Janesville Community Page, a page for community sharing of events, ideas and concerns as well as general conversation and community building, which means discussion not necessarily agreement. JCP is a privately managed page and is not affiliated with the City of Janesville organization. This page promotes postings by commercial and non-commercial pages and events. However, images or posti
ngs that may be considered offensive, graphic or otherwise unacceptable by admins of this page, will be removed. This page does not encourage or condone illegal acts, violence, threats or harassment under any circumstances. This page is not affiliated with any businesses, group or entity, government or otherwise. This page is here to help our community communicate and connect, because by working together and making connections we can accomplish great things. Janesville Community Page is run by:
Editor-in-Chief: Yuri Rashkin - Originally from Moscow, Russia, Yuri is a former member of Janesville City Council and past president of Janesville Noon Lions, Janesville Toastmasters, Janesville Community Radio, and United Arts Alliance. Former chair of Janesville Committee on Assignments. Dan Hartung - Grew up in Janesville, but has lived in New York and Chicago while pursuing an IT career. An advocate for bicycling, historic preservation, and neighborhood preservation, he has been on the Fourth Ward committee for several years. Becky Weber-Johnson - Native of Janesville. Alternative Education and online school coordinator at Clinton High School, active member of the Thursday Noon Optimists and St. John Lutheran Church. Other admins are:
David Abb
Corey Austin
Delaney Cass
Coney Golden
Susan Johnson
Megan Miller
Jeffrey Navarro
Esther Turner
Amy Stevens
Rebecca Krausert Sykalski