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South Sudan National Police Appoints New Spokesman.August 21,2024 JUBA....... The South Sudan National Police Services h...

South Sudan National Police Appoints New Spokesman.

August 21,2024

JUBA....... The South Sudan National Police Services has officially appointed Colonel John Kasarra Koang as its new spokesperson, succeeding Major General Daniel Justin Buolo, who has been reassigned as the Director of Community Policing.

During a briefing at police headquarters, Colonel Koang expressed his commitment to fostering a cooperative relationship with media outlets for effective information dissemination. He emphasized the importance of transparency and communication between the police and the public.

The transition marks a new chapter for the South Sudan National Police as it continues to enhance its engagement with the community and media.

SOUTH SUDAN : Controversy Erupts Over Revenue Reporting in Central Equatoria STATE. AUGUST 20,2024. JUBA...... The Offic...

SOUTH SUDAN : Controversy Erupts Over Revenue Reporting in Central Equatoria STATE.

AUGUST 20,2024.

JUBA...... The Office of the Central Equatoria State Minister of Finance, Vianna Kakuli Aggrey, has strongly refuted claims made by Derick Derrickson, former press secretary for ex-governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony. The dispute centers around a recent report published by incumbent governor Augustino Jadalla Wani, which addressed his first 100 days in office and raised concerns about revenue collection practices.

In the report, Governor Jadalla emphasized the need for revenue collecting institutions to remit state revenue to designated bank accounts, suggesting that the previous administration under Adil did not comply with this requirement. This assertion angered Derrickson, who responded by defending his former boss and disputing the claims made in the report.

"In my immediate reaction upon seeing this circulating on social media, I contacted the minister of finance to clarify if she was indeed mismanaging revenue remittances," Derrickson stated. He described his conversation with Kakuli, claiming she expressed embarrassment over the allegations and deemed the reporting as "misleading and politically motivated."

However, Minister Kakuli has categorically denied ever having such a discussion with Derrickson, labeling his statements as unfounded. Victor Khamis, the press secretary for Minister Kakuli, called Derrickson’s comments "concocted falsehoods meant to score fleeting political points."

The escalating tension highlights the political friction within Central Equatoria State as the new administration seeks to implement reforms and enhance the integrity of state revenue management. As the story develops, it will be crucial to monitor how both sides address these allegations and any potential impacts on governance in the region.

Eastern Equatoria State Governor Lobong Receives Abducted Children in Eastern Equatoria State. Date: 15/08/2024H.E. Loui...

Eastern Equatoria State Governor Lobong Receives Abducted Children in Eastern Equatoria State.

Date: 15/08/2024

H.E. Louis Lobong Lojore, the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, welcomed 11 children who were abducted by criminals linked to the Murle community during a raid on Kauto-Kapoeta East County in April 2024. This significant event marks a step forward in efforts to recover those still missing.

Governor Lobong expressed his deep concern for the remaining children who have yet to be returned from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). He appealed to the leadership of GPAA, specifically Hon. Gola Boyoi, to intensify efforts in locating and recovering the abducted children.

In an address to the public and GPAA administrators, Governor Lobong underscored the need for national government intervention to combat what he termed "unhealthy practices of slavery in the 21st century." He noted that the people of Eastern Equatoria felt betrayed by these actions, emphasizing that their community had previously offered support to the people of GPAA in times of need.

"The events in Kauto are alarming and unacceptable. It is disheartening to see our neighbors engage in such inhumane acts of abduction," Governor Lobong stated. He acknowledged the challenges of restoring stability but offered assistance to the GPAA administration in addressing criminal activities disrupting peace between neighboring communities.

In response, Hon. Gola Boyoi expressed gratitude for the unwavering support from Eastern Equatoria State. He reiterated his commitment to working with Governor Lobong for a prosperous future and assured that his administration would work tirelessly to recover all abducted children.

Boyoi declared that strict laws against child abduction are in place and that any violator will face severe punishment. He has mandated all county commissioners under his administration to prioritize the safe return of the missing children.

The situation remains critical, with hopes high for further recoveries as both states work together to address the underlying issues of violence and abduction.

SOUTH SUDAN : JUBA City Council Welcomes New Mayor as Governor Calls for Action. August 15, 2024JUBA........ In a ceremo...

SOUTH SUDAN : JUBA City Council Welcomes New Mayor as Governor Calls for Action.

