pagans, that is, those who were truly illiterate in the Holy Religion. This need for instruction caused additions to the Breaking of the Bread—Itself so simple and brief. These additions instructed those who aspired to Christianity how to enter into the Sheepfold of Christ: by knowing the Shepherd and Wisdom, by knowing the ancient and Eternal Law, and the Words of the Master. Hence the reading of the apostolic epistles and the Gospel were introduced. In the first times, just at the beginning, instead of those readings there was direct preaching: that is, the recounting of ancient times, or the verbal counsels of the apostles, or else the verbal instruction of the sapiential books. And so also there was the verbal narration of My works in the three years of My public life, and of My Birth, Death and Resurrection. Later, as the Church was growing, there was an insufficient number of true eyewitnesses—i.e., Apostles and disciples—for the growing number of Churches. Moreover, though the disciples were full of good will in repeating the episodes of My works and life, they were still subject to man's shortcomings: to involuntary variations of these episodes, and to arbitrary interpretations of them. Though this was done with a right purpose, yet, it was done...humanly. Hence, the Heads of the Priesthood wanted fixed texts to be read in the Meetings, and then to be explained to the catechumens in that part of the Meeting which preceded the Breaking of the Bread and the praying of the Our Father: just as I intoned this Prayer at the First Breaking of the Bread, and also at the second supplemental Pasch —in the presence of the faithful, and after consuming the Species.

Truly, I had then made the Communion precede the Our Father. For centuries now the opposite has been done, and you believe, O men, that you do well. To do this is not a sin, but reflect: What is the Our Father? The prayer of Jesus to the Father. The Divine prayer which I taught to men. The perfect prayer. If there were only that prayer, and nothing else but that were said well, you would have all, O men, for your spirit and for your flesh. And you would give to God that which pleases Him, if you lived the Our Father. I had said: "Our Father". With every right I could say to the First Person: "Father". But you,...although God is your Father—you can say it with much less right. Because too infrequently do you reflect in yourselves and in your works the Divine likeness to your Father. Sins and inclinations disfigure the Father's image in you, sometimes even cancelling it out. But see: I transfuse Myself into you. I come into you. I assimilate Myself to you. I deify you at My contact. I come in the Species, and I am in you. And you—voice of man fused with the voice of the Son of God, and your mind on fire from the love that I bring with Me, you are a sanctified altar (I speak of one who eats the Bread of Heaven without sacrilege) which sings and is fragrant from the Holocaust that radiates upon it: the Body of the Lamb of God—you can say "Father" to the Father, with every right. For you have in you the Son of the Father and your Brother. You can pray, knowing what you say. You can offer and ask with perfect power: I give you My Power living in you. A Holy prayer, the ‘Our Father’: because said at the moment that Grace—the Christ—makes of His Body and Blood your food, just as He has transubstantiated the species of bread and wine into His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Thus the Eucharistic Species are transformed into you: into your blood, into your flesh. You live from Me, even in your mortal flesh... This is why Viaticum for the dying is always Life, even if sometimes it is not additional life added to one's finished life. This is why the Eucharist is the life in you that keeps you alive, Maria, soul of Mine. I am your oil that pours itself into the lamp of your exhausted body and keeps you alive. I am your Physician. I am your Donor of Blood. I am your Lord Who wants you to be: My lamp, My echo, in this spent, cold, dark world, mute of blessed voices.

The other parts of the Mass are adaptations, sometimes necessary, resulting from heresies that emerged down the ages and had to be fought. Anxious adaptations—oh! all good—these adaptations made by My servants. But through man's own tendency to amplify, tangle, and make things heavy, My servants added, amplified, made heavy, and even entangled—especially for little souls—the so beautiful, simple, initial Breaking of the Bread, and the catacomb Meetings so Divinely inspired. But they did it wanting to honour Me, to love Me and make Me loved. And therefore they did a good work, though one not necessary or useful for the Eucharistic Rite. These adaptations are the superstructures from times of religious peace. Do you think that you Christians today are not in times of religious peace? just because you are calumniated and scorned? and because some Priests fall under the fury of a son of Satan? Oh! You do not know! When the times prophesied have come, those who are believers at that time and know of the present times, will be able to say: "For them there was peace; for us there is an atrocious war." And those superstructures will no longer be possible. They will not withstand the catapults of Satan. Nor will the faithful have time to redo them when they have fallen away. But the essential, the unchangeable will remain: the Breaking of the Bread, the Meeting together of the faithful. Because those come from Me, and from the Holy Spirit Who inspired the Apostles. And that which comes from Us is Eternal. This is the lesson, Maria.


