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When you say you want to be like Jesus, what do you really mean?
I know saying it sounds good and holy and whatnot, but what does it really mean to be like the Yeshua?
Let some folks tell it, being like Christ means being a person who turns every cheek, who is very passive, and forgives everyone when they wrong them without applying any consequence to them.
This would be akin to being a spinless person, even a simp, and people can not function optimally nor healthily as such. As an example, too many times, especially recently, the black community, when a person is racially terrorized even to the point of death, are shamed into forgiving the unrepentant assailant. You'll see some random family member of the victim looking pathetically weak saying "I forgive him/her", one day after the person was brutally murdered in a racist fashion. This is done to lessen or even diminish the consequences that the person should receive.
Mercy is NOT the same as excusing a system of injustice.
Others will say that being like Jesus is being a nice, always ultracompassionate, perfect person who helps everyone and always neglects himself or herself.
This would be considered a doormat. Jesus even found time to get away from the crowd to chill.
Some may even say that being like Jesus means you have to be a Republican and believe whatever Fox News says to be the second gospel lol.
But, WHO are you exactly trying to be like? Many groups have agendas behind portraying an image of Christ that they wish you to be, the image that they paint Him to be. And these images are grossly inaccurate, but these groups GUILT you into believing them to be true in order for for you to fulfill their devious desires.
Which is why, you must get to know Christ....FOR YOURSELF.
We work hard on our jobs but are lazy when it comes to learning about and growing our spiritual selves, and then wonder why things remain the same or worse in our lives.
So, before trying to allegedly be like the Yeshua, it may be worthwhile to learn how He was and is.
It may surprise you, in an enlightening way.

 :Being a father is probably the most underappreciated job out there. I mean it would be one thing if Dad's getting new ...


Being a father is probably the most underappreciated job out there.

I mean it would be one thing if Dad's getting new socks for father's day was just a joke, until you see the empty men's sock rack in Walmart.
But, you being underappreciated puts you in great company.
Do we REALLY appreciate what the CREATOR has done for us? Having to try to maintain some type of order as humankind continues to create chaos and disrupt the natural balance of life and causing unnecessary hell to others, all the whilesintsining s personal relationship to third who seek HIM, helping us even when we mess up, and showing us incredible mercy?
Yes the CREATOR is HIGHLY underappreciated for what he does and has done, yet that dies not make HIS work any less important.

Please understand that your role as a father, contrary to toxic populsr belief, is priceless, and paramount to the survival and success of your children of any age.

See, moms prepare children to exist. Fathers prepare them for life.
(Y'all credit thr doc when you borrow that quote lol.)
Moms were intricately designed to literally nourish the child st birth , and have been wired to provide support, care and nutrition for the child to physically develop.

Fathers are structured for their roles regarding preparing s child to LIVE in this world:
- a body frame for protection
-a voice to help enforce boundaries that protect the child, at times from himself or herself
-a healthy pride that pushes him to go above and beyond to provide for the entire family
-a seed of fatherly wisdom embedded by the CREATOR to help prepare the child for the dangers, snares, and pitfalls of life, explaining to them his own mistakes tracking lessons at every age, through adulthood.

When there are a lack of fathers that are in the household or directly involved (there are many reasons but there for Another conversation), a community spirals down, and there is a reason why the system here is bent on minimizing the importance of a father.
-FATHERS help give people the courage to stand up to the negative ills of society.
-FATHERS help protect the communities from crime just by their MERE PRESENCE.
FATHERS provide a safe and peaceful environment for children to be the best version of themselves.

Yes, you dads who got new socks or a ugly tie today, you are sorely underappreciated. But when your child finally sees AND understands the lessons you taught them being played out in their lives, and when they mature enough to see the sacrificed you made, don't be surprised when you receive that call on a random evening from your child, telling you "Thank you dad".

Happy Father's Day to the biological father's and to those necessary father figure's to those without a living one.