August 15, 2024

JUBA........ In a ceremony held at the State Secretariat, Governor H.E. Gen. Augustino Jadalla Kamilo Wani officially swore in the newly appointed Mayor of Juba City Council, H.W. Johnson Swaka, on Thursday.

During the swearing-in, Governor Jadalla outlined a clear agenda for the new mayor, emphasizing the urgent need to address several pressing issues in the city. Among the priorities highlighted were effective garbage collection, road maintenance, the construction of proper drainage systems, and a crackdown on criminal elements known as "toronto" and "ni**as," who pose security threats in residential areas.

In a call for proactive governance, the Governor urged Mayor Swaka to reclaim and open occupied public spaces, including football playgrounds, to promote community engagement. He also emphasized the importance of conducting a city-wide registration of households to enhance service delivery.

Governor Jadalla encouraged the new mayor to remain engaged with the community, stating, “One of the important things in your work is to move around the city. Even once a week, do not just sit in the office; you need to see the challenges firsthand.”

Hon. Satimon Lupai, the State Minister of Cabinet Affairs, echoed the Governor’s sentiments, advising Mayor Swaka to foster effective administration. “Leading people requires leadership,” Lupai noted.

In response, H.W. Swaka expressed his commitment to serving the people of Juba, pledging to build on the efforts of his predecessor. “I accepted this responsibility knowing that it is about service, not power. Offering service is a tough task,” he remarked.

Former Mayor Flora Gabriel Modi offered her support to the new leadership, congratulating Swaka and expressing gratitude to the Governor for placing his trust in him. “We are behind you,” she stated.

As Juba City embarks on this new chapter, the community looks forward to collaborative efforts aimed at addressing the challenges ahead.

SOUTH SUDAN : Central EQUATORIA STATE Governor Dismisses Juba City MAYOR. August 14, 2024JUBA..... Central Equatoria's G...

SOUTH SUDAN : Central EQUATORIA STATE Governor Dismisses Juba City MAYOR.

August 14, 2024

JUBA..... Central Equatoria's Governor Augustino Jadalla has officially removed Flora Gabriel Modi from her position as the mayor of Juba City. In a significant administrative change, Johnson Swaka has been appointed as the new mayor.

Governor Jadalla's decision comes amid ongoing efforts to enhance governance and address various challenges facing the capital city. The appointment of Swaka, who is expected to bring a fresh perspective and renewed energy to the role, highlights the governor's commitment to improving local leadership.

Flora Gabriel Modi has served as mayor amidst numerous challenges, including urban development and infrastructure issues. The reasons behind her dismissal have not been publicly detailed, but the transition marks a pivotal moment for the city's administration.

Johnson Swaka is expected to take office promptly and is anticipated to focus on key areas such as urban planning, public services, and community engagement. Local residents and stakeholders will be keenly observing the new mayor's initiatives as he steps into this crucial role.

This leadership change reflects the ongoing efforts in South Sudan to strengthen governance and improve the quality of life for citizens in Juba and beyond. Further developments are expected as Swaka unveils his plans for the city.

BREAKING NEWS 🔥🔥.Sudanese Airstrike Kills Two in South Sudan's Maban CountyAugust 9, 2024 -JUBA..... A Sudanese warplane...


Sudanese Airstrike Kills Two in South Sudan's Maban County

August 9, 2024 -

JUBA..... A Sudanese warplane struck inside South Sudan's Maban County on Tuesday, killing two boys and one cow, according to a South Sudanese lawmaker.

David Unyo Demey, a member of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly representing Upper Nile State's Maban County, condemned the incident as a "gruesome" and "ultimate disregard" for South Sudan's airspace.

"In the afternoon of 6 August, Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) bombarded Khor-Tumbak, a border area in Maban County, killing two boys who were herding their cattle. One cow was also killed," Unyo stated.

The lawmaker said the attack was reminiscent of a similar incident in 2012 when the Sudanese air force carried out bombings in the same border area.

Unyo criticized the South Sudanese government's silence on the matter, calling on the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense to raise the issue with their Sudanese counterparts.

Major General L*l Ruai Koang, the spokesperson for the South Sudanese People's Defense Forces (SSPDF), said the incident was "unintentional" and resulted from recent fighting between the Sudanese army and a defector allied with the SPLM-N rebel group.

