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Cor Jesu Press Catholic publisher focused on reviving traditional devotional works for the laity.

A new release!  📚The Practice of the Presence of God by Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection.In this classic spiritual work,...

A new release! 📚The Practice of the Presence of God by Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection.

In this classic spiritual work, Brother Lawrence, a humble 17th-century Discalced Carmelite, gives a simple way to pray without ceasing—constant awareness of the presence of God. The lay brother was considered too unlettered to be a priest and was assigned to work in the kitchen. It was here he would learn to recollect himself continuously while performing all of his duties for the greater glory of God.

He became revered for his sanctity within the monastery and eventually his conversations, letters, and spiritual maxims were collected into this short work, The Practice of the Presence of God.

May this volume be a guide to the practice of recollection and provide a spark to enflame many hearts to persevere in the love of God by performing the duties of our state in life while constantly meditating on the presence of the most Holy Trinity.

“A brief remembrance of God, an interior act of adoration, even while one may be running with sword in hand, are prayers which, however short they are, are nevertheless very pleasing to God." + Br. Lawrence

If you really love your soul, avoid venial sin.As sickness gradually causes the death of the body, so venial sin paves t...

If you really love your soul, avoid venial sin.

As sickness gradually causes the death of the body, so venial sin paves the way for the death of the soul.

By venial sin, we grow more indifferent to sin, we become used to it. Satan becomes bolder; he sees that we trifle with sin. He nourishes this carelessness.

Venial sins are like rain-drops; tiny things in themselves—and yet, in time, they destroy strong walls and timbers, change stately palaces into heaps of ruin.

He who is not resolved to avoid deliberate venial sin, is certainly not as much in earnest as he should be in his hatred of mortal sin. Many a venial sin stands in close relation to mortal sin. You are walking on the brink of a precipice.

Venial sin weakens the will, increases the passions, dulls the conscience, and gives strength to bad habits.

Venial sin makes God more reserved in his dealings with us. His intimacy with us decreases, his consolations are withdrawn or diminished, good inspirations become weaker and rarer.

+ Are you not resolved to avoid venial sin?
+ Is it not an offense against God?
+ Did the Saints inquire: Is this a mortal or a venial sin?
+ Did they not rather endeavor with all the strength of their will, to avoid everything which they knew to be displeasing to God?

Who shall reckon that mighty multitude?—
More or less voluntary distractions in prayer
uncharitable thoughts
unkind words
offensive jests
neglects of duty
unguarded feelings
boastful speeches
sensual and, perhaps, even lustful, imaginations and desires
faults proceeding from want of self-control in eating and drinking!

What a chain of miseries! And how little pains do I take to break it!

Cultivate a sensitive conscience. If it has become somewhat hardened, renew its lost tenderness and delicacy.

Listen not to its foolish protest: "This is only a venial sin!"
None but a fool or a madman, will laugh at sin of any sort. Such a one does not understand what it is to offend God.

“He that contemneth small things, shall fall little by little.” (Ecclus. 19:1.)

⭐New release!⭐A book instructing beginners on mental prayer by one of the great ascetical saints of the Church:The Golde...

⭐New release!⭐

A book instructing beginners on mental prayer by one of the great ascetical saints of the Church:

The Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer provides a practical overview of the life of prayer. Written by St. Peter of Alcantara (1499 – 1562), a Franciscan of the Stricter Observance who was a spiritual director to St. Teresa of Avila, the treatise was once widely read and acclaimed by great saints, including St. Francis de Sales.

St. Peter not only presents a concise method of mental prayer but also offers practical advice on when to deviate from the method. He further provides clear counsel on spiritual reading, strategies to overcome distractions, ways to persevere during spiritual dryness, and how to avoid an excessive inclination towards study during prayer.

He helps the reader apply the teaching by providing guided meditations for each day of the week. The saint also offers a series of beautiful meditations on the Passion of Christ, inviting you to reflect deeply on His great sacrifice.

A biography of the saint, detailing his profound sanctity and rigorous ascetic observances, is also included. His life is a testament to the power of prayer and the transformative effects of a life dedicated to prayer.

Now available! 📖 Mental Prayer Volume 5 for August + SeptemberDaily Practice of Mental Prayer and of Divine Contemplatio...

