Edited by award-winning SF author Bruce Bethke, STUPEFYING STORIES was created to test the proposition that there are readers out there looking for interesting, exciting, thought-provoking, and above all, *entertaining* new science fiction and fantasy stories, by writers they may not have read before, and that by using modern digital publishing technologies it might be possible for us to reach these readers, with a stream of new stories by new authors, in a way that makes some kind of economic sense.
That, in a nutshell, is the STUPEFYING STORIES mission. To bring you lots of entertaining new stories, by authors you may not have read before, for about the price of a cup of coffee.
Right now STUPEFYING STORIES is a “semi-pro” magazine, because of the low word rates we pay our authors, but the important point here is that no one on the staff is drawing a salary. We are plowing every penny we make back into making our magazine better and paying our authors and artists more. Our goal is to become a “pro-rates” magazine, and there’s only way we can do that: by selling more copies.
If you find this idea appealing, please join the conversation here, check out our website at, look for our products on, and above all: TELL YOUR FRIENDS!
Bruce Bethke
Publisher, Editor, and Executive Cat-Herder in Chief