"What happened a week ago was that a Sudanese army general allied to Gen. Malik Agar defected to Gen. Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu's SPLM-N and he has since been fighting SAF at the border. So these airstrikes targeted those fighting SAF, but they fell on our side accidentally," Maj. Gen. L*l explained.

The SSPDF spokesperson said the incident is being investigated and promised that the South Sudanese government will officially inform the Sudanese side and address the issue of compensation for the victims.

South Sudanese Parliament to Summon Security Ministers Over Escalating Gun Violence in Juba. August 6,2024JUBA.... In re...

South Sudanese Parliament to Summon Security Ministers Over Escalating Gun Violence in Juba.

August 6,2024

JUBA.... In response to a surge in gun crime and violent incidents in the nation's capital, the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in South Sudan has resolved to summon the ministers responsible for the country's security sector.

The decision came during a heated parliamentary session on Tuesday, where lawmakers expressed grave concerns over the recent spike in shootings and violent episodes that have resulted in numerous casualties and widespread fear among Juba's residents.

Bol Joseph Agau, an MP representing Yirol West County in Lakes State, highlighted the severity of the situation, noting that "last week and part of this week, Juba has been gripped by anxiety and fear due to rampant killings and shootings, including a particularly intense incident at the Seventh-Day Roundabout. The level of violence was akin to a battalion battle. There has been too much silence from the executive, and we need answers."

Similarly, Kom Kom Geng, an MP from Northern Bahe el Ghazal State, supported the call for accountability, urging that the relevant ministers be summoned to understand "why we are allowing such rampant killings" and ensure that the people of South Sudan "deserve protection, not to be left vulnerable due to inaction."

In response to the legislators' concerns, TNLA First Deputy Speaker Oyet Nathaniel instructed the legal advisor to expedite the process of summoning the ministers responsible for the security sector.

"The increasing crime rate reflects the severe situation our citizens are enduring," Nathaniel remarked. "The legal advisor has been directed to act promptly on this resolution."

The wanton violence in Juba has drawn criticism of the South Sudanese government's handling of security issues. Residents have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the current law enforcement measures and have called for more robust responses to the escalating violence.

On Sunday night, one person was killed and another injured in a shooting incident in the Sherikat suburb of Juba, adding to the city's rising crime statistics. This incident highlights a disturbing trend of gun-related violence, which many attribute to the country's severe economic downturn, which is exacerbating social tensions.

The summoning of the security ministers by the TNLA represents a crucial step in addressing the ongoing security challenges in Juba and holding the government accountable for the safety and well-being of its citizens.

South Sudan's Central Bank Governor Calls for Reforms to Global Financial Institutions.August 4, 2024JUBA...... In a pus...

South Sudan's Central Bank Governor Calls for Reforms to Global Financial Institutions.

August 4, 2024

JUBA...... In a push for economic empowerment, South Sudan's central bank governor, James Alic Garang, is advocating for reforms to the global financial architecture. Garang recently attended the 2024 African Caucus meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, where he highlighted three key areas that require attention.

Firstly, Garang emphasized the need to reduce the cost of borrowing and enhance access to finance for African countries. "It involves the need to reduce the cost of borrowing and enhancing access to finance, harmonize policies amongst ourselves, and ensure that the voices of Africa are heard around the table," he explained.

Secondly, the central bank governor stressed the importance of ensuring that Africa has a seat at the table where decisions regarding the global financial system are made. "Several distinguished speakers spoke about the need to ensure Africa sits at the table where decisions around global financial architecture are made," Garang noted.

Thirdly, Garang mentioned the issue of access to energy, an area where the African Development Bank and the World Bank are taking the lead to support the continent.

The African Caucus meeting, an annual event established in 1963, aims to strengthen the voice of African governors in the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs). This year's theme, "Facilitating Intra-African Trade: Catalyst for Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa," reflects the collective commitment of member countries to drive economic progress across the continent.

Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, whose speech was delivered by his deputy, Kashim Shettima Mustapha, underscored the need for reforms that would put the continent on a positive economic trajectory. Tinubu also called for global cooperation among African countries to tackle shared economic challenges and exploit opportunities.

Meanwhile, the African Union Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals, Ambassador Albert Muchanga, emphasized the importance of domestic resource mobilization, stating, "We must see the African market as a viable channel for domestic resource mobilization to address the issue of the continent's sustenance."

