Monkey Challenges is a new arena for Crowd Funding and Public Judging challenges created by individuals, groups, charities & organizations to support their cause. Various users can participate in these challenges. INDIVIDUALS
- Individualist that are looking to accomplish personal challenges that can be short or long term goals.
- Individuals that would like to do challenges for a charity they wou
ld like to support
-Charities that wants to promote their cause virally.
- Wishes to involve users in a challenge type event to promote their cause.
- Long or Short term available. BUSINESS & CORPORATIONS
-Businesses that would like to create challenges for a good cause publicly for all users to participate or privately with qualified entries.
- Businesses that would like to create challenges for other businesses publicly for all users to participate or privately with qualified entries. Custom challenges made for a specific audience. COMBINED EFFORT
- Talk to Monkey Challenges staff to help combine various challenge roles. It could be a Hair Salon / Stylist cutting hair for Charity/Donations (like Locks of Love), then a Hair extension or Wig business can also help contribute to this cause. This joint effort will be widely accepted and immediately public promote! The Main attraction to Monkey Challenges is the Crowd Funding with the automated Judging. (patent pending)