Mothers are the first teachers, and also the people who via nourishment and care, prepare children to LIVE. They have a huge responsibility to ensure that children can physically grow up. One of the reasons that we have seen a stronger push for women to work so much harder at jobs is because society knows the importance of a mom in a child's formative years:
-the school and early social support they give
-the nutrition that they give to the children for health
-the comforting care that only they give to infants, toddlers and children

Lets be real, ANY FEMALE can pop out a kid, (as is very evidence in our modern society), but it takes a special mindset to be a mother, and many women who don't have bioligical kids of their own transcend genetic lineage to give motherless kids that love that is gifted unto her. Mothers, like fathers, have a thankless job considering how limited children's views of life are as they grow up. It is until we begin to have responsibilities, until we have to deal with the uncertainties of life and see the systemic pressure of pushing mothers out of their natural roles, that we can really be thankful for the sacrifices that mothers, and surrogate mothers make.

GOD knew what HE was doing when he made man and woman. Contrary to modern societal belief, we are different, and only a woman has the machinery and the mentality to be a mother. Let us appreciate those women who made the choice to be moms, whether to their biological children or to children entrusted to them, and respect the true nature of motherhood.

Happy Mothers Day.


If you have some type of spiritual favor, or a mission that goes against the evils of society, please understand, YOU WILL HAVE ENEMIES.
You ever wonder why, wherever you go, there is some hater, someone that has an issue with you….and here’s the kicker: many times, you don’t even know the person beforehand. Even more, you NEVER did anything wrong to the person. They just have some….issue…with you. I can look at my life FROM CHILDHOOD and see how there were literally antagonists against me. At school, in college, at my jobs, in medical school, in residency….wherever I was, there someone or some people were that had some unknown issue with me. And I’m not talking about folks who may just disagree with you, but folks who literally have a vendetta against you.
The Christ would be walking and teaching, doing miracles, you know, GOOD THINGS, and along with the crowds there would be the hating Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Othersees. Except for the bathroom, almost everywhere HE would go, those enemies would be there, trying HIM, attempting to cause some type of confusion or trying to discredit HIM, and they HATED Him literally to death.
What can happen is that we begin to blame ourselves because of how these folks feel toward ups. We begin to question our actions, our personalities, even thinking that there is something wrong with us.
But you can not blame yourself for someone being under a demonic control.
Nonetheless, let me give you a pointer that I wish I had understood growing up: it is ok to fight back.
Even though those ‘Sees pestered the Christ, He stood up to them and schooled them. Just because you have enemies does not mean you should not fight back, and a lot of times, it is actually imperative that you do so, lest you have a boatload of regrets of those would should have been checked. And I do wish that churches would talk more about fighting back instead of being so passive and accepting whatever enemies do. Having enemies does not make you a victim. That may warrant a more in-depth discussion.
I know that it can be discouraging having random enemies almost wherever you go, that come out of nowhere. But sometimes this means that there is a higher calling on your life, or that your mission has the potential for a great impact, and something wants to discourage you.
And it is ok to fight back.



"It happened because GOD knew you could handle it" isn't the best answer to every type of suffering.

Some folks experience some truly horrible events, and it is hard to believe that these things are allowed because somehow GOD knew we could take it.

Chattel slavery that happened to the Foundational Black Americans in this country comes to mind. How sick would it be to say, "Well GOD allowed black folks to endure the most brutal form of slavery known to man, allowed the men to be buck broken and women to be assaulted, kids to be stolen from their mom's arms and sold, then GOD allowed black folks to be killed with impunity by participants of a racist system, even murdering kids such as Emmett Till, then allowed them to be integrated into a society that continually treats them as second class citizens....because they could handle it".

Who would want to worship a GOD that COSIGNS such evil?

Maybe some horrible things happen because, maybe, the world is a fallen society and evil permeates it.

Now, as was seen at the beginning of creation, GOD has the power to bring light out of darkness. There can be a "Let there be light" moment in some suffering that only the Creator can cause.

Even though Foundational Black Americans suffered for so long, you now have a country that was built by them that has the potential to be a beacon of light for the world. You have people who have inspired generations even beyond their existence, such as Michael Jackson, ML King, Thurgood Marshall, Beyonce, Michael Jordan...people who have injected positive aspects of culture to others across the globe.

The Creator is able to bring good out of bad: HE specializes in this. Even the Christ raising from the dead after being murdered for shaking up a corrupt system shows how there can be good that comes out of evil acts.