Vision to Maria Valtorta Mystic

21. Arrival at Zacharias' House.

1st April 1944.

I am now in a mountainous place. They are not high mountains, neither are they just hills. There are ridges and creeks as we see in our Apennines in Tuscany and Umbria. The vegetation is thick and beautiful and there is plenty fresh water, that keeps the pastures green and the orchards fruitful: apple and fig-trees are mostly cultivated in the orchards and grapes near the houses. It must be springtime because the grapes are rather big, about the size of vetch grains, and the apple-blossoms have already sprung and they look like so many little green pellets; on top of the fig branches the first fruits can be seen, still in the embryo stage, but already well formed. The meadows are real soft multicoloured carpets. Sheep are grazing or resting on them and they look like white spots on the emerald of the grass.

Mary on Her donkey is climbing up a rather well kept road, probably the main road. She is climbing because the village is higher up and it looks quite tidy. My internal warner says to me: « This place is Hebron. » You spoke to me of Montana. I cannot help it. It is indicated to me with this name. I do not know whether Hebron is the whole area or only the village. That is what I hear and that is what I say.

Mary is now entering the village. It is evening. Some women on their doorsteps watch the arrival of the stranger and gossip with one another. Their eyes follow Her and they are not happy until they see Her stop in front of one of the prettiest houses, in the centre of the village, with a kitchen garden in the front and rear and a well cultivated orchard around it. The orchard continues into a large meadow that rises and slopes according to the sinuosity of the mountain and ends in a wood of tall trees, beyond which I do not know what there is. The whole place is surrounded by a hedge of blackberries or wild roses. I cannot tell exactly which, because, if you remember, the flowers and leaves of these two thorny hedges are very much alike and until their branches bear fruit it is easy to confuse them. In front of the house, that is on the side that skirts the village, the place is enclosed by a small low white wall, on top of which there are rows of rose-bushes, at present without flowers, but already full of buds. In the centre there is an iron gate. It is easily understood that it is the house of a notable of the village or of a well-to-do family, because everything shows comfort and great order, if not riches and pomp.

Mary gets off the donkey and goes to the gate. She looks through the iron bars, but does not see anyone. She endeavours then to make Herself heard. A little old woman, who more curious than the others has followed Her, shows Her a strange gadget that is used as a bell. It consists of two pieces of metal balanced on a kind of yoke, at the end of which there is a rope. When the rope is pulled, the two metal pieces strike each other and give the sound of a bell or gong.

Mary pulls the rope, but so gently, that there is only a faint tinkling, which no one hears. Then the little old woman, whose face is all nose and slipper-chin and whose tongue is worth ten put together, gets hold of the rope and pulls it several times with all her might. She makes enough noise to raise a dead man! « That's how You do it, woman. Otherwise, how can they hear You? You know, Elizabeth is old and Zacharias also is old. Now he is also dumb, as well as deaf. Also the two servants are old, don't You know? Have You ever been here before? Don't You know Zacharias? Are You… »

Mary is rescued from the deluge of information and questions by a little old man who suddenly appears panting. He must be a gardener or a farmer, for he is holding a hoe in his hand and there is a pruning knife tied to his belt. He opens the gate and Mary enters thanking the little woman but… leaving her fairly recent question unanswered. What a disappointment for the curious soul!

As soon as She is inside Mary says: « I am Mary of Joachim and Anne, from Nazareth. I am your masters' cousin ».