Now available! 📖 Mental Prayer Volume 5 for August + September

Daily Practice of Mental Prayer and of Divine Contemplation provides the Christian soul with six volumes of daily meditations spanning the entirety of the calendar year according to the Church’s traditional liturgical cycle. Drawing almost exclusively from St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Fr. Alphonsus of the Mother of Sorrows equips the soul who embarks upon this practice of prayer with meditations concise in length but beaming with the truest spirituality, inflaming the soul with devotion and guiding it towards that unitive dwelling with God, both interior and silent, solitary and life-giving.

In using and utilizing this book, pray valiantly, without ceasing. May you think only of Christ, bearing the Cross and all sufferings for His sake. May you abound in the unceasing joy of His love whereby you may attain true purity of heart, and likewise, heavenly beatitude, for “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. v, 8).

A new release: Life with Mary 📚The Carmelite Order is a Marian Order. In fact, among all the Religious Orders, Carmel st...

A new release: Life with Mary 📚

The Carmelite Order is a Marian Order. In fact, among all the Religious Orders, Carmel stands forth as the Marian Order. For the Carmelite life in its very being is Marian, that is, directed to Mary’s honor and glory through its essential action of prayer and imitation of her sacrifice at the foot of the Cross. With the Venerable Father Michael of St. Augustine, Belgian Carmelite of the seventeenth century, the Carmelite Marian life receives its most profound expression to date.

The present work aims to introduce Carmelite Marian Devotion to the English-speaking world through the presentation of the life and doctrine of the Venerable Michael of St. Augustine.

Venerable Michael of St. Augustine’s “Mariform and Marian Life, in Mary and for Mary” is one of the most beautiful tracts on the Marian life found in the Catholic Church, and is recognized as a compendium of the deepest traditions in Carmelite devotion to Mary.

May this work be pleasing to Our Lady, the Mother of Carmel. To her is it dedicated as a small token of gratitude and filial love, reverence, and obedience.

"I should like to have lips the purest to pronounce the name of Mary, and a pen of gold to write it.” -Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified ✍️

In Christ Crucified,
Cor Jesu Press

Only one thing is necessary.  We have been placed in this world by the Creator for no other purpose but to serve him. Th...

Only one thing is necessary.

We have been placed in this world by the Creator for no other purpose but to serve him.

This is our duty of duties—the most urgent—the most unintermitting. All other duties are subordinate to this; there can be no greater obligation or necessity than that of serving God.

Why, then, O rational creature! are you wholly immersed in worldly affairs? You have not time even to think of your soul’s salvation, much less bestow upon it the care its vital importance demands. Now one business concern absorbs your attention; now, another. Always busy, never idle, ever in anxiety and turmoil. Why, and for what end?

To become rich? To become learned? To enjoy good health? To live long? Perhaps, it is possible—such may be the designs of Divine Providence. Certain it is, however, that God requires that you love and serve him; whether you be rich or poor, high or lowly, young or old, he has destined you for heaven. You must save your soul.

Many other things may be good, beautiful, useful, pleasant, honorable, and even important; but the salvation of your soul is all this and a great deal more, for it, alone, is necessary.

Excerpt from Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.

✨📖 Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart 📖✨🌟 SPECIAL OFFER 🌟Get 20% OFF the entire store when you buy 2 or more b...

✨📖 Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart 📖✨

Get 20% OFF the entire store when you buy 2 or more books! 📚✨ Use code: SACREDHEART at checkout. Offer valid until the end of June.

Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart.

Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart.

A new release from Cor Jesu Press!  This is a book St. Augustine used  regularly to reinvigorate his love for God.  From...

A new release from Cor Jesu Press! This is a book St. Augustine used regularly to reinvigorate his love for God. From the back of the book blurb:

O devout Christian reader seeking union with the living God, this manual of St. Augustine, which by the mouth of tradition we learn was his companion in prayer, contains a collection of his short reflections on the mysteries of the Christian life, equipping you with the insights of a man great in stature and seraphic in his doctrine, so that you likewise, through the intercession of this holy bishop, who was once a wretched sinner, may be worthy of imitating his virtues and participating in his glory.

Few in history provide such penetrating insight into the spiritual life and the sacred mysteries of the Catholic faith as does the glorious St. Augustine. Amidst the panoply of the Four Latin Doctors, Augustine shines as a resplendent star not only in what he taught, but principally in the depths to which he attained in contemplation and Divine Union, aiming all his actions and all his heart—radiant with the Divine fire of the Holy Ghost—towards that one most sublime goal of the beatific life.

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” — St. Augustine of Hippo

Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart available from Cor Jesu Press.

Excerpt from Meditations on the Sacred Heart available from Cor Jesu Press.

