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Most Dangerous American Gangster Converted To Islam

My Dear Brother's And Sister's Please Share This Great News On Your Timeline And Your Groups



Steven Eric Krauss is now Abdul-Lateef Abdullah, BA, MA, Ph.D. Much of my frustration with Christianity was: Why couldn’t I just pray directly to God? How can an eternal, omnipotent Creator and Sustainer also take the form of a man? Why would He need to? I joined a Silat class that is a traditional Malaysian martial art and it is based on the teachings of Islam. My teacher, Sulaiman introduced me to Islam. I was intrigued by Islam and eventually, I took shahadah in 1999. Steven said: "Only Islam provides us with a clear life, goal and purpose. And only Islam shows us the proper way to live in and contribute to a community. Islam is what everyone needs. It is the path to purpose, meaning, health and happiness. it is the straight path to the source of truth and real power—Allah."


If someone told me a few years ago I would convert to Islam and become a Muslim, I would of course laughed and walked away.
Never in a million years did I expect to be on this path. I was raised as an atheist and in a society skeptical and intolerant of religion. I was lead to believe that religion was the main cause of the world problems we lived in.
The more I searched for Islam, the more I fell in love with the religion.
After studying Islam for a year, I converted Alhamdullilah.




Singapore Muslims President.


"I am a convert Muslim from Argentina, and I started to wear the hijab two weeks ago and I couldn't be happier!!

I was raised in an almost atheist family, they do not reject the idea of something bigger than us but they don't believe in ANY religion. Before I knew about Islam I would not criticize women who wore the hijab but at the same time I did not think women should cover themselves, I was against it although I respected people who had different believes about it. I used to think mini skirts, shorts and bikinis were freedom and to make a woman cover up was opression, I was really western-minded about it.

When I started investigating Islam I was blessed with the chance of going to Turkey and I got to stay there for three months. Being surrounded by a Muslim society and learning more about it everyday made me change my views on the hijab, I respected it and I even admired their determination for the things they believed in and their devotion to Allah swt, but at the same time I thought I would never be able to wear it myself.
I converted three months ago and week after, or so, I had a weird dream about the hijab and when I woke up I was sure that I wanted to wear it, I didn't feel prepared to do it in that second, I didn't know when, but I wanted it.

My advice to any woman who is not sure to start wearing the hijab? Pray, pray a lot. If you are sincere in your intention to wear it, Allah swt will help you, and most importantly he will let you know when it is the right time."-Abril-"

Courtesy: Converts to Islam


Jessica from Springfield,Illinois.
Tried wearing hijab for two weeks and ended up converting to Islam.
Allahu Akbar!!! May Allah strengthen her faith and keep her on the right path.


Student “shocked” at reactions to pretend conversion to Islam. | Flanders News...
Silke is a white, Flemish student from a Catholic Background. The 21-year-old recently hatched a plan to carry out a social experiment. For a month she would pretended that she had converted to Islam and dressed accordingly.

She walked the streets of Antwerp wearing a headscarf and changed her lifestyle slightly. As she doesn’t drink and is a vegetarian, the dietary requirement didn’t pose too many problems. Silke learned an Islamic prayer and started to wear a headscarf and that was enough to convince all those around her that she had converted to Islam. The reactions from her fellow students shocked Silke.

“At college I was ignored by almost everyone. They thought that I was going to leave for Syria and wanted to bomb them”.

"A lot of people have an “us and them attitude”.This summer I went to help the refugees in the Maximiliaan Park and I got a lot of strange reactions to my doing that. "Watch out" they said, "they are all jihadi". To their mind wearing a headscarf was almost automatically the same as going to Syria”.

As social experiment Silke Raats decided to try and show the world that wearing a headscarf and Islamic extremism are not the same thing. She enlisted the help of a friend from Ghent University that is currently involved in a study about reactions to the kind of behaviour that deviates from the norm. One of example of this would be a white, Christian woman converting to Islam.

She changed her profile photo on Facebook and was soon inundated with questions. “They asked me if I had converted, if I had a relationship with a Muslim and if I realised that I’d never find a job."

“I had planned to make a film about my experiences, but as the reactions were so negative in the first few days I decided to stop after ten days”, the 21-year-old student told the daily ‘Gazet van Antwerpen’.


How a Girl from Rural Mississippi USA Found Peace in Islam

April Fuller grew up in a devout Christian family in a small town in rural Mississippi. Her uncle was a pastor in the Southern Baptist church of the town of Raleigh.