The man bows down and welcomes Her, he then calls out in a loud voice: « Sarah! Sarah! » He opens the gate again to let in the donkey that had been left outside. Mary, in fact, to get rid of the persistent little woman, had slipped inside very quickly and the gardener just as quickly had closed the gate in the face of the gossip. And while taking the donkey in, he exclaims: « Oh! What a great happiness and what an upheaval to this household! Heaven has granted a child to the barren one, may the Most High be blessed! But seven months ago, Zacharias came back dumb from Jerusalem. He now makes himself understood by gestures or by writing. Perhaps You already know. My landlady has longed so much for You in this joy and this travail! She always spoke to Sarah about You and she would say: "If I only had little Mary with Me! I wish She were still in the Temple! I would send Zacharias to fetch Her. But now the Lord wanted Her married to Joseph of Nazareth. She is the only one who can comfort me in my pain and help me to pray to God, because She is so good. And they all miss Her in the Temple. On the last feast day, the last time I went to Jerusalem with Zacharias to thank the Lord for the child He has given me, Her teachers said to me: 'The Temple seems to be without the Cherubim of the Glory since Mary's voice is no longer heard inside these walls' ". » He then shouts again: « Sarah, Sarah! My wife is a little deaf. But come, please, I'll show You the way. »

Instead of Sarah, a fairly old woman appears at the top of the staircase on one side of the house. Her face is all wrinkles and her hair is very grey. It must have been very black at one time because her eyelashes and eyebrows are still very dark and also from the colour of her face one can tell that she was swarthy. Her present very obvious pregnant condition is a strange contradiction to her evident old age, notwithstanding her wide and loose dress. She looks down shading her eyes with her hand. As soon as she recognizes Mary she raises her arms to the sky and utters an « Oh! » of joy and surprise. She then rushes, as fast as she can, towards Mary. Also Mary, who always moves very quietly, now runs, as swift as a little deer, and reaches the foot of the staircase at the same time as Elizabeth. And She embraces with great affection Her cousin who is crying with joy at seeing Her.

They remain embraced for an instant and then Elizabeth detaches herself exclaiming: « Ah! », an exclamation of mingled joy and sorrow and she places her hands on her enlarged abdomen. She bows her face and turns red and pale alternately. Mary and the servant hold out their hands to support her because she staggers, as if she were unwell. But Elizabeth, after a moment of concentration, lifts her face which is now so bright that she looks much younger. She then looks at Mary with evident veneration as if she sees an angel, she bows in a deep salutation exclaiming: « You are blessed amongst all women! Blessed is the Fruit of Your womb! (She says exactly that: two clearly separate sentences). How did I deserve that the Mother of my Lord should come to me, Your servant? There, at the sound of Your voice, the child leaped out of joy in my womb and when I embraced You, the Spirit of the Lord whispered deepest truths to my heart. You are blessed, because You believed that it was possible for God also what does not appear possible to the human mind! You are blessed, because by Your faith You will accomplish the things the Lord predicted to You and the Prophets foretold for our times! You are blessed, for the Salvation You have brought to the house of Jacob! You are blessed for the Holiness You have brought to my son, whom I feel leaping with joy, like a happy little kid, in my womb, because he feels free from the burden of guilt, and is called to be the Predecessor, sanctified before Redemption by the Holy One Who is growing within You! »

Mary, with two tears that run down like two pearls from Her sparkling eyes to Her smiling lips, with Her face raised to heaven and also Her arms raised up, in the attitude that Her Jesus will take so often, exclaims: « My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord » and She continues the canticle as it has been handed down to us. At the end, at the verse: « He has come to the help of Israel his servant etc. », she puts Her hands on Her breast, kneels down stooping to the ground, adoring God.

The servant, who quite wisely had disappeared when he realised that Elizabeth was not really physically unwell, on the contrary, she was confiding her thoughts to Mary, is now coming back from the orchard with a solemn old man, whose hair and beard are completely white, and who greets Mary from a distance with great gestures and loud guttural sounds.

Zacharias is arriving says Elizabeth, touching the shoulder of Mary, engrossed in prayer. « My Zacharias is dumb. God has punished him because he did not believe. I will tell You later. But now I hope that God will forgive him, because You have come. You, full of Grace. »

Mary rises and goes to meet Zacharias. She stoops to the ground in front of him, kissing the hem of his white robe that reaches down to the ground. It is a very wide robe, held tight to the waist by a large embroidered braid.