Are you progressing spiritually?  A brief reflection from "Practical Meditations" published in 1868.

Are you progressing spiritually?

A brief reflection from "Practical Meditations" published in 1868.

Excerpt from "Meditations on the Sacred Heart"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Excerpt from "Meditations on the Sacred Heart"

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

It's here! 📖The Life and Miracles of Saint Philomena.  "My children, Saint Philomena’s virginity and generosity in embra...

It's here! 📖The Life and Miracles of Saint Philomena.

"My children, Saint Philomena’s virginity and generosity in embracing her heroic martyrdom have rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse her anything that she asks for us." + St. Jean Vianney

The name of the glorious virgin and martyr, Saint Philomena, is not as well known as it should be. The extraordinary devotion of St. Jean Vianney to this saint lends a new and holy charm to her name. His biographer tells us that the CurĂŠ d'Ars devotion to this holy virgin and martyr was almost chivalrous.

‘The youthful saint’ went forth from her mother's arms to die for Christ; the lictor's ax cropped the budding lily, and pious hands laid it in the tomb; and so fifteen centuries went by, and none on earth thought upon the virgin martyr, till the time came when the Lord would have her glory to appear; and then He chose a champion for her in the lonely, toilworn priest.

We trust this little volume will serve to enkindle a tender devotion to the saint in many a young heart. At the early age of thirteen, this true heroine trampled all the vanities of the world and chose to endure torments rather than renounce her crucified Saviour. What a model of constancy does she present to us! Let us go to her when tried and with unbounded confidence implore her intercession!

St. Francis’ wisdom that came only from prayer.St. Francis’ incredible and unremitting exercise of prayer, together with...

St. Francis’ wisdom that came only from prayer.

St. Francis’ incredible and unremitting exercise of prayer, together with the continual practice of all virtues, had already brought the holy man to such serenity of mind that, although he had no knowledge of the Scriptures by human teaching, nevertheless, being illuminated by the splendour of the eternal light, he investigated with marvellous acuteness of mind all the most profound secrets of the sacred writings, because his understanding, being purified from every stain, penetrated the most hidden things of the holy mysteries; and where theological science enters not, but remains without, thither entered the affection of the lover of God.

Being once asked by the brethren whether it was his pleasure that learned men who entered his Order should apply themselves to the study of the Holy Scriptures, he replied:

“Assuredly it pleases me that while they follow the example of Christ, of whom we read that He gave Himself more to prayer than to reading, they should not, on that account, neglect the study of prayer. Nevertheless, I would not have them study in order to know how they ought to speak, but in order that they may do the things which they hear, and when they have done them, that they may set them before others. I would have my friars to be disciples of the Gospel, and so to increase in the knowledge of the truth, that they may grow, at the same time, in purity and simplicity, so that they may not separate from the wisdom of the serpent the simplicity of the dove, which our Divine Master joined together with His blessed mouth.”

Excerpt from The Life of St. Francis by St. Bonaventure

"Nothing on earth is more certain than death. Nothing is more uncertain than its hour."Consider often, my soul, that it ...

"Nothing on earth is more certain than death. Nothing is more uncertain than its hour."

Consider often, my soul, that it is impossible for thee to flee from death, that the hour thereof cannot be known by thee or the moment fixed by God there of changed.

Nothing on earth, says Saint Isidore is more certain than the necessity of death; nothing is more uncertain than the hour of it. It is without pity for misery, without regard for power, without any more consideration for high rank than for the regularity of a good life; it has no forgiveness for age; it is ever at the door of the aged, and it sets snares for the young.

Our life is a continual advance towards death. But, then, why love these temporal things whose possession is of such uncertain duration? Wherefore desire so long to preserve a life wherein sins do multiply equally with its prolongation, wherein fault follows upon fault in proportion as our days are numerous? Each day sees evil increase within us, and good disappear. Who could enumerate our offenses of every hour, and all the good we omit? And it is a great sin to omit to do good, and to neglect to think continually thereon, to let our mind wander to the consideration of countless frivolities and vanities.
(S. Bonaventure. Soliloquies).

Excerpt from Daily Practice of Mental Prayer and of Divine Contemplation Volume 4

10 years of marriage! Deo gratias!This week my beautiful bride () and I celebrate a decade of marriage.  By God's grace,...

10 years of marriage! Deo gratias!