“I always grew up believing in something, so I knew there was a god, I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to be, but I knew Baptist wasn’t for me.” she said.

After high school, April went to the University of Mississippi to study English Language and Literature. There a mutual friend introduced her to a Muslim student.

Being a practicing muslim he started talking to her about Islam: “I started talking to my friend, and he was telling more about it, and I thought this kinda makes sense. In Islam, you use logic; in Christianity you have to go on blind faith. A lot of times, when I tried to question Christian beliefs, I was shut down. With Islam, they welcome doubts and attempt to dispel them.”

April kept asking questions for about six months. Every time she thought she had all the answers she was looking for, more questions would pop up in her mind. She was convinced that Islam was the truth but was afraid of how people around her would react if she became Muslim. “Finally, I knew what was being said to me was true, and I could no longer care what people said about me. So on April 30, 2012, I converted.” she said.

“I finally have a peace I didn’t have in Christianity, I know what I believe, who I am, and how I want my life to reflect on this. For the first time, I actually feel like I know what I’m doing. It’s strange; I found peace in a religion where many only see hate.”

April knew her conversion would be received with mixed feelings, but she did not expect the amount of backlash she received after revealing that she had become Muslim.

“Why did I expect anything less,” Fuller’s former youth pastor wrote. “I am an infidel according to your cult so therefore I am your enemy. Such a shame you have chosen to turn your back on a loving God and serve a false prophet who preaches hate for anyone not of said cult.”

“My heart is sad for the teenage girl I admired so much in church,” a member of Fuller’s former church posted on her wall. “You were such an inspiration to all the teenagers who saw you stand up for what you believed and not ashamed to be a Christian. Don’t be a stumbling block April to all these young souls.”

Her grandfather was particularly harsh “A few days after I came out as Muslim, he called me to ask if I was going to be blowing up any buildings soon,” April said.

“My mom has always encouraged me to follow my heart, and this is no different,” Fuller said. “She educates herself on what I believe, can eat and all that so that she can understand what I’m going through and how she can best help me.”

April joined the Muslim Student Association at the University of Mississippi and later became the director of women affairs. She says that the MSA provides a place where she can be herself, it was like a new home to her.

“I love all my friends, don’t get me wrong, but since I joined the Muslim Student Association, I have a close group that I can talk about Islam with, as well as a group that won’t pressure me to do anything that goes against Islam.”


Look at this girl Appeared in the court barefooted for seeking justice . She is Um-e-Rubab, a daughter of Pakistan She is a 20-year-old girl, belongs to a small village of Sindh. a stronger than strong girl. her father, grandfather and uncle were brutally murdered by a corrupt politician Sardar Ahmed Chandio of PPP and his brother. Even three deaths in her family (Grandfather, Uncle, and Father) on the same day couldn’t shatter her courage but made her stronger. In such situations, even the strongest people lose their courage, hope and give up. The killers were not ordinary people but they belonged to the most powerful family in the area. Since then she has been seeking justice. Even she once stopped CJ Saqib Nisar's car by putting her life at risk. She refused to bow down and declared a war. This War against people, who wanted her to be imprisoned. Who wanted her to be silent and cry for her loved ones’ death, They threatened her, and her family. They used power to remove their name from the FIR, she was threatened that she would be kidnapped, r***d, killed, not only she but her family. Her life and respect were at stake and nothing could stop her.


“Practicing islam is the best dawah. {And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am one of the Muslims."} [Quran 41:33]

I Converted to islam in Ramadan 2012 when I was 17. I did not know much about Islam before nor did I have any muslim friends, but once I was in the park I saw a muslim pray and that inspired me to study what Islam really was. I found a lot of answers to the questians that I had to life that christianity couldn’t answer but Islam could and then I decided to convert .”
Sister from USA


“Three and a half years ago from when I first started wearing the hijab. I remember when I first took my (shahada) testimony of faith so many people took it upon themselves to send me hateful messages and telling people this was a “phase” or for attention. So proud of how much I’ve grown as a person since then and my faith will only grow stronger inshallah. This June I will be celebrating 4 years of being Muslim already! Subhanallah how time flies. Since then I’ve met so many amazing people and learned so much. I just finished writing a passage for a book about Converts and their stories to islam. Thank Allah always for guiding me to Islam 💕
Sister from USA


Brittany’s Story in Rocky Mount, North Carolina,USA

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

My name is Brittany. I am 20 years old and I live in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I reverted to Islam several years ago. Growing up, I was never quite satisfied in my Christian faith. When I was about 5 or 6, I remember asking my mom to explain the whole “Trinity” concept because I just didn’t understand it.