Zacharias welcomes Mary by gestures and they both move toward Elizabeth. They all enter a room on the ground floor. It is a wide room, tastefully arranged, where they make Mary sit down and they offer Her some new milk - there is still foam on it - and some small cakes.

Elizabeth gives some orders to the maid servant, who has appeared at last, her hands still covered with flour and her hair whiter than usually because of the flour dust on it. Perhaps she was baking bread. She gives orders also to the male servant, whose name I hear is Samuel, and tells him to take Mary's trunk to a room which she indicates to him. She thus fulfils her duties of a landlady towards her guest.

In the meantime Mary is replying to the questions Zacharias is asking Her, writing them on a wax tablet with a style. From Her answers I understand that he is asking Her about Joseph and Her married life with him. I also understand that Zacharias has been denied all supernatural light about Mary's state and Her condition of Mother of the Messiah. Elizabeth goes near her husband and laying her hand on his shoulder, in a loving attitude, as if she were caressing him chastely, she says to him: « Also Mary is a mother. Rejoice over Her happiness. » But she does not say anything else. She looks at Mary. And Mary looks at her but does not encourage her to say more and Elizabeth keeps silent.

Our Lady's message for May 25th 2024 through Maria Pavlovic Lunetti for Medjugorje and the world“Dear children!In this t...

Our Lady's message for May 25th 2024 through Maria Pavlovic Lunetti for Medjugorje and the world

“Dear children!

In this time of Grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy.

Little children, you are still far away. That is why continue to convert anew and choose the way of Holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance.

Thank you for having responded to my call.”


"To your very limited intellectual capacity, to your embryonic spirituality, it is not granted to know the mystery of the nature of God. But to the spiritual ones among the mass of the so-called spiritual, the mystery is made more knowable. To the lovers of the Son, to those who are truly marked with My Blood, the mystery is unveiled with a greater clarity, because My Blood is Knowledge, and My predilection, a school. Today is a great feast in Heaven, because all Heaven sings today the 'Sanctus' to the Lamb whose Blood was poured out for human Redemption. You [Maria] are one of the few—too few—creatures who venerate My Blood as It should be venerated. But to those who do venerate It, that Blood, from the time when It was shed, speaks with words of eternal Life and suprasensible knowledge. If My Blood were more loved and venerated, more invoked and believed in, many of the evils which bring you all to the abyss would be exorcised. It spoke, this Blood, when It was still beneath the figure of the mosaic lamb, under the figure of the prophetic words in the sign of the preserving Tau. It spoke, after It was shed, in the mouth of the apostles; It shouts Its power in the Apocalypse; It invites with Its call by the mouths of the mystics. But It is not loved. It is not remembered. It is not invoked. My Church has so many feasts. But a most solemn feast for My Blood is lacking. And in My Blood is salvation! Today, the feast of My Blood, I illumine a mystery for you. Say: 'Glory to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit,' because it is of Us that I want to speak to you. Because of your human heaviness, figures are needed in order to think of the Father and the Holy Spirit, incorporeal Beings of infinite beauty, but Whom none of you can conceive with your human senses. So much so, that only with difficulty do you turn with all your thought to Them to invoke Them, as you invoke Me Whom you think of as a Man-God. You do not understand even remotely, therefore, the mystery of Our Trinity. In order to think of God there is no need to bring up comparisons with other beings. He is. In being, there is all. But being has no body, and the eternal Being has no body."
"Look: God is Light. Here is the only thing that can still represent God without being an antithesis of His spiritual Essence. Gem of Our eternal Beauty. Fixed in the abyss of Heaven, He draws to Himself All the spirits of My Church triumphant, and absorbs into Himself those in My Church Militant who know how to live out of their spirit. Our Trinity, Our Triple and One Nature, is fixed in a single Splendour in that Point from which is generated all that is, in an eternal being. Say: 'Glory to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit'."