This week my beautiful bride () and I celebrate a decade of marriage. By God's grace, we have both grown in leaps and bounds. Some things we are continuing to learn:

+ Don’t miss prayer. It’s crucial to work out a routine and constantly revamp it to ensure each spouse gets uninterrupted (as much as possible) time for mental prayer, for spiritual reading, the office, the sacraments, and the family rosary. If each person in the family can’t spend time in personal prayer with the Lord, it is very evident that things get shaky. Keep your hand on the plough. Cultivate a "sacred space" in the home used for prayer. As our children age, we are also learning it's just as important to ensure each of THEM keeps a daily prayer routine as well.

+ The duties that spring from family life and marriage are continual opportunities for mortification and growth in holiness. Community life (which the family is) tests you when you think yourself holy, and in the presence of the test of community life, counterfeit holiness oftentimes resolves itself into thin air. Marriage gives you endless daily opportunities to put aside your will to serve your spouse and family for the love of God.

+ Turn off media, TV, screens, news. They are the sewer pipes which seep the world into your home. Even when they don’t bring overtly sinful diversions, they breed dissipation and kill recollection and prayer.

+ Expect crosses. Marriage is guaranteed to bring crosses. The Lord has measured each one before sending it to your marriage to ensure it is exactly the right size and shape for you. He then tailors the exact graces needed to respond to that cross. All of the daily perseverance in prayer, all of the small denials of the will, all of the obedience to the duties of state in life; these are the mini crosses which train our wills for the large crosses. To bear painful and heroic sacrifices, we must have a habit of making slight and easy ones. The grace of bearing crosses well is the reward of the fidelity in little things.

On the value of our soul.📖Excerpt from Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.The soul is immortal.Therefore, death does...

On the value of our soul.
📖Excerpt from Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.

The soul is immortal.

Therefore, death does not end everything. I carry an eternity within myself;—my soul shall soar above the grave into which my body shall, one day, be cast.

Now I begin to understand the question of the world’s Redeemer: What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt. 16:26.)

Weigh an immortal soul in the balance with the best and rarest of perishable goods, and behold, it will infinitely outweigh the universe!

Now, I understand how to appreciate the sweat, the tears and the blood of a God-Man. I understand Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Golgotha.

I understand the Crucifix, the Church, the Sacraments,—all the efforts of a God to redeem immortal souls! I understand now the envy of hell and of its raging demons.

Now, I also understand myself better—this restlessness and uneasiness,—this craving of my whole being, this yearning of my heart after happiness, happiness without limit, my spirit’s desire for the infinite —the boundless!

Truly, O God, thou hast created me for thyself alone, and my heart can never rest, until it has found repose in thee!

Learn early the value of your soul—before the world whispers to you its false, but alluring, maxims, before your eyes are blinded by the glitter of its vanities. Begin now to be solicitous for your eternal interests; and defer not so sacred a duty to the uncertain future. By so doing, you only place your salvation in greater danger, and shorten the time allotted you by God wherein to make preparation for a happy eternity.

On the value of our soul | Excerpt from Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.The soul is immortal.Therefore, death doe...

On the value of our soul | Excerpt from Thoughts and Counsels for Catholic Men.

The soul is immortal.

Therefore, death does not end everything. I carry an eternity within myself;—my soul shall soar above the grave into which my body shall, one day, be cast.

Now I begin to understand the question of the world’s Redeemer: What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt. 16:26.)

Weigh an immortal soul in the balance with the best and rarest of perishable goods, and behold, it will infinitely outweigh the universe!

Now, I understand how to appreciate the sweat, the tears and the blood of a God-Man. I understand Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Golgotha.

I understand the Crucifix, the Church, the Sacraments,—all the efforts of a God to redeem immortal souls! I understand now the envy of hell and of its raging demons.

Now, I also understand myself better—this restlessness and uneasiness,—this craving of my whole being, this yearning of my heart after happiness, happiness without limit, my spirit’s desire for the infinite —the boundless!

Truly, O God, thou hast created me for thyself alone, and my heart can never rest, until it has found repose in thee!

Learn early the value of your soul—before the world whispers to you its false, but alluring, maxims, before your eyes are blinded by the glitter of its vanities. Begin now to be solicitous for your eternal interests; and defer not so sacred a duty to the uncertain future. By so doing, you only place your salvation in greater danger, and shorten the time allotted you by God wherein to make preparation for a happy eternity.

The charity of Christ presses us.St. Augustine said that a single tear shed at the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus i...

The charity of Christ presses us.