As South Sudan and other African nations push for reforms in global financial institutions, the aim is to create a more equitable and accessible financial landscape that empowers the continent's economic development and ensures its voice is heard on the global stage.



Individuals should not enter into relationships with the expectation of changing or fixing their partners. It emphasizes the importance of seeking a partner who is already compatible and does not require significant personal growth or transformation.

In this context, relationships are viewed as connections between equals, where both individuals contribute to the partnership in a healthy and supportive manner. it is not the responsibility of one partner to rehabilitate or "fix" the other. Instead, the focus should be on finding a partner who is already well-suited for a mutually fulfilling relationship.

This perspective promotes the idea of personal accountability and self-growth. It encourages individuals to work on themselves and address their own issues before entering into relationships, rather than relying on a partner to be the solution to their problems.

Overall, each individual should note the importance of choosing a partner who is compatible, respectful, and capable of contributing to a healthy relationship, rather than seeing the relationship as an opportunity for personal transformation or rehabilitation.

BREAKING NEWS. South Sudan : Central Equatoria State Governor Reshuffles Cabinet and County Leadership.  August 1, 2024 ...


South Sudan : Central Equatoria State Governor Reshuffles Cabinet and County Leadership.

August 1, 2024

JUBA...... The Governor of South Sudan's Central Equatoria State, Augustino Jadalla, has announced a major reshuffling of the state's executive leadership.

The key changes include:

- Paulino Lukudu Obede has been appointed as the new Deputy Governor of Central Equatoria State.
- Rambo Isaac Paul has been named the new Minister of Information for the state.

In addition, several new County Commissioners have been appointed:

- Emmanuel Taban will serve as the County Commissioner of Yei River County.
- Robert John Lasu has been appointed as the County Commissioner of Lainya County.
- Charles Data Bullen will take on the role of County Commissioner for Morobo County.

Governor Jadalla stated that these changes are part of his administration's efforts to strengthen governance and service delivery across Central Equatoria State. He expressed confidence in the newly appointed officials and their ability to drive development and stability in their respective jurisdictions.

The reshuffle comes amidst ongoing peace and reconciliation efforts in South Sudan, as the country continues to rebuild after years of civil conflict. Observers note that effective, accountable governance at the state and local levels will be crucial to sustaining the hard-won progress.

BREAKING NEWS.South Sudan: University of Juba Lecturers Threaten  Walkout Over Unpaid Salaries. July 26, 2024. JUBA........


South Sudan: University of Juba Lecturers Threaten Walkout Over Unpaid Salaries.

July 26, 2024.

JUBA....... The teaching staff at the University of Juba in South Sudan have announced plans to cease all work starting today, July 26th, if the administration does not promptly pay their overdue salaries and allowances.

The decision was reached in a vote by 56 out of 62 lecturers, following nearly nine months without receiving their paychecks, amidst the severe economic challenges facing the country.

"We are not robots; even robots require electricity and maintenance to perform efficiently," the statement from the various school representatives read, following a meeting on July 20th. The demands include full payment of eight months' worth of wages as well as the settlement of pending allowances.

The ultimatum comes as South Sudan continues to grapple with a deep financial crisis, leading to significant delays in public sector salaries across the country. University staff, who rely on their paychecks to support themselves and their families, have grown increasingly frustrated with the prolonged nonpayment.

"We have been patient for too long, but we can no longer sustain ourselves or our households without our rightful compensation," said Dr. Sarah Lual, a senior lecturer at the university. "If the administration fails to address this issue urgently, we will have no choice but to cease all teaching and administrative duties until our demands are met."

The potential walkout by the University of Juba's teaching staff would severely disrupt academic activities and leave thousands of students without access to education. The university administration has yet to issue an official response, but observers expect the government to intervene quickly to avert a crisis in the higher education system.

Central Equatoria State Governor Issues Four Gubernatorial Orders in Juba, South SudanJuly 19, 2024. JUBA...... In a ser...

Central Equatoria State Governor Issues Four Gubernatorial Orders in Juba, South Sudan

July 19, 2024.

JUBA...... In a series of executive actions, H.E. Gen. Augustino Jadalla Kamilo Wani, the Governor of Central Equatoria State, has issued four gubernatorial orders addressing key administrative and regulatory matters in the state.