But the idea that bad things happen to us because GOD knew we could handle should not be used as a blanket statement for suffering, and we must be careful to not make the Creator appear as a sadistic being.



Being a Christian or even spiritual does not mean that you have to w***e out your acceptance or tolerance of anything.

It means you should have boundaries for certain things, and society continues to guilt trip spiritual folks to accept what isn't beneficial to them.

It is ok to say "eh I'm not cool with that" or "no, I don't agree with that".

It is ok to have boundaries for certain things, ideals, actions, beliefs.

One thing that made the Christ so potent was how He STOOD on what He said, and didn't waiver due to outside influences.

It does not make you a bad person for having righteous boundaries or convictions, and it is ok to have them. It also doesn't mean you hate those who may be contrary to your beliefs or convictions. This is another trick society tried to use in order to shane you for having righteous convictions.

So stand on your beliefs, and be able to defend them as well.


Satan himself will send you women to derail your life.
True story..



Have some pride about your scars.

Scars are formed when something traumatic has happened, causing a wound, and it shows a degree of healing, on surface level.
Many of us have endured a lot, and have the scars to show them, but we hide the scars and erase the wounds from our minds because we are reminded of the pain and the suffering that happened due to the trauma inflicted.

And, this is quite understandable. It is near insane to have a desire to relive the hell that you went through that caused such scars.

But, how about if you saw your scars in a different way?

Yes, Christ rose on what we refer to as Resurrect Sunday/Easter, but He still had the wounds that showed proof of what He went through. Except, HE DIDN'T HIDE THE WOUNDS.

In fact, He, in a way, kinda flexed with His wounds. He told Thomas to put his hand in the wounds as proof that He rose. "See where they pierced Me". But I'm still here.

-See where he or she betrayed me, but I'm even more successful.
-See where the surgeon cut me.because of illness, but I'm back to working out and running.
-See where I lost a loved one, but I still share what they taught me to others.
-See were all hell broke lose on life, but now I'm in a position to help hundreds and thousands more.

These wounds were used as PROOF that He succeeded.

Our wounds can be used as the same as well, as proof to everyone that what was meant to hurt us, to defeat us, even to kill us, not only FAILED, but that we even OVERCAME the trauma inflicted on us.

Let me help free some of you of some spiritual shackles this evening.
Please understand, we did not EARN many of these wounds. We did not EARN a lot of the trauma that came out way. You were not deserving of a lot of the trauma that came to you. Life can be cruel.

Even more, those wounds HURT. But the pain of the wounds is actually important, because showing off your scars let's everyone know that the PAIN INFLICTED was NOT greater than YOU and the force that GOD placed inside you.

Your scars, your wounds, can be used to motivate others. Thomas was real doubtful about that man in that room being Jesus, but you know he was ready to ride out after touching where they pierced Him. Our scars and wounds can also give others hope that they can too make it to the other side where you're at.

So take pride in your scars. Respect your wounds! You did not earn the wounds, but you EARNED THE SCARS, and they are a testimony to the proof that by the power of GOD, you overcame whatever trauma that caused such a wound.

The scar is a physical proof of the healing. Your sharing of the wound and how you overcame it to others, so they may have hope, is the mental and spiritual proof of the healing.

Happy Resurrection Sunday.


You're not insecure.
You just refuse to accept her acts of disrespect



I really believe it is the devil's job to blind us when we are actually winning.
Like, so many of my victories were overshadowed with some random life bull, dampening the enjoyment of what should have been huge celebrations.
For example, right before I graduated from med school, the White Tiger (my ride) broke down....on the interstate.
In DC.
Tire rod just tapped out. Talk about some angels guiding me to my place on 3 wheels.
But that didn't stop me from walking with that doc robe on.

I know it sounds corny, and it can be hard when you're depressed, but we should try to remember the good things that do happen to us, the good about where we are at now.
Simple things like having a roof over our heads, a ride to drive, some food (hopefully healthy) on the table.
How about this one: not being the same person you were 5 years ago....that's a big one for many of you.