St. Augustine said that a single tear shed at the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus is worth more than a year of fasting on bread and water. Yes, it was for this end that our Saviour suffered so much, in order that we should think of his sufferings; because if we think on them, it is impossible not to be inflamed with divine love: The charity of Christ presses us (2 Cor. 5 : 14.). He that frequently considers the pains he has suffered for us cannot live without loving Jesus. “The charity of Christ presses us.” He will feel himself so constrained by his love that he will not find it possible to refrain from loving a God so full of love.

And, in truth, from what books can we better learn the science of the saints—that is, the science of loving God—than from Jesus crucified?

St. Thomas Aquinas was one day paying a visit to St. Bonaventure, and asked him from what book he had drawn all the beautiful lessons he had written. St. Bonaventure showed him the image of the Crucified, which was completely blackened by all the kisses that he had given it, and said, “This is my book whence I receive everything that I write; and it has taught me whatever little I know.”

It was this sweet study of the crucifix which made St. Francis become a great seraph. On one occasion, being found crying out and weeping, he was asked what was the matter with him. The saint answered, “I weep over the sorrows and insults inflicted on my Lord; and my sorrow is increased when I think of those ungrateful men who do not love him, but live without any thought of him.”

This, then, is the book—Jesus crucified—which, if we constantly read it, will teach us, on the one hand, to have a lively fear of sin, and, on the other hand, will inflame us with love for a God so full of love for us; while we read in these wounds the great malice of sin, which reduced a God to suffer so bitter a death in order to satisfy the divine justice, and the love which our Saviour has shown us in choosing to suffer so much in order to prove to us how much he loved us.

Excerpt from “The Love of Jesus Crucified” by St. Alphonsus Liguori

🫣Another new release to add to your bookshelf!Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade is well-known for his book, Abandonment to Div...

🫣Another new release to add to your bookshelf!

Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade is well-known for his book, Abandonment to Divine Providence. In that work, he laid out his teaching on self-abandonment into the hands of God.

'Divine Providence . . . regulates and arranges everything for our greater good, although we usually understand nothing of what it is doing’ ---> this is his first principle.

‘Let us receive everything from the hand of our good Father, and he will keep us in peace in the midst of the greatest disasters of this world’ ---> this is his conclusion.

In the present volume of his Letters we see the teacher putting his doctrine into practice, both for himself and for others; and at once we discover that though it is not the less attractive, still it is not so easy as it seemed.

But this, perhaps, is really the secret of Caussade’s success, and it is revealed in these Letters more than in his former book; he shows himself as a very human being indeed, who has learnt his doctrine of self-abandonment, not from theory, but from the hard necessity of having had to reduce to order his own recalcitrant soul. Caussade also shows himself to be a student of the Spanish mystics, often quoting St. Theresa in support of his doctrine.

In these letters may many souls find the way of peace, of simplicity, and of joy in the Lord through the perfect practice of abandonment to Divine Providence. We hope you enjoy this beautiful volume which is perfect for souls out in the world dealing with day to day anxieties and crosses.

"Be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body, what you shall put on...Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?" Matthew 6

In Christ Crucified,
Cor Jesu Press

📖Another new release keeping in our Carmelite theme!Hear me out:..St. Teresa of Avila's personal reflections after Holy ...

📖Another new release keeping in our Carmelite theme!

Hear me out:..St. Teresa of Avila's personal reflections after Holy Communion..her instructions on prayer to the sisters under her guidance..a beautiful preparatory Novena to lead up to the Feast of St. Teresa

The Spirit of Saint Teresa has all that and it's now available from Cor Jesu Press.

First, the Exclamations of the Soul to God were written by St. Teresa in the year 1579. They are the outpourings of her soul before God after Holy Communion.

Second, the Directions on Prayer and on the Life of Prayer have been extracted chiefly from a volume published in 1775 by the Superior of St. Sulpice, who selected passages from the various writings of the Saint which, although directly addressed to religious, convey a practical lesson to all who aim at leading a life of close union with God.

Finally, the Novena Preparatory to the Feasts of St. Teresa is written by an unknown hand. Its dedication to Madame Louise de France, Novice Carmélite, fixes as its date the year 1770, when the daughter of Louis XV left his court for the solitude of Carmel, and received her father’s conversion as her reward.

Have a wonderful week as we prepare for Pentecost.

In Christ Crucified,
Cor Jesu Press

NOW AVAILABLE! 📕 A new Carmelite book of daily meditations based off of the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John...

NOW AVAILABLE! 📕 A new Carmelite book of daily meditations based off of the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross.

What if a Carmelite priest who had spent his life studying the Carmelite saints, pulled out passages from their works and then organized it into daily, topical meditations that are brief but organized to stimulate conversation with God in prayer?