The first order, No. 5/2024, relieved Mr. Chandiga Michael Martin of his position as the Director of Revenue for the Yei River Zone in Central Equatoria State, effective immediately as of July 18, 2024.

Governor Jadalla followed this up with a second order, No. 06/2024, appointing Mr. Mawa Rufas Sosthenes as the Acting Director of Revenue for the Yei River Zone, effective from July 18, 2024. The state's Ministry of Finance and Planning, Investment Authority, and Revenue Authority have been directed to take necessary steps to implement these first two orders.

The third order, No. 07/2024, issued on July 18, 2024, suspends the activities of the Central Equatoria State Butchers' Union under the leadership of Mr. Peter Lado Bero, until further notice. This suspension is pending the formation of a new steering committee to oversee the union's operations. The state's Ministry of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Tourism, as well as the authorities of Juba County, Juba City Council, and all relevant security organs, have been tasked with implementing this order.

Finally, the Governor issued a fourth order, No. 8/2024, also on July 18, 2024, suspending the activities of the Central Equatoria State Drivers' Union until further notice and pending the formation of a new steering committee. The state's Ministry of Roads and Bridges, Juba County and City Council authorities, and all concerned security agencies have been directed to implement this order immediately.

These gubernatorial actions by Governor Jadalla are aimed at streamlining administrative processes, addressing regulatory concerns, and ensuring effective oversight in Central Equatoria State.


JULY 18,2024

BREAKING NEWS.South Sudan President Fires Top Officials, Appoints New REPLACEMENTS. 10/07/2024.JUBA......In a surprise m...


South Sudan President Fires Top Officials, Appoints New REPLACEMENTS.


JUBA......In a surprise move, the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, has fired several top-level government officials, including the Finance Minister, Health Ministry Undersecretary, Petroleum Undersecretary, and the Managing Director of the state oil company Nilepet.

The dismissed officials include:

- Eng. Awow Daniel Chuang, Finance Minister
- Ader Machar, Health Ministry Undersecretary
- William Nyang Deng, Petroleum Undersecretary
- Mohamed Lino Benjamin, Advisor
- Eng. Bennard Amour Makeny, Nilepet Managing Director

President Kiir has appointed the following individuals to replace the dismissed officials:

- Marial Deng Ring Ater as the new Finance Minister
- Eng. Mohamed Lino Benjamin as the new Nilepet Managing Director
- Harriet Pasquale as the new Health Ministry Undersecretary
- Dr. Chol Deng Thon as the new Petroleum Ministry Undersecretary

The sudden changes in South Sudan's government come amidst ongoing economic and political challenges facing the country. Analysts suggest the shake-up could signal a shift in the administration's priorities and strategies as it works to address pressing issues.

However, the reasoning behind these high-level dismissals and appointments remains unclear. Government officials have not provided any public statements elaborating on the decisions.

The developments are likely to have significant implications for South Sudan's economic and social policies going forward. Citizens and international observers will be closely monitoring the impacts of these changes in the weeks and months ahead.

South Sudan Opposition Groups Refuse to Sign Nairobi Peace Deal Over Controversial Security Law. July 8, 2024Nairobi.......

South Sudan Opposition Groups Refuse to Sign Nairobi Peace Deal Over Controversial Security Law.

July 8, 2024

Nairobi....... The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) and other opposition groups participating in the Tumaini peace talks in Nairobi have vowed not to sign any agreement with the government until the controversial National Security Service Act is repealed.

In a press conference on Monday, opposition leaders including Gen. Pagan Amum Okiech, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, Gen. Stephen Buoy Rolnyang, and Gen. Mario Loku Thomas Jada, strongly condemned the recent passage of the National Security Service Act by the South Sudanese government.

"The many crises facing South Sudan are deeply rooted in bad governance and human rights violations, and no agency in South Sudan has deviated from its constitutional mandate more than the National Security Service (NSS)," the opposition leaders said in a joint statement. "This agency has reproduced the archaic Khartoum regime in Juba, and it has instituted a reign of terror and intimidation."

The opposition figures argued that the democratic gains made by the people of South Sudan through the 2011 referendum and declaration of independence have been effectively "quashed" by the NSS. They described the agency as a "notorious" one that has been empowered by the government to "terrorize our people and bury their hopes for freedom and rule of law."