VALTORTA: "How beautiful! How beautiful! How beautiful what I see!
I seek to be very exact and clear in describing to you what Communion brought me.
You know how happy I was. But not what bliss and what a joyous Vision was granted to me from the moment of my Eucharistic union on. It was like a picture which revealed itself to me by degrees. But a picture it was not; it was a contemplation. I was recollected from it for a good hour without any other prayer than this contemplation which rapt me beyond the earth.
It started right after receiving the sacred Particle, and I don't think it escaped you how slow I was with the responses and the greeting. I was already wrapped up in it. Despite that, I said all my thanksgiving in a loud voice while the Vision came to me always more vividly. And then I quieted myself, with my eyes closed as if I were sleeping. But I had never been so awake with my whole self as in this hour.The Vision lasts, in its final phase, even while I write. I write under the gaze of so many Heavenly beings who see how I say only what I see, without adding details or making modifications. And here is the Vision:

Having just received Jesus, I felt my Mama near me, Mary, at the left side of the bed. She embraced me with Her right arm, drawing me to Herself. She was [clothed] with Her white garment and veil, as in the Visions of the Grotto in December [1943]. At the same time I felt myself enfolded by a golden light of a sweet, an indescribably soft colour, and the eyes of my spirit sought for the source of that golden light, which I felt raining down on me from above. It seemed to me that my room, even while remaining a room as it is with its floor and four walls and furniture, had no more roof, and I saw the boundless azure [heavens] of God.
Suspended in these azure [heavens], the Divine Dove of fire was hovering perpendicularly above Mary's head and, naturally, above my head, because I had leaned my cheek on Mary's cheek. The Holy Spirit had His wings open and in an upright, vertical position. He did not move, and yet He vibrated, and at every vibration there were waves, flashes, sparks of brilliance which were burst forth. From Him gushed a cone of golden light. Its peak started from the breast of the Dove and its base enfolded Mary and me. We were gathered together in this cone, in this mantel, in this embrace of joyous light. A light very vivid, and yet not dazzling, because it communicated to the eyes a new strength which grew with every beam burst forth from the Dove, increasing always more the already existing beam of light with every vibration of the Dove. I felt as if my eye were dilated with a superhuman power, as if it were no longer the eye of a creature but of a spirit already glorified.
When I attained the capacity of seeing further, thanks to the Love enkindled and suspended above me, my spirit was called to look still higher. And against the clearer azure of Paradise, I saw the Father distinctly, in as much as His figure was in lines of immaterial light. [He had] a beauty which I do not try to describe because it is beyond human capacity. He appeared to me as on a throne. I say this because He seemed to me to be seated with infinite majesty. But I did not see a throne, or armchair or canopy. Nothing of any earthly form of seat. He seemed to be at my left side (toward the direction of my crucified Jesus, just to give you an indication, and therefore to the right of His Son), but at an incalculable height. And yet I saw Him in the tiniest of His most luminous features. He was looking toward the window (still to give you an indication of the various positions). He was looking with a look of infinite love. I followed His gaze and saw Jesus. Not the Jesus-Master Whom I usually see. But the Jesus-King: clothed in white but with a luminous and extremely white garment, as is that of Mary. A garment which seems to be made of light. [He was] very beautiful. Robust. Imposing. Perfect. Dazzling. With His right hand (He was standing) He held His scepter which is also His banner. A long staff, like a shepherd's, but still taller than my very tall Jesus, and which did not end with the shepherd's crook but in a transverse rod, which forms therefore a cross..., from which hung, supported from the shorter rod, a small banner of very luminous, white silk..., and marked on both sides with a purple cross. Upon the small banner is written—in words of light as if written with liquid diamonds, the title: 'Jesus Christ.'

I see very well the wounds of His hands since His right hand holds the staff up high, toward the banner, and His left points to the wound of His side which, however, I do not see other than as a very luminous point from which beams of light radiate that descend toward earth. The wound on the right [hand] is just toward the wrist and seems like a very bright ruby, as large as a piece of our money.... The wound of the left hand is more in the centre and wider, but then elongated toward the thumb. They shine like living coals. I see no other wounds. Rather the Body of my Lord is very beautiful and whole in all Its parts.
The Father looks at the Son on His left. The Son looks at His Mother and me. But I assure you if He did not look with love I could not bear the brilliance of His Look and of His Countenance. He is truly the King of dreadful majesty, as it is said




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