After years of asking and researching the fundamentals of Christianity, I decided this faith wasn’t for me and never has been. I still believed in God and Jesus, just not the Christian interpretation. Finally in the 7th grade, I was introduced to Islam. My social studies teacher really went in depth when we studied the World Religions unit. The three main religions we studied were: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Of course, the most intriguing faith to me was Islam. Everything about Islam made sense to me. Shortly after, I pronounced my shahadah. I was only 12, so I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I tried keeping it a secret because I was scared. I didn’t even tell my best friend (who was also Muslim). Once I told my best friend, she gave me prayer clothes, mat and a Quran. She did her best in helping me until she had to move a few weeks later.

However, when my mom found out-ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. She caught me praying and snatched off my prayer clothes. The next couple of years were challenging. I was too scared to practice Islam in fear of what my mom would do. Eventually, word got out in school that I became Muslim, and a lot of people began to pick on me.

I got my driver’s license at age 16, and one of the first places I drove to was the masjid. Walking into a masjid for the first time made me cry immensely. I had dreamed of going there for years. I said my shahadah again since there were witnesses this time (so I guess this made it official?). Everyone ran up to me afterwards and started hugging me and that was the warmest reception I’ve gotten ever since.

Thank goodness I already learned about Islam beforehand. The ladies at the masjid just gave me these pamphlets with minimal information. One lady even told me “I wish I could help you, but there’s nothing I can do”. Overall, I felt happy about finally meeting Muslim people in my area, but I was still very much ON MY OWN.

The next period of my life, I became very depressed. Bullying at school, abuse from my mom, and on top of that some “Muslims” weren’t nice to me either. It seemed like everyone hated me and to be honest, I hated myself as well. Without support, everything was too much to bear. I wanted to die. No one really cares about me, so what’s the point in living? But Alhamdillah, I realized I always have Allah.

My faith began to restore when I graduated high school and I started wearing hijab. However, my relationship with my family and friends became worse. My mom could barely stand the sight of me. She also threatened to kick me out and cut ties with me completely. At this point of my life, I didn’t care about what anyone thought of me - I needed to begin living for Allah.

Now I’m currently a rising junior in college and majoring in social work. My ultimate dream is to provide more Muslim social services. Many reverts stop practicing or leave Islam completely due to lack of support. This is a huge issue that plagues many Muslim communities across the world. Dawah experts motivate and push people to take their shahadah as if it’s the “finish line”, but in reality it is only the beginning. In fact, declaring the shahadah is the easiest thing ANYONE can do, but sticking to deen and keeping faith is what truly makes someone a Mu’min (believer).

By Brittany Thorne


My name is Isibeal Hidayah, I’m Irish but I live in the United Arab Emirates. I started learning about Islam when I moved to Dubai. I had heard so much negativity and wanted to know what this religion contained that made people hate it so much. To my suprise, I started to cry while reading the Quran when I realized that everything inside it was true. I met my husband who is Muslim and he taught me how to pray and helped me to learn more about Islam. I said my shahada before last Ramadan and have been wearing hijab since I went for umrah a few weeks ago. I am on my way to see my family in Ireland. They have never seen me in hijab, and I only recently told them I was Muslim. Please keep me in your dua and may Allah make this decision of mine easy for them to understand. Ameeen.
MashAllah! May Allah grant you success 🕌


My name is Peter, and I became a Muslim almost 2 years ago, since I became Muslim I have found peace. I wasn't sure about converting at first until, my Muslim student asked me to read the holy Koran, and when doing so I couldn't put it down, I had not idea how it would grab a hold of me and change my life, for the better. If it wasn't for my student Sohail, who asked me to give it a chance I wouldn't have found the peace that I have found now. Not only did I find peace but got an entire new loving family that have adopted me as one of their own, my name is now Mohammad Syed and I am a proud Muslim. In the last two years things have changed in many ways, since I became a Muslim not only a wonderful new family given to me, but inner peace thanks to Allah, but the most of all I am able to speak the prayers in Arabic. I owe all this to my loving student, who became my brother Sohail, may you rest for ever in paradise my little brother and thank you and I love, for showing me the light and helping me to find peace. -
May Allah bless you in abundance.





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