Additionally, the opposition leaders criticized the government's decision to extend the tenure of the Transitional Government by another 24 months, as well as the National Elections Commission's announcement of national elections scheduled for December 2024. They argued that these unilateral actions undermine the ongoing Tumaini peace process and demonstrate a lack of good faith by the government.

"Our position is neither the extension nor the scheduling of elections is warranted at the moment; especially as we are deeply engaged in peace talks in Nairobi," the opposition statement read. "The Tumaini Initiative is the only mechanism that can usher in a new political dispensation and hold the first democratic elections in the country."

The opposition leaders emphasized that they will not sign any agreement with the government until the NSS Act is repealed and the Tumaini Initiative is allowed to proceed without interference. They called on the government of South Sudan and President Kiir to exercise leadership and cease unilateral actions that undermine the peace negotiations.

BREAKING NEWS. South Sudan Dissolves National Transitional Committee, Replaces it with New Implementation Oversight Body...


South Sudan Dissolves National Transitional Committee, Replaces it with New Implementation Oversight Body.

July 7, 2024

JUBA....... The Government of South Sudan has announced the dissolution of the National Transitional Committee (NTC) and its replacement with a new oversight mechanism called the National Implementation Oversight Commission (NIOC).

According to Information Minister Michael Makuei, the decision was made due to the NTC's failure to adequately deliver on the implementation of the 2018 peace deal. The NTC, which was headed by Presidential Advisor Tut Gatluak, had been tasked with overseeing the peace process but faced criticism for the slow progress, particularly in the security sector.

"We found that NTC was not delivering. So we came up with a new body in place of NTC called National Implementation and Oversight Mechanism (NIOM)," Makuei told reporters.

The new NIOC will have a tripartite composition, comprising a South Sudanese official, a representative from the Kenyan-led Tumaini Initiative mediation process, and a member of the donor community. This structure is intended to provide greater transparency and accountability in the management of peace funds and the implementation of the 2018 agreement.

"These people will be from the NIOC. One will be a South Sudanese, the other one will be a Kenyan from the Tumaini and the third one will be from the donor community, because there is a doubt," Makuei explained.

The decision to replace the NTC comes amidst concerns from the region and the international community about the potential misuse of funds intended for the peace process. The new NIOC mechanism aims to address these concerns by ensuring that any disbursement of funds requires the approval of all three members.

"The international community and the region had been asking us, what is the guarantee that the money that we donate will not be misused and spent outside of what it was meant for," Makuei said. "So, we decided to come up with these mechanism, so that it is in charge of the day to day activities and whenever money is needed, it must be signed by these three people."

The move to dissolve the NTC and establish the NIOC is seen as a crucial step in revitalizing the stalled peace process in South Sudan. With the new oversight body in place, the government hopes to address the concerns of the international community and ensure the effective implementation of the 2018 peace deal.

BREAKING NEWS 🔥🔥. Rapid Support Forces Liberate Strategic City in West Kordofan, SUDAN. July 4, 2024By: SSVV. Khartoum S...


Rapid Support Forces Liberate Strategic City in West Kordofan, SUDAN.

July 4, 2024

Khartoum Sudan..... In a major victory for the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the militia group has liberated the strategic city of Al-Mayram in West Kordofan State, Sudan. The RSF reported that they were able to take full control of the region after defeating the 92nd Brigade of the 22nd Infantry Division of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and brigades associated with the former Erahabi regime.

According to the official spokesman for the RSF, the militia forces were able to seize a significant cache of military equipment, including 22 combat vehicles, 6 tanks, 10 82mm mortars, 7 120mm mortars, 2 107mm rocket launchers, and 18 60/75mm mortars. The spokesman also stated that 50 enemy combatants were killed in the battle, including 2 officers, while the remaining Burhan militia fled the scene.

"The successive victories of our forces over the SAF and the brigades of the Islamic Ar-Hahabi movement continue in all axes, which hastens the end of long eras of injustice and tyranny against our people who yearn for freedom, peace, and justice," the RSF spokesman said.

The liberation of Al-Mayram is the latest in a series of victories for the RSF, which has been engaged in an ongoing conflict with the SAF and other pro-government forces. The spokesman expressed condolences for the "righteous martyrs" who have fallen in the struggle, and vowed to continue the fight to "build Sudan on new and just foundations that achieve equality and remove injustice and marginalization from all Sudanese peoples."




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