Starved for Ruby / RubyMotion / DragonRuby content? We have just the solution from one of our favourite clients, Lori M Olson of the WNDX School of Mobile Apps in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The link is below and it's an entertaining and quick read.
In this issue: Lori has a free preview of 'All the FONTS' from her 'Motion in Motion' subscription archive; new releases of DRGTK; support for Sonoma (not!); an implementation of 'Flappy Bird' we never thought we'd see; an AI plugin you can actually use; never being able to *really* check out of Mac Catalyst; a neat vector math library from Xenobrain; *every* programmers Achilles Heel and even a quote from Neil Postman!
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📸 Raphaelphoto.ch via Unsplash
Fonts, and their role in the decline of western civilization.