Now, I'm not saying to not get out of situations that are truly bad for you. Please do that, whether it's a job, relationship, thinly walled apartments where you hear ALL the actions of your neighbors (still traumatized by that one). Please depart from those situations.

But, if that does not apply to you, try to see some of the blessings GOD has provided for you, and some of the good, simple things that you have going on in your life.

23/03/2024 these few years, as a physician, I have seen so much passive aggressive, gaslighting anti-black racism from EVERY LEVEL, especially in these recent months...makes it hard to just go to work.

And my non-black comrades won't understand, and it is not their fault.

So I understand, please believe.



Bloods and Crips ain't got ish on the Republicans and Democrats.
..Dr. Controversy, concerned that so many are repping political sets but not receiving anything in return....



The fact that you have a soul, the essence GOD in you, means that you matter too.

 :...I'd bet a Mexican peso that TOO MANY supervisors/managers got "blessed" than should have lol...

...I'd bet a Mexican peso that TOO MANY supervisors/managers got "blessed" than should have lol...



A hard lesson to face: many people don't have the models that you do.
Many people will lie like no tomorrow, are waiting to stab you in the back, secretly harbor unearned hate toward you, all the while being treated kindly by you.

In this world, we are called to "be shrewd as a serpent". Unless you have the mercy of GOD protecting you (and I am a very proud witness of having such during times of aloofness), naivety can lead to disaster when dealing with the wrong people, which is why we have to be on guard against those who mean us ill, those who prove to be untrustworthy.

Not everyone who smiles at you likes you or wants what's good for you, and it'll sometimes surprise you who actually want you to fail.

But it's ok. It is better to know the truth, than to continue living a lie that could end in disaster.



It's gonna take some morally correct, STRONG, MASCULINE MEN of integrity to get this place back to order.

Which is why the system tries to make, and props up men that look weak, effeminate, and morally fluid.

Especially black men.

 :Don't feel guilty for using the days off that the job gives you.Rest and believe, it doesn't feel guilty for making mo...


Don't feel guilty for using the days off that the job gives you.
Rest and believe, it doesn't feel guilty for making money off your overproduction.

Take care of yourself..



As a man you WILL encounter disappointments, ESPECIALLY if you're trying to do right.
And some will be unjust and unfair.
How you react, and respond, is what makes you a MAN.



You gotta be able to defend the faith and the Bible against those who use them for manipulation.

What happens is that many people, who are trying to push agendas that are unhealthy, covertly antithetic to the good of the society, or even against spirituality, will use the Bible or even broad faced Christianity in order to do so. Or a person will pull one verse out of the Bible and use it to justify all types of stuff. And then you're left stuck because you can't defend against it, and you surely don't want to be accused of defending AGAINST the WORD.
And this is a cold, but effective trick.

Remember when the Republican party attached its identity to the Christian faith? Every time you turned on Fox News all you heard was "as an evangelican Christian" by folks who couldnt tell you what "Evangelical" meant.

Even more, some liberals use the verse regarding the Israelites treating foreign aliens in their country as themselves, to try to guilt those that are concerned about uncontrolled illegal immigrantion.

Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley mentioned that you can use the Bible to make any argument for any thing. What we must do is have a deeper knowledge of the faith and the Bible in order to protect ourselves from being manipulated, and guilted into pushing or supporting veiled agendas that go against the good of society.

We must not be fooled by the politician who comes to the black church once, says amen, and asks for our vote while not offering anything. We must not fall for people who use isolated verses to support issues that are harmful to society, verses that are used without taking into consideration the context surrounding them.

In short, being a Christian does not mean to be a helpless sheep, and it is time we stop allowing the enemy use the religion and the Bible to confuse us and fool us into doing his bidding.

 :This is how many men feel about a naturally fit and feminine lady vs one with 24 different types of makeup, eagle wing...

This is how many men feel about a naturally fit and feminine lady vs one with 24 different types of makeup, eagle wing eyelashes, unmatched weave, spanks/body shapers, talon nails, but STILL LACK SUBSTANCE/Personality.

Dr. Controversy, saying, some females practice near witchcraft with some of these makeup costumes they wear...



An uncomfortable realization is how folks will plot behind the scenes for your failure, WHEN you are doing good.

