Mr. French fry is always in the exact spot he's not supposed to be during water change time. #mrfrenchfry #goldfish #waterchange
Mr. French absolutely loves this snack, ignore that weird green ball idk how that got in the frame. #mrfrenchfry #goldfish #aquarium
Mr. Clean has not been an honest fish
Mr. Clean has a forehead zit #zit #mrclean #goldfish #aquarium #ranchu
Mr. Clean eats whatever Mr. Clean sees. #fish #goldfish #aquarium
No one asked for this video but here I am making it. #fish #goldfish #poop #goldfishpoop #orandagoldfish
Next breeding season we'll give Codeman a chance #fish #goldfish #aquarium
My least favorite question
My first time trying honey comb and now I'm very tempted to start bee keeping #honeycomb
My favorite part about transferring baby goldfish from one tank to another is seeing them all scury out of the bucket #fish #goldfish #aquarium #ranchu
Mr. Lobotomy is slowly returning to his old self again, that head will take a long time to fully grow back but its getting there. #mrlobotomy #fish #goldfish
Mr. Lobotomy is slowly recovering from his unintentional lobotomy. Luckily no infections or serious longterm damage from this #mrlobotomy #fish
A little baby goldfish recap #goldfish #aquarium #ranchu #babygoldfish
A light bulb went off in Clarence's head. #fish #goldfish #aquarium #crownpearlscale
A great drink to enjoy on a hor summer day Enjoy #fish #goldfish #aquarium
More orders will be making their way out tomorrow Also big thanks to @Yanni for the help I paid him in plushies. #fish #plushy #goldfishplushy #squishmellow
More on goldfish culling. Swimming is also an important factor, some serious problems are shown early on, others don't develop until later. #fish #goldfish #aquarium
Mini creams in development #fish #goldfish
Might dropped too much preworkout in the tank after the last water change #fish #goldfish
Merry Christmas everyone Hope everyone has a wonderful day today. #fish #goldfish #christmas #aquarium