Oh...well that is what this book is! And its released TODAY!

Daily Practice of Mental Prayer and of Divine Contemplation was organized by Fr. Alphonsus of the Mother of Sorrows, a Discalced Carmelite. The volume provides six volumes (others to be released this year!) of daily meditations spanning the entirety of the calendar year according to the Church’s traditional liturgical cycle. Drawing almost exclusively St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Fr. Alphonsus equips the soul with meditations concise in length but beaming with the truest Carmelite spirituality, inflaming the soul with devotion and guiding it towards that unitive dwelling with God.

In using and utilizing this book, pray valiantly, without ceasing. May you think only of Christ, bearing the Cross and all sufferings for His sake. May you abound in the unceasing joy of His love whereby you may attain true purity of heart, and likewise, heavenly beatitude, for “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. v, 8).

Also, we are working on quite a few other titles, so stay tuned and make sure you are on the newsletter.

In Christ Crucified,
Cor Jesu Press

The Heroic Minute | Each day’s first act of love.“The heroic minute. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesita...

The Heroic Minute | Each day’s first act of love.

“The heroic minute. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and…up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body.” St. Josemaria Escriva.

The beginning in everything is very important. The manner in which we spend our day depends very much upon the beginning; this is why the Evil One makes every effort to destroy the tree at the root and to rob God of this first homage due only to Him. Therefore when you get up in the morning your first thought, your first word, your first action, should be given to God. Do you do this?

Rising.—When we are in bed and inclined to sleep is not the time for deliberating whether we should get up or not. If you parley with nature it will inevitably triumph over you. It will tell you it is cold, that you are indisposed, that you have spent a bad night, that if you are not made ill by early rising, then you will fall asleep during prayer; that one prays better when the body is well cared for; that rest is necessary if we would labor well, and that it is better to take too much rest than too little. Is it not with such arguments that nature persuades you to keep your pillow, and to resist the inspiration to overcome yourself and rise promptly?

Determine the previous evening the hour for rising, and when the hour comes let nothing, short of serious indisposition, prevent you from being faithful to your determination.

Begin your day with this slight act of mortification; remember that if you refuse God this little sacrifice it will enable the Evil One to rejoice at your expense; while, if you are generous, this act of fidelity will bring you many graces from Heaven and preserve you from many faults into which you are liable to fall during the day.

Believe me, you will lose nothing by making this little sacrifice of your rest to God; you have to do with a Master Who is magnificent in His rewards, and Who will not fail to let you reap at another time the sweet fruits of your patience.

Excerpt from “The Secret of Sanctity.”

The moment St. Francis met St. Dominic | On holy friendships“One night when Dominic was praying, he beheld Jesus Christ ...

The moment St. Francis met St. Dominic | On holy friendships

“One night when Dominic was praying, he beheld Jesus Christ filled with wrath against the world, and His Blessed Mother presenting to Him two men, in order to appease Him. He recognized himself as one, but did not know the other, whom he regarded so attentively that the face was ever present to him. On the morrow, in a church, we know not which, he beheld, in the dress of a mendicant, the face seen by him the preceding night, and running to the poor man, embraced him with holy effusion, uttering these words, “You are my companion; you will walk with me; let us keep together and none shall prevail against us.” He then related his vision, and thus were their hearts blended in one.

The kiss of Dominic and Francis has been transmitted from generation to generation on the lips of their posterity. The two Orders are still united by the ties of early friendship; they are to be seen filling the same office in every part of the globe; their monasteries are erected in the same localities, and they beg at the same doors; and their blood shed in the cause of Jesus Christ has mingled a thousand times in the same glorious sacrifice; princes and princesses have donned their habit; they have peopled heaven with their saints; their virtue, influence, renown, and aims have ever been the same; and never has the breath of jealousy tarnished the purity of a friendship of six hundred years’ duration. They have spread together throughout the world, even as two trees equal in age and strength joyously interlace their branches; they have won and shared the affections of nations, as twin-brothers rest on the bosom of the same mother; they have trod the same path to heaven, even as two precious perfumes mounting heavenwards by the same path.” Excerpt from The Life of St. Dominic.

In reflecting on the friendship of Francis and Dominic, one would do well to consider these wise words of Fr. Jordan Aumann on holy friendships:

True friendship is an alliance of souls who are united to do good. The love of a friend who has the same high ideals can be a source of encouragement and inspiration in times of darkness.


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