Even Christ experienced this when the alleged "SPIRITUAL LEADERS" literally plotted to kill him.

Two lessons can be extracted form this:
1. It is ok, and you must be comfortable, with people being jealous of you when you are doing right. Even I have struggled with this since being a child, because those who hate you for doing your best and right will gaslight the dickens out of you, making you think you're doing something wrong. But you must understand that there are true haters who will hate you just because you're....YOU. Please understand.

2. Be aware of who your "leaders" are. Just because someone says they're a preacher, orhave been given a leadership position, does not mean they are actually....good. And the kicker is, they will hate you if you stand on right principles. Maybe I need to go in deeper about this one day, but, I'll say it like this: darkness can not stand even the littlest bit of light, and will do whatever it can to suppres it. But standing on righteous principles that side with the Creator will win out in the long run. It is hard to stand on your principles in a society that rewards foolishness and shames ancient truths, but please believe that someone is watching you in admiration as you stand, ESPECIALLY when you stand alone.

So STAND ON IT, and don't fold.

Rest in honor to a legendary Foundational Black American action movie star, who helped make Rocky the movie it was, and ...

Rest in honor to a legendary Foundational Black American action movie star, who helped make Rocky the movie it was, and helped Happy Gilmore with his golf swing lol,



There is a reason why there is a pure allowance, and even encouragement, of spineless simpish, effeminate emotional "men":

MASCULINE MEN with morals help keep society together.

When you have a lack of this, well, you have what's going on right now....


Those few beginning verses in the Biblical book of James-"Count it all joy when you face TRIALS of many kinds, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance" starts to hit differently when you really think about it.

When random issues begin to happen for no sensical reason, when people begin to act up out of nowhere, when hell begins to rise in your life, at your jobs, maybe, just maybe, the Creator is using it to build you for something else. The frustrating part is not exactly knowing WHAT you're being prepared for, as our limited eyes and minds can only see what's in front of us, not knowing what the future holds.

At least, the in that chapter, one of the verses encourages us to ask GOD for wisdom, WHO can help us when we need to make decisions, or to help make sense of what we're going through:
"If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

Yes, at times issues come us that we must learn how to handle, but maybe, this is to help get us to the next level that GOD wants to bring us to.

 :Please educate the younger generation to obtain an education that WORKS for them....and the cost of doing otherwise......


Please educate the younger generation to obtain an education that WORKS for them....and the cost of doing otherwise....these colleges are just big banks at this rate...



We have to be honest about some things that have happen in our lives. And we have to admit that a lot of evil happens to good or innocent people.
-some of your childhoods were very traumatic
-some of you have dealt with abuse of different types
-some have had had huge, huge failures or defeats that have set you back tremendously
-some deaths have been very hard to deal with
-some of you have had regrets that you can not let go of, that haunt you at very random times (the mind is tricky)

We find resistance when we fight against things that have already happened. Sadly, we can not go back into the past (because if I could, I would rectify so, so many issues).

But we can accept that the things happened. Please understand, this doesn't mean that we agree with them at all. Doesn't mean that we forget what happens. But we can say, yes it happened, and somehow I will conquer it. This, as Dr. Susan Jeffers explained in her book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" allows us to start the transition from victim to conquerer.

This may take time, soul searching, psychological and even spiritual counseling. But as long as we have breath, we can choose to accept those things and somehow, gain power to them overcome them.

The Christ said that He HAS overcome the world, so with Him and the power of the Creator, you can overcome your hell as well.



Too many women are becoming the men that they have always wanted.

-Dr. Controversy, advising the public, you can't keep ignoring the reason WHY men aren't wifing up modern women at high rates....

 :A very, very important lesson to learn, at a young age. Just make sure she is taking care of you as well.


A very, very important lesson to learn, at a young age. Just make sure she is taking care of you as well.

 :If you build it (your health, wisdom, financial stability, and personality), they will come.


If you build it (your health, wisdom, financial stability, and personality), they will come.



If you are on the side of good, please understand, enemies WILL be formed against goodness they will be lol....
...and that's ok.

Stand on your righteous principles, and understand, the GOD on your side is stronger than the devil on theirs.



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